

298 Uppsatser om Interpretations of the Quran - Sida 4 av 20

Det sakrala landskapet i Olands härad

This paper analyses the existence and nature of the sacred landscape Olands härad during the Bronze Age and Iron Age. Olands härad is located in Northern Uppland, onthe way to Östhammar, about 30 km northeast of Uppsala. The interpretations are done with help of place names studies as well as archaeological finds. The results indicate that different types of cult locations can be found in the area..

Kulthus och deras hallar : Ett arbete om förhållandet dem emellan

This is a work about the relationship between cult houses and halls. In my essay I will go through four different places were cult houses and halls both exist. I will look at the findings and the landscapes were the settlements are located in. The places I have chosen are Lunda in Södermanland, Slöinge in Halland, Uppåkra in western Skåne and Järrestad in southeast Skåne. Because of that the cult houses and halls are occurring during the late Iron Age, it is during this time period that I will work in.

Svenska språkets struktur : Ett vidgat grammatikbegrepp

This is a work about the relationship between cult houses and halls. In my essay I will go through four different places were cult houses and halls both exist. I will look at the findings and the landscapes were the settlements are located in. The places I have chosen are Lunda in Södermanland, Slöinge in Halland, Uppåkra in western Skåne and Järrestad in southeast Skåne. Because of that the cult houses and halls are occurring during the late Iron Age, it is during this time period that I will work in.

Etableringsfriheten för bolag i den europeiska gemenskapen

This thesis analyses the scope of the treaty articles 43 and 48 concerning the freedom of establishment of companies. The interpretations of these articles made by the Commission and the European Court of Justice are analysed to see whether they are consistent. The analysis encompasses the provisions and directives in the field of EC Company Law as well as the essential case law from the ECJ regarding these issues. The conclusion that must be drawn from this thesis is that the Court of Justice adds the momentum in these issues whilst the Commission is held up by political considerations..

Man känner sig lite kluven ibland : an international adopted?s experience of her learning process

The aim of my study was to describe and interpretate how an international adopted person look back at and describes her learning process individually and in interaction with others. Data are based on one in-depth interview with a phenomenological inspired approach.The findings showed that the interviewee has repressed a great deal of her former life from her country of origin. According to the interviewee, the process of learning in interaction with other people has worked well. She has furthermore never felt that other students have treated her differently based on her appearance. There is some ambivalence in how the interviewee describes this though, which opens up for other interpretations..

The Golden Rule and Bioethics. A Reflection upon the Foundation of Ethics

The object of this thesis is the foundation of ethics. The question is whether there exists a universal core to ethics consisting of a fundamental ethical principle across cultures. This principle could for example be the so-called Golden Rule, which goes as follows: ?You should do to others what you want them to do to you?. The Golden Rule is to be found in many of the world?s religions and is also reflected in secular society.

To reject the world - to embrace the world

Ever since Thomas More?s book Utopia was published in 1516, theutopian idea has not lost its topicality and has been strongly rootedin literature, art, film and architecture. Utopia can be seen as a statein which utopia allows a space for wishes, dreams and a desire forsomething better. In my degree project I have chosen to explore thehistorical utopian ideas to create a content that treats utopia on asubjective level. With visual communication as a starting point I havetried to fixate this state in a book.

Bilden som pedagogiskt hjälpmedel

Abstract: In this study, I have searched for answers to whether teachers use pictures in their teaching with the purpose of making education easier. Can we use the pictures with a pedagogic purpose? In this study, I have interviewed middle-school teachers concerning this subject.My results show that teachers actually use pictures in order to make the education easier for pupils but they do not do it very often. They think that they do not have the time to look for the good pictures that go with their subject and that they can show in the classroom. They also think that the pictures in the textbooks are good enough and they do not discuss the pictures very much.

Film som en resurs i historieundervisningen : Film as a resource in history education

Abstract: In this study, I have searched for answers to whether teachers use pictures in their teaching with the purpose of making education easier. Can we use the pictures with a pedagogic purpose? In this study, I have interviewed middle-school teachers concerning this subject.My results show that teachers actually use pictures in order to make the education easier for pupils but they do not do it very often. They think that they do not have the time to look for the good pictures that go with their subject and that they can show in the classroom. They also think that the pictures in the textbooks are good enough and they do not discuss the pictures very much.

Medieprogrammets nya kläder : En jämförande diskursanalys av medieämnets omvandling efter gymnasiereformen 2011

English abstractTitle: Islam and the limitations of the public will of choice.The purpose of this paper have been to investigate how three modern Islamic theorists view the limitations of the public free will of choice based upon their interpretation of the Islamic theology and doctrine.The paper focuses to highlight how all three chosen Islamic theorist interpret the Islamic doctrine based upon my elected theses and more specifically pinpoint were the free will of choice ends, and Islam as a religion starts to take hegemony. The paper?s aim is to further an understanding that in the modern world and as a effect of increased literacy, Islam has been somewhat inclined to split into several Islamisms, based upon the variety of fatwa?s on the Islamic doctrine that is available online. Therefore it remains to the modern day Muslim, to individually decide whether they choose to follow the message of the Holy revelation in the Quran or trust a mufti?s fatwa in their everyday life as a Muslim.The material used and analyzed in this paper is prime source material.

Österns Assyriska Kyrka : Historia och teologi, med inriktning på teologiska konflikter med den Syrisk Ortodoxa kyrkan, samt den Koptiska kyrkan (i dagens Sverige).

The Purpose of this essay is to seek an answer to whether or not a conflict exists between priests of the Assyrian Church, the Syrian Orthodox Church and the Coptic Church in contemporary Swedish society, as well as to examine the environment between the three. The theological dissimilarities will be studied (from a historical standpoint), along with the interviewed participants views on the division in Christianity which will be presented also. I choose to interview six priests/chorbishops who live and work in Sweden, and the result was analyzed according to the senior professor of peace- and conflict, Peter Wallensteen?s theories on conflict and conflict resolution, where important issues are laid out to identify the core problem, and theological differences are discussed and compared from a union perspective.The result of the interviews illustrate a clear response that the participants experience a lack of functioning collaborations (from the Assyrians Church view, a collaboration is absent from the Syrian Orthodox Church and the Coptic Church, and vice versa) and most of the participants experience negative consequences from the divide in churches, as they strive for unity in Christianity as a whole. The theological differences between the churches proves not to be as significant as expected, the actual predicament lies partly in language-and phrase division along with a general rejection of each other?s interpretations.

Provinssnickarens poesi

I have studied and worked with various joints and interpreted twenty-six of them to small models. I then placed these into a template so that I could record the properties and their expressions.The protocol show what the joint looks like, and what its strengths and weaknesses are. Moreover, they are translated into a freer text, a poem, that describes what I think and feel about the joint.Based on the protocols, I have selected a number of joints which I then interpret into furniture. I have chosen to move forward in slightly different ways with different joints. Sometimes it is the expression of the joint that has given birth to a new idea, it may be the poem itself that led me on to a form, combinations of joints and that I found interesting, and so on.My interpretations are then further translated into new poems that describe what I see and what I feel when I assemble and disassemble each piece of furniture..

Förebilder i textilslöjden : Förekomsten av förebilder och betydelsebärande slöjdföremål och hur de används i slöjdundervisning

English abstractTitle: Islam and the limitations of the public will of choice.The purpose of this paper have been to investigate how three modern Islamic theorists view the limitations of the public free will of choice based upon their interpretation of the Islamic theology and doctrine.The paper focuses to highlight how all three chosen Islamic theorist interpret the Islamic doctrine based upon my elected theses and more specifically pinpoint were the free will of choice ends, and Islam as a religion starts to take hegemony. The paper?s aim is to further an understanding that in the modern world and as a effect of increased literacy, Islam has been somewhat inclined to split into several Islamisms, based upon the variety of fatwa?s on the Islamic doctrine that is available online. Therefore it remains to the modern day Muslim, to individually decide whether they choose to follow the message of the Holy revelation in the Quran or trust a mufti?s fatwa in their everyday life as a Muslim.The material used and analyzed in this paper is prime source material.

Islam och folkmaktens gränser. : En undersöknning av Sayyid Qutbs, Mawlana Mawdudis och Ali Shariatis teologiska uppfattningar.

English abstractTitle: Islam and the limitations of the public will of choice.The purpose of this paper have been to investigate how three modern Islamic theorists view the limitations of the public free will of choice based upon their interpretation of the Islamic theology and doctrine.The paper focuses to highlight how all three chosen Islamic theorist interpret the Islamic doctrine based upon my elected theses and more specifically pinpoint were the free will of choice ends, and Islam as a religion starts to take hegemony. The paper?s aim is to further an understanding that in the modern world and as a effect of increased literacy, Islam has been somewhat inclined to split into several Islamisms, based upon the variety of fatwa?s on the Islamic doctrine that is available online. Therefore it remains to the modern day Muslim, to individually decide whether they choose to follow the message of the Holy revelation in the Quran or trust a mufti?s fatwa in their everyday life as a Muslim.The material used and analyzed in this paper is prime source material.

Det tragiskas hemvist : En uppsats om relationen mellan plats och sanning i Heideggers tänkande

In the 1969 Le Thor seminar, Heidegger stated that his philosophical journey could be characterized by three different themes: meaning, truth, place. The first two of these have been the subject of countless studies and discussions, but the question of place is still relatively unexplored in Heidegger?s thought, despite the increased interest for this topic in his writings. Even though scholars like Jeff Malpas, Edward Casey, Stuart Elden and Miguel de Beistegui have written books and essays on the importance of the conception of place in Heidegger?s thinking, there are still many important aspects of this theme to be discussed, given the importance Heidegger himself ascribed to this topic.In this essay, I therefore wish to pose the question of how one can understand the relation between place and the role of tragedy in Heidegger?s conception of truth.

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