

5007 Uppsatser om Internet of Things - Sida 33 av 334

Kunskap, Färdighet och Attityd : En undersökning om grundskolebibliotekariers syn på och arbete med digital kompetens

There is little doubt that the digital technology has played a major role in reshaping the ways in which we experience the world. In a few decades the Internet has become a vast repository for knowledge and ideas. New arenas where people may meet and fraternize have emerged, and with the help of various digital tools and websites, the production of new material has increased to an almost unfathomable level.But all is not well on the digital front. As the Internet has become a crucial part of our everyday life, certain skills in handling digital media has become very important to master. A well-developed ability to navigate through this ocean of information is needed, and knowledge in managing the risky nature of the internet is critical.

Bloggar i Skolan : BloggOmBloggande.blogspot.com

Ett examensarbete som med fokus på elever och undervisning utreder hur bloggen kan fungera i klassrummet. Jag har samlat in tidigare uppsatser från hela världen om bloggar i klassrummet och gjort egna enkäter och egna intervjuer med ett antal elever.Syftet var att analysera en av de många nya förekomster på internet och se hur väl den passar in i skolan. Bloggar blir lätt begränsade av tekniken som till exempel hur många datorer skolan har eller hur många som har internet hemma. Men bloggar har också så många fördelar så om man har möjlighet så är det väl värt ett försök..

En studie av Karlstads universitets studenters användning av video-centric webbplatser

Undersökningens avsikt är att granska video-centric webbplatsers användning bland Karlstads universitets studenter, varför och hur studenter använder webbplatserna. Undersökningen är baserad på Uses and Gratifications modellen..

Hållbar köttproduktion och köttkonsumtion i Dalarna

The release of green house gases and the environmental impacts humans have on the environment are huge and might cause irreversible changes to our earth. Meat is considered to have large impacts on the environment, especially beef meat and therefore there have lately been considerable discussions on the sustainable level of meat consumption and production. The main goal with this thesis is to study sustainable meat production and meat consumption in the county of Dalarna in Sweden. Indicators for sustainable meat production and meat consumption were developed and applied on three cases. Interviews were carried out with a municipality in the region that represents the consumer and three beef farmers that represents the producers.

Med läshandikapp på Internet: En studie av webbportaler, online-databaser och nätbibliotek för användare med läshandikapp

TPB, The Swedish Library of Talking Books and Braille, has requested a study to investigate the organization and content of a possible future Swedish web portal for users with reading disabilities. The aim of this thesis is to conduct such a study, with an emphasis on knowledge organization. The main aspects studied are formal description, representation, search and retrieval, document retrieval, and additionally also aspects related to content. The following questions are answered in this thesis: - How are web portals, online databases and Internet libraries for users with reading disabilities constructed, from an organization of knowledge point of view? - How can these solutions for knowledge organization be incorporated into a possible Swedish web portal? - With regards to content, which additional aspects are present in the studied web portals, online databases and Internet libraries? The questions are addressed through a detailed study of ten web portals, online databases and Internet libraries from Nordic and Anglo-American parts of the world.

How streaming media can be used in commercial mass

Mass distribution with techniques as multicast and peer-to-peer are becoming increasingly important in the Internet. Today the distribution of sound and video over Internet, so called streaming media, is static due to the unicast method. This results in a linear increase of distribution costs and therefore no conditions for commercial scalability. This thesis describes why multicast may be the only scalable alternative for commercial mass distribution of streaming media over Internet. Mass distribution through peer-to-peer technology promises a lot but is fronting a couple of great challenges, for example asymmetric bandwidth, locality and legalization.

Voices of South Africa - Internet-based education for communication and globalization

Utgångspunkten i detta magisterarbete inom ämnet Interaktionsdesign var att se varför barn i dagens skola tycker att skolarbetet blir tråkigare ju högre upp i årskurserna de kommer. Vidare drog jag slutsatserna, utifrån litteraturgenomgång, att någon gång i årskurs 4-6 börjar eleverna i skolan att tappa lusten för skolarbetet. Var det allt skolarbete eller bara vissa ämnen som eleverna tyckte var tråkigt? Varför var det tråkigt? Kunde jag göra något åt saken?.

Aktörsanalys av svensk skogspolitik

Title: Nätdejting för olika åldrar (Netdating for different ages)Author: Henri NekmouchePurpose: The purpose of this study is to investigate what influence the medium Internethas had on building up relationships between people who have dated online, and tocompare two different age groups.Method/Material: In this study the author has conducted personal interviews with sixpeople who all have experienced Internet dating, and had their first contact with agirlfriend/boyfriend online. The questions asked were designed to help answering thepurpose of the study.Main results: This study shows that in general there is a positive view of Internet datingamong both groups. They appreciate the opportunities it provides, as they get to knowthe other persons personality first. Even so, it should be noted that they still tend to be abit ashamed to talk about Internet dating, and some don?t want to be associated with it.The communication pattern tend to be pretty much the same among both groups.

Ungdomars medievanor

Denna uppsats tar reda på var några ungdomar i årskurs nio har lärt sig att hantera datorn och hur man använder och tänker kring bilder på internet. Jag undersöker hur de pratar och berättar om sitt användande av olika digitala medier som TV, elektroniska spel som TV- och dataspel, mobil och Internet. Jag försöker att fånga det informella lärandet kring bildhantering och deras tolkningar av bilder. Ungdomarna som blev intervjuade valdes ut av sin lärare med hälften pojkar och hälften flickor, sammanlagt åtta stycken. Intervjuerna skedde i tre grupper.

Äldre personers sociala interaktioner omkring Facebook®

Den ökade tillgången till datorer samt den ökade enkelheten att använda datorer och internet har ökat mängden personer över 65 år som använder sociala nätverk. Tidigare forskning visar bland annat att personer över 65 känner sig i större utsträckning mer ensamma och isolerade. Annan tidigare forskning menar att internetanvändarna som är över 55 år ökar avsevärt och att detta beror på den ökade tillgängligheten samt kunskaperna rörande datorer och internet. I studien genomfördes 15 kvalitativa intervjuer, med respondenter som rekryterades genom en kombination av ett kriteriebaserat urval samt snöbollsurval. Resultatet visade att Facebook bland annat har bidragit till ett ökat kontaktnät samt ett förbättrat informationsflöde när det gäller familj och vänner.

Så inte kommunikationen spårar ur : En fallstudie av kriskommunikationen under klortågsolyckan i Kungsbacka 2005

Uppsatsens syfte är tvåfaldigt. Dels syftar uppsatsen till att undersöka hur kommunikationen under krisen fungerade mellan inblandade myndigheter (Kungsbacka kommun, Räddningstjänsten i Storgöteborg, Polisen i Hallands län och Landstinget Halland), massmedier och medborgare.Dels syftar uppsatsen till att undersöka vilken roll internet spelade i kriskommunikationen under de 17 dagarna i mars 2005.Studien har genomförts främst genom samtalsintervjuer. Utöver det har skrivna redogörelser, pressmeddelanden, artiklar och andra dokument granskats.Studien visar att kommunikationen mellan myndigheter, massmedier och medborgare fungerade bra. Samordningen mellan myndigheter fungerade väl, mycket tack vare ett upparbetat nätverk. Likaså var kontakten med massmedia bra.

E-handel med Kläder - en marknadsundersökning

ABSTRACT Purpose: The purpose of the thesis is to examine and explain which consumers who choose to, or not choose to, shop for clothes via Internet. This will give businesses, and the reader, a better understanding on the views, of customers, on E-business with clothes. Procedure: A quantitative market research has been performed through a survey. Also the gathering of the material and the analysis is done with quantitative methods. The primary sources dominate the thesis. Conclusion: The Swedish consumers with experience from buying clothes online have a high level of satisfaction and 96 % will consider doing it again. 85 % have done it more than once.

Morgondagens arkiv : Om arkivhantering i framtiden

The aim of this study has been to create a future scenario of what archiving might look like in the future. The main theory used in the study comes from future studies, but also a theory about the social impact of technology on work were used. The questions that were analysed were about the tasks of the archivist, the appearance of the archival institution, collaboration with other LAM institutions, knowledge requirements for the archivist and the amount of archivist positions. The method used in the study was scenario writing, which derives from future studies. The source material consisted among other things of regulations and laws related to archiving together with some archival manuals.The tasks of the future archivist will probably consist of the same tasks as those of present archivists who work with digital archiving, even though archivists probably forever also will have to work a little with paper records.The future archival institution will probably retain its paper records and keep its digital records on digital storage media.

Sociala mediers påverkan på ungdomars hälsa

In the age group 16-25 years, the Internet is the most powerful source of information. This age group is also the main user of social media. The purpose of this study was to investigate young people's experience of social media and any associations between social media and adolescents health by answering the questions: ?how does young people use social media?, ?what risks can occur in young people's use of social media? and ?how can social media influence young people's lifestyles?. The survey was conducted by a quantitative cross-sectional study using questionnaires.

Tuppens och Förmiddagens filosofer : Thoreau och Nietzsche och uppvaknandets filosofi

AbstractThis paper is about the philosophies created by Henry David Thoreau (1817-1862) and Friedrich Nietzsche (1844-1900). The purpose is to show the high degree of similarities between Thoreau?s and Nietzsche?s philosphy.At first glance, it seems far-fetched to suggest an affinity between them; the differences in style and choice of subjects, have most certainly contributed to the fact that very few comparisons so far have been made. There is no evidence that one experienced any influence over the other, neither writer seems to have been aware of the other. Also their different areas of use during the 20th century, may have influenced the almost total lack of search for affinity.

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