

9746 Uppsatser om Investment decision process - Sida 44 av 650

Varför måste de stora bara bestämma allting? : En studie om barns delaktighet på folkbiblioteket ur barnbibliotekariens perspektiv

A vivid democracy requires participation from those who live in it, including children. Unlike adults, children have special laws and regulations to ensure them their democratic rights. Librarians? decision on what to buy makes an impact to someone else, which puts the librarian in a hegemonic position. Therefore, the purpose of this bachelor thesis is to, out of the child librarian?s perspective, view children?s participation at the public library in the matter of purchasing literature.

SUNET-satsningen på folkbiblioteken - en kartläggning av argumenteringen för och emot en anslutning

The purpose of this study is to analyse the offer from the ministry of education and cultural affairs to Swedish public libraries concerning a computerised connection to SUNET (the Swedish University Network). The study is based on analyses of the main texts from the campaign and interviews in order to identify arguments that caused the libraries to accept or decline the offer. My conclusions are that the marketing of the SUNET-offer was to a large extent filled with technicalities, and that the campaign failed to identify and focus on the true recipients the decision-makers. The wordings used in the written material were too negative and discouraging. In order to succeed with future concentrations concerning public libraries, it is vitally important to overcome the boundaries between the decision-makers in the local government, the people responsible for information technology and the library staff..

Politiskt organisationsbyggande - Vilken betydelse har samrådsprocessen haft i arbetet med att bygga upp en ny organisation för kollektivtrafiken i Värmland? : En fallstudie av arbetet med trafikförsörjningsprogrammet i Värmland

On the first of January 2012, a new public authority was formed in Värmland, due to a new legislation on public transport. The first task for the new public authority was to produce a plan for the development of public transport. In order to do so, it had to execute an extensive consultation process about the long-term goals of public transport. The purpose of the thesis is to investigate how a public authority can use a consultation process as a means to clarify accountability and produce unified goals. To answer that, I have done a case study about how the new regional public authority in Värmland for public transport has acted in the process of writing a plan for the development of public transport.

"Det blev för mycket Strindberg" : -Lärares resonemang kring sin litteraturundervisning

This study aims to show how teachers talk about their teaching with regards to gender in relation to literature.We have interviewed four teachers of Swedish for upper secondary school to discover how they feel about, and understand, the fact that gender is a factor in the teaching of literature and that they should present to the students literature written by both male and female authors. To analyze the interviews we use Sannersted's (1991) theory about teachers as street-level-bureaucrats ("närbyråkrater"). He states that teachers are persons who have to follow what politicians have decided but they are fairly free to choose how they do it, but to be able to follow a decision as closely as possible three qualifications have to be met. The teachers have to understand the decision, be able to follow it and want to follow it. We find that the teachers that we have interviewed are aware that they discuss gender issues with their students and they all claim that they present a variation of authors to their students.

Doing Business in China - A Best-practice Model for Foreign Invested Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs)

Foreign invested SMEs have recently become increasingly interested in China. The enterprises are in this report categorized as second wave companies since they follow the footsteps of previous pioneers, of which mostly were larger companies. The ambitions of the SMEs are either to sell products on the ever expanding Chinese market or to utilize the potential of low cost production for global markets. The existing literature is fragmented and solely based on the experience of larger companies. We believe that SMEs are facing new and different challenges, and thus a new generic theoretical frame work is desirable.

Hur hanterar SAS kundklagomål? : En kvalitativ studie av den interna processen

It is important that companies knows how to handle a complaint when they receive one from a customer. This information could the company take care of and use when they develop new services. Furthermore a good complain handling leads to satisfied and loyal customers which increases the revenue for the company. We have examined how SAS handle their internal information process and if this process affects the information and in that case how. The study is performed with a qualitative method, based on deep interviews.

Grupper vs. Individer : en kvantitativ studie om gruppers risktolerans i förhållande till individers

Beslut angående finansiella investeringar sker för den enskilde individen likaväl som i företag. Besluten följer den finansiella världens utveckling och blir därmed alltmer komplexa. Placeringar av monetära tillgångar med förväntan att generera inkomst eller värdestegring innebär en risk. Risknivån på investeringen beror på investeringsbeteendet hos beslutsfattaren som kan ge konsekvenser på den finansiella marknaden och kan så småningom leda till finanskriser om ett överdrivet behov av risk uppstår hos beslutsfattare.Genom att studera vad som påverkar risktolerans öppnas dörrar för att kunna förstå vad som ligger bakom vilken risk som väljs vid en finansiell investering. När förändring i risktolerans studeras tas hänsyn till vilka sorters beslutsfattare som finns på den finansiella marknaden.

Barnets talan - en studie om beaktandet av barnperspektiv i den svenska Migrationsdomstolen : / The voice of a child - a study regarding a child perspective in the Migration Court of Law in Sweden

The following essay examines the conditions of whether a child perspective is recognised in the second authority of the new Swedish asylum process, the Migration Court of Law and inquire into the viewpoint of these decision makers as to what a child perspective in this context represents.The method used was a qualitative study that contained interviews with eight respondents, divided into four judges and four jurors. The material gained from the respondents was then analysed by using theories regarding a child perspective and theories that deal with interpretation of a text, ethics and court sociology.A few conditions of whether a child perspective is recognised has been revealed and we also found that the child perspective in theory is a wide perspective, that includes many aspects of how a child is recognised. In practice, however, the child perspective can be divided into two separate perspectives where one of them involves an adults view of a child?s perspective, and the other involves the perspective of a child, the child?s own view of its existence and perceived reality..

Utvärdering av personalutbildning : En studie om organisationers utvärdering av utbildningsprogram

This study examines how and why organizations evaluate training and development within the organizations. The study has a qualitative approach based on semi-structured interviews, with office and organization development managers. The purpose of the study is to contribute with knowledge about how three large Swedish organizations evaluates training and development programs for staff members. Another purpose is to describe why the organizations evaluate training and development programs and to research if there is a further need to develop the organization evaluation methods. Therefore the research questions are Why and how do organizations evaluate training programs? What further need is there to develop organizations evaluation methods?The conclusion of this study shows that evaluation of the training and development programs are not a high priority among the selected organizations.

Stockholms Lokaltrafik, SL : kundinvolvering i trygghetspolicyn

Society has seen a tremendous increase in threats, violence and especially unprovoked violence perpetrated by youths. Violence and more seriously unprovoked violence has become a major problem for many service corporations as it gives them bad image and reputation. Corporate Social Responsibility CSR encourages many companies to engage in social activities as they realize that the company is part of the society and the environment. What affects society may sooner or later affect the corporate. For any business to prosper and create a long-term relationship with its customers, it needs a safe environment both for the customers and staff.Feedback from customers and staff is survival and these two (customer and staff) are the most vital assets any firm could have.

Utvärdering av kommunalpolitikers informationsförsörjning: en informationsaudit i Härryda kommun.

Information is one of the organization's essential resources, and as such it needs strategic management. The authors use the information audit, which was developed by Orna 1999 and Henczel 2000 as a tool to evaluate how well an organization's information activities connect to its mission, goals, and objectives, to evaluate the municipal politicians' information support in Härryda municipality. The decision situations met by politicians often are complex; they are ambiguous and unstructured, with a high level of uncertainty. Human information sources meet needs arising in this kind of decision situations best. Since most of the politicians work full-time besides being politicians, Härryda municipality has to substitute the human sources by textual ones composed of highly summarized information.

Implementering av "Life Cycle Management" i svensk läkemedelsindustri

It generally takes 10 to 12 years for a new drug to hit the market. The pharmaceutical industry invests huge sums in these early stages of research and development. In spite of the rapidly rising research and development expenditures fewer and fewer blockbuster drugs are being developed. Longer lead times and aggressive generic post-patent competition have narrowed the timeframe for the pharmaceutical companies to profit on their investments.In the face of these threats the pharmaceutical industry has developed a battery of strategies to prolong market exclusivity and to maximize return on investment. These emerging strategies are commonly known as Life cycle management (LCM), which actually is more of a concept than a method.

Kostnadsutveckling i anläggningsprojekt. En studie av processen före byggstart i två vägprojekt.

A clean and affordable energy source for cooking is deficient in developing countries. People rely on fuels that contribute to environmental, social and health problems.Biogas is an alternative energy source and an increased investment in small-scale biogas production can in several developing countries be found. Several projects have started to use the technology in developing countries because of the benefits with biogas. Some cases in the establishment of biogas plants have succeeded and some have not. The study is a literature review supplemented by two field studies.

Standardisering kontra flexibilitet : En fallstudie av utvecklingsprocesser

Process standardization is a topic that has generated a lot of research and literature. At first, the focus was on production; today processes are used in all different kind of business areas.The aim of this study has been to analyze how processes can be applied on development businesses and how IT systems affect the result of the process. To accomplish this, we have asked questions such as what standardization is in a development process? Why are the processes standardized? What difficulties can appear with standardization? And how the IT-systems affect the result of the process?To answer these questions, we have preformed a case study on Saab. Saab is a well know Swedish company who are working with a project called the GMS-project, where they develop processes to cover the whole company´s business areas.The literature gives the reader an understanding of processes and standardization.

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