1545 Uppsatser om International Peacebuilding missions - Sida 22 av 103
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Within the interconnected global markets of today; people, products, and information travel at a pace never met before. In light of the global retail markets recent integration, consumers are opened up to new products and are beginning to develop a vetted interest in the heritage of those products. Within literature this process has been coined "Country of Origin" COO, and its impacts on consumer attitudes, product value- assessment, and overall behaviors has been one of the most emphasized areas of "international business" studies, during the last three decades. Numerous studies have shown a correlation between positive or advantageous associations to a country of origin, and the actual products representing and coming out of that country. It is by this synergetic process that so-called positive COO-effects are brought forth.The goal of this thesis stems directly from the still unexplored potential for Swedish firms to differentiate their products and brands on new international markets, through a strategic and coherent communication of relevant Swedish COO-effects.
Crash Boom Bang : Tvärkulturell kommunikation
Can the lack of functional cross-cultural communication among individuals within an international organization be the reason for cultural clashes to occur, and lead to conflict between two cultures within the same organization?Our aim is to try to create a potential model of how cross-cultural problems can be studied, in order to contribute to the solution of the problem. And to examine whether the theories, which form the basis of our model can be applied in reality.The research have assumed from the hermeneutical approach for a holistic view of the problem area. The deductive approach has been used in order to distinguish whether the theories can be applied to reality, and qualitative research method for collecting data.The focus lies within cross-cultural communications, which defines the various cultural factors that can affect organizational culture. Hofstede dimensions and the social structure are mentioned and cultural factors as language and religion.
Barnets bästa och lämpligt föräldraskap : En studie om hur barnets bästa kan konstrueras i förhållande till lämpligt föräldraskap i medgivandeutredningar vid internationell adoption
The aim of this study was to describe how the best interest of the child can be constructed in investigations concerning permission for international adopt, where adequate parenthood is investigated. Qualitative research interviews were used as method. Seven investigators from six different sections of the city of Stockholm were interviewed. The information was analysed on the basis of a sociological approach to law and social constructionism.The result showed that adequate parenthood is a condition in the interest of the child. Adequate parenthood is specified as the parent?s qualities and possibility to care for an adopted child.
Reala optioner och bioteknik - Betydelsen av flexibilitet vid värdering av bioteknikbolag
Denna uppsats ämnar värdera bioteknikbolaget BioInvent International AB ur ett externt perspektiv med en realoptionsansats och undersöka hur detta värde förhåller sig till traditionell kassaflödesanalys och aktuell aktiekurs. Många bioteknikbolag är små forskningsbolag och har ännu inte kommersialiserat några produkter. Bolagens verksamhet är behäftad med hög risk. Dessa bolag är beroende av att inhämta kapital från investerare. Ett krav för att investerare skall tillföra pengar är att företagens tillgångar och potential kan värderas.
NATO:s luftstridsoperationer i Kosovo : Dess legalitet ur ett nytt perspektiv
I mars 1999 inledde NATO operationen Allied Force i dåvarande Förbundsrepubliken Jugoslavien. Operationen blev kritiserad för att ha tillfogat s.k. ?collateral damage? och vissa ickestatliga organisationer hävdade att brott mot krigets lagar begåtts.Specifika dokument, som reglerar luftkrigföring, har historiskt sett saknats. Detta har inneburit problem för bedömningar av enskilda fall.
Är det tillåtet att försämra vattenstatus? : Om Sveriges rättsliga genomförande av miljömålen i EU:s vattendirektiv
The pupose of this study is to qualitatively study how teachers at a high school work with the schools demokratic mission under the management by objectives and what the policy document says and how the students can partcipate in different issues. My question fomulations are: What does it say in the governing documents about schools democratic mission and student influence? How do teachers concretely work to implement the values of democracy and student influence? How can the class councils used as part of the school's democratic mission? The theoretical frame of the study is about the school democracy mission and the possibilities and limits. Futhermore a brief review of the fundamental values of the school are presented, followed by how the democratic process works.I used the qualitative analysis in order to find a lot of information about a small amount. Its strength is to convey a lot of information about a small number of observations and if the material is small in size.
Korruption och intressekonflikter : Hur hanteras offentliga intressekonflikter av den svenska lagstiftningen?
Officially, Sweden has a very low level of corruption and in 2008 topped Transparency International?s list in terms of the perception of a lack of corruption. However, on closer examination it would appear that the Swedish public sector is not as clean as the Transparency International list suggests. What appears to be relatively common and quite widely accepted in Sweden, especially in local government, are conflict of interest situations in which public officials use their position to obtain advantages for themselves, their friends and their colleagues, in particular with respect to public procurement. According to the Swedish constitution, the public administration shall be governed by the principles on legality and objectivity. Grave violations of these principles are deemed illegal and contrary to the penal code provisions relating to bribery, public misconduct and breach of confidentiality.
Talande tystnader om heder : En analys av socialsekreterares och förvaltningsrättens bedömning genom rättsfall av hedersrelaterade LVU-ärenden
One of the social services primary missions is to protect children from suffering harm. Social service work should work based on the child?s best and have the child's perspective in mind. In all cases involving children, the focus is on the child's needs and interests and is regulated in Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC). Both of the previous research and this study reveal the various markers that are evident in the social services handling of honor related cases.
En studie av fenomenet mikronationer
ABSTRACTBachelor essay in political science by Hanna Richter, spring 2006Supervisor: Mats LindbergTitle: A study of the phenomenon of micronationsThe purpose of this essay is to study the phenomenon of ?micronations?, to describe it to the reader and to discuss why this phenomenon is interesting to study in the field of political science. The questions this essay seeks to answer are:- What are micronations, and which variations are to be found within the phenomenon?- Why are micronations interesting to study in the field of political science?Bary Buzans theory of the nature of the state works as a frame of reference to this investigation of micro ?state-like? units. The phenomenon of micronations has not been investigated by the social sciences in any extent worth mentioning yet.
Kulturarv, efterfrågan och musikalisk mångfald En fallstudie kring bibliotekariers och användares uppfattningar om musikbibliotekets uppdrag och roll
The main purpose with this Master's thesis has been to through a case study investigate and analyze the music library activity at the Public Library in Lund, in order to find out according to which ideas and principals this activity is run by. It also discusses how you at the music department handle your task as intermediary of music and how well this coincides with the users expectations. To give the research more depth a special analysis has been made, assuming the perspective of the B&I-researcher Sanna Taljas' three perspectives regarding the music department. She identifies three perspectives in maintaining a music library, which she calls the general education, alternative and demand repertoire.The examination is based on an empirical research, where five librarians were interviewed and fifty users have responded to a survey, but the essay also includes a literary study carried out to explore which ideas there are regarding the music department's missions and roles in the existing literature.Librarians and the user's opinions coincide quite well. What distinguish the most are the opinions surrounding the competency of the music library.
C-7/13 Skandiamålet : En analys av hur Skandiama?let pa?verkar art. 11 merva?rdesskattedirektivet anga?ende merva?rdesskattegrupper
In September 2014 the ECJ issued its decision in C-7/13 the Skandia case. The case con- cerned service transactions made between a main establishment in a third country and its Swedish branch. The branch was a member of a VAT group in Sweden. The ECJ estab- lished that the membership resulted in that the VAT group was considered as one taxable person which meant that the services was considered provided to the group itself and not the separate member. Therefore the transactions were deemed taxable.
Internationella biblioteket ? från lånecentral till publikt bibliotek
This master thesis is a study of the Swedish Lending Centre for immigrant literature (ILC), which opened in 1991. The purpose of the thesis is to examine problems and possibilities in the organization of ILC, which has a number of powerful stakeholders. In this study focus has been on the development of the organization, and especially on the planning of the conversion of the non-public Lending Centre to a library open to public (to be called the International Library in Stockholm) that will be inaugurated in May 2000. ILC is governmentally financed, but incorporated in the organization of the public library in Stockholm. Other stakeholders, except the Swedish Government and Stockholm City, are the County of Stockholm, the staff of ILC, and the public libraries that use the Centre's long-distance-lending facilities.
Upplysningskrav vid värdering till verkligt värde : En studie om hur företag har anpassat sig till upplysningskraven kring verkligt värde och revisorns roll vid granskningen av dess efterlevnad
De senaste åren har värderingsmetoden värdering till verkligt värde blivit mycket kritiserad. Bland annat anses värderingsmetoden ge allt för stort utrymme för en företagsledning att manipulera de finansiella rapporterna. Uppsatsen behandlar därför hur väl företag följer upplysningskraven som de ska följa när de värderar tillgångar och skulder till verkligt värde enligt den internationella redovisningsstandarden IFRS 13 (International Financial Reporting Standard) samt revisorns uttalande i revisionsberättelsen gällande företagens efterlevnad av upplysningskraven. Detta görs för att studera om upplysningskraven efterföljs och i de fall då företagen inte följer upplysningskraven huruvida revisorn gör ett modifierat uttalande i revisionsberättelsen. Urvalet för studien är samtliga företag noterade på Stockholmsbörsen, Nasdaq OMX Stockholm, inom skogs-, fastighets- och banksektorn år 2012 och år 2013.
Patho-anatomical studies on african swine fever in Uganda
African Swine Fever (ASF) is one of the most serious transboundary swine diseases because of its high lethality for pigs, socioeconomic consequences, rapid and international spread and the absence of either treatment or vaccine. This Sida Minor Field Study (MFS) was carried out during fall 2010, as part of a larger collaborative research project called ASFUganda, focusing on the epidemiology of the disease in Uganda. The aim with this study was to get more knowledge about the pathology in cases of ASF in Uganda, by studying macroscopic and microscopic lesions in pigs with acute and chronic ASF and to detect the ASF virus (ASFV) in tissues by immunohistochemistry.
The pigs were selected from the two different geographical locations in Uganda, Mityana and Gulu district, both with on going confirmed outbreaks of ASF. Necropsies were performed in the field, and the laboratory procedures at the JICA (Japan International Cooperation Agency) Veterinary Pathology Laboratory, Entebbe, Uganda, and at the Department of BVF, SLU, Uppsala, Sweden. Three pigs from an outbreak of ASF in Mityana district showed both the history and the clinical symptoms typical for ASF.
Internationella konventioners arbetsrättsliga regleringar angående barnarbete i Pakistan - implementering och förbättringsstrategier
Every single child has the right to a childhood as well as a future. The labor regulations within the international conventions exist in order to make sure that these rights are looked after, but the ratification of the conventions is just the beginning. In order to receive the results which are set by the conventions, it is crucial that the implementation is successful. The politics of the country have to change and improve in order to achieve compatible laws, but also the population has to be given the opportunity to obtain education and knowledge about their human rights. Children who are forced to work at a young age, often under inhuman conditions, are not only deprived of their childhood but also of the chance to develop into an independent individual at the same time as this interferes with their education.