

1672 Uppsatser om International adoption - Sida 29 av 112

Den svenska versionen av Children?s International Mucositis Evaluation Scale : - Tonåringar och föräldrars åsikter om instrumentets frågor

ABSTRACTBackground: In all cancer therapies occurs more or less side effects, there one of them are mucositis. Symptoms of mucositis include wound and blister in the oral mucosa and affects 50-80% of children undergoing cancer treatment. Today there is no Swedish tested assessment scale for mucositis.Aim: To describe how teenagers with cancer and parents of children younger than 12 years with cancer perceive issues in a mouth-assessment instruments, Children?s International Mucositis Evaluation Scale (ChIMES), that have recently been translated into Swedish.Method/Design: The study was a quantitative descriptive research design. The participants were teenagers with cancer 12- 18 years (N=15), and parents (N=15) of children younger than 12 years.

Inkongruenta styrmodeller: En fallstudie av reparation och underhåll i ett industriföretag

In theory, the management control of maintenance functions is described as problematic due to the nature of the work performed in the unit. The purpose of this thesis is to examine these predicted problems in practice. Further,the thesis aims at identifying how these control problems may affect the relationships between the maintenance department and its internal customers. A case study has been conducted in one of Sweden?s largest industrial companies to investigate the said control problems in practice.

Radiofrekvensidentifiering (RFID) : Vilka faktorer påverkar utvecklingen negativt?

Radiofrekvensidentifiering (RFID) är en teknik som har funnits en längre tid men aldrig fått något riktigt genombrott på marknaden. Intresset för tekniken finns, men användandet har inte tagit fart. Anledningen till detta examensarbete är att ta reda på vad detta beror på.Uppsatsen har två syften där huvudsyftet är att undersöka vilka faktorer som har påverkat utvecklingen av RFID negativt, därefter ett bisyfte som är att undersöka hur framtiden för RFID ser ut.Undersökningen genomförs med hjälp av litteratur samt intervjuer av två respondenter, som använder sig av RFID i sitt arbete. Den ena respondenten utvecklar RFID lösningar till andra företag, medan den andra respondenten arbetar som forskare. För att komma fram till en slutsats jämför vi litteratur med de uppgifter som kommit fram genom intervjuerna.

Miljöklassificering av vägar : Praktisk tillämpning av miljöklassificeringssystemet Greenroads i produktionen

This report gives an overview of applications of the Greenroads rating system whichin turn is an environmental review system for roads. The focus of this report isapplications during the construction phase, ie on solutions which adhere to theentrepreneur's area of responsibility as opposed to the designer's. The study was undertaken in cooperation with Skanska (a global contractor andFortune 500 company) which provided a project suitable for an exemplatory study ofGreenroads. Please note that the project in particular was not specifically designedwith Greenroads in mind. Therefore and because of that the site provided anexcellent opportunity to study effects of application contra non-application. The approach of this study was to first review the system, thereafter to performinterviews with key personel at the site in different roles as to receive different viewsof selected points of application. Selected possibilities of application are cathegorizedand presented with comments and suggestions for adoption. Lastly Greenroads is briefly compared to the rating system which today is the mostwidely used by Skanska, LEED.

Den semidispositiva arbetstidsregleringen : att avvika från Arbetstidslagen genom centrala avtal

The Working Hours Act regulates the working time conditions and together with the Working Time Directive of EU both acts aim to protect the workers. However, with The Swedish Model it is possible to diverge from the law-regulations by collective agreement by the parts of the Swedish labor market. The purpose of this thesis is to examine the national and international law regulations and further on study a few selected Swedish central collective agreements to discover in which extension deviation from the law occur. The sections of the Working Hours Act?s that has been investigated is ordinary working time, daily rest, weekly rest periods, breaks and maximum weekly working time.

Framtidens trägolv : för Kährs Nybro Flooring International Corp

detta examensarbete handlar om produktutveckling av ett golv och har gått ut på att ge Kährs trägolv en större scen i det offentliga rummet, då främst i hotellobbys. Jag har velat göra användaren uppmärksam på materialet och dess kvalité genom att skapa ett nytt uttryck för framtiden. Utgångspunkten blev iden om att ta till vara på det spill som blir över i dagens golvproduktionoch inspiration från byggskivan OSB..

"Det finns inga ointresserade barn-om det finns betyder det ointresserade vuxna." : Hur lärare och barnskötare på förskolan ser på och hantera bråkiga, utmanande och utagerande barn?

In this study, my intention has been to examine how the ambiguous concept of corruption is constructed by the press. Emphasizing the media?s representations of the socially constructed and context-specific concept, this work adopts a critical perspective on discourse, together with an approach of conceptual history. Finland has for many years been appointed as one of the least corrupt countries in the world, signing several international conventions against corruption since the 1990s, which in turn has led to an increase in discussion regarding the phenomenon. By conducting a multi-method study, my aim has been to analyse the possible changes in the definition of ?corruption? in the Finnish newspaper Hufvudstadsbladet during the period 2000-2013.

Är försäljning av tobaksprodukter förenligt med CSR? : En komparativ studie av tobaksbranschens sociala ansvar

I dagens samhälle ställs det allt fler krav på att företag ska ta ett socialt ansvar och idén corporate social responsibility (CSR) påverkar företag och deras verksamhet. Ett totalt socialt ansvar innefattar att företag ska gå med ekonomisk vinst, följa lagar och förordningar som råder på marknaden samt en etisk skyldighet i form av agerande i enlighet med intressenters normer och förväntningar på företaget. Utöver detta ska företag agera som goda samhällsmedborgare. För företag i en bransch där verksamheten grundas på skadliga produkter blir det diskutabelt huruvida de lever upp till ett etiskt ansvar eller inte. Företag i tobaksbranschen är exempel på sådana och syftet med den här undersökningen är att analysera och jämföra fyra tobaksbolags respektive presentation av CSR.

Surrogatmoderskap: Ett oreglerat förbud i svensk rätt

Surrogatmoderskap är idag inte tillåtet i svensk rätt även fast det inte finns något explicit förbud mot surrogatmoderskap i svensk lagstiftning. Undersökningar pekar dock på att sådana arrangemang ändå förekommer, både i Sverige och utomlands. Syftet med denna uppsats var dels att kartlägga vilka rättsliga komplikationer som kan komma att uppstå i de fall en surrogatmoder anlitas i strid med svensk rätt, dels att undersöka hur detta oreglerade förbud förhåller sig till principen om barnets bästa enligt FN:s Barnkonvention. Uppsatsen har en komparativ ansats där betydelsen av barnets bästa ligger i fokus för jämförelsen. Denna undersökning har utförts genom studier av lagstiftning, propositioner, utredningar, artiklar och doktrin samt FN:s barnkonvention.

Ta täten i loppet om innovation: Fostran av intraprenörskap i stora organisationer - En studie av Volvos New River Valley-fabrik

This report gives an overview of applications of the Greenroads rating system whichin turn is an environmental review system for roads. The focus of this report isapplications during the construction phase, ie on solutions which adhere to theentrepreneur's area of responsibility as opposed to the designer's. The study was undertaken in cooperation with Skanska (a global contractor andFortune 500 company) which provided a project suitable for an exemplatory study ofGreenroads. Please note that the project in particular was not specifically designedwith Greenroads in mind. Therefore and because of that the site provided anexcellent opportunity to study effects of application contra non-application. The approach of this study was to first review the system, thereafter to performinterviews with key personel at the site in different roles as to receive different viewsof selected points of application. Selected possibilities of application are cathegorizedand presented with comments and suggestions for adoption. Lastly Greenroads is briefly compared to the rating system which today is the mostwidely used by Skanska, LEED.

Mer värde i mobilen och mindre i plånboken - En fallstudie av mobila betalningslösningars genomslag i Sverige

This thesis presents the question of a possible breakthrough for mobile payment solutions in Sweden. The way payments are made and the way cash is being used in the society is changing. To be accepted as an alternative method, if cash isn't king anymore, the new technology will have to acquire user acceptance. In this thesis a case study of Swish, a mobile payment solution for P2P-payments, is presented. The focus of the study is customer value and technology acceptance of the service.

Skönlitteraturens nya kläder? Elektronisk publicering av skönlitteratur: en kvalitativ intervjustudie med nio svenska förlag och fyra andra aktörer på det litterära fältet

The main objective of this essay is to present the views of nine Swedish publishers and four other agents in the literary field regarding the possibilities of and obstacles to publishing fiction in an electronic format. Furthermore, whether or not electronic publishing is today actually a viable alternative. A substantial part of the essay functions as background to our interview findings and is based primarily on material originating from the Sociology of Literature field. The introductory chapter expounds the methodological and theoretical basis of the essay and is followed by a chapter placing our study in a larger, international media, context. Chapter three deals with the past decades? restructuring of the publishing sector, the professional functions involved in traditional publishing and Pierre Bourdieu?s theories on the cultural and economic forces at work in the literary field.

Kommunikation hos E-handelsföretag : Förtroende i centrum

This report describes the process of translating Russian financial information in accordance with Russian Accounting Standards to IFRS, International Financial Reporting Standards. The author describes the two regulatory frameworks and reveals a number of risk factors in the process. These risk factors may affect the reliability of figures from Russian companies. The conclusion states some recommendations on how these risk factors can be managed..

Media och näringslivet: En studie om hur mediedrev bör hanteras enligt informationschefer och presschefer

Media has power and impact. It is therefore important for managers to be able to handle media storms when they arise. If not, the brand can be affected negatively. It is managers who should learn to handle media storms because the managers constitute an important part of the external face of the company. Because it is managers who should learn to handle media storms it is interesting to study how media storms should be handled from a theoretical management-perspective.

An Entrepreneurial Approach to Marketing Research: Drugstores in Sweden?

The aim of this study is to understand the situation on the Swedish Market for Drugstores and a creation of a new approach to marketing research, based on the thesis? methodological proceeding. With the help of different methodological approaches and different theories the study's purpose will be solved in an uncommon, untraditional way..

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