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My problem comes out of the bigger question ?why the Catholic church is featured in horror films whenever a religious organization is in one?? I have detected in the horror films that I've seen that when a religious organization is in a horror movie it's the Catholic church that gets to act as church and religion. I have chosen the following problem: How is the Catholic church presented in the horror movies The Exorcist and The Rite, and how can one understand these presentations from a role theoretic perspective?Since role theory has it's background in the world of the theater with it's actors and roles, it came naturally to use role theory, and specifically Goffmans dramatic model. I've used this model in a film analysis of the movies.
Opportunistisk justering av diskonteringsräntorvid nedskrivningsprövning av goodwill : En studie av skillnader mellan företags redovisade diskonteringsräntor och teoretiskt framräknade diskonteringsräntor
Svenska börsnoterade företag anpassade år 2005 sin redovisning enligt International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). Detta medförde att företagens goodwilltillgångar skulle nedskrivningsprövas. Nedskrivningsprövningen kan göras genom att diskontera framtida kassaflöden med en diskonteringsränta. Denna studie undersöker om företag opportunistiskt justerar diskonteringsräntan vid nedskrivningsprövning av goodwill. Om detta varierar ökar över tid, om företagens börsvärde påverkar och om de tillfällena då företag sänker sin diskonteringsränta jämfört med föregående år ökar det opportunistiska beteendet.
ACTA-avtalets internetregler : Förenliga med EU:s grundläggande fri-och rättigheter?
In tune with the cross-border trade the infringement of intellectual property rights has become a growing problem in Europe and the rest of the world. In June 2008 negotiations about a new international agreement was initiated between Europe, its member states and ten other countries, which will restrict infringements of intellectual property rights. The agreement is called ACTA, which stands for Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement. On January 26, 2012 the European Union (EU) and twenty-two of its twenty-seven member states signed a letter of intent to the agreement and the EU?s internal processes of the agreement began.
Downside Risk - En studie av riskkompensation på den svenska aktiemarknaden
This paper investigates the compensation for risk in the context of the Swedish stock market with a special focus on downside risk. Using daily market data collected from the A-list of the Stockholm Stock Exchange between the years 1983 and 2005 the purpose is to answer the question whether Swedish investors are compensated for holding stocks with high downside risk, measured as downside beta. Using panel data analysis it is shown, in accordance with most previous evidence in international research, firstly that stocks with high beta values on average experience higher returns than stocks with low beta values, and secondly that stocks with high downside beta values experience higher returns than stocks with high beta values in general. On the other hand, cross-sectional regression methodology using a bivariate regression approach shows that downside beta does not explain excess returns very well. Instead, regression analysis suggest that high upside beta does a much better job in explaining excess return over this time period compared to downside beta.
IASB:s standarder passerar onoterat förbi : En studie av onoterade koncernmoderbolags tillämpning av internationella redovisningsstandarder
Sedan den 1 januari 2005 har svenska onoterade koncerner haft möjligheten att välja mellan att redovisa enligt inhemska regler eller internationella standarder utfärdade av International Accounting Standards Board (IASB). En tillämpning av IASB:s standarder innebär möjligheter till att redovisa ett högre resultat men samtidigt ett utökat upplysningskrav i koncernredovisningen. Syftet med denna uppsats är därför att undersöka om onoterade koncernmoderbolag valt att tillämpa IASB:s standarder i sin koncernredovisning samt utreda huruvida faktorerna antal ägare, ägarstruktur, belöningssystem för företagsledningen samt förekomsten av goodwill påverkat valet eller inte. Utifrån befintliga teorier och regelverk har fyra påståenden rörande faktorerna utformats och testats. Resultaten visar på ett svagt intresse för IASB:s standarder då endast tre av 57 företag som besvarat den enkät som sänts ut valt att tillämpa regelverket.
Tonårsförälder eller förälder? : Hur professionella inom människovårdande organisationer uppfattar och jobbar med gravida tonåringar och tonåringar med barn.
Syftet med föreliggande studie var att studera huruvida intagna på en störrekriminalvårdsanstalt (klass A) i Mellansverige, skiljer sig i personlighetsdragen Samvetsgrannhet, Vänlighet, Extraversion, Emotionell Stabilitet och Öppenhet ijämförelse med två kontrollgrupper. Tidigare forskning har visat att kriminella personer ligger lägre i skalorna (faktorerna) som mäter Samvetsgrannhet och Vänlighet, i jämförelse med ostraffade individer (t.ex., Miller & Lynam, 2001). Den primära hypotesen var följaktligen att söka diskrepans mellan just Samvetsgrannhet och Vänlighet i enlighet med tidigare empiri. Studien genomfördes med ett självskattningsformulär som stödjer sig på en svensk översättning från Goldbergs (1992) International Personality Item Pool (IPIP)beträffande grundläggande personlighetskaraktärer. Studien utgjordes av intagna(n = 46) och två kontrollgrupper bestående av studenter (n = 32) samt vaktpersonal (n = 45) vid en klass A anstalt i Sverige.
Skolbibliotekarien : Image Profil Identitet
International research has shown that through the involvement of the school library and the school librarian in the daily school work with the pupils, the pupil´s learning can be increased and reading comprehensions significantly improved.One purpose of this master`s thesis is to study the school librarian as a brand, representing the school library as well as the school librarian and whether there is a correlation between different comprehensions of the professional role of the school librarian. This is done by examining whether there is a difference between a specific librarian´s own perception of their professional role, compared to the image of the school librarian among teachers and principals working in the same school district and by comparing the profile the school librarian expresses with the image that is conveyed through communications via webpage, written and oral information given on services and competences provided by the school librarian and work carried out by her.A difference of comprehension of the school librarian´s competence and work, could be part of an explanation as to why the correlation between the involvement of school librarians in the school work and the improved learning achievements of the pupils has not resulted in the expected measures, regardless of the investments in school librarians and school libraries. The school librarians´ school identity could be difficult to establish. Whether or not the profiles and images of the professional role are consistent with each other is a much more manageable purpose which could go a long way of explaining the circumstances of the school libraries.That is the reason why we have examined whether the comprehension the school librarians have of themselves corresponds with the idea/ conception/ image conveyed to their surroundings, and with the idea/conception/image encompassed by people in their immediate surroundings..
Civil-militära relationer - förutsättningar för samverkan
Civil-military relations ? conditions for cooperationAbstract: Civil-military cooperation is a branch of current interest, both in studies and research. The importance has also increased after the government´s demands in a more developed and efficient coordination of national contribution to international peace support operations. Several studies show that there is a lack of ability to cooperate between different levels of command and other actors. The Swedish tradition of state administration is strong and the responsibility to cooperate lies within the hands of the different authorities.
Jag är viktig : Verksamma lärares tankar och arbete kring flerspråkiga elever
According to international and national literacy studies (PISA, PIRLS) Swedish boys are inferior to Swedish girls when it comes to reading. There can be numerous reasons to that statement. One is that Swedish teachers require more knowledge about communication as an important component in literacy. In spite of this shortcoming, Swedish girls manage to gain sufficient literacy. Why is that? The aim of this survey was to examine if there were any differences between girls and boys regarding communication skills when they begin in school.The main questions taken in account were:Which differences and/or similarities in communication skills are discernible between boys and girls this particular preschool?How do boys and girls communicate with each other in different room contexts on this particular preschool? To be able to answer the questions, I adopted observations and audio recordings from children aged five.
Att erbjuda sanningens ögonblick : En undersökning av bokförlaget Novellix kommunikation och koncept
The Library of Uppsala University has decided to change their classification system from the Swedish SAB system to the American Dewey Decimal Classification. One of the main reasons for this decison was that Kungliga biblioteket also has made an exchange between these systems. Due to that, the national bibliography of Sweden classifies Swedish documents according to Dewey Decimal Classification and the SAB system is no longer maintained. A transition to Dewey Decimal Classification will enable Swedish librarians to import foreign catalouge posts and classification codes and will provide them with a common standard between their libraries and other libraries due to the use of the same international classification system. It is disputed whether the Dewey Decimal Classification is equally suitable for all subjects.
Psykiatriambulans Akut prehospital psykiatrisk vård
Bakgrund: Specialistsjuksköterskan ska uppta patientberättelsen och utifrån sinspecialiserade kunskap om medicinska eller psykiatriska tillstånd göra en korrekt bedömning.Sjuksköterskan ska från sin bedömning sedan förse patienterna med adekvata vårdåtgärder. IGöteborg har andelen ambulansuppdrag som klassificeras som psykiatrisk sjukdom ökat desista åren. Med anledning av det planerar ambulanssjukvården i Göteborg en speciellpsykiatriambulans med dubbelkompetens, en sjuksköterska som har specialistkunskap inompsykiatri samt en ambulanssjuksköterska. I Stockholm skall en psykiatriambulans införas 1april 2015 men inte med dubbelkompetens. Anledningarna till planen att introducera enpsykiatriambulans är att utveckla den akuta prehospitala vården bland annat genom att hjälpapatienter med psykiatrisk problematik till rätt vårdnivå.
Mot ett turkiskt EU-medlemskap : -Implementering, tillämpning och utveckling av non-refoulementskyddet
Utvecklingen av webben har från att vara statisk i sin presentation och förmedling av informationövergått till att vara mycket rikare på funktionalitet och interaktionsmöjligheter. Ajax är ett begreppsom relaterar till en samling tekniker som när de används i kombination ger möjligheten att skapawebbapplikationer som sett till effektivitet och interaktion kan jämföras med lokala applikationer. Igrunden ger Ajax möjlighet till asynkron kommunikation vilket ersätter den traditionellawebbmodellens synkrona beteende. Detta leder till webbapplikationer kan inta en nyinteraktionsform där innehåll inte behöver laddas i form av hela sidor. Webbutvecklare ställsdärmed inför en rad problem när dessa webbapplikationer skall skapas i jämförelse med dentraditionella webbutvecklingen och syftet med denna uppsats är således att kartlägga problem ochproblemområden som finns vid webbutveckling med Ajax.
Long-term Storage of Starch Potato and its Effect on Starch Yield
Lyckeby Starch AB is a farmer-owned company that produces products based on potato
starch. In order to increase their production efficiency and their international competitiveness
the company is investigating the possibilities of keeping their factories open longer. To
achieve this, potato has to be stored for a longer period of time than what is practiced today.
Starch potato is usually stored in large piles covered by straw and plastic, either in the field or
on the farmyard.
The objective was to examine in what way starch yield (starch content*tuber weight) in
three different potato varieties was affected by storage in two different types of storage piles.
The potato was stored for three months in total and starch content and tuber weight were
controlled throughout the period. Stored tubers were also visually examined and prescense of
mechanical damage as well as wet rots and dry rots was recorded. Bacteria and fungi were
isolated and identified.
In general, varietal differences were greater than differences between the storage piles.
Hela världen i en matris
Of all observable societal trends, the proliferation of standardizing processes is striking. Auditing standards are an illustrative example of this. Not only privately owned companies must today make available numbers and key figures to satisfy needs of information and knowledge. Government agencies are increasingly conforming to this trend, adopting standards for quality assurance and monitoring, producing numbers and annual reports ? despite their somewhat ambiguous task and role.
Detnerad Demokrati : Den demokratiska freden i Irak, en möjlighet att börja om
With the collapse of the Soviet Union and the 9/11 attacks, the landscape of the freedom of religion has changed. The issues now facing freedom of religion varies greatly from the issues that the drafters of the universal declaration of human rights faced after World War II.In the light of the new issues that States face in the intersection of religion and societal interest, scholars have criticized the European Court of Human Rights to give too much leeway to the States in determining how the human rights should be implemented, by using the doctrine of margin of appreciation. Critics of the margin of appreciation claim that it is based on culture relativism and that the doctrine undermines the universality of the human rights. In order to decide if the margin of appreciation has indeed led to a relativization of the human rights I compared it to the jurisprudence of the UN Human Rights Committee and its use of the Syracusa principles. My conclusion is that the jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights cannot be considered to be based on culture relativism.