

14641 Uppsatser om International management. Sweden - Sida 24 av 977

Flödesekonomins dimensioner : supply chain management

It is of increasing importance to in the most effective possible way, manage and control all the transactions of raw materials, products and information that are exchanged between an organization and all its operators. These flows and the need for strategy and managing the processes of planning, implementing and control of the supply chain, has given name to the concept supply chain management. Supply chain management involves all movement and storage of raw material, and all the processes that is needed to manufacture a product from origin to consumption. Globalization, technology and increasing time and quality-based competition are all driving forces behind the concept and reasons for an increasing interest in supply chain management.The purpose of this essay is to by using a qualitative case study examine which decisive success factors that can be identified for effective supply chain management. We have compiled different theories on the subject to use for analyzing a case study Li & Fung, who is a successful supply chain management company.

Hur skapas en effektiv riskhantering? : En studie av telekomoperatörer

Background: As companies are operating in more globally and complex environments, the need for risk control is accelerating. In an ever-changing environment, companies cannot merely focus on traditional risks, which include financial and insurable risks. To maintain competitiveness, companies need to extend their risk management to include all risks, traditional as well as operational and strategic risks. Purpose: The purpose is to describe and position risk management for Telecom operators, in comparison with the risk management literature, with regards to structure, processes, learning process, visions and benefits. In addition, our aim is to link risk management perspectives with the different strategies for knowledge management.

Icke dödande vapen : Försvarsmaktens senaste verktyg i internationella insatser

Due to the increasing international operations for the Swedish Armed Forces these new types of opponents needs new tools to cope with these commitments. A couple of years ago the Swedish Armed Forces had no non-lethal weapons, but today the Swedish soldier has a number of tools to choose from.The purpose of this paper is for the reader to get a presentation of which non-lethal weapons are used today by the Swedish Armed Forces and a sample of what non-lethal weapons are out on the market today. My main question is which non-lethal weapons do the Swedish Armed Forces? miss in their non-lethal capabilities set.I have collected information from a wide selections of sources like reports from the Swedish Defence Research Agency, the Swedish Armed Forces? own regulations and the Internet. The information is then processed and divided into five chapters: The development of non-lethal weapons, description of technologies, non-lethal weapons in the Swedish Armed Forces, Non-lethal weapons on the market and Results.This paper is limited to handheld, portable and man to man non-lethal weapons, all non-lethal weapons in the Swedish Armed Forces or on the international market are not covered.My conclusion is that the Swedish Armed Forces should acquire three 40 mm projectiles, one 12-gauge projectile and one TASER®..

Jämställdhet, jämlikhet, olikhet : kunskap om skolans jämställdhetsarbete

This essay is about gender equality in a Swedish upper secondary school. The aim is twofold: to obtain knowledge about feminism, gender equality, boys´ and girls´ situations in schools and gender equality work there; and to find out if government management documents for schools work effectively when it comes to promoting gender equality in schools. There are four research questions: How do teachers interpret what´s said in management documents for schools? What strategies do teachers use to promote gender equality? What opportunities and obstacles do teachers see for promoting gender equality at the specific school? And, finally, do the management documents for the school work effectively when it comes to promoting gender equality?The study has a socialist feminist perspective, which sees gender differences as a result of a mix of biological, historical and social factors. Important theoretical standpoints include gender socialization as an explanation for how girls and boys become women and men.The results of the study points out that teachers interpret management documents differently, and that they find the documents hard to understand.

When companies grow up - A case study of a family-owned company?s management control system

Problem: What are the characteristics of Polykemi?s management control system and how is it affected by growth? Purpose: To describe and analyse the management control system of a medium-sized family-owned company from the perspective of Simons? Levers of control. Research design: An abductive, interview-based case study of Polykemi AB. Conclusion: Polykemi?s management control system is primarily a traditional one which is rather strong in terms of Levers of control.

GMO Food Products - The issue of marketing and selling them in Europe.

Title: GMO Food ProductsThe issue of marketing and selling them in Europe - A Business and Legal Perspective.Author: Shane KingSupervisors: Anneli Carlsson and Ewa RabinowiczProblemThe European Unions regulations in regard to GMO?s and the approval process for both release into the environment, and onto the market, has been under fire by the USA along with Canada and Argentina. The WTO has ruled on this issue in favour of USA et al.The problem that was identified was in regard to consumer opinion in the EU. How could the EU meet its numerous international trade obligations while at the same time meetingthe needs of the citizens of the Union? Added to that was the issue of whether or not the?EU? perspective was indeed an EU perspective or rather the perspective of a fewMember States.

Brokiga nätverk och föreställda gemenskaper : En studie av Göteborg International Film Festival och Malmö Arab Film Festival med utgångspunkt i två teoretiska perspektiv på filmfestivalen

Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka två samtida svenska filmfestivaler, Göteborg International Film Festival och Malmö Arab Film Festival, utifrån två teoretiska perspektiv på filmfestivalen med den mer övergripande målsättningen att bidra till ett spirande och stadigt växande forskningsfält kring filmfestivalen i den nationella kontexten. De aktuella festivalerna inringar i förhållandevis god mån den svenska filmfestivalflorans allsidighet; en omfångsrik historisk publik festival respektive en smalare tematisk nykomling.                      De teoretiska perspektiven innefattar festivalen betraktad som en del av ett internationellt nätverk utifrån Thomas Elsaessers och Marijke de Valcks definition, samt som en kulturell yttring av föreställda gemenskaper. Med utgångspunkt i dessa teoretiska positioner kommer festivalerna granskas med fokus på dess uppkomst, visioner och agenda, filmprogram, publik, ekonomisk beskaffenhet och liknande kontextualiserade förhållanden.                      För Göteborg International Film Festival utgör spridningen av filmkultur, de huvudsakliga fundamenten i dess målsättningar och agenda, i synnerhet med fokus på nordisk film, medan tematiken, den arabiska kulturen, utgör det bärande för Malmö Arab Film Festival. Göteborg International Film Festival uppvisar i samstämmighet med de nätverksteoretiska perspektiven på festivalen en mångfacetterad beskaffenhet av filmceremoni, marknadsplats, internationell plattform och tävlingsmästerskap, i kontrast till Malmö Arab Film Festival där festivalens textur är mer komplex än föreliggande bestämningar. Båda festivalerna har uppstått i den post-industriella staden och dess återskapande som centrum för kreativitet, kultur och kunskap.                      Malmö Arab Film Festival adresserar en uppenbar arabisk (föreställd) gemenskap i sitt tematiska fokus.

Modell för fördelning av kostnader i lager

Distrilux International AB, a company within the Electrolux-group, works among other things with storing of products from other companies in the Electrolux-group. This rapport contains a cost analysis of the two Distrilux warehouses in Motala and Mariestad. The company offers five services in these warehouses, in-loading of products from a local factory and from external factories, storing, out-loading of products to Sweden (domestic) and for export. Since there has been some hesitation of the accuracy of the price-model of today, a master's thesis has been advertised. The purpose of the thesis has been to investigate the agreement of the price-model of today and the apportionment of the costing in warehouses.The main problem is to determine which activities is to be considered important in the price-model.

Faveo Project Management Tool : Framtagning av verktyg för projektstyrning

There are several Project Management Softwares onthe market today. These tools are powerful andextensive to the degree they become too timeconsumingand complex and therefore often defeatits original purpose. This is the case especiallywhen the project manager is inexperienced and/orthe scope of the project is moderate.The purpose of this thesis arose from this context,there seems to be a gap between a home-made MSExcel spread sheet and the advanced softwaresavailable. The thesis and the product has beendeveloped in alliance with Faveo ProjectManagement with the shared goal to create a toolwhich is easy to use but still covers the essentialareas of project management theory. The tool willbe used internally by Faveo-employees as well asexternally together with Faveo?s clients in aneducational purpose.

Den dubbla yrkesrollen : Om yrkeslärares kompetensutveckling inom karaktärsämnet

The Sami people are a national minority in Sweden, but are also considered as native citizens of Sweden, Norway, Finland and Russia. The world has however a very limited knowledge about the Sami?s and their cultural background.The aim of this proposal is to examine six different history schoolbooks which depict the Sami people in Sweden. In addition, one of the key elements of this proposal is to understand how the selected literature represents the Sami people.Lastly, the proposal also seeks to review if the literature in the schoolbooks represents the elementary curriculum goals (Lpo94).The selected method was to do a text analysis of the literature and to illustrate that is presented in the reviewed schoolbooks. The text analysis is completed with an analysis of the illustrations and pictures that are presented in the selected schoolbooks.The key findings were that the review in majority of schoolbooks has stereotypical descriptions of the Sami people. The Sami people are generally depicted with the hut and the reindeer management in majority of the reviewed schoolbooks.The research about the Sami people is inappreciable in majority of the reviewed literature. In addition, the Sami people are often presented in connection with ?other? history, such as the silver ore in the mines or the territory dispute with settlers from the south of Sweden.

COIN vs DynCorp International : Hur har nyttjandet av DynCorp International påverkat Operation Enduring Freedom ? Afghanistan genom sin medverkan i utbildningen av Afghan National Police?

2001 störtades ett antal flygplan in i World Trade Center och Pentagon i USA, detta genomfördes av organisationen al-Qaeda med Usama Bin Laden som ledare. Påföljden av detta blev att USA inledde sitt krig mot terrorismen. Skådeplatsen för detta blev Afghanistan som sedan tidigare har varit krigshärjat av Sovjet på 80-talet. 2003 vann DynCorp sitt första kontrakt kopplat till Afghan NationalPolice, detta innebar att de ansvarade för att utbilda poliser som skulle arbeta på lägre nivåer. Då Tyskland ansvarade för utbildning av poliser på nivåerna commissioned och non-commissioned.

Interim Management ? The way to capture a manager´s true value

The thesis has two aims to first describe the phenomena by explaining how interim management works and what the charachteristics of an interim manger are. The second aim is to look at the value issue of interim management; What value does an interim manager provide to a company and how do interim managers try to capture and cultivate this?The qualitative method has been used. The interim management market analysed in this thesis can be stated to consist of three parts; the interim manager as a provider of knowledge, a client firm in need of a temporary manager, and an interim agency in between working as an intermediary/supplier. The characteristics of interim managers are; they are in general self-employers and rather generalists than specialists, meaning they are experienced and have great knowledge skills.

Carlstad Comic Con : En fallstudie

This is a case study of Carlstad Comic Con 2011 and 2012.The purpose is to study the event in relation to a project management and a local culture policy perspective. This in order to analyze the organization of a popular culture event and see how such a local event may benefit Karlstad as a city. Besides studying the organization of Carlstad Comic Con and its outcomes I am sketching a short cultural history of popular culture media and its context within recent year?s globalization.The study shows that the events have had a great beneficial impact on the local industry; lacking any negative sides, and have put Karlstad in an international context which goes directly in line with the standard guidelines for project management of region culture policy. Concerning how to organize the event the organizers have not followed a strict project structure.

Traditionell ekonomistyrning vs modern verksamhetsstyrning : en fallstudie av ett växande företagsstyrfilosofi

The purpose with this paper is that trough a description of the management control at Jitech AB find out if traditional management control have been abandoned for benefit for modern management control and in which extent the transition have happened. Further is the second purpose with this paper to find out which decisions that lies behind the design of the management control and how these are in opposition to with the theory..

Personalkostnadsbesparingens påverkan på arbetsmotivationen

Frågeställningar:På vilket sätt påverkas personalens arbetsmotivation av personalkostnadsbesparingar?Vilken betydelse har arbetsmotivationen vid personalkostnadsbesparingar för det finansiella resultatet på kort och lång sikt?.

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