

1672 Uppsatser om International adoption - Sida 7 av 112

Schweiz integration på den inre marknaden. En undersökning av Schweiz övertagande av acquin.

Standing outside the EU and the EES, Switzerland is a unique state characterized by federalism, direct democracy and neutrality. Though always focused on preserving these features and its sovereignty, Switzerland has managed to gain access to some sectors of the single market through bilateral agreements with the EU. The purpose of this thesis is to examine what level of integration Switzerland has reached in those bilaterally regulated sectors of the single market. As integration cannot easily be assessed, the extent of the Swiss adoption of the acquis is seen as an indicator of the level of integration and is thus examined. The conclusion is that Switzerland, mostly due to the economic interest of common rules, but partly due to pressure from the EU, almost completely adopts the acquis in the bilaterally regulated sectors, including the interpretation of the ECJ.

Elektroniska konossement - ?r Sverige med p? b?ten? En studie av m?jligheterna till inf?rande av elektroniska konossement i Sverige

This paper aims to analyze the legal functions and characteristics of bills of lading in their basic form to examine the legal framework for the adoption of electronic bills of lading under Swedish law. With a comparative analysis against English law, particular attention is given to the 'document of title' function. This has been claimed to pose challenges in the transition to electronic bills of lading. While Swedish law presents potential parallels, critical aspects like negotiability and indirect possession require resolution. It analyzes international regulations such as the Rotterdam Rules and Model Law, addressing challenges and potential solutions for digitalization.

Talet hos femåriga barn med läpp-käk-gomspalt: En jämförelse mellan internationellt adopterade barn och svenskfödda barn

This retrospective study aimed to examine differences at age fivebetween twenty-six internationally adopted and twenty-six Swedish-bornchildren with cleft lip and palate regarding age of surgery, speech andintervention. Correlation between age of surgery and speechvariables andgender differences was examined. Blind assessment of audio recordedsentence repetition or naming of words was performed by two speechpathologists. Soft palate was closed significantly later for the study groupthan the control group. Age at closure of hard palate did not differ.

INTERNATIONELL KOMPETENS I SVENSKA KONCERNSTYRELSER: ? ett begrepp och dess diskursiva sammanhang

The purpose of the thesis is to map the meaning of ?international competence? in Swedish company boards of directors. The study is divided in a qualitative part and a quantitative part. The qualitative study consists of a discourse analysis where variation in interpretative repertoires are identified to enhance the understanding of the nature of reasoning related to the meaning and importance of the issue at stake. The discourse analysis is conducted on an empirical material from 27 interviews with decision makers in recruitment processes to Swedish company boards of directors.

Ökad transparens i välgörenhetsorganisationer i en finsk kontext : Fallet Fida International

Medier i Finland har skrivit mycket om vart pengarna går när det skänks till en välgörenhetsorganisation. Uppsatsen ämnar besvara frågor om hur välgörenhetsorganisationer arbetar för att öppna upp sin verksamhet för insyn för att på så vis synliggöra sitt ansvarstagande samt om det finns problem med att skapa transparens. Uppsatsens syfte är således att beskriva hur en välgörenhetsorganisation kan skapa legitimitet för sitt arbete genom transparens. Tre viktiga begrepp beskrivs: transparens, ansvarighet och legitimitet. Även olika kanaler beskrivs genom vilka välgörenhetsorganisationer kan öka öppenheten.

Kan CSR inom tobaksindustrin skapa legitimitet? : En studie om konsumenters uppfattning av Philip Morris International CSR-engagemang

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) har under modern tid växt fram att bli ettstandardförfarande bland företag och en strategi för att eftersträva legitimitet. Grundati ökade krav och förväntningar från omgivande aktörer, åtar sig organisationer ettsamhällsansvar utifrån ett miljömässigt, socialt och ekonomiskt perspektiv. Parallelltmed det stegrade ansvarstagandet inom organisationer öppnar det upp för fråganhuruvida detta fenomen är direkt applicerbart på alla branscher, så som kontroversiellaindustrier. Av den anledningen utreds i denna studie huruvida konsumenter anser attPhilip Morris International, ett företag verksamt inom tobaksindustrin, uppnårlegitimitet genom deras CSR- engagemang. Genom fokusgrupper och djupintervjuerhar konsumenters uppfattning om Philip Morris International CSR- engagemangkunnat fastställas och slutsatser har kunnat erhållas.

Med Säkerhetsrådets resolution 1325 (2000) som utgångspunkt : En komparativ studie av två handlingsplaner

Security Council resolution 1325 (2000) is about women, peace and security. Since the resolution was adopted several countries has made their own National Action Plan for implementation of the resolution.Sweden and Denmark are two of these countries. Resolution 1325 is one of the documents that each countries armed force has to relate to in international work.These countries can get to work together in international operations within the framework of the Nordic Defense Cooperation, NORDEFCO. This study is done by looking at similarities and differences in the action plans and whether they can be an obstacle for the countries to cooperate in an international operation.In this paper a comparative analysis of Sweden and Denmark's plans for the Security Council resolution 1325 will be done. The comparison is made based on the clauses of the resolution relating to the member states actions.In this paper, a qualitative text analysis to be carried out with sections of Resolution 1325 as a model for the comparison..

Utrikespolitiskt beslutsfattande : En studie om hur en militär intervention kunde godkännas av FN

This study in political science examines the UN adopted resolution 1970 (2011) andresolution 1973 (2011) on the basis of foreign policy decision-making. The study aims toexplain how the UN principle of Responsibility to Protect came to be legitimized for the firsttime by the UN Security Council in the Libya conflict in 2011. By a poliheuristic perspectivethe study attempt to explain Russia and China?s acting in the voting of resolution 1970 andresolution 1973. The background to the conflict in Libya 2011 is presented in the study aswell as the Security Council?s actions during the conflict, from the beginning of the conflictuntil the adoption of resolution 1973.

Synd och styggelse eller Gud är kärlek? : Svenska Kyrkans syn på homosexualitet

Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka vilken syn några företrädare för Svenska Kyrkan har på homosexualitet. Uppsatsen behandlar följande områden inom frågan om homosexualitet: Intervjupersonernas inställning till homosexualitet, Det bör finnas plats för flera åsikter inom kyrkan, En bibeltolkningsfråga, Homosexualitet är inte naturligt, Registrerat partnerskap, Partnerskap är inte ett äktenskap, Intervjupersonernas inställning till homosexuellas rätt att ansöka om adoption, Har alla rätt till allt?, Konsekvenser i verkligheten, Inga problem med homosexuella präster, Konflikt att vara kristen och homosexuell?, Frågan om homosexualitet är ett problem inom kyrkan. Diskussion och slutsatser kring dessa kategorier återges under varje kategori. Det breda spektra av åsikter inom området som min undersökning givit, speglar, med största sannolikhet, desamma som finns bland övriga företrädare för Svenska Kyrkan, dock bara en bråkdel av dem..

A spaghetti bowl of preferences? : om preferentiella handelsavtals påverkan på WTO

The aim of this thesis is to clarify the affect that preferential and regional trade agreements have on the World Trade Organization (WTO), as being establisher of the international trading regime. The essay is an explanatory literature study, which strives to answer the following questions:Are regional and preferential trade agreements a threat or a complement to the WTO?Is an undermining of the MFN principle weakening the WTO?How do regional trade agreements made by the EU affect the future of the WTO?The empirical material is to be analyzed using an explanatory framework, which is based on neo-liberal instutionalism, theories on regime changes and a game theoretical approach, using prisoner?s dilemma. I will employ the EU-ACP relation, the Cotonou agreement to exemplify how an agreement of this kind can have an influence on multilateral trade. The result shows that preferential agreements do have an impact on the WTO, one that is fairly negative in scope.

Obehöriga äga ej tillträde? En fallstudie om International Crisis Groups aktörsskap i det globala civilsamhället

Den civilsamhälleliga arenan förknippas traditionellt med gräsrotsrörelser, och elitgruppers närvaro kan därmed förefalla vara ett kontraintuitivt och främmande inslag. Uppsatsens syfte är verifiera vår tes om att International Crisis Group är en aktör i det globala civilsamhället, och att globaliseringen av civilsamhället utgör den strukturella förutsättningen för detta aktörsskap. Genom en teorikonsumerande fallstudie med ett induktivt förhållningssätt har vi studerat organisationens aktörsskap i det globala civilsamhället. Det teoretiska ramverket består av aktör-strukturteori kombinerat med teorier om det globala civilsamhället, varur vi har konstruerat en analysmodell som bistår med ett nytt sätt att betrakta globalt aktörsskap. Globaliseringen av civilsamhället, som är en förutsättning för globala aktörer att verka, fordrade den strukturella förändringen som slutet på Kalla kriget bistod med.

Svenska elevers sjunkande matematikkunskaper : möjliga orsaker och framtida insatser

National and international studies, such as PISA and TIMSS, which are part of the national evaluation system, are carried out continuosly. Skolverket, in collaboration with researchers, are responsible for the implementation, evaluation, and analysis of the studies. National results show an increasing percentage of pupils who do not reach the goals in mathematics. The last completed international studies PISA 2009 and TIMSS 2007 show an impaired trend of knowledge, in international comparison. Moreover, studies also show that the differences between schools and also within the same school in Sweden have increased.

Normalitet i adoption och föräldraskap : En kvalitativ studie av socialtjänstens medgivandeutredningar av ensamstående som vill adoptera

The aim of the study was to illustrate how single parents who want to adopt a child are described in consent investigations made by the social service. The methodology for this study was document analysis. The analysis material consisted of 23 consent investigations from family courts in 12 different municipalities and district administrations. The theoretical starting point of the study was the perspective of social construct of reality. Based on the issues of the study, background on International adoptions, theory of norms and deviation and past research the documents were analyzed.

Klimatförändringar som ett säkerhetshot. En studie av internationella organisationers säkerhetisering av klimathoten

International organizations are important actors on the stage of world politics, and how these actors securitize the climate change issue is of importance for how it will be tackled by actors on global and national levels. The purpose of this study is to contribute to research on climate security discourses and how climate change is defined as a security concern amongst different actors. This study, in contrast to previous research, focuses on systematically mapping the definitions made by different international organizations by asking: whose security is at stake; who is responsible for responding to the threat; how is the nature of the threat defined; and what responses are suggested? By analyzing material consisting of a variety of documents and statements from five international organizations, I aim to identify differences between these actors ? in how the climate change issue is conceptualized from a security perspective. The result of the study shows that only one of the organizations shows clear elements of the national/geopolitical security discourse, while all of the other actors primarily use the human security discourse.

Retoriken i estetiken : En retorisk analys av prisbelönta reklamannonser

This thesis is a qualitative study in which 12 award-winning printed adverts, awarded with either a Swedish ?Guldägg? or an international Clio Award, have been analyzed from a rhetorical perspective. Visual rhetorics were used to analyze the adverts in order to expose the rhetorical concepts and to find out whether the rhetorical concepts represented in the Swedish adverts are the same concepts represented in the international adverts. One of the conclusions drawn is that pathos-arguments, a rhetorical concept where the senders allude to the emotions of the receivers, are the most prominent in both Swedish and international adverts, but are used in different ways. Another conclusion drawn is that the adverts are overall characterized by their messages not being explicit.

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