

1432 Uppsatser om Investment appraisal techniques - Sida 2 av 96

Skeppsteknik : en studie om teknikutveckling hos skepp i Medelhavet

Techniques used in the building of a number of ships from the Mediterranean will be presented in this paper. The two techniques thnat will be discussed are shell-based technique and skeleton-basedtechnique. An attempt to clearify and delineate the transition between these two techniques will be made. The possible reasons for transition will then be described and discussed. The development ofthe techniques is going to be identified with help from four wrecks by analyzing their edge joineriesand this facts will be used as a basis for a chronological presentation.

Avkastning med ansvar : vikten av ett ansvarsfullt ägande

Traditionally, it has been argued that companies are only responsible towards their shareholders, to maximize the profits. But lately it has changed into another way of responsibilty. It has become of great importance to demonstrate sustainable long-term values for stakeholders to identify with. This thesis aims to clarify the banks? definition of responsible investment and what criteria they assume when talking about such kind of investments.

Undersökning av modulationsscheman för existerande bredbandsteknologier

In this thesis some different modulation schemes for xDSL-techniques are compared. The investigated techniques are ADSL, G.lite, ADSL2, HDSL, SHDSL and VDSL. The modulation methods used are DMT, CAP and different versions of PAM. Several broadband techniques also use Trellis Coded Modulation (TCM) to increase the coding gain of the transmission. For each one of the different modulation methods the signal-to-noise ratio is calculated for generating a bit error rate probability of 10-7.

Kapitalbudgetering och ekonomisk styrning : En fallstudie av svenska skogsindustrin

Bakgrund: Investeringsbeslut är ett av de viktigaste besluten som tas av chefer i företag. Besluten grundar sig på investeringskalkyler, som ryms inom begreppet kapitalbudgetering. I företagsekonomisk litteratur beskrivs sällan samband mellan kapitalbudgetering och annan ekonomisk styrning, vilket innebär att det finns ett tomrum inom forskningsområdet. Syfte: Syftet med uppsatsen är att beskriva hur företag inom den svenska skogsindustrin utformar och använder kapitalbudgetar som beslutsunderlag samt utreda och förklara sambandet mellan kapitalbudgetering och annan ekonomisk styrning. Metod: I studien har kvalitativ metod och fallstudier använts.

Automatiska Värderingssystem - En hjälp för Fastighetsmäklaren?

Computers and business systems are used more frequently in a world where IT gradually is taking over. This is also true when it comes to the real estate valuation process where actors on the Swedish real estate market are using automatic valuation systems for real estate appraisal. But the real estate agents have not yet seen the charm in using these automatic valuation systems for real estate appraisal. Can the real estate agents also use the automatic valuation systems? We developed our three main subjects: the valuation process, an automatic valuation system and the real estate market with assistance from scientific articles.

Investeringar i privat och kommunal verksamhet : En studie om faktorer som påverkar investeringar

The decisions for investment are forward-looking and the base of a long-term strategy. The research within investment have focused on diverse formulas which are used in financial assessment, which also should be complemented with qualitative evaluation. Consequently, the focus should not only be on the execution of the formulas. Less time have been spent on research concerning what actually initiates the investment proposals and affects the decision-making. This will be highlighted in this essay.

Attityder till implementering av precisionsodlingsteknik :

Different techniques for precision agriculture have been available during the last decade. Some of them are more widely used than others. The main purpose of this thesis was to investigate the different attitudes to precision agriculture that exists among farmers and advisors in Sweden. Eight advisors and sixteen farmers were asked for their opinion of a number of specific techniques for precision agriculture, such as yield-mapping, precision liming, the Yara Nitrogen Sensor and site-specific fertilization with phosphorous and potassium. They were also asked to describe the way in which the counselling in Swedish agriculture is used and also about it's importance for the adaptation of new techniques. The high costs are mentioned to be one of the most important reasons why precision agriculture hasn't been more widely spread. Several farmers refer to their farms as too small to bear the costs that come with the techniques. The individual interest for technique among the potential users plays an important role.

De svenska börsbolagens prioriteringar mellan investeringspolitik och utdelningspolitik : En studie av sambandet mellan investeringspolitik och utdelningspolitik i förhållande till börsvärde

The relationship between dividend policy and investment is a controversial area and the relationship between these two may differ depending on the company's priorities. The study examines this more closely by studying dividend policy's impact on investment and how it differs depending on the company?s market capitalization. The study is based on companies listed on the OMX Stockholm within the segments Large Cap and Small Cap, during the period between 2003-2012. Secondary data was obtained from each company's annual reports where relevant data was used to operationalized into measurable variables.


Clustered Columnstore Indexes (CCI) and In-Memory Online Transaction Processing (OLTP) are two new techniques that were introduced with Microsoft?s new database management system SQL Server 2014.The thesis analyzes these two techniques, describes the theory behind them and also the background information that needs to be known to understand more of the new techniques. Performance tests of the new techniques have been performed to see how much faster response time we can get and less storage we need to use where the result is represented by performance diagrams and a compression diagram. This thesis is a cooperative work with a company called Trimma and the result is used as support to decide if these new techniques could be of advantage for the company.The test consists of five test queries with different purposes. The result is illustrated by diagrams that show the result and another diagram that shows how much the data gets compressed with the different techniques.

Kraftskillnad i olika Muay Thai tekniker: händer armbågar och sparkar mot huvudet

Background: In the martial art of Muay Thai, techniques are used with hands, elbows, knees and kicks. The contestants are divided into different weight classes and experience levels. The Swedish martial arts association has decided that techniques with elbow are not allowed in B-class. Why is it so?Objective: The aim of this study was to investigate whether the martial arts delegation decision to restrict techniques with elbows to the head in the B-class is justified.

Härskarens nya kläder : Vad händer när härskartekniker flyttar in på Facebook?

In this thesis we focus on the issue of master suppression techniques and how they take form on Facebook. The research in area of master suppression techniques online is limited and therefore the purpose of this thesis is to create a greater understanding of the online environment of Facebook. We have used a method of netnographic observation studies and content analysis to create a triangular perspective of the subject. Based on the result of our observation studies we draw the conclusion that you can see signs of some of the master suppression techniques on Facebook. We also argue why others don?t show up.

Arbetsklimatet på militärhögskolan Karlberg : Finns det skillnader i upplevelser/erfarenheter mellan män och kvinnor på officersprogrammet i kullen 07-10 vad gäller härskartekniker?

This study focuses the gendered relations of the Military Academy of Karlberg. More specific the study is investigating the experiences among young women and men cadets of suppression techniques. The purpose of the study is to get more knowledge about the work climate and suppression techniques at the officers? training program 2007/2010. The research questions employed for the study were:- Do the women and men officer students/cadets have any experiences of master suppressiontechniques at the officers? training program?- What kind of master suppression techniques occur at the officer?s training program?- What kind of master suppression techniques do women experience?- What kind of master suppression techniques do men experience?The study is a survey and data were retrieved by a questionnaire sent out to the participants.

Den svenska kupongbeskattningen av utländska fondbolag och dess förenlighet med EU-rätten : Bör det svenska regelverket förändras

AbstractThe purpose of this thesis has been to investigate if the Swedish legislation concerning taxation of dividends to foreign investment funds is in violation to EU law. Furthermore, the thesis will analyze if the Fondskatteutredningens suggestions to changes in the current legislation is appropriate to the purpose it tries to obtain.Today there is a difference in the taxation of dividends paid to Swedish investment funds and foreign investment funds. Dividends paid to foreign investment funds is being taxed in accordance with the Coupon Tax Act (1970:624), in which no deduction of the tax is possible. Swedish investment funds on the other hand have the possibility to deduct as much of the received dividends that they have given in dividends to its shareholders.The difference in the taxation between investment funds because of origin has been reviewed by both Swedish court and by the European Court of Justice. It has in these cases been up to the courts to review if a difference in taxation of dividends could constitute a violation of the free movement.

Hur tillförlitlig är värderingen av förvaltningsfastigheter?: En studie av tillämpningen av IAS 40

This thesis studies the way valuation of investment properties is conducted in accordance with IAS 40 and how reliable these valuations are. This has been conducted by studying ten Swedish real estate companies listed on the NASDAQ OMX, during the period 2005-2008. The study shows that all companies use valuation models to determine the fair value of investment properties. Two different types of models have been identified. Companies that use the cash flow model show inconsistencies in time horizon, and how they determine the horizon value.

Behuggning av betongytor: ett test av hantverksmetoder

During the latter half of the 18th century, when concrete started seeing general use in modern cities, the use of different methods to give the concrete a finished surface texture saw use. One of these was using different methods of mechanically altering the surface using a slew of cutting and crushing techniques with mallet and chisel. This was done in order to hide the often dull and gray look of concrete, and allude to other more expensive and luxurious stones. The work would possibly have been done by experienced stonemasons, using much of the same techniques and tools they would have used while working natural stones. Or did they? This essay explores, through the use of traditional handcrafts and tools, the claim that the working of concrete surfaces can be done with the same tools and skillset as the working of natural stone.

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