

1672 Uppsatser om International adoption - Sida 45 av 112

Kunskapssammanställning om behandlingsmetoder i ungdomsvården : En jämförande studie om tre metoder

The aim of this study is to describe and analyse the knowledge of three of the treatment methods used in youth welfare and this is accomplished through a knowledge review. This study contains an analysis of three different treatment methods described in eleven different peer reviewed articles. The articles are all internationally published between the years 2006 to 2012 and they are all effectiveness evaluations. The articles deal with treatment methods concerning Motivational interviewing (MI), Aggression Replacement Training (ART) and Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) and these are three of the most common in youth welfare in Sweden. There is not much knowledge of Swedish conditions and that is why this study focuses on international research.

Corporate Social Responsibility, vara eller inte vara ? En undersökning om CSR förekommer hos svenska modeföretag och modekonsumenter.

The main purpose is to illuminate how a company links certain values to its brand in an effort to achieve a competitive position. We have done this by studying the government owned company Svenska Spel and its entrance on the netpokermarket. With Corporate Social Responsibility as a guidance for the company they wanted to offer Swedish gamblers an alternative to the, often morally dubious, international actors. Our thesis has taken an internal (corporate) as well as an external (consumer) perspective on the result of this strive. Our conclusions are that although Svenska Spel is successfully integrating social responsibility into their netpokerbusiness, they are facing a difficulty in making the consumer fully appreciate it.

Konrad Adenauers Europasyn. En idéanalys av memoarerna

This essay seeks to gain understanding on the thoughts of Konrad Adenauer regarding the future of Europe in the post-WWII era, and European integration in particular. The material used is his memoirs, which gives an insight into the part of his thought that he chose to share with the rest of the world. The essay uses an analytical framework of three theories, popular within the academic discipline of international relations: realism, liberalism and constructivism. The conclusion it draws is that none of the theories can in a satisfying way describe Adenauer?s thoughts, but rather that they all in some way describe certain elements of his thoughts.

Nanostrukturell ytbeläggning på utsatta delar av marina drivlinor

Nowadays naval units are participating in international missions, where new and in many cases tougher conditions will affect their propulsion. This essay deals with some of the now developed nanostructure coatings and gives a presentation of how the coatings could function on some exposed parts of the naval powertrain. The essay investigates the possibility that the coatings can be used as a protective layer that will reduce or prevent wear on selected parts of the naval powertrains. As a basis for the essay, nanotechnology is described, as well as different reasons that wear occurs and application techniques for coatings The conclusion is that nanostructured coatings can be applied and provide a much better result on hardness and wear resistance as of naval powertrains compared to micro-structural coatings, both for manufacturing and renovation. The essay presents a few examples of the military utility of the nanostructure coatings as well as suggestions for further research..

Erfarenhetsöverföring vid svenska utlandsstyrkan : Vilka faktorer påverkar och hur?

The purpose of this paper is to identify the factors affecting the experience transfer at the rotation of the missions. This is to identify the respective influences are inhibitory factor, which contributes to a less efficient transfer, or if it contributes to a more efficient handover. The method used for the production of this paper is a qualitative case study of squad leaders who have done service in Kosovo or Afghanistan. Through interviews with focus on the transfer of experience, both on individual and organizational level, the factors that affect are being identified. The model used is expressed in a general perspective, where each factor is categorized as inhibitory or contributing to success, and if it appears on an organizational or individual level.

Sveriges turismmarknadsföring : En fallstudie om bilden av Sverige internationellt

It today's global world we live in the media have started to examine businesses more and more. In addition consumers are expecting more from products, because they are well informed. This means that companies need to market themselves effectively, to convince and get across their message to their customers. Marketing is an extensive process in which different factors must be taken into account. A company must know what the coustomer needs in order to get through to them.

Vem vill inte vara med de stora? En revidering av Brubakers teori behövs.

This paper has its aim to investigate in which way the theory about the dynamic of the triadic nexus, presented by Brubaker, needs to be revised. In the first place this theory is presented and after then applied on the triad formed by: the Hungarian national minority in Transylvania, Romania and Hungary. Through the empirical evidences, that are presented here by following up the political relations and its dynamics over time between the three fields, is shown that the theory is usable for the case in question. Further as we approach the more actual development of the political life in the triad appears a need to deal with one more field which would be for example the NATO or/and EU.This means that Brubakers theory has to be revised so it would take in account a forth field and that of an international organization/institution. The arguments for this needed change is put forth through empirical evidences on the political relations that the two states has with NATO or/and EU and the huge influence these have on the states..

En fungerande eller bristande samverkan? : -En kvalitativ undersökning om samverkan mellan skola och socialtjänst

AbstractThe aim with this study was to enhance the understanding of the interaction between schools and social services. The study would also contribute to better understanding of what is considered work and burst in the interaction between the two, and examine the underlying factors for this. The study's approach includes semi-structured interviews with three employees of a school and two employees in the social services of the municipality. Both international and national research has been obtained for the study and theories as well, associated with the outcome. Conclusions of this study point to the existence of different opinions between the organizations in terms of the quality of their collaboration.

Kosovo - en suverän stat : En uppsats om Kosovos självständighetsdeklaration och några av världens internationella huvudaktörers reaktioner på deklarationen 

The purpose of this essay is to examine why some countries in the world decided to support Kosovo?s declaration of independence in 2008, while others did not. The essay is a type of case study, with Kosovo?s independence as the main focus. For the purpose of the essay, main focus will be on the United States of America, Russia, China and Serbia.

Vilka skillnader medför implementeringen av IFRS-standarden?

Syftet med uppsatsen är att med utgångspunkt från redovisningsprofessionen tydliggöra skillnader mellan nuvarande redovisningsstandard och den kommande IFRS-standarden. Utifrån vårt syfte kan frågan ställas om hur implementeringen av IFRS kommer att ske? För att lösa detta problem har vi valt att strukturera upp uppsatsen utifrån ett internationellt, nationellt och ett företagsperspektiv. Vi har grundat våra analyser på intervjuer genomförda med revisionsbolag. Utifrån dessa analyser har vi sedan kommit fram till att professionen ser på internationaliseringen som en naturlig process i positiv riktning.

Analys av incidenter rörande DP-operationer inom "500-meterzonen" - En studie baserad på incidenter under 2008-2009

Detta examensarbete är en undersökning av The International Marine Contractors Association (IMCA) statistik rörande operationer med dynamisk positionering (DP) inom 500-meterzonen. Statistiken har sedan jämförts med resultaten från en enkät som skickats ut till berörda nautiker och personal i land. I enkäten har deltagarna fått ge sin personliga uppfattning om hur fem övergripande kategorier för orsaker till incidenter, härledda ur IMCAs inrapporterade material, bör rangordnas efter vilken kategori som anses mest trolig att orsaka en incident. Resultatet visar på en skillnad vad gäller operatörens roll i IMCAs statistik och vad som upplevs inom offshore-industrin. Samma resultat återfinns oavsett hur lång arbetslivserfarenhet man har av DP och oavsett om man arbetar till sjöss eller på en säkerhetsavdelning i land..

International APU (Workplace training)

SAMMANFATTNING Syftet med denna undersökning var att försöka hitta de eventuella positiva effekter som kunde tänkas uppstå vid genomförande av arbetsplatsförlagd utbildning internationellt (utlands APU) för att i en förlängning kunna använda det som ett pedagogiskt hjälpmedel för de elever som studerar på Allhamra gymnasieskolas industriprogram. Materialet till undersökningen grundar sig på rapporter från Utbildningsdepartementet och intervjuer från elever på Allhamra gymnasieskolas industriprogram. Metoden som valdes var kvalitativa intervjuer med halvstrukturerad intervjuform och ett fenomenografisk beskrivande perspektiv användes vid återgivande av informanternas svar där en hermeneutisk tolkning av intervjuerna gjordes. Det slutliga deltagarantalet uppgick till åtta personer. Resultatredovisningen och resultatsammanfattningen visar att informanter som har genomfört utlands APU har fått yrkesmässig utveckling därmed nya kunskaper, de har även förbättrat sina språkkunskaper och fått ett stärkt självförtroende Det framkom även idéer hur studiemotivationen kan förbättras..

Sverigedemokraterna + FN = sant? En diskursanalys av Sverigedemokraternas tolkning av begreppet mänskliga rättigheter.

It is the aim of this paper to examine, and analyze at a discursive level, the Swedish Democrats' interpretation of the term 'human rights', as this is presented in the material available on the party's official website. The goal is then to investigate in what manner the party portrays its political ambitions in relation to 'human rights'. The theoretical foundation for this analysis is discourse theory as it is presented in the works of Ernesto Laclau and Chantal Mouffe.Furthermore, the aim is also to examine whether the Swedish Democrats? interpretation of 'human rights' is compatible with the established understanding of the term, such as this is presented in the international UN treaties on human rights. This will be done by thoroughly examining and comparing certain aspects of the Swedish Democrats' political ambitions, such as they have been portrayed in the analytical section of the paper, with relevant sections of the UN treaties..

Sexuella aktivitetsproblem - arbetsterapeutiska interventioner: en forskningsöversikt

Syftet med den aktuella studien var att genom en forskningsöversikt beskriva arbetsterapeutiska interventioner vid sexuella aktivitetsproblem. Litteratursökningen genomfördes i databaser och genom manuell sökning. Tio artiklar uppfyllde inklusionskriterierna och analyserades genom en kvalitativ innehållsanalys med ICF (International Classicfication of Functioning, Disability and Health) som analysredskap utifrån kategorierna: aktivitet, delaktighet och omgivningsfaktorer. Resultatet visade på möjliga arbetsterapeutiska interventioner vid sexuella aktivitetsproblem. Interventionerna kan bland annat innebära anpassning av den fysiska omgivningen, förslag på olika hjälpmedel eller alternativa tekniker för att underlätta genomförandet vid sexuella aktiviteter.

Osäkerheter vid brandteknisk dimensionering av ventilationssystem

This masters thesis deals with smoke spread via ventilation systems. One aim of the thesis is to investigate and explain the differences in efforts to prevent smoke spread via ventilation systems in different countries. A second aim of this thesis is to investigate how frequently occurring smoke spread via ventilation systems in Swedish buildings are. A third aim is to investigate how uncertainties in input variables to smoke spread calculations will affect the result of calculation. To be able to do this the most important input variables are identified and analysed.

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