

298 Uppsatser om Interpretations of the Quran - Sida 2 av 20

Listening Strategies in the L2 Classroom

The purpose of this paper was to investigate how some teachers interpret, teach and assess listening strategies. Our investigation was based on interviews and a questionnaire answered by some year 9 English teachers. Furthermore, the aim was to study whether awareness and teaching of listening strategies are important for teachers in their everyday practice. The results indicate that the teachers interpret listening strategies as purposes for listening, such as listening for detail or the whole. The teachers do not explicitly teach listening strategies, and they do not assess them.

Mellan dig och mig

How can I make art that face people in their everyday lives, which is integrated into their lives, becoming a part of the discussions both in the mundane and in the room of society? Can I do this by working with performative interpretations that are participatory driven? I have explored how artists and participants can create spaces that are both open and confiden- ce-building, and how they at the same time enable us to question established norms. How to engage in dialogues concerning social, political and existential issues like; What is freedom for me - What is freedom to you? What is it that is important? Which topics are never upraised for discussion?The project is about putting thoughts, experiences and bodies (my own, the participants and the viewer?s) in relation to each other and to the location and context they are in. It ?s about creating a broader perspective where everyone?s voice is important and can take place.

Motpol eller legitimeringskälla? - en studie av användningen av hållbarhetsbegreppet inom Malmö Stads fysiska planering

Sustainable development and sustainability is nowadays expected to be integratedin modern city planning and permeate the entire planning process. At the sametime, sustainable development has an inherent vagueness, leading to a greatdiversity of interpretations of the meaning of this concept. In this thesis strongsustainability and ecological modernization are used as two different interpretationsof sustainable development. Using these two interpretations, an analysis of thecurrent use of the concept of sustainability within the city planning of Malmö isperformed. The analysis shows that the interpretation of sustainable development inthe city of Malmö can be deduced to ecological modernization and thatsustainability is looked upon as one way to improve the attractiveness of the city.Investments to increase ecological and social sustainability must be legitimized asleading to a potential increase in economical sustainability (growth) and the focusof increasing the sustainability in the city has shifted from ecological aspects toeconomical aspects.

Filosofisk Rådgivning : En ny disciplin på väg att etableras!

Tyr ? A historical and comparative study of configurations and formations connected to the Old Norse god Tyr. Klas af Edholm This thesis has two aims. One is a discussion of the history of the study of Old Norse religion and related aspects, centered on how general tendencies within the area of research have affected the interpretations of the god *T?waz/Tyr.

Ytans djup : Visuell ikonicitet i den grafiska konstformen lyrik

This thesis revolves around an obvious fact: printed (or otherwise two- or three-dimensional) poetry is always and inevitably visual. By analysing a representative selection of poems, including conspicuously experimental and image-like poems as well as examples of more conventional poetry, the thesis points out that visual iconicity is an equally inevitable consequence of the visuality of printed poetry. The analysis applies terminology relating to iconicity and intermediality (presented by Lars Elleström, whose theoretical basis is the semiotics of Charles Sanders Peirce) to the selected poems, while avoiding making too specific interpretations, in order to maintain a discussion of the ever-present phenomenon of visual iconicity as such, and not just the individual examples.Rather than introducing visual iconicity specifically to confirm more or less specific interpretations of poetic texts, this method of approaching poems as two-dimensional works of art is what this paper mainly aims to propose, as a productive starting point for literary analyses in general; as is concluded in the theoretical framework by Elleström, the actual modal and iconic properties of printed poetry contradict mutually exclusive dichotomies such as verbal/visual and text/image. While indirectly visually iconic poems tend to have a wider range of possible interpretations at the outset, the existence of iconic potential, however, does not depend on any specific interpretation..

Ökat kompetensutnyttjande - en nyckel till att öka det ideella engagemanget i en brukshundklubb?

The basic intention of this study is founded on an ambition to make change within the competing activity at ?Svenska Brukshundklubbens Halmstadavdelning? (SBK Halmstad). This is a local association for owners of working dogs, where I am one of the members. A problem in engage a larger number of voluntarily working members in the association has been established and discussed over several years. My premier aim was to make the members award of different perspectives of the problem.

Tyr : En vetenskapshistorisk och komparativ studie av föreställningar och gestaltningar kopplade till den fornnordiske guden Tyr

Tyr ? A historical and comparative study of configurations and formations connected to the Old Norse god Tyr. Klas af Edholm This thesis has two aims. One is a discussion of the history of the study of Old Norse religion and related aspects, centered on how general tendencies within the area of research have affected the interpretations of the god *T?waz/Tyr.

Bild och begrepp : Heideggers läsning av Kant ur ett fenomenologiskt perspektiv

This thesis explores some key aspects of early Heidegger?s interpretations of Kant from a phenomenological perspective. In general terms, it analyzes Heidegger?s claim that Kant?s faculties share a common root in the transcendental imagination, as a critical development of motives found in Husserl?s phenomenology.More precisely, the thesis argues that the motive for deriving Kant?s first faculty, intuition, from the synthesis of imagination can be understood as an attempt to account for the receptivity of a finite subject, without yielding to a causal description of sensibility. Phenomenology shares this problem with Kant?s critical philosophy.

Fyra manliga pedagogers tankar om genus och förskolans genusuppdrag : En kvalitativ undersökning

In this study I?ve used qualitative interviews to examine four male preschool teachers? interpretations of gender and their work with gender in preschool. Specifically, I?ve been interested in what thoughts male teachers have about the preschool gender assignment, how they express these thoughts in their work, and how they perceive their role as men in preschool in relation to gender and gender equality. The teachers express that the preschool gender assignment means that one should treat girls and boys equally and give them the same opportunities.

Hur elever med ickesvensk etnisk bakgrund tolkar två lektioner i skolan : samt ett uttryck av maktförhållande mellan lärare och elever

This paper examines how pupils with a non-Swedish background, in a secondary school in Stockholm?s suburban, Sweden, interpret and absorb the contents of school-room classes. It also examines whether the interpretations are influenced by a power-relation between teacher and pupils. The pupil?s interpretations, including their values and perceptions as regards to the content, are central to our study.Firstly, classes on world conflicts and corporal punishment for children were observed and these observations were the foundation to this study.

Lärares attityder och strategier för en inkluderad undervisning : Ur ett specialpedagogiskt perspektiv

The gathered texts and letters from Ali Ibn Abi Talib, found in the book Nahjul Balagha,constitute one of the most important writings of Shiite Islam, next the hadits and the Quran.Imam Ali´s ethics and moral approach in Nahjul Balagha, is considered by imam Ali, to beseen as a guideline for both individual purposes as for any kind of governance. The esotericteachings, about truth and justice in Nahjul Balagha, should therefore probably have been of agreat concern to Ayatollah Khomeini and the Islamic revolution.This essay will from an deductive approach, on a relatively contemporary historic event, try toanalyze Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini´s interpreting on imam Ali´s texts and preaching inNahjul Balagha. The Islamic revolution, as the Islamic Republic of Iran, led by AyatollahKhomeini, was confirmed as both brutal and violent. My ambition in this essay, will there forconcern a possible interpreting on justice and political rule, from Ayatollah Khomeini and theIslamic Republic of Iran, on imam Ali´s teachings in Nahjul Balagha..

Le Francais - en gestaltning. Ett projekt om identitet, språk och bild

Le Français, what is that? What is actually a language?Questions like these are not easily answered and whilelinguists are continuing their search for the essence ofour communicative systems we are all free to make ourown interpretations.In various media, like schoolbooks and otherlanguage-teaching material, for instance, you mayfi nd visual interpretations of what French is, as alanguage?. Very often it is the common picture of whatis considered typically French that is shown. There areseveral problems to be found in limiting oneself to thesekinds of visualizations. One of these is that the Frenchlanguage is no longer strictly French.

Konsten att svälja sin läsare : En analys av August Strindbergs roman En dåres försvarstal

This essay analyses the act of reading August Strindberg?s novel En dåres försvarstal (A Madman?s defence). It reveals the writer?s motif and purpose with the text and it shows how a certain interpretation of the text is crucial for the writer?s intentions to become reality. But it also shows how this interpretation is threaten by several, both intertextual and extratextual, thematically and structural, factors.

Barnets bästa i fokus? : En studie av tingsrättens domar i vårdnadstvister

The purpose of this law-sociological study was to, on the basis of the District Court's decree to single custody, analyze the District Court?s comprehensive ideas and fall-oriented interpretations of the concept of the best interest of the child and the way they are constructed in connection with the District Court's application of the new law regulation of 6kap. 5§ FB regarding collaboration between parents. Our empirical data consisted of ten decrees to single custody. The decrees were examined and analyzed on the basis of social constructionism as a theory and the idea-analysis as the study's method.

Förromersk religion i Gallien : med utgångspunkt i Caesars De bello Gallico

Thid thesis concerns pre-Roman religion in Gaul, taking as its starting point Caesar's De bello Gallico. Caesar's account of the Gauls and their religious customs is compared with the accounts of Lucan, Pliny the elder and Ammianus Marcellinus. These are also compared to, and contrasted to, the archaeological evidence. There is some discussion of the nature of the common interpretations of this evidence. The concept of 'the Celts' is touched upon, since much of the relevant evidence has, in our time, been thought of as Celtic.

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