1169 Uppsatser om Intimate partner violence (IPV) - Sida 34 av 78
Det (o)möjliga föräldraskapet : Reproduktion och etablering av en god familjerelation
This theises focus on how a ideal parentship can be reproduced and established in an organization that is incorporated in the familycourt, provided by the social institution. The organization provides help for parents and children during and after a divorce or separation, the organization also provides help for families where violence has occured or in cases when parent and child doesn´t know one another. When a custodial dispute arise´s and one of the two is granted soul costody of the child, the guardian in most cases is the mother. Therefor this organization mostly handels fathers and their children. The study shows that gender, class and possesing of the right will are the three main aspects that have an effect on who ends up at the organization.
Förändring av rädslans rum : med trygghetsskapande
This project has resulted in an website at www.tinadunker.se, where you also can download the project in it´s written form to get a deeper view of the project.
This project aims to explore fear of violence in public places. Fear of violence reminds us that there is a problem in our urban environment that leads to spatial consequences in using public space. Many groups in our society experience fear in their everyday life but this project has focus on women?s fear.
Samverkan, värk eller mästerverk? : En kvalitativ studie om samverkan vid ett Barnahus.
This is a qualitative study based on interviews with professionals who are cooperating at a children advocacy center, in swedish called ?Barnahus?. The center, Barnahus, pulls together law enforcement, criminal justice, child protective service, medical and mental health workers in to one coordinated team. Children suspected to be victims of any kind of violence or sexual abuse shall, at Barnahus, be offered coordinated efforts and support all the way from suspicion to possible intervention. The aim of the study is to examine how the participants involved relate to collaboration in Barnahus. The study will also present the success factors and barriers to collaboration that identifies by the participating actors, who are mentioned above.The study will provide insight and understanding of how collaboration can be represented in multiprofessional activities in practice..
Human Resources Business Partner : Diskrepansen mellan rollens krav och den organisatoriska verkligheten
Personalarbetet har sedan det introducerades i organisationer präglats av ett skiftande fokus och en otydlig ansvarsfördelning. Detta har resulterat i att personalchefers arbetsroll saknar tydliga gränser och ofta slits mellan att vara operativ och strategisk. Tidigare forskning visar att organisationsstrukturen skapar olika hinder och möjligheter för arbetsrollen och dess inflytande i organisationen. Samtidigt saknar personalchefer ofta den makt och prestige som traditionellt sätt finns i en chefsroll, vilket ytterligare bidrar till att skapa en komplexitet i arbetsrollen. Syftet med studien är att utifrån intervjuer med fem decentraliserat organiserade personalchefer skapa kunskap om hur personalchefer upplever sin arbetsroll och sitt inflytande i organisationen.
Filmspridning och ny teknik i samband med huliganvåld : En studie om hur filmklipp sprids och hur dagens teknik används av svenskafotbollshuliganer och supportrar
We have in this study preformed a quantitative examination on how hooligans use film and new technologies to spread private videos on the Internet. With today´s technologies it is very easy for hooligans to publish their videos. In this study, we have choosen to do a questionnaire poll based on seven questions about what people think of hooliganviolence on online video sharing sites. We have also conducted an online interview with a former swedish hooligan. The people who participated in our study are all anonymous, and therefore we have no age or gender included in our study.
Key Account Management i verksamheten: en fallstudie av Telia Partner
The purpose with this thesis is to illustrate companies? way of using Key Account Management in the organization. We developed the four following research questions: Why do companies choose to use Key Account Management? How do companies identify and choose their key customers? How does a key account manager work? How do the skills needed by a key account manager look like? The results showed that KAM offered several important benefits, mainly of economical characteristics. Identification of the key accounts was mainly conducted through certain economical criteria the customers had to fulfil.
Miljöpolicyintegration hos Sida? - nedslag i ett policyurval för att identifiera EPI
The development aid from Sweden to developing countries is a activity thatinvolves a great deal of monetary founds as well as an opportunity to influence the environmental situation in a partner country. It´s also an opportunity to promote Sweden's values in a field like the environment, setting a good example is important. This thesis aims to evaluate Sida´s environmental policy and find out if there in fact is a Environmental Policy Integration Policy (EPI) taking place. EPI is a policyimplementation theory that emphasise the importance of the total integration of the environmental in the organisation as a whole. To identify this I will use a theoretical framework of indicators invented by William M.
IT-samhällets kärleksbrev : En kvalitativ innehållsanalys av kommunikationen via nätdejting
Abstract Author: Kristin NäsTitle: The technology society?s love letters ? a qualitative analysis of communication through internet dating.Level: BA Thesis in CommunicationLocation: University of KalmarLanguage: SwedishNumber of pages: 53 Keywords: communication, dating, web dating, gendering talk, interaction, flirting, the internet, contact, communities.Summary: A qualitative study on the subject of internet dating and how people using internet dating chooses to present them self and how they choose to communicate with others to create contact. Internet dating is a phenomenon that is continually growing. 2 million people in Sweden are singles today and more than half of them have tried internet dating at least once. The purpose of this study was to research the way people choose to present them self and how the communication on an internet dating site is used.
Fantomen: Från ungkarl till hemmaman : Genuskonstruktioner i äventyrsserien Fantomen av Lee Falk
In this essay I analyse the constructions of gender in the series The Phantom by Lee Falk. I apply David Tjeders readings of the bourgouise masculinity, its sensitive character and great risk of falling into unmanliness, when discussing The Phantom?s masculine development. I have analysed three adventures of The Phantom from the years 1937, 1977 and 1996, all authored by original creator Lee Falk. I argue that The Phantom increases his use of violence, therefore risking a loss of character.
Är Sveriges EU-medlemskap gynnsamt för Småland-Blekinge regionens främjande av små till medelstora företag?"
This case-study examines the correlation between young men and democratic instability in group discussions with two analyzing methods in one. One part of the method used is deliberative democracy which aims to explain how democracy works within the frames of discussion in ordinary citizens groups. In this study the citizens is upper level secondary school students. The other part of the method used is the theory pulled by many scholars lately, the demographic impact on democracy. With these two combined in one this study compare the theory of young men as more active in political violence and as a destabilising factor of democracy on country-level with the results of the study in deliberative democracy in small group discussions.
Att se utsatta elever : Tre skolkuratorers perspektiv på hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck
Denna studie i socialantropologi är baserad på kvalitativa intervjuer med tre skolkuratorer. Den handlar om deras uppfattningar om och erfarenheter av hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck. Hedersproblematiken har sina rötter i kollektivets dominans över individen, patriarkala mönster och kulturkrock. Skolan har ett stort ansvar att se de utsatta eleverna, men det råder skilda meningar om vilka som utsätts. Vanligtvis ses flickor som offer för fäders och bröders våld i familjerna, men skolkuratorernas erfarenheter visar att alla individer i familjer där hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck existerar tycks i varierande grad vara delaktiga i våldet, och att även pojkarna kan vara offer..
Kvinnliga och manliga gymnasieelevers upplevelse av hur de mår och hur de använder alkohol
SCB menar att ängslan, oro och ångest blivit vanligare bland unga i Sverige. En kvalitativ studie gjordes där syftet var att belysa hur ungdomar själva uttrycker att de mår. Hur de hanterar problem och om de använder alkohol som en möjlig copingstrategi, samt att ta reda på vad som påverkar deras humör. Tio gymnasielever i mellersta Sverige deltog. Resultaten visade att stress och nedstämdhet var förekommande och att sju personer använde alkohol, men ingen använde alkohol som copingstrategi.
Enkätundersökning hos markägare inom SCA Skog Ångermanlands Skogsförvaltning
This report is a joint venture with SCA Forest, Ångermanlands forest man-agement area. The purpose of the study is that SCA Forest wants to know what the landowners in Ångermanlands forest management area think about SCA Forest and who they deliver their timber to.
SCA Forest is the largest private landowner in Europe, with an area of about 2.6 million hectares. Today, SCA offers lumber, wood products, tis-sue and packaging and has factories all over the world. SCA Forest has five forest management areas in the north of Sweden, with the headquarters in Sundsvall.
A questionnaire was sent to 265 landowners, where they had to answer 15 questions with possibilities to give comments. The survey was sent out on 21 of February with a response requested by 3 of March
125 landowners responded to the survey, giving a response rate of 47%.
Jag ser att du har ont : Validering från partner till patienter med kronisk smärtproblematik; Effekt på emotioner
The purpose of this essay is to investigate what kind of motives where behind the long term decisions for the Swedish military defense in 2000 and 2004. This leads to the questions that the essay is meant to answer; 1. Were the motives behind the two decisions for the Swedish military defense of economic character or an adjustment of security and defense policy? 2. Was the parliament united in the two decisions and if they were not, why? 3.
Det sociala stödets betydelse vid en sorgeprocess
Någon gång i livet kommer de flesta individer tvingas möta på de svårigheter som en sorg för med sig. Sorg är en reaktion på en förlust. Syftet med studien var att belysa stödformer som kan hjälpa individer i deras sorgeprocess. Där sorgeprocessen i detta fall relaterar till förlusten av en närstående. Deltagarna var 23 stycken kvinnor mellan åldrarna 19-62 som hade upplevt en sorgeprocess till följd av närståendes bortgång.