

69 Uppsatser om Interruption of sedation - Sida 2 av 5

Likvärdigt bemötande i TV ? eller inte : En studie av fyra partiledarutfrågningar i SVT inför valet 2010

As the 2010 Swedish election was closing in, there was a discussion about how the media represented the different party leaders in a differential and unfair manner. This study aims to identify if there were any differences in how four of these party leaders, Lars Ohly, Maud Olofsson, Fredrik Reinfeldt and Mona Sahlin were treated in four individual questioning sessions on Swedish television. Utilizing conversation analysis the study focuses on identifying differences in the usage of interruptions between the four different sessions. The study also analyzes the aggressiveness of the journalists? questioning and how they designed their questions in the four different sessions.

Vilka lekar är tillåtna att leka i förskolan? : Om bra och dåliga lekar i förskolan

In this study I want to survey which plays preschool teachers thinks are accepted in preschool and wish aren?t. I also found it relevant to investigate when and why they choose to interrupt a play and what happens when they do? My interest for the possibility that we might judge by some values was the reason for my question formulations and for the follow-up questions in my interview. For my survey I used semi-structured interviews to get a deeper knowledge about this domain and for the opportunity to ask further supplementary questions.The results show how preschool teachers accept most of the plays and that those plays that aren?t accepted and in need of being disrupted or to be changed mostly are plays where someone could be hurt or violated. It also shows that the preschool teachers think that they should regulate or interrupt children´s plays as little as possible because most of the time interruption turns the plays in a negative direction.My conclusion is that preschool teachers are willing to see children?s intentions but there are also norms and values that regulate what´s accepted or not..

Utvärdering gällande implementeringen av System Aircraft Management för Täby Air Maintenance AB

Today we live in a world where the demands increase in the aeronautics industry. This creates a situation where no mistakes are allowed about the regulations and for those who are supposed to follow these. Safety comes first, tracking of components, Service Bulletins which are recommendations from the manufactures and Airworthiness Directives which are demands from the authorities, these need to be updated at all time and everything that is done on a aircraft need to be documented.This creates a situation where today maintenance shops need to have full control of all parts of the organization, which creates a need for a working data system.The goal with this exam work is to evaluate the best way to implicate the new bought data system called "System Aircraft Management" on the basis of the needs of Täby Air Maintenance AB. The system are supposed to get started technically and also be implicated to the users of the system. This work will be focused to create a effective working plan to get SAM implicated with no interruption in the daily work.

Koloskopi utan sedering

Koloskopi är en undersökning av tjocktarmen som förväntas öka i antal eftersom studiervisar att screening minskar dödligheten i kolorektalcancer. Patienten kan i vissa falluppleva undersökningen som smärtsam och obehaglig. Sjuksköterskan har enbetydelsefull roll i omvårdnaden. Syftet med studien var att belysa faktorer sompåverkar upplevelsen av smärta och obehag vid en koloskopiundersökning utansedering. Metoden var en litteraturstudie baserad på 19 vetenskapliga artiklar som harkvalitetsbedömts enligt protokoll.

Störningar inom kontrollzon

This paper is partially a literature study of human error and interruptions and partially an investigation of pilots and Air Traffic Control. The aim of the investigation was to find out where interruptions occur and how to reduce or eliminate them. The objective of this paper was to investigate what type of interruptions pilots and ATC deals with and during which phases they occur. The paper has revealed that private pilots causes more interruptions for ATC personnel than commercial pilots. The cause for this is probably the less experienced private pilot and the fact that Swedish is used before English by private pilots in communication with ATC.

Lönsamheten vid nystart av slaktsvinsproduktion : en fallstudie

I have done a case-study about building a new stable for slaughter pigs at a farm close to Kalmar. The farm is able to supply the breeding with cereals and it has enough area to spread the manure on. The most important factors to gain profit, is the cost for building the stable, the price of the feeding-stuff and the growth of the pigs. The discount from the slaughter-house was less important than I thought from the beginning, and it?s a factor that is hard to influence. With the new production of slaughter-pig and cattle that already exist on the farm, the farm will get a well-functioned rotation of crops with lye and autumn rape as interruption-crop.

Att studera validerade mätinstrument : för att mäta barns oro inför dagoperation

Background: Anxiety with children before surgery is well known. From the 1950s there are various assessment instruments. Despite that most day surgery units offer preparation for children and parents, there are many children who exhibit a strong anxiety the day of surgery, which can lead to postoperative behavioral changes. Today the nurse estimates the anxiety of a child on personal experience and knowledge, forming the basis for estimation whether the child is in need of sedation or not. The purpose: of this study was to evaluate instruments that the nurse can use in measuring the degree of anxiety of children before fast clinical settings, such as day surgery.

Massundanträngning i samband med pålning i lera

Voltage sag indices are a way of quantifying the performance of the power supply, as far as voltage sags are concerned. Indices can be defined for individual events, for individual sites, and for a whole system. A standard method for single-event methods is part of IEC standard 61000-4-30.This thesis emphasizes the importance of voltage sag indices and different methods for calculating three-phase voltage sag characteristics. Three-phase events measured in a medium network voltage over period of one month were analyzed, results examined and statistically evaluated. An algorithm for calculating voltage sag characteristics and indices was created in Matlab.

Bestämning av jordmodul för kringfyllnadsmaterial runt rörbroar

Voltage sag indices are a way of quantifying the performance of the power supply, as far as voltage sags are concerned. Indices can be defined for individual events, for individual sites, and for a whole system. A standard method for single-event methods is part of IEC standard 61000-4-30.This thesis emphasizes the importance of voltage sag indices and different methods for calculating three-phase voltage sag characteristics. Three-phase events measured in a medium network voltage over period of one month were analyzed, results examined and statistically evaluated. An algorithm for calculating voltage sag characteristics and indices was created in Matlab.

Produktionsavbrott - förekommer det effekter att lära av?

A large part of the time losses in production in modern manufacturing industry are a cause of unplanned interruptions in production. In this essay we have studied the effects of an unplanned interruption in production. The study was performed during one month on a press production line at Volvo Cars Body Components (VCBC) in Olofström. The effects of the interruptions have been studied on the basis of two perspectives of the environment of the production. The study started at the level of automation and was mainly done as a survey of the unplanned interruptions in production.

Studie av 3-dimensionella sidoeffekter vid etappvis schaktning i Götatunneln, J2

Voltage sag indices are a way of quantifying the performance of the power supply, as far as voltage sags are concerned. Indices can be defined for individual events, for individual sites, and for a whole system. A standard method for single-event methods is part of IEC standard 61000-4-30.This thesis emphasizes the importance of voltage sag indices and different methods for calculating three-phase voltage sag characteristics. Three-phase events measured in a medium network voltage over period of one month were analyzed, results examined and statistically evaluated. An algorithm for calculating voltage sag characteristics and indices was created in Matlab.

Utvärdering av trafiklösningar och markanvändning på Södra Älvstranden i Göteborg

Voltage sag indices are a way of quantifying the performance of the power supply, as far as voltage sags are concerned. Indices can be defined for individual events, for individual sites, and for a whole system. A standard method for single-event methods is part of IEC standard 61000-4-30.This thesis emphasizes the importance of voltage sag indices and different methods for calculating three-phase voltage sag characteristics. Three-phase events measured in a medium network voltage over period of one month were analyzed, results examined and statistically evaluated. An algorithm for calculating voltage sag characteristics and indices was created in Matlab.

Värdering och jämförelse av kvalitetsfaktorer för lokal kollektivtrafik i Helsingfors och Göteborg

Voltage sag indices are a way of quantifying the performance of the power supply, as far as voltage sags are concerned. Indices can be defined for individual events, for individual sites, and for a whole system. A standard method for single-event methods is part of IEC standard 61000-4-30.This thesis emphasizes the importance of voltage sag indices and different methods for calculating three-phase voltage sag characteristics. Three-phase events measured in a medium network voltage over period of one month were analyzed, results examined and statistically evaluated. An algorithm for calculating voltage sag characteristics and indices was created in Matlab.

Mineralogisk och strukturell inverkan på fragmenteringsenergi och andel producerat finmaterial i en konkross

Voltage sag indices are a way of quantifying the performance of the power supply, as far as voltage sags are concerned. Indices can be defined for individual events, for individual sites, and for a whole system. A standard method for single-event methods is part of IEC standard 61000-4-30.This thesis emphasizes the importance of voltage sag indices and different methods for calculating three-phase voltage sag characteristics. Three-phase events measured in a medium network voltage over period of one month were analyzed, results examined and statistically evaluated. An algorithm for calculating voltage sag characteristics and indices was created in Matlab.

En analys av nuvarande och framtida trygghetsarbete i fastighetsbolag "trygghet och säkerhet en investering för framtiden"

Voltage sag indices are a way of quantifying the performance of the power supply, as far as voltage sags are concerned. Indices can be defined for individual events, for individual sites, and for a whole system. A standard method for single-event methods is part of IEC standard 61000-4-30.This thesis emphasizes the importance of voltage sag indices and different methods for calculating three-phase voltage sag characteristics. Three-phase events measured in a medium network voltage over period of one month were analyzed, results examined and statistically evaluated. An algorithm for calculating voltage sag characteristics and indices was created in Matlab.

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