

1661 Uppsatser om International terrorism - Sida 9 av 111

Det nya svenska låtskaparundret

Major changes have occurred in the music industry the last twenty years which can betraced to various reasons like technological and economical problems. Meanwhile, theSwedish songwriters have had incredible success on the international music scene when itcome sto songs with commercial impact. Their success has been very present in the lastfew years and during the writing of this essay, we see no evidence that they shoulddecrease.The purpose of this paper is to analyze and clarify the factors behind the internationalsuccess of Swedish-produced music has had in recent years. We will also show theimportance of the success that characterized the 90?s and how it affects Swedishsongwriters success today. .

Godstransport mellan kvalitets- och priskonkurrens

Uppsatsens syfte är att ta reda på enskilda revisorers uppfattning om penningtvättslagens eventuella påverkan på revisorns arbete och kundrelation. Dessutom undersöker uppsatsen enskilda revisorers syn på om de anser att de har förutsättningarna som krävs för att följa penningtvättslagen. Studien har genomförts med en kvalitativ undersökningsmetod. Fem revisorer med lång erfarenhet inom revisionsbranschen har blivit intervjuade och därmed bistått med sina åsikter.Enligt lag (2009:62) om åtgärder mot penningtvätt och finansiering av terrorism är revisorer skyldiga att granska och anmäla transaktioner som kan misstänkas vara penningtvätt eller finansiering av terrorism. Revisorerna är även skyldiga att ha god kundkännedom, vilket bland annat innebär att de skall göra noggranna identitetskontroller.

Erkännande och verkställighet av utländska domar : Kommer det komma en tid för full implementering av principen om ömsesidigt förtroende?

The economical and judicial cooperation that EU constitutes results in that there is an increasing amount of international disputes arising. These international disputes in turn result in questions concerning private international law. The principle of mutual trust is not only an important principle in the entire judicial cooperation but especially important in the area of private international law. The principle means that the member states have to trust each other and the different legal systems. The aim of the principle is to ensure a well functioning internal market that is permeated by free circulation and freedom of establishment.

Miljö- och Handelsgåtan : Intellektuella egendomsrätter och dess implikationer i en globaliserad verklighet

This paper seeks to discern the political factors that determine the results of negotiations in international cooperation. On the one hand, it makes a contribution to the broader theoretical debate on international regimes by combining regime theory and theories on globalisation into an integrated framework for the analysis of international policy results, or in this case treaties (theoretical objective). More generally, globalisation theory will help us understand why it has become important to initiate international cooperation, and regime theory to elucidate how these international cooperations emerge. To many observers, it is the large transnational corporations of the rich North, which have done best out of free trade. Through the huge influence they wield over governments at the WTO (World Trade Organisation), these corporations have won the freedom to move around the globe without restriction, making use of cheap labour, and locating wherever they can best tap into the largest and most lucrative markets.

På uppdrag av Allah - En studie av legitimiteten i den saudiarabiska statsapparaten

Since 2003 Saudi Arabia is under attack from domestic Al Qaida-cells which, by random shootings of westerners and bombings of compounds and official state buildings, is trying to challenge the stability of the royal regime. According to Al Qaida, the Royal family is attacked because of their friendly relations to the US and for not implementing Islam in the Saudi society as profound as they ought to. Political analyst finds it obvious that the Islamic Al Qaida-cells by terrorism is trying to erode the stability in the kingdom.An important foundation for stability for any government is legitimacy. The aim of this thesis is to examine the royal legitimacy strategy in the state bureaucracy of Saudi Arabia. The question at issue is: how has the royal family constructed the civil, military and religious bureaucracies to maintain and promote stability and legitimacy?The thesis focuses on the on three different units within these three bureaucracies and it surveys the way they are staffed and organized to strengthen and maintain legitimacy for the royal family.

Penningtvättslagen : i bakhuvudet på revisorn

Uppsatsens syfte är att ta reda på enskilda revisorers uppfattning om penningtvättslagens eventuella påverkan på revisorns arbete och kundrelation. Dessutom undersöker uppsatsen enskilda revisorers syn på om de anser att de har förutsättningarna som krävs för att följa penningtvättslagen. Studien har genomförts med en kvalitativ undersökningsmetod. Fem revisorer med lång erfarenhet inom revisionsbranschen har blivit intervjuade och därmed bistått med sina åsikter.Enligt lag (2009:62) om åtgärder mot penningtvätt och finansiering av terrorism är revisorer skyldiga att granska och anmäla transaktioner som kan misstänkas vara penningtvätt eller finansiering av terrorism. Revisorerna är även skyldiga att ha god kundkännedom, vilket bland annat innebär att de skall göra noggranna identitetskontroller.

Biblioteksservice till interner ? En fallstudie av hur nationella och internationella riktlinjer relaterar till biblioteksservicen till intagna på kriminalvårdsanstalten i Haparanda

The aim of this essay is to investigate how national and international guidelines relate to library services to prisoners in Sweden and to further illuminate this through a comparison with some examples from a few European countries. The essay examines what rights to library services Swedish prisoners are given in law, what national and international guidelines say, what demands are placed on the librarian in the form of education and suitability, what economical resources exist to realise library services to prisoners, what measures are taken to provide for language minorities, and how the security aspect is handled when it comes to computers and information technologies. The information has been obtained through interviews as well as through studies of books, articles and conference proceedings. The essay includes a small case study of how library services are provided for prisoners in Haparanda. Findings point to a gap between the goals that are presented in national and international guidelines and how the library services to prisoners function in reality..

Internationell diversifiering i portföljinvesteringar av institutionella investerare.Internationell jämförelse med fokus i Japan

Background: The global capital markets have enlarged investment opportunities and thus also the sources of funds for companies which increasingly face global markets for their services and products. Huge capital movements show that investors are constantly searching ways to minimise risk and maximise returns. In the light of the substantial growth of assets in institutional funds, an important question for international finance is the degree to which institutional investors have diversified their portfolios internationally. Purpose: The purpose of this study is to examine the international diversification of portfolio investments of institutional investors in Japan, the US and the UK and deepen into international diversification in portfolios of Japanese institutional investors. Demarcations: Institutional investors can use their power directly in companies or indirectly through capital markets.

Fågel fisk eller mittemellan?

The project is a thesis which intends to strengthen the form language and increase the user friendliness of an International Moth. This is a single handed dinghy with only one sail. It sails on two hydrofoils and receives a very high speed compared to its size, and are therefore often referred to as ?the Formula One on water ?. The result is a new concept where the aerodynamic forces have been used to stabilize the boat and relieve the hydrofoils.

Konflikten i Georgien:förhandling som konflikthantering eller som problemlösning?

The aim of this essay is to examine which of the two approaches within the field of conflicts that best explains the conflict between Georgia and Russia using negotiations, dialogue and conciliation. According to the first approach negotiations are used to handle a conflict, according to the second approach negotiations are used to solve a problem.  The focus will be on how the two states acted and how the dialogue from the European Union as a conciliator was brought before the war escalated in 2008. The EU is today an important actor within the international politics and has established close relations to the two states. The conflict goes back in history and is still not solved. In the fields of international studies, there is a realistic view that claims the international politics to be shaped by suspicions between states as main actors. War is never far away, what is claimed to be solved through diplomacy.

Man känner sig lite kluven ibland : an international adopted?s experience of her learning process

The aim of my study was to describe and interpretate how an international adopted person look back at and describes her learning process individually and in interaction with others. Data are based on one in-depth interview with a phenomenological inspired approach.The findings showed that the interviewee has repressed a great deal of her former life from her country of origin. According to the interviewee, the process of learning in interaction with other people has worked well. She has furthermore never felt that other students have treated her differently based on her appearance. There is some ambivalence in how the interviewee describes this though, which opens up for other interpretations..

Omvärlden och Burma : En fallstudie av mänskliga rättigheter i EU: s och USA: s utrikespolitik

The aim of this paper is to describe and explain which policy instruments for human rights (HR) the United States and the European Union use towards Burma and to examine the priority given to HR in their respective foreign policy. From the results of an empirical analysis this paper seeks to analyze the US and the EU as powers in the international system and aims to explain their behavior from this theoretical perspective. From the theoretical approaches used I conclude that these actors act in different ways regarding the Burmese issue. This is partially due to the structure of the international system. Both actors primarily use different forms of diplomatic tools and sanctions to try to force change for HR in Burma.

Think Globally, Work Locally - En kvalitativ studie av turkiska kvinnoNGO:s och deras val av lobbystrategi

Turkey has recieved recurring criticism on their disrespect of women and their rights and The European Union Commission and CEDAW, the Convention on the Elimination of all forms of Discrimination Against Women, are two examples of critics. However, during the last years Turkey has shown a number of improvments and positive developments. Two flagrant examples of the extended debate of the above mentioned scarcity is within the area of legislation and the large number of womenNGO´s.The aim of my thesis is to investigate which strategies womenorganizations in Turkey are using to affect the political agenda from a genderperspective; do they choose an international or a national strategi? The analysis is based on four womenNGO´s and their efforts of influence and effects on the political agenda and how they experience the link between themselves and the Turkish government. My findings suggest that a national strategy is chosen before an international strategy, but the choice seems to depend on specific goals of the organization and the national climate.

Försvarsmakten - en resurs mot terrorism?

Denna uppsats har haft som syfte att utröna om Försvarsmaktens förmågor i allmänhet ochterroristbekämpning i synnerhet tillvaratas på ett för samhället mest effektivt sätt. Grund för studien har varitjustitierådets Johan Munck´s utredning, SOU 2003:32 Vår beredskap efter 11 september, vilken syftade tillatt kartlägga och analysera myndigheternas beredskap och förmåga att förhindra och bekämpa omfattandeterroristattentat samt behovet av samverkan och samordning mellan myndigheterna. Uppsatsen beskriverdagens juridiska ramverk och de förslag till förändringar som utredningen har föreslagit. Den teoretiskaanknytningen är baserad på det demokratiska dilemmat, att i en rättstat använda väld då hot mot riket sominte härrör från en fientlig sinnad makt uppstår. Undersökningens empiri har byggts på ovan nämndautredning, ett antal myndigheters remissvar samt intervjuer av personer som på olika nivåer har varit och ärdelaktiga i beslut avseende samverkan och samordning, framför allt mellan polisen och Försvarsmakten.

Rätten till naturaprestation : Bortfaller rätten efter det att ett långvarigt embargo har lyfts?

Export is a top priority for Sweden's economy but for Swedish companies it may involve uncomfortable risks of exporting without sincere consideration. When the United Nations Security Council puts an embargo against a country, this often mean an import and export restriction. The thought is to push undemocratic regimes into respecting human rights. When the embargo is in force, however, the parties are not able to fulfill their contractual obligations, which practically means that the agreement will be suspended. The problem is what happens when an embargo is in force for a longer period of time.

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