

1431 Uppsatser om Intra-organizational outsourcing - Sida 60 av 96

Samtalet om biblioteksutvecklingen i Falkenbergs kommun

The municipality of Falkenberg is a result of a unification of several smaller municipalities in 1971, each one with a small library. This left Falkenberg with an unusual large amount of smaller branch libraries. The object of this thesis is to describe and try to understand the political conflicts that have erupted during the period 1971-1994. Through a case study containing press clippings from the local newspaper, different reports, political meeting protocols, a historical background of the library and a study of library specific norms and regulations I can create an image of the heated debate. The participants in this debate can be divided into politicians and civil servants and the conflict circles round the fact that from an economical perspective, there is not enough budget to keep all the small, local libraries.

Folkbibliotekets roll på landsbygden och i staden

The purpose of this master?s thesis is to examine whether the role of a public library in a rural community is different from that of a town library. To answer this, a case studie of two public libraries has been made. Interviews, collection of documents and observations were carried out on location in one public library located in a rural area, and one public library, situated in a town. A modified version of an analysis model, originally developed by Andersson and Skot-Hansen, was used to analyse the data.

ABC-kalkylering i praktiken

This thesis is based on an assignment from a unit within an international group manufacturing industrial products. The purpose of the thesis is to analyze and suggest ways to improve the cost accounting system in use at the unit. The main source of empirical data has been interviews with employees. The theoretical framework is based on a comparison between traditional/standard costing and activity-based costing (ABC). The cost accounting system in use is described in detail and classified as a traditional/standard cost accounting system.

"På väg mot en mer jämställd arbetsplats" : -en kvalitativ studie om jämställdhetsarbetet på en offentlig förvaltning i sydvästra Sverige

Studien syftar till att studera jämställdhetsarbetet och synen på jämställdhet i en kommunal förvaltning. Ambitionen är att ur ett jämställdhetsperspektiv identifiera förbättringsområden och komma med förslag på strategiskt jämställdhetsarbete och hållbar jämställdhetsutveckling inom förvaltningens olika enheter. I vår studie har vi använt en kvalitativ ansats i syfte att nå en djupare förståelse för hur respondenterna upplever och ser på jämställdhet och jämställdhetsarbetet i förvaltningen. För att nå en sådan förståelse har vi sammanlagt gjort tio semistrukturerade intervjuer varav en dessa tio var en informantintervju. Vi använde oss av Kvales meningskoncentrering där de större meningarna som intervjupersonerna uttalade formulerades mer koncentrerat för att underlätta analysen av vår empiri.

Verksamhetsförändring : Sociologiska perspektiv på implementeringen av barnkonventionen inom BVC

This study aims to create an understanding of how employees relate to directives that come from a level above them in the hierarchy and is to be implemented in their working activities. This is studied by examining a case where a work group has tried to implement orders, given to them by the government and through a work group in the level above them in the organizations, concerning how employees working with child health care is to educate parents regarding the child convention. The method that have been use in this study is group interviews with 19 child health care nurses and the two main questions that are asked is why has it been difficult to implement the orders and how have the child health care nurses expressed their resistance to the changes, this since only five of the nurses had begun working with the child convention. The theories that have been used focus on how resistance towards change is expressed, organizational incapability and reluctance towards change, as well as how grass root bureaucrats relates to change. The conclusion that can be drawn from this study is that it is important to let the concerned parties participate from the beginning of the process, to minimize their reluctance to the changing process.

Kartläggning av socialtjänstens arbete med våld i nära relationer : - en studie av sju kommuner i nordvästra Stockholm

Intimate partner violence is a problem which is increasingly drawing attention in society. The authority responsible for providing care and support to victims of intimate partner violence and their children is the social services. The purpose of this study was to show how social workers deal with intimate partner violence and to create a description of how this work is currently carried out in seven municipalities in the north-west of Stockholm. This was done through a quantitative survey including all investigating social workers in the municipalities concerned. The results were analysed with concepts from organizational theory.

KRAV-grisar har fler ledanmärkningar än konventionellt uppfödda grisar.

Promoters are genetic elements that facilitate the transcription of a gene and they have been found in front of non-coding RNA (ncRNA) genes in different organ-isms, e.g. the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana. A similar element, DUSE, has been found in front of ncRNAs in the social amoeba Dictyostelium discoideum and a part of this project has been to analyze the function of this putative promoter element through cloning and expression studies. A construct to analyze the func-tion of DUSE was successfully designed and introduced into D. discoideum but full expression studies were not finished because of shortage of time.

Nyckeltalet - en studie av effektivitetsmätning i insamlingsorganisationer

The study examines how efficiency and effectiveness are measured in charity organizations in Sweden. The rules of Svensk Insamlingskontroll, Årsredovisningslagen and Bokföringslagen make up the accounting framework upon which efficiency and effectiveness are measured in charity organizations. The study is based upon interviews with the sector's main actors: Svensk Insamlingskontroll, Frivilligorganisationernas insamlingsråd, auditors and the charity organizations themselves. The interviews are supplemented by studies of the guidelines issued by Svensk Insamlingskontroll. Today's measure of efficiency is the percentage of a charity organization's income that benefits their goals, called nyckeltalet.

Den levande uppfattningen om landstinget : En studie om hur Landstinget i Värmland uppfattas av invånarna i Värmland

The study´s purpose is to identify how their communication affects their brand. The study will be made trough the perspective image, the values and associations which the target audience have about the County Council. The study has two question formulations: Which parts in the County Council's communication affect their brand? How does the residents in Värmland's image about County Council's look like? The study is based in Balmers 6C's of Corporate Marketing. There´s also some organizational communication added  to the study.The two methods has been used in the study, qantitative survey's and qualitative interviews.

Varför just nu? : En kvalitativ studie av ett hälsoprojekt

Vårt syfte med denna studie har varit att beskriva de individuella och organisatoriskaomständigheter som skapade förutsättningar för genomförandet av hälsoprojektet. Vi hardärmed sökt svar på vilka möjligheter informanterna upplevde fanns för att tillämpa sig av denya kunskaper som förvärvats under projektet. Studien genomfördes inom Norrköpingskommun och populationen utgjordes av sex enhetschefer. För att nå den förståelse och detdjup vi eftersökt valde vi att använda oss av kvalitativ metod. Datainsamling genomfördes iform av semi- strukturerade intervjuer, dessa analyserades sedan och ställdes mot de teoriersom vi utifrån litteratur och tidigare forskning valt ut som mest lämpade för denna studie.Resultatet visar på att informanterna var motiverade till att genomföra hälsoprojektet men attden rådande situationen ledde till att utfallet av projektet inte blev som förväntat.

Analys av ett företags internkommunikation med hjälp av CSM

ternal communication in an organization by using CSM Communication Situations Model [18[upps-01.gif The topic of this master thesis is internal organizational communication and factors influencing the way people in an organization communicate with each other. The purpose of the study is to, by using a specific model called Communication Systems/Situations Model CSM, identify the social context of a given organization and examine how it relates to the dimensions of communicational behaviour which are presented in CSM. We would also like to see how the different parts of CSM affects the choice of communication channels. The thesis is based on interviews with eight employees in the specific organization, whom we have asked a number of questions regarding how they communicate with each other and through which channels. The results show that the social context is very informal within the organization and the relationships between the employees are very open and personal.

Digitaliseringen av den kirurgiska v?rden. En effektiv organisation eller r?rigt kaos?

The digitization in the Swedish health care sector is rapidly growing. This study investigates whether the digitalization in health care has led to higher quality and an increased value for patients. Interviews with staff in various health care professional categories were conducted to qualitatively study how the implementation of digitization is perceived in practice by those directly involved. Furthermore, an observation was made, where a doctor was followed duringa workday to study the different digitalization software tools that are being used. Previous studies and other relevant literature accompanied the study of digitalization in health care. Organizational theories were compared with the practical organization management at the studied health care organization, as well as their dependence on other authorities and companies.

Landsting möter landsting i gränsöverskridande samverkan. Om förändring och beslutsfattande i offentlig verksamhet.

A current debate is going on in Sweden about the health-care organization, how it is structured today and how it should be structured in the future. Despite major changes in the county council structures, they still got problems with for instance economy and the providing of staff. As an answer to these problems new solutions are being developed.In this thesis I examine such a solution consisting of cooperation between county councils. The aim of the thesis is to examine how and why the county councils in Sörmland and Västmanland have made a decision regarding cooperation over the administrative border.My contribution is to construct a model over change and decision processes that can be used in other cases as well. The conclusion is partly that the decision to cooperate is built on changing structural factors, such as economy, demography and medical development.

Det talas om utbrändhet : vilken roll spelar maktstrukturen

In this paper we investigate whether power structures in organizations have an influence in the process that leads to burnout. We analyze if these power structures affect the individual?s health condition toward burnout in a way that leads to disability and subsequent absence from work. In the study, six persons who all have been unable to work due to burnout have been studied through qualitative, semi-structured interviews. The material have been coded with three different themes; leadership and hierarchy, responsibility and delegation of responsibility and performance and loyalty.

Evidensbaserad praxis inom arbetsterapi : en litteraturstudie

Att arbeta evidensbaserat innefattar både ett förhållningssätt och en process, vilket ställer krav på den enskilde arbetsterapeuten att kontinuerligt ompröva olika arbetsmetoder. Syftet med denna uppsats var att belysa arbetsterapeuters kunskap om och attityd till evidensbaserad praxis. Vidare att undersöka vilka hinder som angavs och förslag till lösning av eventuella hinder för att arbeta evidensbaserat. Metoden litteraturstudie användes och artiklarna valdes utifrån systematisk litteratursökning. Tio artiklar, publicerade 2000-2005, från fyra olika länder granskades avseende olika aspekter av evidensbaserad praxis.

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