9746 Uppsatser om Investment decision process - Sida 65 av 650
C?RONIS BIVAXFERNISSA En unders?kning av inneh?ll, l?slighet och ?ldringsegenskaper
The aim of this study is to provide a comprehensive overview of C?ronis beeswax varnish by Lefranc &
Bourgeois; its contents, aging properties, solubility, and possible removal methods, with G?teborgs
Konstmuseum?s ?Gothenburg Museum of Art? collection as the stud??s material? The purpose of the
study is to provide a basis for decision-making regarding the treatment of works treated with C?ronis
wax varnish. The study is based on contemporary conservation theory and interpretation-based
decision-making and utilizes FTIR, microscopy, and solubility tests to examine the properties of the
varnish. The study shows that C?ronis does not appear to be harmful to the treated works and has
retained its solubility properties and transparency over time.
Betydelsen av öppenhet, deltagande och ansvar i utformningen av megaprojekt En analys av policyprocessen kring ESS-projektet mellan 1990-2008
This thesis consists of three parts: one normative, one empirical and one constructive, with the intention to explore the enforcement of accountability in megaprojects.The thesis aims to evaluate the level of accountability in the policy process of the European Spallation Source, ESS between 1990 and 2008. In order to make a comparison possible, a norm is created concerning how a policy process should be designed, with primary focus on openness and participation, to make enforcement of accountability possible. The policy process of the ESS is compared with this norm with the purpose of discovering whether the process contains elements that assure enforcement of accountability. After the comparison is done, it is possible to formulate constructive proposals about how the enforcement of accountability can be improved.The thesis also explores how networks, consisting of actors with particular resources, surrounding the ESS-project affects the form of the policy process, e.g. in shaping the social construction of the aim and purpose of the project.
ABL:s utvidgade värdeöverföringsregler då ett aktiebolag är komplementär i ett kommanditbolag : Utgångspunkt ur NJA 2014 s. 604
This paper examines the power producing dams along the Ume-river as an integral part of and a result from the urbanization process in Sweden during industrial capitalism. The aim of the paper is to contribute to the knowledge of the urbanization process in Sweden in general and of its traces along the Ume river in the county of Västerbotten in particular. The paper applies the theory of concentrated urbanization and extended urbanization put forward by Neil Brenner and Christian Schmid (2015) and argues that the building of power producing dams along the Ume-river is part of an extended urbanization process. This becomes particularly evident when examining the vast physical structures that is the dams, situated in an otherwise remote and sparsely populated area. These vast physical structures are also very well connected to a nation wide electric grid that has connections to bordering countries as well.
Likviditetsva?gen till mer informerade investeringsbeslut : En studie om sambandet mellan a?garkoncentration och likviditet pa? Nasdaq OMX.
Abstract Master Thesis in Business Administration, School of Business and Economics at the Linnaeus University, 2013 Authors: William Funseth and Tobias Åkesson Supervisor: Magnus Willesson Examiner: Sven-Olof Yrjö Collin Title: The liquidity route to more informed investment decisions - A study on the relationship between concentration of ownership and liquidity on Nasdaq OMX. Background and problem: Previous studies have shown that liquidity can explain differences in returns in corporate shares, the company's cost of capital and the valuation of the company. Based on the effects of liquidity we developed a research question concerning how concentration of ownership effects liquidity of corporate shares the studies conducted for companies listed on Nasdaq OMX during a period with major changes on the stock market and is also investigating weather other company-specific differences can explain differences in liquidity. Purpose: The study's purpose is to study the relationship between ownership concentration and liquidity, and whether other factors might explain differences in liquidity. Method: The study is conducted with a quantitative method and it?s based on data collected from 2006-2011 for companies listed on Nasdaq OMX.
Mätramar för vederlagsmätning och timmersortering på sågverk
The measuring of logs is important in the sawmills process to the sawn products. The technology of automatic wood measurement is continuance developing. This study has the purpose to see how the different techniques and the routines works of measure frames for determining of wood value and sorting in sawmills. The study is performed as a literature study and a survey. The survey includes some of the Swedish sawmills that produce more than 10 000 cubic meters sawed products per year.
Vikten av att skapa ett starkt varumärke
First time labelling occurred was when animal owners marked their cattle in order to distinguish the differences. The need for labelling was added when the trade had expanded during Roman times in order for the customers to know who manufactured their craft. Trademarks are characterized as a way to distinguish one's own product or service from someone else. The marketing purpose is to create an identity. The brand has an important role as an effective competitive tool for businesses.A brand can have many different functions, which will simplify a customer's decision making process in selecting a service or product.
Anpassningar till ekonomiska svängningar bland aktörer inom mötesindustrin : med konferensanläggningar i Stockholm och Göteborg som exempel
AbstractAt the UN Conference on Environment and Development in 1992 the nations stated that traditional environmental policies were not sufficient to handle the multidimensional challenges posed by sustainable development. Governments needed to broaden their political decision making procedures in order to coordinate and integrate environmental, social and economic policies. Therefore a new tool was introduced in Agenda 21, National Strategies for Sustainable Development (NSDS). The aim of an NSDS would be to bring together actors from all parts of society to jointly reach a consensus on how to work towards the vision of a sustainable society. An NSDS would be seen as a strategic tool to help focus national policies for SD.
Förhandling av kärnvapennedrustningsfördrag : En jämförande studie av CTBT och FMCT
AbstractThis essay discusses the negotiation of the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty (CTBT) and the process that led up to a signed agreement. The CTBT forbids all nuclear weapon test explosions and all other types of nuclear explosions. The purpose of the study was to distinguish the critical steps of the negotiations that resulted in the success of the CTBT. Based on these insights, my intention was to identify relevant events and actors in the process around the Fissile Material Cut-off Treaty (FMCT), which has been on the nuclear disarmament agenda for over a decade. Furthermore, my ambition was that the examination of the CTBT negotiation would give me some clarity in what the next step would be to get the FMCT back on track.
Layoutbegränsningar i XSL-FO
This thesis discusses the differences between an automated and design centered layout process. The work has beenconducted at CBG Konsult AB, a service provider of multilingual solutions, translations and localization.The purpose with this work was to investigate some limitations and issues with the layout process involving the languagefamily XSL used for automated layout at CBG Konsult AB..
Ständiga Förbättringar av Ledningssystem : Organisation och Arbetsprocess för Skanska Sverige
The electric vehicle market has potential to contribute to Sweden?s national goal to have a fossil fuel independent transport sector by 2030. However, the market answers to a lot of challenges making it difficult for the market to fully reach its potential. The volume of electric vehicles has seen a steady increase during the last year (2012), although many of these vehicles are mostly for PR purposes or bought by the public sector that wants to lead by example. Still, barriers in the form of high purchase costs, an anxiety for the limited battery capacity and the lack of standardisation are some of the problems that the market is struggling to solve.
Att vara familj, vän & förebild : En kvalitativ studie om integrationsassistenters arbete med ensamkommande flyktingbarn- och ungdomar under asylprocessen
The aim with this study is to examine and analyze how the employees at two residential care homes for unaccompanied refugee children work with the children during their pending decision for asylum in Sweden. The purpose is to gain insight into the employees? daily work with the target audience and how they handle decisions with the children. The method to collect data is to carry 6 interviews with the employees at the residential care home. The interviews were semi-structured with purpose of letting the interviewee lead the content of the interview.
NGO:s för hivpositiva i Tanzania och Uganda- Politiska aktörer?
Uganda and Tanzania are two countries severely affected by HIV/AIDS. Hence, there are a numbers of associations for PLHA there. In "Global transformations. Politics, economics and culture", Held, Mc Greew, Goldblatt and Perrton focuses None Governmental Organizations as important actors in the globalized world of today, with increased opportunities to influence and affect the politics. The aim of this paper is to investigate the opportunities for associations for PLHA in Tanzania and Uganda to affect in the national level of politics.
Försäkringskassans roll i den arbetslivsinriktade rehabiliteringen : Ett handläggarperspektiv
The purpose of this essay was to describe and analyse the tension/conflict between external demands and actual conditions, as experienced (and told in interviews) by employees at two social insurance offices in Scania, concerning their roles in the process of working life rehabilitation. The theoretical starting point is the theory of street-level bureaucrats, as defined by Lipsky. The comprehension among the employees were that working life rehabilitation services are approved less today compared to a few years ago. The discretion, i.e. the position to choose among competing alternatives; about what to do, how to do it etc., characteristic of street-level bureaucrats, according to the employees is less prominent, as the routines of handling cases and decision making are regulated.
Ekologiska val i en e-handelskontext : En mental modell över användares köpbeteende
Att köpa ekologiskt är ingen ny företeelse, men i takt med att både e-handel och efterfrågan på ekologiska varor konstant ökar så behövs det stöd för designers för att kunna möta dessa utmaningar. För att kunna designa e-handelswebbsidor med ekologiska valmöjligheter krävs förståelse för användaren och dess behov. Genomatt kartlägga målinriktade beteenden går det att påvisa när en användare är mottaglig för ett ekologiskt val på en e-handelswebbsida. En mental modell byggs utifrån användares målinriktade beteende och denna kan användas som stöd av designers för att förstå när en användare är mer mottaglig för ekologiska val på en e-handelswebbsida. Denna studie resulterar i en identifiering och kartläggning över när en användare är mer öppen för ekologiska val..
Övergångens process från förskola till förskoleklass - En intervjustudie där sex specialpedagoger berättar
Bakgrund Bakgrunden beskriver olika faktorer som är väsentliga för övergångens process samtidigt som riktlinjer, styrdokument och lagar tas upp. I avsnittet finner vi även tidigare forskning som anknyter till ämnet. Studiens teoretiska ram grundar sig i Urie Bronfenbrenners utvecklingsekologiska teori.Syfte Syftet med undersökningen är att få insikt om vilka faktorer som spelar in gällande övergångens process från förskola till förskoleklass.Metod Kvalitativ intervjustudie där sex specialpedagoger från olika kommundelar inom en kommun intervjuades.Resultat Utefter respondenternas utsago presenterar avsnittet vilka faktorer som ligger till grund gällande övergångens process bl.a. överlämning av information t.ex. sekretess, inkludering och integrering.