274 Uppsatser om Iron pipes - Sida 7 av 19
Konvertering från luft till vätskekylning av elektronik
A Swedish electronics company wants to make the cooling of one of their electronic components more efficient. They propose that a retrofit liquid cooler is the way to achieve this goal. The current air cooling has high energy cost due to the high amount of power needed to power fans and heat exchangers. Using high volumes of air for cooling also leads to noise pollution. The conversion from air to liquid cooling would possibly make the operation of the electronics more cost efficient and less noisy.The purpose of this project is to theoretically evaluate different concepts of drawing the heat generated by the electronic component in to a fluid, using numerical calculations in Matlab and FEM simulations in ANSYS.
Process optimization in the steel plant
Blast furnace is the heart of every steel plant. Steel production is based on the blast furnace process, as it is where the iron is extracted from the iron ore and turned into liquid iron, which will subsequently be used to make liquid steel. Therefore, without hot iron, steel can not be produced. Blast furnaces in this process are supplied among others with pulverized coal. Raw coal should be prepared for the blast furnaces in the form of fine coal powder.
Vakuumförpackning av arkeologiskt järn Uppföljning av ett SESAM-projekt på Stockholms stadsmuseum
Uppsats för avläggande av filosofie kandidatexamen i Kulturvård, Konservatorsprogrammet 15 hp Institutionen för kulturvård Göteborgs universitet 2014:45.
Del projekt inom ClampCal - Utvärdering av mätmetoder för temperatur, viskositet och densitet samt röregenskaper
The dissertation were performed on SP, Technical Institute of Sweden.
The dissertation were carried out on the measurement technical department, this dissertation is a part of a bigger project, project ClampCal.
One of SP?s returning assignments are flow-measurement. When flow-measurement is performed, the flow has to be stopped so that a meter can be installed in the pipes where measurement is going to take place. At every stop there is time delay in the flow which causes the customers to loose money. This is why SP wanted to find a better solution so that measurement can be done without any stops in the flow.
Usage of a so-called Clamp-on meter was considered, but since the measurement uncertainty is too large it takes some investigation on the parts where the largest uncertainties occur and thus find a solution that can diminish the uncertainty as much as possible.
The parts that were considered to have an opportunity to reduce measurement uncertainties were the fluid temperature, its characteristics and the pipe geometry and its characteristics.
For the fluid temperature a Pt100-sensor with four different radii for various pipes was used.
Alternativa metoder för avhorning av kalv : teknik och behandlingseffekt, samt utvärdering av postoperativ smärta med användning av NSAID
In this study, cortisol in saliva and pain related behaviours in calves were used as markers of distress when comparing two different dehorning methods; scoop or cautery. We also investigated the effect of a non steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID), meloxikam, on postoperative distress after dehorning with either dehorning scoop or cautery iron.
Twenty calves were dehorned on one randomly chosen side by scoop method and on the other side by cautery. Five months later, the effect on horn growth was investigated. Horn production was observed in seven of the calves.
Omkonservering av Vattendr?nkt L?der Analys och Metodutveckling f?r Vasaskeppets L?derartefakter
In the collections of the Vasa Museum, 100 leather objects have exhibited salt precipitations. The objects,
that have previously been impregnated with PEG, have become deteriorated and fragmented due to the
precipitations. During a previously conducted study it was established that the precipitations consisted of
iron and sulphur. However, it was not established whether they occurred in the leather?s inner structure
and no treatment plan was developed.
Läroböckernas skildring av Israel/Palestinakonflikten : En diskursanalytisk studie av läroböcker för historia A
This essay is focused on the re-use during the Bronze Age of the Stone Age passage grave RAÄ 85 in Mysinge, Öland. To increase the knowledge of the phenomena of re-use in general and that which occurred in Mysinge passage grave in particular I?ve looked at other forms of re-use on Öland and the re-use of passage graves in Falbygden. The research has been limited to the Bronze Age. My goal has been to see what this might tell us about the relationship people during the Bronze Age had towards the abstract subject of ?non-existence?, in other words death.
Sjöundersökning av Naalojärvi
LKAB is an international high tech mineral corporation and a world leading manufacturer of refined ironore products for steal manufacturing and other mineral products destined other industries. LKAB is an international corporation with companies world wide, with it?s main location in the north of Sweden, which is where the iron ore mines and the refining works are located. LKAB?s iron refining process in Vitåfors, Malmberget, is a source of great amounts of waste-rock.
Östra Aros : bebyggelsen i Uppsala och dess utveckling fram till 1270 i arkeologisk belysning
This thesis rewievs present day research on the settlement of Östra Aros in central Sweden. The thesis deals with the period from late Iron age to about 1270 AD, when the Swedish archdiocese moved to the already existing early-medieval settlement of Östra Aros, thus becoming the medieval town of Uppsala. The basis of the thesis is the study of a variety of source materials, such as artefact studies, runestones, topography and the prehistoric and early medieval hinterland. The thesis centers on archaeological excavation data and dating of settlement structures, particularly focusing on the settlements establishment. Through a critical review of primarily the written record and the archaeological data, the settlements characteristics and functions are discussed, emphasising when and if the settlement could be described as a town, central- or trading place..
Att begravas vid gårdagens sida : Återbruket under bronsåldern på Öland samt i Falbygden i relation till det i Mysinge gånggrift
This essay is focused on the re-use during the Bronze Age of the Stone Age passage grave RAÄ 85 in Mysinge, Öland. To increase the knowledge of the phenomena of re-use in general and that which occurred in Mysinge passage grave in particular I?ve looked at other forms of re-use on Öland and the re-use of passage graves in Falbygden. The research has been limited to the Bronze Age. My goal has been to see what this might tell us about the relationship people during the Bronze Age had towards the abstract subject of ?non-existence?, in other words death.
Bestämning av dagvattenflöden i Knivstaåns avrinningsområde
The purpose of the thesis was to map the hydraulic load on the Knivsta river from stormwater runoff, and build a platform for further studies of pollution loads on the rivers ecosystems. New residential areas are planned to be built in Knivsta municipality and it will have an impact on stormwater flows to Knivsta river. To examine the impact this will have, simulations were made in the area as it stands today and after expansion work. The work includes calculation of flows from the populated areas but also from the catchment area around it consisting of woodlands and fields. Because of expected climatic changes which may affect rainfall, the simulations have been performed with different return periods for rainfall data.
Pyrit i arkeologiska benföremål ? ett dolt problem? Undersökning och skadeinventering av järn och svavel i arkeologiska ben- och benhornföremål
Uppsats för avläggande av filosofie kandidatexamen iKulturvård, Konservatorprogrammet15 hpInstitutionen för kulturvårdGöteborgs universitet2015:05.
Askans inverkan på beläggningstendensen i ett biobränsleeldat kraftvärmeverk och växtplatsens påverkan på askegenskaperna :
This report was written by Sofia Ericson and describes the degree thesis with the title: ?Connections between the growing site of bio fuel, the chemical composition of bio fuel ash and the deposit growth in a bio fuel fired boiler.? The purpose of this degree thesis was to avoid melted deposit growth in the bio fuel fired boiler at ENA Kraft in Enköping.
Potassium and sodium are known to lower the melting point of bio fuel ashes and are therefore not wanted in the trees in higher amounts than necessary for the growth. Silicon is also known to be important for the deposit growth but it is not possible to say in general if higher or lower contents of silicon is better. The relation between silicon and other chemical substances is more important than the total amount of silicon.
Luftutsläpp från järnmalmsproduktion : - Strategier för systematisk luftkvalitetsmätning
The mining company LKAB extracts iron ore in three areas in the north of Sweden, Kiruna, Malmberget and Svappavaara. The iron ore is refined and in the pelletizing plants the material is rolled to finished pellet product. The different steps of pelletizing plants causes among other things emissions to the air. It occurs occasionally stops in the production and the emissions are vented via an emergency chimney without purification. The aim for this work is to look into how LKAB may improve their monitoring of air emissions and control of ambient air quality and the analysis methods which are suitable for measuring.
Hackerör på Sydsvenska höglandet : vad skiljer röjningsröseområden från celtic fields, stensträngsområden och bandparcellområden?
From the pre-Roman and Roman Iron Age, a number of different fossil agrarian landscapes can be found in southern Sweden - clearance cairn areas, celtic fields, stone-wall complexes and geometrically laid-out strip fields. With two different comparative analyses, this paper tries to explain some of the differences between clearance cairn systems and the other fossil field systemsThe shape of the early Iron Age agrarian landscape varies between different provinces of southern Sweden. At Gotland, celtic field systems were laid-out before 500 BC. In Småland at the same time, areas with clearance cairns were created. How can the difference be explained? The different physical appearance of clearance cairn areas and celtic fields can be explained by the different ways to handle the ard in till and in sandy soil.