14661 Uppsatser om International management. Sweden - Sida 57 av 978
Big bath accounting i samband med goodwillnedskrivningar
AimThe aim of this study is to through managers in eldercares deskriptions of the systematic qualityleadingsystem examine the implementation process of this system in the eldercare in the municipality of Halmstad. BackgroundIn this paper the background explains elderly care and social work context, leadership in change and implementation processes. The theoretical frame illustrates Vedungs implementation theory and Webers model of bureaucracy MethodTo collect empirical data for this study, a qualitative research design was used in which eleven managers within Halmstads municipality home care management stood as respondents. ResultThe respondents highlighted a variety in the use of the systematic quality management system tool. The result describes that several obstacles were experienced in the use of the systematic quality system. ConclusionBased on the descriptions the respondents gives of the implementation process of the systematic quality management of Halmstad municipality home care management, the conclusion can be drawn that the implementation process has not resulted in the employees making use of systematic quality management in practice. The systematic quality management system that will ensure the quality of the care work is thus used to a limited extent..
Dancing with Cops - lärdomar från ett Managementprojekt på NÄPO Lund
En sammanfattande rapport över de lärdomar vi gjort under bl.a. ett projekt vid Närpolisen i Lund (NÄPO Lund). Rapporten behandlar bl.a. områden som konsult-klient förhållandet, ledarskap, individuell utveckling, grupputveckling och feedback..
Strategiimplementering vid direktinvestering i Baltikum
En kvalitativ undersökning av SEB och Föreningssparbankens strategiimplementering vid deras direktinvestering i Baltikum..
Social and economic consequences of wolf (Canis lupus) establishments in Sweden
Wildlife contributes with many benefits to humans but also brings economic costs. From being eradicated in Scandinavia the grey wolf (Canis lupus) is returning to South-Western Sweden and people are not used to its presence. In Scandinavia carnivores have to co-occur with humans in a landscape used for many different interests. Consequences of wolf establishments are e.g. competition for moose, depredation on sheep and attacks on hunting dogs.
Knowledge management på en dagstidning
The purpose of this study was to describe how journalists do research for their articles and whether there is a need to create a knowledge bank of the material that journalists use for writing these articles. I also looked at how knowledge management could be used at a daily newspaper to add value to the information used by the journalists. The thesis is based on four interviews with journalists, a literature review and a practical project. I helped a journalist with his information seeking and later tried to organize the material. This project gave me an understanding of how varying the material that journalists use is and how difficult it would be to try to organize it in order to create an organizational knowledge resource of the material.
Breaking up is hard to do: Identity Work in the HR Department
The purpose of this paper is to explore overarching themes regarding identity and the HR department. Our aim is to address some of the more recent developments in HR identity issues, such as dis-identification and how it relates to the changes that have occurred of late within the HR department..
Den ekonomiska betydelsen av crowdfunding för företag i uppstartsfasen
Uppsatsens syfte är att undersöka vilken ekonomisk betydelse crowdfunding har
för företag i uppstartsfasen när de är i behov av kapital.
Det teoretiska perspektivet vi utgått ifrån är två teorier: det finansiella
gapet och preferensordningen i pecking order teori. Detta för att se vilken
ekonomisk betydelse crowdfunding har för att täcka det finansiella behovet och
även se vart i preferens-ordningen denna finansieringsform hamnar.
Det empiriska datainsamlingssätt denna studie använder sig av är två stycken
intervjuer med öppna frågor.
Empirin består av redovisning av intervjuer med två respondenter.
Studien visar att crowdfunding har en ekonomisk betydelse för företag i
uppstartsfasen. Detta genom att vara ett komplement till de traditionella
Management på mellannivå-en fråga om ett tudelat arbete? En studie på Trade AB.
Uppsatsens syfte att dels att beskriva vad begreppet management innebär för mellancheferna på det studerade företaget, dels att peka på de konsekvenser som kan följa av detsamma. I uppsatsen har en kvalitativ metod använts med krav på kritisk reflektion. Det empiriska underlaget består av åtta intervjuer med chefer inom ett medelstort svenskt företag. Inom Trade AB råder en tudelad syn på mellanchefsrollen. Denna präglas i första hand av en sälj-och specialistroll och utesluter en integration av chefsrollen, i vilken management inte bara upplevs som personalvård utan som en naturlig del av mellanchefens arbete.
How Thai Culture Affects Expatriates' Leadership
To contribute to understanding of how Thai cultural context affects the leadership of expatriates in management positions. Instead of modifying the leadership styles to fit the local (Thai) context, the expatriates tried to push and influence their culture and leadership styles to Thai employees..
Undersökning om ensamkommande barns upplevelse av mottagandet på HVB- hemmen
A controversial party?s entry into parliament - a review of Expressen?s depiction of the Sweden Democrats (Sverigedemokraterna)The purpose of this essay was to study how Expressen presents the Sweden Democrats, as well as reasoning about the effects this depiction could have on the citizens? opinion. Using a quantitative method I studied 122 articles, and through a qualitative method four of these could be further analyzed to reach a deeper result. The theoretical perspective that was applied in this study was primary agenda-setting and framing theory, to illuminate the power of media. The result showed that a prominent theme was to present Sweden Democrats as racists.
Analys av lärandeorganisation i förändring
When an organisation is going through a work of change, it is highly important that both management and employees has a healthy communication in order to make everybody feel involved. It is then important to be observant for both the managements and employees thoughts and ideas.This study has been performed on an upper secondary school which is performing a work of change. The change has divided the employees in three different groups. One, which thinks the change have evolved the organisation to something better. The second group of people means that it is preventing individual development of competence.
Fröodling av Raj- och rörsvingel i Sverige
Festulolium (Festulolium) and tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea) has not been grown inSweden over a longer period. So far there is no greater area cultivated, but the area isincreasing. Festulolium and tall fescue are expected to eventually replace meadowfescue in many leyseed mixtures to dairy cows in southern and central Sweden. Tallfescue has in recent years become popular again. Festulolium is a hybrid betweenryegrass and fescue.
Neutralitet med förhinder : En undersökning i hur bilden av Sveriges neutralitetspolitik under andra världskriget har förändrats i läroböcker i historia
Sweden?s role during the Second World War has been a matter that has been under much debate since the war?s end in 1945. The debate has however ebbed and flowed and established a discourse that Sweden was forced to give in to German demands and did so to avoid conflict that would have severely damaged Sweden. However, in 1991 a Swedish journalist Maria-Pia Boëthius published a book known as Heder och Samvete in which she explained that the Swedish concessions to Germany during the war were made out of profit rather than giving in to German demands. This sparked a debate that ended with the establishment that Sweden compromised and even broke its neutrality in favor to gain profit from the war.
Vilka faktorer påverkar börsbolagens nedskrivningsbeslut?
By using univariate analysis, tobit and logit regressions, this thesis investigates determinants of asset writedowns. After controlling for variables indicating reductions in asset values, the results show that changes in senior management are significant in explaining the writedown decision and magnitude, which is in line with previous research. The explanatory power of changes in senior management has not increased with the transition to IFRS in 2005. No evidence is found supporting the hypothesis that the explanatory power of management incentives is higher for more discretionary types of asset writedowns..
Utbildningsinstitutioner för socialt arbete i Sverige och Polen : en komparativ studie om två högskolesystem i början av ett nytt decennium
The purpose of the study is to see differences and development of two institutions for social care (work science) in two countries - the University of Lodz, Polen, and the University of Lund, Sweden.The central question is, if there is any convergence between these Institutions for Social care.The method has been to use both earlier research and to have two interviews. I did interviews with two professors working at two Universities, one with professor Ewa Marynowicz-Hetka at Lodz University and the other with professor Hans Swärd at the University of Lund. I started to study relevant literature and took part of secondary material in both countries.The main result of this study is that some convergence tendencies between those two trainings exist. All of them have connection with international cooperation. There are also same forces that stopped those tendencies; one of them is tradition on institutions..