

847 Uppsatser om Intervention (folkrätt) - Sida 2 av 57

Varför barn får kontaktperson och kontaktfamilj : En aktstudie om barnens bakgrund och skäl till insats

The aim of this study was to look into why children receive the interventions contact person and contact family. This was done by studying case-files. The main questions were:-       How common is it that there are reasons for the intervention linked to parents and which are the most common?-       How common is it that there are reasons for the intervention and problems linked to children and which are the most common?-       Is there any indication of connections between reasons, age, gender or type of intervention? If so, what are the connections?The main results of this study were that most of the children lived with a single mother, often with a weak social network, and in need of relief. It was more common that reasons were linked to children then parents and the most common reasons indicated a need for an extra adult.

Habilitering av barn och ungdomar med dövblindhet

Aim: The aim of this study was to study through papers if early intervention of children and adolescents with deaf-blindness can be facilitated through early intervention programs, cochlear implants (CI) and communication strategies.Method: The method that we used was a literature study of scientific articles through Pubmed and Cinahl databases. The articles reference lists were also studied which lead to that more papers were found.Results: Children and adolescents with deaf-blindness can benefit from early intervention programs, when their caregivers were educated to give appropriate response to the children?s behavior. The interaction between children and their caregivers can improve through an early intervention model. Children and adolescents with Deafblindness have variable results from CI.

Oxytocin-Ett risktagande eller en tillförlitlig behandling vid långdraget förlossningsförlopp hos förstföderskor

Background: Breastfeeding frequency decrease in Sweden and infants born preterm is a particularly vulnerable group to not be breastfed according to current recommendations. Mothers of preterm infants have an extra need of support from the health care system. Mothers' self-efficacy in breastfeeding affects the outcome of breastfeeding. Health professionals' attitudes to breastfeeding have an impact on the breast feeding support they provide to the mothers.Aim: To investigate whether an intervention could strengthen self-efficacy in breastfeeding among mothers of premature babies. A further aim was to investigate whether the intervention influenced health professionals' attitudes to breastfeeding.Method/Design: An experimental study with quantitative approach in the form of questionnaire survey was conducted.

USA: s militära intervention i Irak : En studie av hur Bushadministrationens agerande överensstämmer med FN stadgan

AbstractUniversity of Växjö, School of Social SciencesCourse: POC 536, Political Science 41-60Title: The U.S. military intervention in Iraq ? A study of how the intervention corresponds with the UN CharterAuthors: Andreas Malmgren & Johan SchneiderSupervisor: Lennart BergfeldtDate: 2006-09-26The aim of this essay is through a qualitative literature study examine the main arguments of the Bush administration to justify a military intervention in Iraq. The theories used to explain the actions of the U.S. are system level analysis, hegemonism and realism while the UN Charter will be applied as a normative theory.

Amning av prematurfödda barn : En interventionsstudie om mammors tillit och vårdpersonals attityder

Background: Breastfeeding frequency decrease in Sweden and infants born preterm is a particularly vulnerable group to not be breastfed according to current recommendations. Mothers of preterm infants have an extra need of support from the health care system. Mothers' self-efficacy in breastfeeding affects the outcome of breastfeeding. Health professionals' attitudes to breastfeeding have an impact on the breast feeding support they provide to the mothers.Aim: To investigate whether an intervention could strengthen self-efficacy in breastfeeding among mothers of premature babies. A further aim was to investigate whether the intervention influenced health professionals' attitudes to breastfeeding.Method/Design: An experimental study with quantitative approach in the form of questionnaire survey was conducted.

Suveränitet i förändring : En jämförelse av Rysslands och Kinas syn på humanitär intervention i Kosovo och i Libyen

Suveränitetsbegreppet förändras. I en tid då mänskliga rättigheter viktas upp i relation till staters rättigheter omdefinieras suveränitet till förmån för mänsklig säkerhet. Det globala åtagandet till Responsibility to Protect visar på en ny förståelse av suveränitet hos stater. Detta har potential att lösa interventionsdilemmat, det vill säga den oförenlighet som uppstår mellan begreppen statssuveränitet och humanitär intervention. Auktoriseringen av den humanitära interventionen i Libyen 2011 kan ses som ett indicium på att en sådan suveränitetssyn fått praktiska effekter, även i stater med en traditionellt statsmoraliserande hållning; Kina och Ryssland.

När kan suveränitet begränsas och en intervention vara rättfärdigat? : föreställningar inom Europeiska Unionens riktlinjer och ramverk.

One of the big challenges for the European Union today lies in finding a common foreign policy for its 27 sovereign member states with their divided interests, experiences and traditions. New objectives set requirements on the Union to develop and intensify its military ability. The European Union´s view on when military force can be utilized sets concepts like sovereignty and intervention in focus. Can sovereignty be limited and if so can an intervention be justified? How did the Union argue regarding its participation in the intervention in Afghanistan, 2001? The Just War Theory gives the essay a normative framework against which to assess the Union´s view and guidelines for the use of military capabilities.


Bakgrund: Alkoholkonsumtionen har ökat!i Sverige och är idag en del av det sociala livet. Upptäckande och intervention vid alkoholproblem är viktigt både för individen och samhället. Dock är ämnet alkohol personligt och kan anses vara ett känsligt ämne att prata om inte bara för patienten men även för vårdpersonalen. Syfte: Syftet med denna litteraturstudie var att undersöka om läkare och sjuksköterskor upplevde att det fanns något som hindrade de från att engagera sig i upptäckande och intervention samt tala med patienter om deras alkoholvanor. Metod: Litteraturstudie som genomfördes genom granskningar av tio studier, 8 kvalitativa och 2 kvantitativa.

En studie av en hälsointervention mot stress, ohälsa och sjukfrånvaro bland kundtjänstanställda

The aim of this study was to investigate a health intervention at a Swedish telecom company, with regards to behavioral, cognitive and somatic stress, experienced health, and absence due to illness. A further aim was to investigate the employees' perceptions regarding the health intervention. Questionnaires were collected from 139 employees at the customer service departments.Results indicated that the health activity bowling to some extent could predict lower behavioral stress. However, the most important predictors of stress and perceived health were lack of meaningfulness and quantitative demands. Lack of meaningfulness was also a predictor of absence due to illness.

Imitation som intervention : En behandlingsstudie om hur Intensiv Imitation påverkar samspel och kommunikation hos en flicka med Rett syndrom

Rett syndrome is a congenital neurological syndrome, which in the classic phenotype only affects girls. The symptoms include lack of speech, stereotypic movements of hands, dyspraxia and mental retardation, and these symptoms lead to communicative impairments. The purpose of this study was to examine whether the intervention method Intensive Imitation affected interaction/communication and initiative in a girl with Rett syndrome. The design of the study was a Single Subject Experimental Design with a three-week long intervention period where the girl participated daily in 30- minute sessions of Intensive Imitation together with the test conductor. Interaction, communication and initiatives were observed and analyzed before (Baseline A), during and after (Baseline B) the intervention period.

AKKTIV-KomIgång inom barnlogopedi: pilotutvärdering av en utbildning till föräldrar som har barn med grav språkstörning

The purpose of the present pilot study was to evaluate the parentalintervention ComAlong at the Division of Child Language, for parents ofchildren with severe language impairment. ComAlong is one of the parentalinterventions developed in the AKKTIV project. AKKTIV stands foraugmentative and alternative communication ?early intervention. Thepresent study consists of a case study, a compilation of course evaluationsand an interview with the two leaders of the course.

Familjehemsföräldrars erfarenheter av Paired Reading med placerade barn : Lästräning utifrån nytta och nöje

The academic underachievement of looked after children is well known. By involving foster carers in a Paired Reading intervention a Swedish project tried to address this issue, replicating a successful British trial. The aim of my thesis was to study the variations in the foster carers? experiences of this literacy intervention. Reading reports from 100 children were collected and qualitative interviews with 15 foster parents were analyzed using concepts from motivational psychology.

Att göra skillnad i matematikundervisningen : En undersökning om en intervention kan påverka lågstadieelevers taluppfattning.

I denna studie har en intervention gjorts för att undersöka om det leda till att elever i lågstadiet får en större förståelse taluppfattning än innan. Utifrån förtester som gjordes i en årskurs 1 valdes fyra elever ut för att under sex tillfällen få delta i en intervention där de presenterades för olika användbara strategier vid räkning av olika matematikuppgifter. Efter varje tillfälle fick hela klassen, inklusive interventionsgruppen, göra tester för att se hur klassen utvecklas inom området gentemot interventionsgruppen. När interventionen var klar gjordes två eftertester för att se hur effekten av interventionen höll i sig.Resultatet visade att de flesta eleverna i interventionsgruppen fick ett bättre resultat än innan. Under interventionens gång kan man se att eleverna utvecklats och blivit mer säkra inom området taluppfattning.Inspirationen till detta arbete kom ifrån studier som bland annat Fueyo och Bushell Jr (1998) och Kaufmann, Handl och Thöny (2003) genomfört.

Hälsoeffekter av patientundervisning och läkemedelsanvändning vid Parkinsons sjukdom

AbstractBackgroundParkinson?s disease is a chronically not curable progressive disease that leads to different degrees of disability. Controlled studies on how patient education influences subjective health in Parkinson?s disease are lacking.AimThe aim of this study was to examine the influence patient education had on drug requirements and on subjective health status of persons with Parkinson?s disease.MethodologyA short form of Health Survey, SF-12, was used to measure perceived health. SF-12 was administered before and one month after patient education (intervention group; n= 48), and in waiting list control (n= 48).

Kontaktfamiljsinsatsen : Unga vuxnas upplevelser av insatsen kontaktfamilj som barn

The purpose of this study was to describe and analyse a group of young adults? childhood experiences of the intervention "contact family". The used methods were qualitative interviews and a standardised formulary with life questions, to strengthen the interviews and to compare data. The theoretical frame was taken from Bronfenbrenner?s child development theory and Antonovsky?s salutogenic perspective, which we supplemented with Hilchen Sommerschild?s theory about the "conditions of control".

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