

1661 Uppsatser om International terrorism - Sida 47 av 111

En studie i att tillämpa Computational Thinking på grafteori

Computational thinking was brought to the forefront in 2006 by Jeannette Wing. Computational thinking is a problem solving method that uses computer science techniques.The thesis is analyzing computational thinking and how it could be applied to graph theory. Characteristics and main fields from computational thinking is being analysed. This analysis is applied to graph theory to see the potential in developing a proposal for how an exercise can look for an introductory course in discrete data types. Only basic knowledge of graphs is required to perform the exercise.

The Zeitgeist Movement : ?Allt kanske inte är som mamma och pappa sa?? EN SOCIALPSYKOLOGISK STUDIE MED FOKUS PÅ ETT ANTAL DELTAGARE I THE ZEITGEIST MOVEMENT

This study´s focus was a group of participants of a social movement called The Zeitgeist Movement. The purpose of this study was to understand and convey what causes participants of this movement to engage despite that the prevailing culture teaches them otherwise.With qualitative methodology of participatory observation and semi-structured interviews with ten participants, our objective has been to answer the following questions: What are the driving forces that make these people act, which approach do they have to ?reality? and how do they relate to it, and what are the potential consequences with this approach?The study has shown that their critical and questioning attitude towards their perception of reality and their social constructivist view of it lead to conflicts between them and their fellowmen. The data was then analyzed with Alfred Schütz phenomenological theories in synthesis with Zygmunt Baumans critical societal analysis and theories.The study's focus was on the Gothenburg chapter of the Swedish Zeitgeist Movement. We did not make any comparisons with other national or international chapters of the movement..

Byte av redovisningsprincip : en analys av och jämförelse mellan rättsläget i svensk och tysk rätt

In order to achieve comparability, which is one of the fundamental principles of accounting, companies should be consistent concerning the accounting policies they use. Only under certain circumstances changes in accounting policies are allowed, and when there is a change in accounting policies, it is important that the change is reported in a way that assures that the financial reports still achieve comparability. The purpose of this thesis is to establish which rules and recommendations about changes in accounting policies that exist in Swedish and German law and what their meaning is. Further, the purpose is to compare these rules and recommendations and discuss their differences and similarities, advantages and disadvantages. Since publicly traded European companies will be obliged to prepare their consolidated accounts in conformity with International Accounting Standards (IAS) from 2005, I also describe the content of IAS 8 which deals with changes in accounting policies, and discuss what the consequences of this transition might be for Swedish and German publicly traded companies considering changes in accounting policies.

Natos intervention i Kosovo 1999 : En ställningstagande idéanalys av Natos argumentation om begreppet humanitära interventioner

This thesis is an analysis based on the problem of defining a humanitarian intervention and argues when or not, it is appropriate to operate it. The interest lies in finding out whether the argument itself is justifiable,not whether the act of interference was justifiable. My hypothesis is that both private and international operatios misuse the definition "humanitarian interventions" as an excuse to trespass the laws of war. Behind the idea of protecting human rights, freedom and democracy, is the liberalist idea of all individuals being equal. The respect for their freedom and rights drives outside actors to intervene when crimes are comitted against them.

Harmoniseringen av redovisningen : IAS 39 ur bankers, myndigheters och redovisningskunnigas perspektiv

Som en följd av det ökade behovet av global kapitalanskaffning har kravet på jämförbar redovisning mellan länder ökat. EU har därför som målsättning att skapa en mer harmoniserad och effektiv kapitalmarknad inom unionen. I juli 2002 antog Europaparlamentet och rådet en förordning om tillämpning av internationella redovisningsstandarder, IAS-förordningen. Sedan 1 januari, 2005 är det krav på att alla noterade europeiska företag i koncernredovisningen skall tillämpa de internationella redovisningsstandarderna, International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) och International Accounting Standards (IAS). IAS 39 standarden uppfattas som den svåraste och mest komplexa av IAS/IFRS standarderna.

Analys av BI-system och utveckling av BI-applikationer

Detta examensarbete på D-nivå beskriver skapandet av BI-applikationer och analys av treolika BI-system. Projekten har givits av Cederroth International AB som är ett av Sverigesstörsta företag inom dagligvaruhandeln. Uppsatsen ger en inblick i vad BI är och hur BIfungerar i företagsvärlden. Det ges även en stegvis beskrivning i hur en applikation skapasmed hjälp av BI-systemet QlikView och analyser av BI-systemen QlikView, SQL Server 2005och BusinessObjects XI om huruvida dessa uppfyller de funktionella kraven på ett BI-verktyg.Bakgrundsinformation om Cederroth och dess system för affärsdatahantering ges också iuppsatsen.Den BI-applikation som beskrivs i denna uppsats involverar finsk återförsäljningsdata.Stegen från grunddata till färdig applikation beskrivs och förklaras ingående i uppsatsen.Analysen av de tre BI-systemen som därefter gjorts har beskrivits i en del därgrundinformation följs av en analys med hänsyn till de funktionella aspekterna i BI-systemen.Denna analys resulterade i ett likvärdigt resultat för de tre BI-systemen. BI-systemen hadedock olika lösningar på de funktionella delarna..

Varför träna?

Med fysisk aktivitet avses all kroppsrörelse som är en följd av skelettmuskulaturens sammandragning och som resulterar i ökad energiförbrukning. Det är bevisat att regelbunden fysisk aktivitet har en mycket positiv verkan på många av kroppens system. Därför är syftet med studien att undersöka samband mellan typ av motivation och fysisk aktivitet bland studenter. Fysisk aktivitet och motivation har därför kopplats till teorier, framförallt self- determination theory (SDT). Resultaten framtogs genom en kvantitativ metod som bestod av en enkätundersökning.

Inneklimatutreding av Fanan 27

Computational thinking was brought to the forefront in 2006 by Jeannette Wing. Computational thinking is a problem solving method that uses computer science techniques.The thesis is analyzing computational thinking and how it could be applied to graph theory. Characteristics and main fields from computational thinking is being analysed. This analysis is applied to graph theory to see the potential in developing a proposal for how an exercise can look for an introductory course in discrete data types. Only basic knowledge of graphs is required to perform the exercise.

Klimatanpassning av Ljungby stad mot översvämningar

Climate changing is a growing problem for many countries and communities over the world. The cities has a huge work to deal with in their reforcements of their cities to be resilient ones. This thesis makes an effort to investigate and illuminate some of the problem the cities has to solve related to flooding, hazards, erosions, rising sea levels and crotches. This thesis will help to find solutions that international and national efforts has produced and handed out to each other. A lot of communities are charing their excellent tools that works for them.

Effekten av neutrala påståenden på social önskvärdhet i självskattningsformulär

This study investigated the effect different contexts have on personality items when they are framed more neutrally. The study was based on a five-factor personality inventory originating from International Personality Item Pool. The inventory consisted of 50 original and 50 neutral personality items and in addition 28 items measuring social desirability. The sample consisted of 150 students from the Department of Psychology, Lund. The students were divided into three instruction groups differing in context.

"Hur  mycket invandring tål Sverige?" : Invandrings- och integrationsdiskurser hos tre elitskribenter och på Avpixlat- en relationell studie

Drawing on theories of ethnic representations in mainstream news media and racial discrimination (van Dijk 2000, Hultén 2006, Husband & Downing 2005, Wodak 2011), and using methods of critical discourse analysis (mainly van Dijk 1993, 1991, Fairclough 1995) this bachelor thesis aims to investigate the inter-textual and inter-discursive relationship between selected editorial and opinion pieces written by three mainstream right wing ?symbolic elites? and the xenophobic blog ?Avpixlat?. The three selected symbolic elites are: Per Gudmundsson, editorial writer at the second largest Swedish newspaper SvD, Andreas Johansson Heinö, academic with a P.H.D. in political science, specialized on issues of integration and ethnic relations, and Paulina Neuding, editorial writer at SvD and editor in chief for right-wing oriented magazine Neo. All three are actively taking part in the mediated discussion of ethnic relations in Sweden from a liberal-conservative perspective.

Det Nya Ryssland : En inblick över Rysslands utrikespolitik under 2000-talet.

Title: Det nya Ryssland - En inblick over Rysslands utrikespolitik under 2000-taletAuthor: Tim Balder and Jens KindhLinnaeus UniversityDepartment of Political ScienceAutumn term 2011The purpose of this thesis is to gain a better understanding of how the Russian foreign policy is, how it is conducted and how it may develop in the future. To do that, we are going to try to answer the following questions:What characterizes Russia's official foreign policy?What theories are there for the Russian foreign policy?How can the various theories explain the Russian foreign policy actions at the international level?Our theory is to try explaining how the Russian foreign policy is continuing its development during the 21st century through three theories known as the Western liberalism, Pragmatic nationalism and Fundamental nationalism. Furthermore, to explain Russia's foreign policy and their behaviour, we are going to use the two foreign policy doctrines from 2000 and 2008. In addition, books and articles will also be used to explain how Russia's foreign policy is conducted and developed..

Rennäringslagen - ett skydd för vem?

I den här uppsatsen har nu gällande lag för svenska samer behandlats, rennäringslagen 1971:437. För att få en sammanhängande bild på dagens rättsläge återfinns en historisk tillbakablick i uppsatsen där framväxten av dagens lagstiftning har tydliggjorts. Syftet med uppsatsen var att redogöra för dagens rättsläge och lagens framtidsutsikter samt att belysa de större problem och intressekonflikter rennäringslagen konfronteras med. Eftersom förslaget till en ny lag delvis bygger på International Labour Organization, ILO, konventionen nr 169, om urbefolkningar i självstyrande länder, var en del av syftet också att få insikt i vad konvntionen står för. Den empiriska delen av uppsatsen består av telefonintervjuer med olika parter som berörs av rennäringslagen.

Miljöcertifierade kommersiella byggnader : Undersökning av ekonomisk ansvarsfördelning mellan hyresgäst och fastighetsägare

The Swedish commercial real estate market is in the current situation globally affected and is actively interacting with the rental and capital markets through international tenants and investors who are setting new demands on the property owners. The European Union has set new requirements as well in purpose of reducing humanity?s negative effect on the climate and therefore the international real estate market has introduced Green Building-certificates in order to decrease the real estate industry?s environmental impact.Certificated buildings with low energy consumption are a more common sight in Sweden these days. The development, however, could go even faster if there was not certain difficulties between property owners and tenants. Previous research has revealed that tenants do not always have knowledge about, or may have access to the economic benefits that a green building can provide.

Curatorns ordning : En diskursanalys av curatorns yrkesroll utifrån 15 curatorutbildningar

This study departs from the observation that since the late 1980´s educational programmes for curators have been established and since then expanded greatly. The programmes are part of a process of institutionalization and professionalization of the role of the curator within the international contemporary art field where the role as such has gained much power. Even though many statements have been made about this relatively new phenomenon of curatorial studies, there is a lack of sufficient research. The intention of this study is therefore to examine the educational programmes as such. The selection of 15 programmes has been made with the purpose to include early as well as newly established and to cover a wide geographic area.

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