226 Uppsatser om Iron Bioavailability - Sida 4 av 16
Bröd vid död i Kalvshälla : Analys av förhistoriskt organiskt grav- och boplatsmaterial från Barkarby i Järfälla socken, Uppland
This paper deals with prehistoric charred organic material, interpreted as bread, found in graves and in the underlying settlement at Kalvshälla, Järfälla parish in Uppland. The aim was to categorize the organic material morphologically and with the help of Fourier transformed Infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR) to see whether it was bread or not. Material from 13 graves (dated to Late Roman Iron Age until Viking Age) and 3 finds from the settlement have been analysed. Differences were noted both in shape, porosity and structure. Some of the material has been interpreted as cereal based foodstuff instead of bread due to morphological discrepancies.
Selenium in Swedish sheep production
Selenium (Se) is an essential trace element that is involved in several physiological functions in mammals. Mostly, Se is bound to proteins, many of them with enzymatic functions. A group of seleno-depending enzymes, glutathione peroxidases (GSH-Px?s), are important as antioxidants and protects against free radicals. The activity of GSH-Px is strongly regulated by Se storage in the liver.
Dietary intake of zinc and iron within the female population of two farming villages in the Red River Delta, Vietnam
In many developing countries, among them Vietnam, contamination of agricultural land is a major issue that has public health implications. A fast growing population, rapid urbanization and industrialization have led to air and water emissions of potentially toxic elements (PTEs), such as cadmium (Cd). Earlier studies have shown that individuals with low iron (Fe) and zinc (Zn) status absorb larger quantities of Cd than those of adequate nutritional status.
The purpose of this study was to investigate and compare the Fe and Zn intake from the foods consumed by women (15-45 years) in selected households in two agricultural villag-es in the Red River delta in Vietnam. In one of the villages the residents were involved in metal (mainly Fe) recycling activity, whereas in the other village the residents had agricul-tural production as main source of income. Interviews, followed by food intake calcula-tions, were performed.
Undersökning av vissa beläggningars påverkan på antenners effektivitet i tågmiljö
For several years Uppsala University together with several companies has been involved in a WISENET project aimed at improving railway transport security. By placing a sensor system near the wheels of each wagon, the temperature of the bearings can be measured and transmitted to a collector placed centrally on the wagon. This in turn transmits the collected data to RFID receivers placed intermittently along the railway.As the signals are transmitted wirelessly, problems may occur as the antennas get dirty or coated with ice and snow. To determine the effects of these coatings, several tests were performed examining the reflection coefficient S11, the impedance Z11 and the efficiency eta of an antenna, and how they varied when various coatings were placed over the antenna. Examined coatings were ice, snow and water to determine the effects of weather, and various metal-based coatings: powdered iron both pure and partially oxidized, and iron ore granules.
Hur påverkar johannesört farmakokinetiken utav warfarin, ciklosporin, digoxin, preventivmedel och teofyllin? Vad har detta för klinisk betydelse?
St. John?s wort extract is composed of a large number of components, about 150, but the most studied and interesting substance are hyperforin and hypericin. The herb is very popular and it is known for its pharmacological efficacy in numerous disorders. It is used for treatment of mild to moderated depression as an alternative to synthetic antidepressants.
Slagfältarkeologi : Metod och möjlighet att lokalisera och undersöka förhistoriska bataljplatser.
This essay is a study regarding the existence of Bronze Ages and Iron Ages battlefields in Scandinavia and the possibility to trace and find them by using the Battlefield Archaeological Method.Based on a theoretical background and results from historical battlefield research and excavation experiences, the discussion deals with some of the problems and possibilities of applying the Battlefield Archaeological Method on older places. The existence of these battlegrounds is also an unknown factor, and a major part of this study is trying to find evidence of their existence. For that purpose I am using as an example a deeper analysis of an Iron Age battlefield archaeological excavation in Germany in order to compare and draw parallels with the Scandinavian society of that time. I am also using the evolution of weaponry, in particular the sword, to show parallels between the Mediterranean and the Scandinavian societies in the matter of warfare and tactics..
Ensamgravar och gravfält : olika begravningsmönster under romersk järnålder på Gotland
The aim of this thesis is to make a comparison between solitary graves and graves in grave fields from the Roman Iron Age on Gotland, Sweden. Differences in burial customs, morphology, dating, gender, age, grave-goods and social status are compared between 19 solitary graves and graves in three different grave fields in different parts of Gotland. An attempt is made to explain these differences and to discuss which functions the solitary graves had. Discussions about whether it is possible to distinguish social status and gender with the help of grave-goods are also made in connection to the determination of status and sex..
Tunas brandgravar : stensättningar och individer i förändring
The Iron Age cemetery at Tuna in Badelunda parish, Västmanland, is a complex and unique burial ground used for only 69 graves during a period of roughly 700 years, between 300 - 1050 AC. The individuals buried at Tuna show an impressive variety of gravegods as well as stonesettings formed above the grave. Who where these people that were cremated at Tuna, among the mysterious women in the boats and the rich women in grave X? As we study the graves of the cremated individuals we reach a new understanding of the cemetery; from its social structure down to every individual. Through the analysis of the stonesettings, gravegods and bones we see a how these subjects, when analysed, show a picture of the individuals and social structure of the cemetery.
Validering av metoder för analys av Cu, Fe och Na i processvatten med AAS-grafitugn
Södra Cell Mörrum is one of the five paper pulp plants that are included in Södra Cell, and the paper pulp that is produced here is not only sold to Swedish paper mills. Most of the paper pulp is exported to different countries in Europe. In the manufacturing process the plant needs different kind of process water and there are guideline values for how much copper, iron and sodium this water is allowed to contain. Analyzes of this water is in the current situation done with an atomic absorption spectrometric instrument (AAS-instrument) with a flame. Measurements done with flame-AAS of samples that have concentrations near the guideline values for copper, iron and sodium, are not reliable. The reason for not being reliable is that the quantitation limits of these metals are higher than the limit values.
Genus på menyn : Analyser av stabila kol- och kväveisotoper på skelettmaterial från Bjärbygravfältet från äldre romersk järnålder i Kastlösa på Öland
This paper deals with diet and gender in the early roman iron age in Sweden. Human bone and tooth material from the Iron Age cemetery at Bjärby in Kastlösa parish on the island of Öland have been analysed for stable carbon and nitrogen isotopes. 21 individuals were sampled. Where possible 4 samples were taken from each individual, from the first, second and third molar respectively and from one compact bone. By doing so it is possible, at least in theory, to trace intra-individual diets throughout life.
I människans tjänst? : en studie om relationen mellan människa och djuroffer i gravar från yngre järnåldern
By examine cremated remains from graves dated to late Iron Age I wanted to find out what sorts of animals were placed in the graves. But also to see if the animal sacrifices had any connection to the Old Norse religion. The osteological material that were analysed were from both cremated humans and animals and had been dated to Viking Age. The material is from burial ground 59 at Laxare, Boge parish on Gotland. In addition to the human remains, the material contains bones from horse, cattle, sheep/goat, pig, dog, cat, bear, birds and fish.
Aktivt Pansar : Att nå verkan med dagens vapensystem i morgondagens pansar
Då dagens vapensystem blir allt effektivare med högre penetration och större verkan är det inte längre möjligt att endast lägga på mer pansar för att få tillräckligt skydd. Fordonen blir för tunga och rörligheten påverkas negativt i allt för stor grad, därför börjar nu system för aktivt skydd slå sig in på marknaden. Dessa system söker aktivt av fordonets omgivning och skjuter ner inkommande hot såsom raketer och robotar och finns redan implementerade i en rad länder i vårt närområde. Infanteriets huvudbeväpning, som mot bepansrade hot traditionellt sett varit just robotar, raketer och granater, är i många fall verkanslös i mötet med aktivt pansar.Uppsatsen undersöker vilka möjligheter som finns att med den utrustning som dagens svenska försvarsmakt är utrustad med nå verkan i mål som är skyddade av aktivt pansar. De befintliga systemen för aktivt pansar Trophy, Iron Curtain och Arena har valts som exempelsystem.
Järnåldersboplatser och historiska byar : En studie av agrara bebyggelsemönster i mälarbygder under 1500 år
Following paper deals with the questions about prehistorian and medieval settlements in the Mälar Valley and their relations to the historically known hamlets or single farmsteads from the 17th- and 18th-century cadastral maps. Models over settlement development through the period A.D 200 to 1700 done by geographers Ulf Sporrong and Dan Carlsson are tested and compared to the knowledge won by recent archaeological excavations. Is there a connection between the older settlements linked together by dry-stone walls and the late Iron Age settlements? Does the picture differ from the one presented for the Gotland region? How well are the general theories about different settlement development depending on basic natural conditions as for the potentials for cultivation and topography, corresponding to the physical remains? Are there other factors involved when the settlement structure takes its form?The methods that are used here constitutes mainly of a comparison between different locations in the Mälar Valley that has got a well known prehistory thanks to extensive archaeological excavations. Cadastral maps, soilmaps, topography maps and maps over ancient monuments are intertwined to the same map and analyzed through works in Geographical information systems.The results of this study reveal an interesting suspicion in the continuity-question through the Iron Age.
Huskonstruktioner under järnåldern i Dalarna, Gotland, Skåne, Uppland och Västergötland
Discribes different houses in use during the Swedish Iron Age..
Järnåldersgården som försvann : En studie av produktion, tafonomi och brända ben från möddingen vid gården Långåker från romersk järnålder
This bachelor-level thesis in historical osteology deals with several aspects of the life-cycle of an RomanIron Age farm in southern Scania. Excavated in the 1980's by Lars Larsson, the farm was located near aplace called Långåker in the Dybäck area, on a cape which stretched out into a minor bog. Our work concerns why the Iron Age people settled the area, how well fragmented bone survives in a bog, what they produced at the farm and how life on the farm finally ended. From the roughly 10 % of the total number of fragments we where able to identify we can conclude, that he species that are present of the farm areusual Iron Age species (dog, sheep/goat, cattle and swine). We also have a relitivly large number of wildanimals in our material (2%).