

422 Uppsatser om Intrauterin fetal death - Sida 13 av 29

Liv mellan himmel och jord : Barns tankar om livet, döden och livets uppkomst

Syftet med studien är att synliggöra hur barn tänker om liv och död och deras uppfattning om livets uppkomst. Genom att utgå från ett biologiskt- och ett filosofiskt perspektiv så är mitt syfte att synliggöra barns oliktänkande i ämnet. Min valda metod till studien är semistrukturerad intervju integrerat med bildskapande med barn mellan 5-7 år. I resultatet av min studie så synliggörs barns olika sätt att förstå och uttrycka livsnära fenomen på. Resultatet visade också på barns oliktänkande genom en naturalistisk-, evolutionär- eller en skapelsekopplad beskrivning av livets och människans uppkomst.

"Min tro är min" : om religion på Internet och i det privata

Private religion is a faith that isn?t practiced in an organised religious community. Many people do not want to accept a religious concept that is already defined. To choose a conception of faith based upon personal preferences fits some modern man better. The purpose of this thesis is to examine if it?s possible to create a personal religion and how such a process looks.

Att leva med ett nytt hjärta : Uppleverser efter en transplantation

Background: A life with severe chronic heart failure is debilitating, and most patients die of the disease. The possibility of having a heart from a deceased donor is often the patient's only hope of continued life. Aim: To gain a deeper insight and understanding of the patients experiences after a heart transplant. Method: Literature study with results based on 13 scientific articles. Results: Gratitude was the great common experience for the recipients of new hearts.

Kemiskt försvar mot havstulpanskolonisering i marina svampdjur

The purpose of this project is to analyze and study the absorption of the substances ivermectin, spinosad and barettin to hydrophobic and hydrophilic surfaces, and to analyze and study if the barnacle larva are effected when they try to settle on the treated surface.Incubation tests with barnacle larva in Petri dishes were performed as well as absorption tests on hydrophobic and hydrophilic surfaces which were tested with ellipsometry. To determine the surface thickness.The barnacles were placed in hydrophobic as well as hydrophilic Petri dishes that had been incubated with ivermectin, spinosad or barettin. After four to six days the larva was counted to analyze the settling. From the results conclusions could be drawn about the adsorption abilities of the substances to the different surfaces.The barnacles were placed in hydrophobic as well as hydrophilic Petri dishes that had been incubated with ivermectin, spinosad or barettin. After four to six days the larva was counted to analyze the settling.

En studie rörande brottspåföljder : Straffets legitimering

AbstractThe author Selma Lagerlöf was born in 1858 at Mårbacka, in Värmland and died in 1940. Fifty years after Selma´s death were her correspondence released and ten thousand of letters were found in the collection. But it was just the correspondence between Selma and Sofie Elkan who interested people because they wanted to know if Selma and Sofie have had a sexual relationship. Later, in time for Christmas 2008 the Swedish Television shows a film about Selma. "Selma Lagerlöf Society" was critical to the movie and thougt that the movie focused too much on Selma`s sexual orientation.

Upplevelser av nedsatt sväljningsförmåga hos personer med dysfagi till följd av stroke

Stroke is one of the most common diseases in Sweden and the third most common cause of death (National guidelines concerning stroke, 2000). Dysphagia is a common problem for stroke patients with almost 50 percent of patients suffering from severe swallowing dysfunction (Axelsson, Asplund, Norberg & Eriksson, 1989). The purpose of this study was to investigate how stroke patients with dysphagia experience their swallowing disorders. The method used was a qualitative literature study. An analysis of content was carried out using ideas and inspiration from Graneheim and Lundman (2003).

?Att de ska få uppleva nånting av det liksom? det är målet?. : En studie om fyra slagverkslärares tankar om didaktiska möjligheter i slagverksundervisning på gymnasiet.

Syftet med min uppsats har varit att undersöka mönster som binder samman normen, barnet och döden i Tim Burtons verssamling The melancholy death of Oyster boy and other stories. Detta gör jag med hjälp av en tematisk och komparativ metod för att undersöka motivet konflikten mellan barnet och samhället i boken i jämförelse med traditionell och subversiv barnlitteratur. Jag inleder med en översikt av hur konflikten mellan barnet och samhället sett ut i barnlitteratur, där drar jag även paralleller till Burtons bok. Därefter gör jag en analys av relationen mellan föräldrarna och barnen i boken i jämförelse med subversiv och traditionell barnlitteratur, för att visa på hur detta motiv kommer fram i Burtons bok. Jag går sedan över till att diskutera relationen till andra karaktärer, samt barnet och normen, för att sedan avsluta med en översikt av motivet döden i barnlitteratur och hur detta motiv framkommer i Burtons berättelser..

En tid av väntan före döden : En litteraturstudie - Tre människors sista tid i livet

Bakgrund: Det finns en tid av väntan före döden. För att kunna vänta på döden krävs det från individen en acceptans och medvetenhet kring att man ska dö.Syfte: Syftet med studien var att belysa patienters upplevelse av väntan när de befinner sig i ett palliativt skede.Metod: En kvalitativ litteraturstudie av tre biografier, Den utmätta tiden, Tisdagarna med Morrie och Ro utan åror. En teoristyrd analys utifrån de sex S:n, samt en systematisk textkondensering användes.Resultat: I analysen framkom två teman: Viktiga inslag i väntan på döden och Reflektioner kring liv och död. Det framkom att väntan är en process med fyra stadier: Acceptans, Väntan på sjukdomens väg, Förberedande inför döden och När bara väntan finns kvar. De två teman finns genomgående i de tre första stadierna.Diskussion: I diskussionen speglas resultatet mot bakgrunden och egna reflektioner påtalas.

Textreklamens limbo : Hur tidskriftjournalister ser på textreklam, produktplacerande företag och etiska riktlinjer

Dark Tourism is a relatively new concept, but as a phenomenon it has existed for centuries in the form of pilgrimages and gladiator games. The term includes visits to places associated with death and disaster, and has in more recent years become a highlighted tourist niche. This paper addresses the phenomenon of Dark Tourism and the reasons behind a visit to such an attraction. To find out the motive behind people's visits, interviews were conducted with respondents who have previously visited one or more Dark Tourism sites. A total of 32 people were interviewed about what influenced them to go to such a macabre place.

Änglabarn : Föräldrars upplevelser av att förlora ett barn i sjukdom

Background: When a parent loses its child life will change drastically and assume other conditions. The loss of a child affects the whole human existence, the grief can be very intense as well as in-depth and find expression both on an emotional, physical, mental and spiritual level. Aim: The aim is to describe parents? experiences of losing a child to illness. Method: Graneheim and Lundmans manifest content analysis method was used to the method based on qualitative raw material in forms of three Swedish autobiographies.

Experiences and needs of family members in the end of life care at a nursinghome

Background: There might be a risk that family members experience limited possibilities to act, participate and influence the end of life care for the elderly in the nursing home. For family members it could be the first time they face death which can imply a lot of questions and existential needs. Aim: The aim of this study was to examine the needs of family members in the patient terminal care in a nursing home. Research methods: The study implemented a qualitative approach and data was collected through four interviews and through a literature review were 17 articles were selected. The results were processed and analysed with a qualitative content analysis and two main categories, participation and assurance with subcategories were identified.

Anhörigas behov av stöd, när de vårdar vuxna närstående med cancer : en litteraturstudie

Cancer was the second most common cause of death in Sweden in 2011. As the number of beds in hospitals decreases, numerous severely ill patients receive care at home. This results in family members performing important parts of the caring process. The aim of this study was to describe the caregivers' support needs from healthcare professionals when caring for an adult relative with cancer. A literature review was performed, in which results from empirical studies were reviewed and summarized.


An organisation in Skåne, Miljösamverkan Skåne, presented a project in 2011 concerning food labeling. All municipalities in Skåne, audited certain products in several stores, in order to determine if they were labeled correctly according to law. Stores who produced their own food where also audited. As Swedes generally have an interest in buying and cooking food from different countries, the demand is increasing, which makes stores provide the customers with a large range of different products to accommodate the demand. This essay will discuss the results of the project and how incorrect food labeling can affect human health.

Konst Kräver Offer : En analys av Nathalia Edenmonts konstnärskap i ljuset av Pierre Bourdieus kulturteori

Nathalia Edenmont is a controversial and uncompromising photo artist who has caused the whole world to rage over her obscene photographs. In this thesis I have researched Edenmonts artistry with help of the sociologist Pierre Bourdieus field analysis. By using Bourdieus's different field concepts I have researched Edenmonts artistic career by concepts such as habitus, consecration and different principles.The starting point of this research has been that Nathalia Edenmont is in the autonomous artistic field. I give examples of images that have been highly debated and I have collected information of how Edenmont sees her own images and her artistry. In this thesis I show amongst other things an example with Edenmonts photograph of dead rabbits with Elizabethan hair styling, cut up mice that work like finger puppets and children who are bound up in wire.Nathalia Edenmont autonomous artistry is deeply rooted in her background and the environment in which she was raised.

Cystisk fibrosAtt vara förälder till ett barn med cystisk fibros

Background: Cystic fibrosis (CF) is the most common hereditary disease that leads to an early death. Earlier CF was considered as a childhood disease but today the expected age is 50 years. CF affects all the epithelial cells in the body which makes mucus and other body fluids more viscous than normal. The thick mucus leads to among other things respiratory problems and infections of the lungs. Today there is no cure, only medicines that controls the symptoms.Aim: To describe parents experiences living with a child with CF.

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