274 Uppsatser om Iron pipes - Sida 8 av 19
Köksträdgården vid Olofsfors bruk : innehåll utseende och organisation under 1900-talets första hälft
Uppsats för avläggande av filosofie kandidatexamen iKulturvård, Trädgårdens hantverk och design,Institutionen för kulturvård, Göteborgs universitet, 21 hp, 2012.
Elektronstrukturbaserad magnetiseringsdynamik
In this project a method used for performing accurate simulations on magnetization dynamics based on constrained field density functional theory has been validated and used for performing computations on a few magnetic materials. The method has been shown to simulate systems consisting of iron well, but there are still problems with simulations of alloys containing both magnetic and non-magnetic materials..
Risk Managements påverkan för utfallet av ERP-projekt
Titel:Risk Managements påverkan för utfallet av ERP-projektFörfattare:Ann-Magritt Lindemark Engøy och Hanna MaunusHandledare:Pär VilhelmsonExaminator:Sarah PhilipsonKurs:Examensarbete företagsekonomi C, 15.0 hpNyckelord: ERP-projekt, Projekt Management, Risk Management, risker i ERP-projekt, lyckade projekt, misslyckade projekt, The Iron Triangle.Syfte:Att undersöka vilka risker som är mest förekommande vid implementeringen av ERP-system och hur risk management kan reducera dessa.Metod:Kvalitativ metod, hermeneutik, fallstudier, semistrukturerade intervjuer, välgrundad teori.Resultat:Organisationens och projektets ledning hade större kunskaper om vilka risker som ville uppstå och olika risk management strategier än andra anställda och slutanvändarna av systemet. Standardisering, samordning och automatisering av organisationens kärnprocesser var huvudsyften för att implementera ERP-system i organisationen. God planering av projektet är avgörande för ett lyckat resultat. Det är viktigt med bra kommunikation och tätt samarbete mellan de olika avdelningarna i projektet, och även med externa konsulter som till exempel leverantören av ERP-systemet. Riskanalys var en viktig del av projektens risk management strategi. En skicklig och flexibel projektledning hade stor betydelse för att risk management strategin fungerade.
De som aldrig återvände : Hur Kroppa landskommun drabbades av spanska sjukan
Wermland was affected by the Spanish flu like the Swedish national average, about a half percentage of Wermlands population would lose their lives to the flu during the autumn 1918. The flu has for many fallen into oblivion. This oblivion is so wide spread that it´s possible to talk about a "collective forgetfulness". The society have selected to remember 1918 for "when the guns went quiet on the western front" and not for the millions who died from the treacherous Spanish flu. The world had already suffered enough from the four years of war that had been fought, thus the victims of the flu would be honored but would soon fade in to oblivion. When you investigate deeper you get the picture that the national average don´t do Wermland and its cities or rural areas any justice when a large variations seems to occur within regional areas.
Mineraliska material som reaktiva filter för avskiljning av tungmetaller från dagvatten
Highly polluted urban storm water from e.g. highways can contain large amounts of heavy metals that may cause harm if they are discharged into recipients. To remove the heavy metals a possible low-cost method that does not require much maintenance, could be the use of reactive filters with filter materials consisting of industrial residues or other cheap mineral based materials. Dissolved metal ions are removed by reactive filters through the processes of ions binding to active sites on the surface of the filter materials, or by formation of insoluble precipitates.The ability of CaO-treated granulated blast-furnace slag, iron oxide coated sand, olivine and nepheline to remove seven heavy metals (Cr, Cd, Cu, Ni, Zn, Pb and Hg) from urban storm water was studied. Initially batch experiments were performed where the effect of pH, dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and dissolved ions on the adsorption efficiency was studied.
En järnrings förbannelse : en studie i religionshistoria om en ring från Gästriklands vikingatid
Mitt syfte med denna studie av Häckelsängsringen är att ta reda på om den verkligen är från vikingatiden samt om den har haft en eds-, rit- eller kultfunktion? Finns det någon vikingatida kult i området som kan komma ifråga när det gäller denna ?mystiska ring?? Till min hjälp har jag tagit litteratur som talar om ringar och eder till exempel de Isländska eddorna. För att se om det finns en vikingatida kult i området har jag besökt Hamrånge socken, både själv och tillsammans med arkeologer. Jag har studerat länsmuseets faktarum och fornminnesregistret. I fornminnesregistret har jag hittat platser såsom en reliklund med mycket gamla lindar, en tänkbar offerkälla, en stenlagd cirkel som kan vara en tingsring samt att i närheten finns ett område som på gamla kartor kallas Lundåker, en tydlig odling av hassel.
Avskiljning av uran från dricksvatten med reaktiva filter :
Water is our most important provision and its quality is above all dependent on the
geological conditions in the area from where it is extracted. Due to geological
properties there are certain areas with an elevated risk of high uranium levels in the
ground water, which in turn constitutes a risk for human health. Consumption of water
that contains a high concentration of uranium implies a health risk due to the chemical
characteristics of uranium. Livsmedelsverket (The National Food Administration) and
Socialstyrelsen (The National Board of Health and Welfare) therefore recommend that
precautionary measures should be taken when the uranium concentration in ground
water exceeds 15 micrograms per litre. In particular, drinking water collected from
wells in areas with uranium-rich bedrock may have a harmfully high level of uranium.
One of the wells of the Ärla water purification plant, located near Eskilstuna, Sweden,
contains water that exceeds the guideline of 15 micrograms per litre.
One interesting technique for removing uranium from drinking water is adsorption to
reactive filter materials.
Mark röjd från sten : En studie av förklaringar och tolkningar kring röjningsröseområden
AbstractThis essay discusses different explanations and interpretations of what characterizes large areas containing clearance cairns (cairn fields). Results from the analyses show that there are different explanations about when and why cairn fields and clearance cairns occur. Explanations vary from introduction of the wooden ard in the early Bronze Age to the introduction of rational hay-making in the Roman Iron Age. There is, anyway, relative agreement considering why and when cairn fields were abandoned. The reason suggested is an increasing pasturage with the consequence of reducing soil to poverty during the period of the Great Migration or in the Viking Age.The most likely cultivation system in cairn fields is a system consisting of both intensive and extensive characteristics. The latter coincides with the probable mobility of settlements.
Societetsparken i Norrtälje : nulägesanalys och utvecklingsförslag
The short term effect of phosphorus in sewage sludge was investigated to establish howmuch of this a farmer can grant him- or herself, if using sewage sludge as a phosphorusfertilizer. Possible differences in plant availability between sludge phosphorus precipitatedby iron, aluminum or calcium integrations were studied in a sandy soil at two pH levels.The sludges were analyzed using pot and incubation trials. As the intention was to investigategrowth limitation due to phosphorus deficiency, a soil with low phosphorus supplywas chosen as well as a low phosphorus application rate. Sludge corresponding to 12kg phosphorus per hectare was applied. Treatments fertilized by sludge were compared totreatments where 0, 6 and 12 kg phosphorus per hectare from mineral fertilizer was applied.Every treatment was replicated six times.
Gimo bruksområde - inventering och riskklassning enligt MIFO fas 1 :
This master thesis encompasses an inventory of the older industrial community of Gimo.
Investigations of the contamination situation for each industrial area were done. A risk
classification according to the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency?s ?Method of
Surveying Contaminated Sites?, phase one, followed. The risk classification was done on
areas of Iron Work, a rockwool industry and a landfill.
Gimo have had iron manufacturing from 1615 until 1945. Gimo have had two blast-furnaces
and two smithies periodically.
Med en vilja av järn och nävar av stål : Hertig Karls väg till makten sett ur ett machiavellistiskt fursteperspektiv
In 1513 the Florentine humanists Niccolò Machiavelli composed one of the most famous, but also ambiguously interpret, work in the history of politics, Il Principe. Machiavelli´s book The Prince revealed the true nature of politics in Italy in the beginning of the sixteenth century and gives very straightforward advice on how to act to become a successful and powerful political being. Machiavelli´s creation and insights in the reality of politics have be much discredited and condemned in its lack of moral consideration and violent nature. Still it has been read under the centuries with a fascination and eager to understand the structure of power and how to master it. My purpose with this study is to apply this Machiavellian idea of the capable prince on to the earlier research of the Swedish duke Karl, later on King Karl IX.
Hjälmen under yngre järnåldern : härkomst, förekomst och bruk
Few helmets, dated to the Vendel period are known from Scandinavia and even fewer are known from the Viking age. Paradoxically, picture stones and sagas frequently tell about these objects as if they were very common, something that is contradicted by the archaeological material. The purpose of this thesis is to examine different literary sources and compare these to the archaeological materials and by doing so, gets a clearer picture about the emergence, use, function and of the late Iron Age helmets in Scandinavia..
Kortsiktig fosforeffekt av avloppsslam : krukförsök i växthus där järn-, aluminium- respektive kalkfällt slam använts som fosforgödselmedel
The short term effect of phosphorus in sewage sludge was investigated to establish howmuch of this a farmer can grant him- or herself, if using sewage sludge as a phosphorusfertilizer. Possible differences in plant availability between sludge phosphorus precipitatedby iron, aluminum or calcium integrations were studied in a sandy soil at two pH levels.The sludges were analyzed using pot and incubation trials. As the intention was to investigategrowth limitation due to phosphorus deficiency, a soil with low phosphorus supplywas chosen as well as a low phosphorus application rate. Sludge corresponding to 12kg phosphorus per hectare was applied. Treatments fertilized by sludge were compared totreatments where 0, 6 and 12 kg phosphorus per hectare from mineral fertilizer was applied.Every treatment was replicated six times.
En ödmjukt auktoritär rådgivning : Ethos och etik hos föräldrarådgivaren Petra Krantz Lindgren
Wermland was affected by the Spanish flu like the Swedish national average, about a half percentage of Wermlands population would lose their lives to the flu during the autumn 1918. The flu has for many fallen into oblivion. This oblivion is so wide spread that it´s possible to talk about a "collective forgetfulness". The society have selected to remember 1918 for "when the guns went quiet on the western front" and not for the millions who died from the treacherous Spanish flu. The world had already suffered enough from the four years of war that had been fought, thus the victims of the flu would be honored but would soon fade in to oblivion. When you investigate deeper you get the picture that the national average don´t do Wermland and its cities or rural areas any justice when a large variations seems to occur within regional areas.
Dödsgott med käk i kistan : En GCMS- och FTIR-analys av kermik från ett vikingatida gravfält i Alsike hage, Alsike sn, Uppland
This paper deals with the connection between food and burial habits during the late Iron Age in present-day Sweden. The archaeological material used in the study consists of 16 potsherds from a burial site at Alsike hage, Alsike parish, in the province of Uppland in east-central Sweden. On these potsherds have been conducted FTIR- and GCMS-analyses, in order to see what types of food have been deposited in the burials. Furthermore, the result of the GCMS-analyses has been compared to contemporary material from both burial sites and settlement sites, in order to establish whether differences between the compared materials exist. The analyses show that there are differences between the material from burial sites compared with the material from settlement sites, but not any particular differences between the material from different burial sites.