17564 Uppsatser om Internetbaserad information - Sida 47 av 1171
Passage Retrieval: en litteraturstudie av ett forskningsområde inom information retrieval
The aim of this thesis is to describe passage retrieval (PR), with basis in results from various empirical experiments, and to critically investigate different approaches in PR. The main questions to be answered in the thesis are: (1) What characterizes PR? (2) What approaches have been proposed? (3) How well do the approaches work in experimental information retrieval (IR)? PR is a research topic in information retrieval, which instead of retrieving the fulltext of documents, that can lead to information overload for the user, tries to retrieve the most relevant passages in the documents. This technique was investigated studying a number of central articles in the research field. PR can be divided into three different types of approaches based on the segmentation of the documents.
Sjukhusets hjärta? : Informationsbeteenden hos läkare och sjuksköterskor på Universitetssjukhuset i Lund
This Masters' thesis is a study on the information behaviour of hospital personnel at the University Hospital in Lund, Sweden. A questionnaire was distributed to 301 nurses and physicians working in the intensive care unit, the population was reduced to 244 persons. The response rate was 52%, i.e. 125 questionnaires were completed. Nurses constituted 68 % of the population.
Visualisering av säkerhetsinformation på AB Wahlquists Verkstäder
Workplace accidents in Sweden have in recent years increased. Companies are at the same time putting a greater emphasis on preventing accidents and inform about safety and risks. Therefore there is a need to know how to visualize this safety information. This study is based on a part of a project proposed by the industrial company AB Wahlquists Verkstäder, in which they want to visualize their safety information for new employees and existing staff, and also for temporary contractors and apprentices. The purpose of this study is to see what is required of the visualization of safety information and what guidelines that should be followed.
Företag på Facebook : Hur de sprider information och interagerar med sina medlemmar
Social media on the Web has become more common over the last decade and in recent years it has grown immensely. The social media with the highest amount of members is Facebook, where not only private persons are found - companies started to establish their profiles on the network in 2006. However, little is known about how these companies succeed and reach their audience with information dissemination and interact with them. The aim of this study is to contribute with information to local companies on how they can manage to maintain their activity with different approaches and strategies. This study examines how three different local companies chooses to spread information and maintain relationships with their members on Facebook.
Undervisning i informationssökning. Diskursiv praktik i två gymnasielärarlag.
The aim of the present thesis is to examine discourses about teaching information seeking in upper secondary school teachers. The main questions are: (1) What different interpretative repertoires can be identified among teachers talking about teaching information seeking in relation to students? problem-based tasks? (2) How are these repertoires constructed and what functions can be observed? The theoretical framework is discursive psychology. Two teacher teams from two different upper secondary schools in the Gothenburg area participated in focus group interviews. Group A consisted of four teachers from the Individual Programme and group B of seven teachers from the Social Science Programme.
Usefulness of financial reports ?A study of the information need in banks? credit assessment
Background and problem: Financial reports are created for the users as decision support. Stakeholders are often subjects to information asymmetry. Banks represent one of the primary stakeholders and financiers of a company, and place great emphasis on financial reports in their credit assessment process. The question is, however, how useful the financial information actually is. According to previous research, banks consider accounting information as troublesome in some respects, mostly due to accounting choices and judgments.
Skolbiblioteket ? spelar det någon roll? En studie av hur en friskola klarar sig utan skolbibliotek.
The aim of this bachelor thesis is to investigate how one independent senior high school without a school library regards the role of school libraries. (What is their view of information literacy? Do they manage to reach the goals of Lpf 94 and the goals of each school subject without a school library of their own?). We have chosen to interview the principal and two teachers. Our major findings are that the public library in our study has been given the role of a school library, a role we think it can not fulfil.
Likviditetsrisk i banker : En studie av den information om likviditetsriskhantering som de svenska bankerna offentliggör i årsredovisningen för 2008
Bakgrund: Den senaste finansiella turbulensen på bankmarknaden har uppmärksammat att likviditetsriskhantering varit ett eftersatt område. Förtroendet för men även mellan banker minskade samtidigt som osäkerheten ökade. Detta påverkade bankernas möjligheter till att finansiera sig, vilket i sin tur ledde till ökade likviditetsrisker. Som ett sätt att öka förtroende och minska osäkerheten har Baselkommittén för banktillsyn, BCBS, föreslagit att mer information bör delges bankmarknaden. Problematisering: Om otillräcklig information om bankens likviditetsriskhantering offentliggörs, påverkar osäkerheten förtroendet för bankerna.
Förhållandet mellan barns populära status, individuella bearbetningsstil och arbetsminneskapacitet
This study was conducted to investigate the relationship between perceived popularity, social information processing and working memory. With the intentions of examining popularity 209 (98 female, 111 male) children in second and fourth grade were presented with a roster of their classmates and were to nominate whom they liked and whom they disliked. To study working memory capacity a working memory test, that places demands on the participant to work both with and store the given information, was used. To examine children's cognitive processing of empathy-provoking information a cognitive appraisal interview was conducted. The results imply (a) that working memory increases with age, (b) that there is a weak relation between working memory capacity and popularity, and between popularity and cognitive processing styles and (c) that there are some strong correlations between working memory and cognitive processing styles..
NetSök : Internetvägledning för referensbibliotekarier
Internet has made information more easy to get, but also more difficult to retrieve. There is a need for information retrieval systems that assure accurate, reliable and up to date information. Quite a number of both commercial and non commercial search services has been developed on the Internet. We have made a qualitative study of one for-pay product in particular, NetS k, produced by BTJ (Bibliotekstj nst), Lund. It is a database that contains collected, evaluated and classified links, and is especially developed to suit public librarians in Sweden.
Information inför mammografi som hälsokontroll
Bakgrund:I Sverige inbjuds alla kvinnor i åldern 40 till 74 år regelbundet till mammografi som hälsokontroll. Undersökningen är frivillig och syftet är att minska dödligheten i bröstcancer. För att kvinnor ska kunna fatta ett välgrundat beslut om att medverka vid mammografi som hälsokontroll eller inte, bör informationen vara relevant och sanningsenlig. Evidensbaserad information som beskriver både för- och nackdelar med mammografi som hälsokontroll är därför av stor vikt. Syftet:Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka innehållet i den information som skickas till kvinnor i Sverige i samband med kallelsen till mammografi som hälsokontroll.
Mobil förvaringslösning för barn och vuxna
Databases are an easy way of storing information kept together and accessible and can save time by finding the information easier. Cochleaimplant could be seen as a form of advanced hearing aid, this product consists of two parts, an external part that recieves sound and sends signals to the internal part through electromagnetism. The internal part is the implant itself and is surgically placed in to the cochlea. Örebro University hospital has just started working within the field of Cochleaimplants and are therefore in need of a database to store patient related information.The database problem was solved using Microsoft Access 2003 combined with the built-in support for Visual Basic, which is a sort of programming language. The result of the thesis work was a fully functioning database according to the given specification and is now being used at Örebro University hospital..
Föräldrasamarbete i förskolan : En svår uppgift - en enastående möjlighet
I ett samhälle, där flödet av information ibland kan tyckas vara oändligt, måste pedagoger ställa sig frågan om hur nya vägar att nå fram till barnens vårdnadshavare med information om förskolans verksamhets mål och syfte ska hittas. Förskolans läroplan (Lpfö 98, rev 2010) belyser vikten av att vårdnadshavarna dagligen ska få ta del av denna slags information. Syftet med denna studie är att ta reda på hur förskolor samarbetar med barnens vårdnadshavare med specifikt fokus på information om förskolans mål och sätt att arbeta. För att kunna besvara syftet formulerades följande frågeställningar: Vilka samarbetsformer finns det mellan förskola och vårdnadshavare? När och hur sker informationen om barnens lärande kopplat till förskolans mål och syfte? För att få svar på frågeställningarna antogs en kvalitativ metodanstats.
Requirement Specification for Information Security to Health Systems, Case Study - IMIS
During 2001-2002 a prototype, IMIS (Integrated Mobile Information System) was
developed at BTH (Blekinge University of Technology) to demonstrate how mobile
IT-systems can be used in healthcare. The prototype was based on the activity
theory of Engeström.
An ongoing project started in spring 2003. The purpose of the project is
further development of IMIS with special focus in the diabetes healthcare.
Participants in the project are scientists and students at BTH, ALMI
Företagspartner, Blekinge FoU-enhet, Barndiabetesförbundet Blekinge, Blekinge
Diabetesförening, Vårdcentralen Ronneby and Vårdcentralen Sölvesborg.
Lean Information Lifecycle Management : Värdeskapande informationshantering för Bild- och Funktionsregistret inom Västra Götalandsregionen
Mängden information och informationskällor ökar exponentiellt med tiden och metoder för hantering av information blir därför allt mer relevanta. Privata och offentliga organisationer uppmärksammar allt mer behovet av en strukturerad och effektiv metod för att kunna hantera denna oundvikliga informationstillväxt.Uppsatsen syftar till att identifiera potential att förbättra det nuvarande informationssystemet inom Bild- och Funktionsregistret genom att tillämpa en Information Lifecycle Management-strategi utifrån Leanperspektivets värderingar. Studien inleddes med en litteraturstudie där de huvudsakliga Lean- och Information Lifecycle Management-principer definierades för att skapa ett teoretiskt underlag för vidare studier. Den efterföljande empiriska fallstudien av Bild- och Funktionsregistret och Sahlgrenska Universitetssjukhuset genomfördes för att få en ordentlig och tydlig bild av den organisationen och dess informationssystem.Fallstudien identifierade de huvudsakliga problemen och möjligheterna i den nuvarande organisationen. Problemen i form av organisatoriska brister, bristande användning av systemet och växande informationsvolymer bemöts genom införande av klassificering, strategisk integration och hierarkisk lagring av information.