

422 Uppsatser om Intrauterin fetal death - Sida 7 av 29

Amning som preventiv åtgärd mot plötslig spädbarnsdöd : En litteraturstudie

ABSTRACTObjectiveThe aim of this study was to determine if and what kind of scientific evidence there is for the advice that breast-feeding can reduce the risk of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). The aim was to investigate research on the subject published in the last 15 years.MethodA systematic review without meta-analysis with relevant original articles published in the last 15 years.Main resultsAfter searching for articles 26 relevant articles were used for this study and two were excluded because of poor quality. Mixed results were shown on breast feeding and the risk of SIDS. Breast-feeding seems to have some protective effect but can?t be separated from known risk factors of SIDS.Plain language summaryBreast feeding can be regarded as a preventive measure against SIDS.

Att begravas vid gårdagens sida : Återbruket under bronsåldern på Öland samt i Falbygden i relation till det i Mysinge gånggrift

This essay is focused on the re-use during the Bronze Age of the Stone Age passage grave RAÄ 85 in Mysinge, Öland. To increase the knowledge of the phenomena of re-use in general and that which occurred in Mysinge passage grave in particular I?ve looked at other forms of re-use on Öland and the re-use of passage graves in Falbygden. The research has been limited to the Bronze Age. My goal has been to see what this might tell us about the relationship people during the Bronze Age had towards the abstract subject of ?non-existence?, in other words death.

Berättelsens labyrinter : Interaktiv fiktion och dess narrativa aspekter

This essay examines the narrative aspect of interactive fiction. The study uses Janet H. Murrays analysis of the digital environment and the properties of it as procedural, participatory, spatial and encyclopedic. From this, her three characteristic pleasures in digital narratives - immersion, agency and transformation - are examined from the perspective of interactive fiction. The study also examines Nick Montforts analysis of interactive fiction as a potential narrative and a simulated world or environment.

Avlivning av sällskapsdjur, utförd av annan än veterinär : ett djurskyddsproblem?

We know that more than 2/3 of insured dogs in Sweden are put to death by a veterinarian, which means that almost one third are killed in trauma, lost or die in some other way. An unknown number of these are killed by their owner with no veterinarian involved. This graduate thesis contains a specification of the laws that control euthanasia of dogs and cats in Sweden, and the veterinary medical basics on how to perform euthanasia. The objective is also to give understanding on how pet owners choose to put their animal to death and why, and to discuss whether that is an animal welfare problem. It is legal to kill dogs and cats by shooting, using a sporting gun, provided that it is done according to laws and regulations.

Viktutveckling hos prematura barn : En journalgranskning

Målet med uppfödningen av prematura barn är att efterlikna den intrauterina tillväxten. God nutrition är grunden för optimal utveckling för barnet på kort och lång sikt. Syftet med studien var att undersöka viktutvecklingen hos barn födda i gestationsvecka 33, avseende tillväxt i förhållande till förväntad intrauterin tillväxt, fram till beräknad fullgången tid. Studien genomfördes med en retrospektiv design, där 12 journaler granskades. Kvantitativa variabler har identifierats och analyserats.

Plötslig spädbarnsdöd, ett känsligt ämne : En litteraturöversikt om risker, förebyggande åtgärder och sjuksköterskans roll vid SIDS

Background:The sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) has always existed. In the early 1990's, researchers discovered that prone position was associated with a significantly higher risk for SIDS. This resulted in a lowered incidence of SIDS in the world. The campaign showed the value of risk knowledge and risk reducing methods, that's why new information campaigns about other risks regarding SIDS must occur.Aim:The aim was to describe the risk factors and preventive actions for SIDS, and the nurse's role regarding the preventive work. Method: A literature review based on 16 articles based on qualitative and quantitative studies.

Kvinnors upplevelser av spiralinsättning samt faktorer som kan påverka insättningen

Syftet med denna studie har varit att granska den forskning som fanns beskriven i vetenskapliga artiklar omkring de problem som uppstår och de upplevelser som kvinnan får vid insättning av spiral. I en litteraturstudie valdes sju artiklar ut och deras vetenskaplighet studerades. Alla sju artiklarna var baserade på kvantitativa studier. Resultatet visade att smärta tillsammans med spiralinsättning var mycket vanligt. Den kategori av kvinnor som upplevde mest smärta var de kvinnor som inte hade fött barn på det naturliga sättet.

Plötslig spädbarnsdöd - En litteraturstudie om sjuksköterskans stödjande funktion till familjer som förlorat sitt barn

The purpose of this literature review is to describe nurses supportive function to families who lost their child in Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS).

En mage att vara glad för! : En intervjustudie med gravida kvinnor som har BMI ? 30 kg/m2

Enligt WHO är övervikt och fetma ett växande problem världen över. Att vara kvinna och ha ett BMI ? 30 kg/m2 innebär risker i samband med en graviditet. Det kan exempelvis påverka kvinnans välmående under graviditeten i form av högt blodtryck, graviditetsdiabetes, risk för intrauterin fosterdöd och en långsam framskridande förlossning. Krav ställs på barnmorskan i mötet med den gravida kvinnan med BMI ? 30 kg/m2 då kvinnan önskar att få information om risker kring graviditeten utan att barnmorskan är dömande.

Bemötande av barn vars föräldrar är döende eller har avlidit. En litteraturstudie

Each year over 3000 children in Sweden lose a parent. The loss of a parent may cause some grave changes in a child?s life, leading to both mental and physical consequences. The purpose of this literature study is to examine the different ways in which health care personnel can better receive and relate to children whose parents are dying or have passed away.Data was collected through such sources as Pubmed, Academic Search Elite and Cinahl, which resulted in the inclusion of sixteen subsequent articles, ten of which were quantitative and six of which were qualitative. Thirteen of the said articles illustrate how children act in response to a dying or deceased parent and what measures were needed for them to move on with their lives.

Nyanimism i Sverige : En studie om förmänskligande av hunden i samband med dennes död

This study focusses on how people in Sweden commemorate their dogs and handle their demise. By examining memorial texts for dogs that are presented by their owners on internet forums, memorial texts that are used on gravestones on an animal cemetery as well as an interview with an animal nurse, the study examines how dogs are humanized and treated in human-like ways. With theories about new animism, social acceptance (nomos) and ontology as the theoretical framework, the study provides an analysis of strategies by which people tend to humanize dogs in ways that are often similar to the handling and mourning of human deceased.                                               The empirical data illustrate how dog owners in Swedish society who have lost their beloved pet express themselves in terms of religious terminology. According to memorial texts, the dogs go to heaven, where they may be reunited with their owners, become free from their diseases, and in some cases they are buried in separate graves in animal cemeteries. The study also illustrates how dogs in Sweden today have almost equal opportunities and access to medical care as human beings.

Ridskolehästens hållbarhet : hur länge stannar hästarna i verksamheten?

SUMMARYThe riding school horse is the base for the riding school. Riding schools are looking for a suitable horse that meets their demands for exterior, age, education, temperament, price and sustainability. Many different aspects may define the sustainability of the riding school horse; of them is how long life the riding school horse has in riding school activity. Previous studies have shown that the riding schools requirements are 8-12 years life span in the riding school.The purpose of this study was to describe the Swedish riding school horse life span in riding schools and at what age the riding school horses were recruited, disposed and the reasons for disposal. Information about the riding school horse life span in riding schools and reasons for disposal can provide important understanding regarding the importance of health for the riding school horse, riding school economy and profitability in the riding school.

Uppfattningar om en god död i en palliativ kontext : - med fokus på en förbättrad omvårdnad

Den palliativa vårdens mål är att uppnå en god och fridfull död. En god död har dock visat sig vara en individuell och varierande upplevelse varför patienten själv måste få möjlighet att uttala sig om sin förestående död. Forskning har framhållit att det finns olika uppfattningar om vad en god död innebär, utifrån patientens, närståendes och vårdpersonalens perspektiv. Syftet med litteraturstudien var därför att belysa kunskap om uppfattningar om en god död, för att kunna förbättra omvårdnaden i en palliativ kontext. Föreliggande litteraturstudie baseras på 15 vetenskapliga artiklar.

Vårdares upplevelser av att arbeta med döden och döendet utifrån hospicefilosofin : En intervjustudie

Döden anses vara en stressfaktor för hälso- och sjukvårdspersonal och tidigare forskning visar att detta även gäller vårdare vid hospice. Ett antal vanliga copingstrategier fungerar inte i hospicemiljön på grund av att döden är ett oundvikligt inslag där. En studie framhåller dock den låga utbrändhetsgraden bland vårdgivare på hospice och föreslår bland annat att det holistiska perspektivet på omvårdnad kan vara sammankopplat med detta till synes ambivalenta förhållande. Kan hospicefilosofin inverka på synen på döden och döendet bland hospicepersonal? En intervjustudie genomfördes med tre vårdare yrkesverksamma vid ett hospice i Sverige.

Euthanasi : avlivning av häst

The term euthanasia is derived from the Greek terms eu meaning good and thanatos meaning death, "good death". The penetrating captive bolt is an effective method of euthanasia, when use of drugs is inappropriate. The horse becomes immediately unconscious and falls to the ground. First after the blood is emptied from the body the horse is dead. The use of injectable euthanasia agents is a rapid and reliable method of performing euthanasia. The aim is to stop the flow of oxygenated blood to vital organs and tissues. The muscle relaxants may be used either in combination wih or following an anaesthetic dose of barbiturate, their use use as a sole agent is totally inhumane.

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