

1169 Uppsatser om Intimate partner violence (IPV) - Sida 13 av 78

Kreativa lösningar : En kvalitativ undersökning om att polisanmäla hedersrelaterat våld mot barn inom socialtjänsten

The purpose of this study has been to investigate how socialworkers describe their attitudes towards reporting childabuse to the police and if they make different decisions when they believe the violence to be honour related and how they handle these questions. The main questions are; How does socialworkers describe their and their colleagues attitudes towards reporting childabuse to the police and when do they believe they should report? Do they describe honourviolence as a specific kind of violence that should be lifted and in what way does it affect their work? The study is written from a legal sociologist perspective with a qualitative approach. Four socialworkers were interviewed and the interviews were analyzed with an anti-racist theory and with the theory about freedom of action.The conclusions is that the socialworkers mostly report childabuse to the police when the violence is physical. This means that children who describes to be subjected to psychological violence, including honourviolence, has poor legal security.

Upplevelsen av sexualitet vid prostatacancer - ett parperspektiv: En litteraturstudie

Män som drabbats av prostatacancer fick en negativ påverkan på sexualiteten. Biverkningarna av behandlingen bidrog till erektionsproblem, minskad lust och feminisering. Detta påverkar även männens partner då sexlivet förändras och i många fall upphör. Syftet med litteraturstudien var att med ett inifrånperspektiv beskriva upplevelsen av sexualitet vid prostatacancer, sett från både mannen och dess partners perspektiv. Tio vetenskapliga artiklar kvalitetsgranskades och analyserades med kvalitativ innehållsanalys.

Anhörigas upplevelser av att leva med en partner med demens

Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka anhörigas upplevelser av att leva med en partner med demens. När en människa drabbas av kronisk sjukdom, förändras hela livssituationen för den drabbade och dennes familj. De anhörigas livsutrymme blir begränsat och partnerns beroende leder till bundenhet. Studien baserades på åtta intervjuer och analyserades med kvalitativ innehållsanalys med latent och manifest ansats. Denna analys resulterade i ett övergripande tema: Från tvåsamhet till ensamhet vilken innefattar tre kategorier: Att livet och livskamraten förändras, Att stöd från omgivningen är betydelsefullt, Att återhämta sig och skapa ett nytt liv.

Tillsammans: men varför? En kvantitativ studie om parrelationer.

Imagine not being able to choose who you are going to be in an intimate relationship with. It used to be like that but the situation has changed - these days we have a lot of different options available to choose for ourselves how to live our lives. We have a lot of different ways to influence how we want to live our lives and with whom we want to share them with.The aim of this study was to examine how individuals feel about their relationship and why they choose to stay in a relationship with their current partner. How do individuals in a relationship feel about aspects including for example conflicts, communication and trust? Is Anthony Giddens theory about the pure relationship applicable on relationships today? To find the answers to these questions we made a quantitative study and used a questionnaire to collect empirical data.


I Sverige mördas 17 kvinnor om året av en man de är eller nyligen har varit i intimt förhållande med. Det innebär en kvinna var tredje vecka. Omständigheterna är oftast de samma. Separation, med kvinnan som drivande part. Mannen de lämnar är svartsjuk och av kontrollerande typ.

Ekonomiskt utnyttjande av äldre i nära relationer : en kvalitativ studie

The purpose of this study was to inquire how social workers perceive and describe financial abuse of older persons. Six qualitative interviews were carried out and the assembled data was then categorized and analyzed using a theory considering exercise of power and ageism as a theoretical frame. Previous research has shown that at least 10% of older persons have been exposed to some form of abuse or violence; however, there is a lack of research carried out in a Swedish context regarding financial abuse specifically. The six persons interviewed in this study all presented financial abuse as some kind of violence and as previous research has shown the study suggests that this is an increasing problem. Further research ought to be carried out to increase the awareness of this particular form of abuse and to facilitate discovery and development of measures to prevent financial abuse of older persons.

Hedersrelaterat våld kombinerat med annan problematik - Om eventuella samband mellan utsatthet för hedersrelaterat våld och utvecklandet av psykisk ohälsa och/eller en missbruksproblematik

The purpose of this essay is to explore how social workers view a possible connection between exposure to honour violence and development of mental illness and/or substance abuse. We first heard of the possible connection from a voluntary organization who work in this field and who believe that this connection could be common. We therefore wanted to explore this from the perspective of social workers who come into contact with victims of honour violence: was this something they had noticed? How did they deal with it if it was noticed? We also asked how the possible connection could be interpreted and, supposing the social workers had failed to notice the connection, why this could be. We made five qualitative interviews with six social workers working in different contexts whom within their work come across honour-related issues.

Utvärdering av Komm-A, en modell för arbete med kommunikationsbok för personer med afasi i logopedisk verksamhet

The purpose of this study was to evaluate Komm-A, a model for usingcommunication books in clinical practice for people with aphasia. The studyconsisted of two group studies and one case study. One of the group studies had apretest-posttest design and consisted of nine couples; a person with aphasia andhis/her communication partner. The material used was Quality of communicationlife scale (QCL), Communicative effectiveness index (CETI), Goal attainmentscaling (GAS), and a questionnaire to the communication partner. The other groupstudy consisted of seven speech-language pathologists who worked with thecouples according to the Komm-A model.

Barn som utsätts för våld i nära relationer : Vilken hjälp bistår socialtjänsten med?

The main purpose of this study is to find out what kind of help social service in one selected municipality in Sweden can provide for children who have witnessed or been victims of domestic violence. Using focus group interview this study investigate how the social workers meet the needs of these children. The bases for our analysis are the Organization Theory and the Attachment Theory, as well as previous research. Important results are that the social services are dependent on notifications in order to do their work and that the most common interventions are foster care, emergency foster care and/or family therapy. The difficulties that social workers perceive their work are unjustified families and heavy workloads.

Våld i HBT-relationer ur ett socialarbetarperspektiv : En kvalitativ studie om socialarbetares upplevelser av att arbeta med våld i HBT-relationer

Föreliggande studie syftar till att undersöka och analysera vilka utbildningsmässiga och organisatoriska förutsättningar som socialarbetarna upplever att det finns för att tillgodose stödbehoven för den som upplevt våld i en HBT-relation. Syftet är vidare att undersöka och analysera socialarbetarnas beskrivningar och föreställningar kring begreppen makt, normer och värderingar kopplat till det praktiska arbetet med våld i HBT-relationer. Studien har en fenomenografisk ansats och bygger på intervjuer med socialarbetare som arbetar med våld i nära relation. Maktperspektiv har använts som teoretisk referensram i studien. Av resultatet framkommer att både de egna och samhällets normer och värderingar har stor påverkan på bemötandet i det praktiska arbetet.

Screening, intuition och erfarenhet; Nordiska barnavårdscentraler, mödravårdscentraler och gynekologimottagningars arbete med att identifiera och hjälpa kvinnor och barn som utsätts för våld i en nära relation. En litteraturbaserad studie.

Introduction: Domestic violence is a big public health problem and the hiddennumbers over victims are big. There is a lack of scientific research in the Nordiccountries when it comes to how the health- and medical care identify and care for thevictims of domestic violence. Aim: This literature review has two aims: To investigatewhat kind of methods maternal health services, child health services and gynecologyclinics in the Nordic countries use to discover women and children exposed to domesticviolence and to investigate if there are any guidelines to go by when a victim ofdomestic violence is identified. Method: A literature review. 12 articles were found inPubMed, Scopus and Cinahl and three more were included after a manual search.

Fem över tolv en vinternatt : brottsoffer och medier en studie av olika berättelser om samma händelser

This study is based on narratives from two victims of violence. A raped old woman has turned to be the core of this narrative of narrative. She is both a narrator and the head person in her narrative. Her narrative turned out to be a dialogue between two genres namely her trauma story and her life story. By experience violence has been associated with masculinity and powr, which is discussed in some detail.

Offer eller förövare? : En analys av Dagens Nyheters rapportering om mäns våld mot kvinnor under perioden 1994-2009.

The purpose of the study was to analyze how media, in this case, the daily newspaper Dagens Nyheter, produces the men and women in men's violence against women in close relationships in news articles and if there has been a change over time in this production. It is a qualitative study in which 40 news articles from DN were analyzed. The starting point in the tanks around the analysis is from a social constructive perspective. Critical discourse analysis is the method I chose to use in the processing of news stories. The result is divided into four different blocks where each block presents the results and the analysis for the following years: 1994, 1999, 2004 and 2009.

Patienters upplevelser av hur relationen och vardagen med partnern förändras efter en genomgången hjärtinfarkt : En litteraturstudie

Hjärtinfarkt är ett av de största folkhälsoproblemen i Sverige. Nästan 37 000 personer insjuknade i akut hjärtinfarkt år 2006. Livet efter en hjärtinfarkt kan innebära stora förändringar för den drabbade. Syftet med litteraturstudien var att beskriva hur patienter efter en genomgången hjärtinfarkt upplever att relationen och vardagen med partnern förändras. Litteraturstudien har en kvalitativ ansats.

Mänsklig säkerhet i Sudan- För vem och mot vad?

The concept of security is a contested one. The United Nations definition in UNDPs Development report of 1994 is the most authoritive and commonly cited. The civil war in Sudan has led to 2 million deaths and over 5.5 million refugees. In a resolution from 2005, the UN decided that the war in Sudan was a threat to international security and peace. The 10th of January UN decided that a peace commission ought to be send with 10 000 military and civil men including 700 policemen.The main purpose of this thesis is to improve our knowledge of those factors which can cause an increased risk of conflict within a state, and how that can affect the social conditions for individuals.

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