2281 Uppsatser om Interorganizational learning - Sida 18 av 153
"Man måste lyckas i skolan - annars kommer man nog inte lyckas i livet lika bra". Kvalitativa intervjuer om hur entreprenöriellt lärande speglas i elevers skolgång
This thesis is about how students see their education, creativity and future based on our understanding of the concept of entrepreneurial learning. The aim is to highlight if and how this relatively new concept in the school world is rooted in pupils everyday lives. To get answers to our questions, we talked to students about their thoughts and reflections on their schooling, but also their views on how they think their future will look like. We have also examined what students associate to the concept of creativity by letting the pupils make a mind map during the interview sessions. Research and theories are talking about how to conduct school education, but despite all this knowledge the results in today´s schools drops.
E-learning - en form för kompetensutveckling?
Titel: E-learning - en form för kompetensutveckling?
Författare: Emely Andersson Helena Någård
Handledare: Anders Nilsson
Institution:Institutionen för Ekonomi och Management
Blekinge Tekniska Högskolan
Kurs: Magisterarbete i företagsekonomi, EFE 610
Syfte: Syftet med uppsatsen är att kartlägga de faktorer som ligger till grund
vid valet av e-learning som kompetensutvecklingsform samt vilka olika verktyg
av e-learning som finns.
Metod: Insamlingen av data har skett genom både personliga intervjuer och
e-mail intervjuer med företag som använder någon form av e-learning i sin
verksamhet. Vi har också varit i kontakt med sakkunniga som har erfarenhet av
e-learning för att få ett bredare perspektiv på området.
Slutsats: Slutsatsen vi har dragit är att det beror på flera olika faktorer om
e-learning passar in i företaget och varje företag måste utvärdera dessa
faktorer. Genom att titta på olika företag har vi hittat vissa gemensamma
faktorer hos dessa företag. Huvudfaktorerna som har störst betydelse för om
e-learning passar in i företaget är personalen, kostnaderna och vilka kunskaper
det är som skall förmedlas.
En laptop till varje elev : en studie om gymnasieskolans satsning på datorer i undervisningen
The aim of this study is to highlight the computer as a learning resource in the education and give us knowledge about how the students uses the computer in year one in a selected High School where one computer per student were introduced in autumn 2011. The aim is also to contribute to the discussion about how the computer can become a natural learning resource for all students in all subjects, including the students in need of special support.How are the High School students using the computer?Are there differences in computer use, whether the student is in academic or vocational program?Are there differences in computer use between boys and girls?Do the student experience that the digital competence is increasing together with if they experience the computer as aid?In what degree do the teachers encourage the students to use the computer?How much do the students use the computer to learn mathematic?The study is based on a survey of all students in year one in a municipal High School.The result of the study is showing that the students first of all use the computer to play music, surf the Internet and to be logged in on social media (eg. Facebook). The students have learned to use the computer for the tasks they need, although the teachers don?t encourage the students to use the computer in any higher means, not in mathematics and not in other subjects.
Lärcentrum i biblioteket, möjligheter och utmaningar. Tre aktörsgruppers syn på lärcentrum och dess samverkan med biblioteket
The aim of this thesis is to investigate the points of view of three groups of actors about their local learning center and its collaboration with the library. By interviewing groups of actors from the municipal sector, the library staff and students, I aim to investigate their associations of the learning centre, what kind of services it should offer, and how they understand the role of the library staff in specific collaboration between the public library and the adult education administration. The study design is based on Gunnar Grepperud?s and Terje Thomsen?s three missions for a local learning centre; the mission of a broker, a meeting place and a motivator. I also use Carol Kuhlthau?s levels of mediation as an approach to investigate how the actors want the library staff to work in relation to the centre.
Samhällskunskapsläraren och den interkulturella kompetensen : En deskriptiv studie av fem verksamma lärares interkulturella kompetens i det mångkulturella klassrummet
There are different ways of developing a second language. The purpose of this qualitative study is to investigate whether and possibly how music, focused on singing, can improve the development of Swedish as a second language. Through interviews with three vocal teachers, from three different schools in Sweden, and observations of one of the vocal teachers, information about how they work and think about the subject has been collected. The vocal teachers teach groups of second language learners by singing songs made especially for second language learning. The vocal teachers consider singing beneficial in the development of the pronunciation and improvement of the prosody, which affects the students? capacity to sound like a native Swedish speaker.
Effektmätning av ett utbildningsprogram : Genom lärande utvärdering
AbstractTitelEffektmätning av ett utbildningsprogram ? genom lärande utvärderingEngelsk titelEffect Measurement of a Training Program ? through Learning by EvaluatingHandledareLars HolmstrandExaminatorMagnus SöderströmDatumJuni 2011Antal sidor77Nyckelordutvärdering, lärande, effektmätning, lärande utvärdering, formativ utvärderingKeywordsevaluation, learning, effect measurement, learning by evaluating, formative evaluationThe aim of this study was to investigate which effects a competence development effort has had on individuals and group, as well as in which way formative elements of evaluation possibly could have contributed to learning. The target group of the study was employees (eleven), their managers (seven) as well as co-ordinators (two) of a maintenance department at a nuclear power plant. The training program lasted from December 2009 to May 2010. The study was in progress as of September 2009 when a decision was made at the maintenance department?s training board to carry out the evaluation.
Socialdemokraternas friskolepolicy: Policyförändring utan policyinlärning mellan koalitioner
AbstractIn this essay, policy change and learning is studied in the case of the Social Democratic Party and their policy concerning independent schools. Their policy differs clearly from the right-wing parties. Between 1991 and 1994, the right-wing government made substantial reforms concerning independent schools. The question posed in this essay is whether the policy of the Social Democratic Party has changed as a result of these actions, and if they have approached their right-wing counterparts.Using the Advocacy Coalition Framework, defining a policy as a result of the values the actor holds, the question is studied by applying the theory's assumptions of policy-learning across coalitions. The argumentation of the Social Democratic Party, as it is expressed in official text documents before and after the right-wing government, is analysed.
Att lära av varandra? : En undersökning om arbetslag utifrån ett lärarperspektiv
The purpose of this study is from a teacher?s perspective to examine how schoolteachers experience the possibilities of learning from each other within their work team and to shed some light on how teachers believe that cooperation affects their ability to learn and improve on a daily basis. My research questions are: What is the general discussion among the teachers concerning daily capacity building from enhanced teamwork? How important is well-functioning cooperation between co-workers for learning and daily capacity building? What are the prerequisites for a well-functioning learning situation within the work team?The study is based on five qualitative interviews with teachers within the same school but from different teaching backgrounds based on what grade they teach, what subjects they teach, and they belong to different work teams within the school. The interviews are semi-structured.The results have been analysed from a perspective based on the theories of organisational pedagogy and learning organisations.The results implies that the work teams does not function as a forum for exchanging experiences and learning from each other.
Den gode läraren : en kvalitativ studie av fyra lågstadielärares syn på den gode läraren och den egna lärarrollen
The aim of this study was to examine how the interviewed primary teachers in two schools situated in the Stockholm area understand themselves as teachers in relation to their image of the good teacher. The research questions were: How do the informants discuss their image of the good teacher? How do the informants describe their own role as a teacher?A qualitative method, by interviews made with four primary teachers, was used to collect data for the examination. The results from the interviews were analyzed and discussed from the theories and earlier research concerning the role of the teacher and what they describe as the good teacher. The theoretical connection of this study was based on the theories of Vygotsky, Piaget, Bruner, Dewey, Dreikurs, Kounin and Glasser concerning the relationship between the role of the teacher and learning.
Det livliga barnet eller den stillasittande eleven? : En kvalitativ undersökning om barns rörelsebehov i klassrummet
The purpose of my empirical study is to see if and how teachers meet the students needs of physical activities in the daily work in the classroom. I also want to explore how different teachers see the connection between the concepts: physical activity and learning. To fulfill the purpose, I have chosen to ask four questions that I will work on in my study.How much and what type of physical activities do the students do in a typical day at school?What happens with the students when they have had a moment of physical activities in the classroom?Do the teachers see any connection between the physical activity and the pupils' ability to concentrate?How do teachers look upon the relationship between physical activity and learning?To get answers to my questions, I have observed and interviewed five teachers. I have compiled and analyzed the results.
E-learning morgondagens utbildning för Karlskrona Kommun?
Syftet med studien är att bidra med sådan kunskap att det nybildade e-learningsföretaget kan skapa ett så attraktivt utbildningspaket som möjligt. Vi (författarna) vill lyfta fram vad som bör tänkas på vid marknadsföring av utbildningspaketet mot en potentiell kund. Om kunden anammar produktidén är det även intressant att ta reda på vilka befintliga utbildningar/kurser utbildningspaketet kan bli ett alternativ eller ett komplement till. Dessutom vill vi se om det är troligt att kunden kan anamma utbildningspaketet inom en tidsperiod av ett år..
Kontrastera mera! : - En learning study om hur lärare kan skapa förutsättningar för eleverna att lära sig bråk.
Vi har i en tidigare kurs genomfört en uppgift innehållande bråk, då vi upptäckte att elever hade svårt att lära sig framförallt sammansatta bråk. Vi blev intresserade av att ta reda på hur man skapar förutsättningar för att eleverna ska lära sig bråk, vilket är denna studies syfte. Studien syftar även till att upptäcka vilka aspekter som är kritiska för att lära sig bråk samt ta reda på hur dessa kan varieras i undervisningen vid elevernas lärande av bråk.I studien används en learning study som kan ses som en typ av aktionsforskning där lärare forskar i sitt eget klassrum. Inom learning study används variationsteorin som är en guidande princip för att förstå och skapa förutsättningar för lärande. Lektionerna som genomfördes av oss, blivande lärare, vid tre olika tillfällen videofilmades.
Finns det någon som lyssnar?: -Om kunskapsspridning vid repatriering
The purpose of this thesis is to study how organisations are working with repatriation of employees who have been working abroad, especially regarding how their experiences and competences are being utilised and transferred within the company. A qualitative abductive method is used, since the aim is to obtain an understanding of this phenomenon. The main source of information has been 21 interviews. The interviews were executed in two steps; a preliminary study with nine Swedish organisations was followed by our main study, containing 12 interviews with repatriates, their colleagues, and personnel employed at the International Assignment departments at Scania and Volvo. The conclusion of this thesis is that large Swedish companies, which have Swedish employees working abroad do not seem to be working with repatriation according to suggestions given by the theories, even though their performances are better than earlier research implies.
Mattesmedjan : Lösningen för elever med matematiksvårigheter?
AbstractThe purpose of my study is to compare Sten Rydhs wiew of learning disabilities in mathematics and his education with current literature and research. I want to explore whether the education of ?Mattesmedjan?*, influenced by the Suzuki method, can be the solution for the students with maths problems. ?Mattesmedjan? is a privately-owned school of maths.
Matematikdidaktik : En teoretisk studie av att lära algebra
This is a literature study of learning mathematics in general and algebra in particular. The goal is to explore and investigate the learning procedure and the difficulties pupils have with their understanding. Furthermore, to understand what qualities is requested of pupils in their effort to be successful in mathematics and algebra. I have also explored different pupil thinking styles in mathematics and what consequences that has on their learning and understanding. Moreover, I have investigated some different learning styles and how they can be addressed in teaching of mathematics in general and algebra in particular.