

1289 Uppsatser om Internal auditing - Sida 9 av 86

Den obeorende revisionen och god revisorssed enligt revisorslagen

Several industrial scandals, especially those about Enron and WorldCom, have lead to an intense debate about the independent audit and the independent auditor. A substantial part of the auditor?s income originates from counselling, and therefore the role of the auditor may be seen as double, and the auditor?s objectivity may be questioned. In the year of 2002, a new Auditors Act was legislated in Sweden. In the 21 § of the act, a model based on principles was introduced, to test the auditor independence in every single case.

Vad kommer ett avskaffande av revisionsplikten att innebära?

Då avskaffandet av den lagstiftade revisionsplikten för småföretag är under utredning, är vårt syfte med denna uppsats att se vad ett avskaffande kan innebära för några utvalda intressenter..

Vad kommer ett avskaffande av revisionsplikten att innebära?

Då avskaffandet av den lagstiftade revisionsplikten för småföretag är under utredning, är vårt syfte med denna uppsats att se vad ett avskaffande kan innebära för några utvalda intressenter..

Framtidens apotek : En fallstudie av ett apoteks interna marknadsföring

Background: Around the world, markets deregulates, which leads to increased competition. Meetings between the consumer and the employees of a company determine how the customer perceives the company and / or its brand. This has result in that many companies have realized the importance of internal using the same marketing skills that are used externally. In 2009, pharmacy market went from being a monopoly market to be a regulated competitive market.Problem: Is there any internal conditions for a private company, whose culture and structure was formed under a state monopoly, to create a strong corporate brand?Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to, through a case study, analyze and evaluate the internal marketing in a company which has undergone a change of ownership and retained the same staff.Method: Through interviews with key personnel and staff , data was gathered for the case study, which means that the method is qualitative.

God kontrakstyrning? : En studie av kontraktstyrning vid offentlig upphandling av skolskjutstrafik

AbstractC-level essay in political science, by Frida Orlinder, spring semester 2008Supervisor: Susan Marton?Good contracting? ? A study of contracting in public procurement regarding the transportation of school children?Over the last decades models influenced by the market have been gaining influence in public administration all over the world. New Public Management has been presented as a theoretical ?shopping basket? from which concepts can be applied to the administration of municipal services. The purpose of this essay is to investigate in an explorative way how New Public Management (NPM) views contracting and the role of the internal customer in contracting.

Revision i småföretag : Ett nödvändigt ont?

Syfte: Vårt syfte med denna uppsats är att, via egna studier och genom att beakta den aktuella debatten, undersöka om revisionsplikten i små företag är nödvändig. Vi vill ta reda på hur stort intresset är att avskaffa plikten i Sverige och dessutom vill vi se vad avskaffandet har inneburit för andra länder.Metod: För att uppnå vårt syfte, har vi genomfört en intensiv studie där vi grundligt har undersökt några få enheter. Datainsamlingen som ligger till grund för vår uppsats är deduktiv, då vi bygger förväntningarna på tidigare empiriska rön och teorier. Vår undersökning är baserad på en redan befintlig debatt och vi vill veta om den accepteras eller förkastas. Således har vi använt en kvalitativ ansats där vi har inhämtat information från fem intervjuer, varav två intervjuer genomfördes med småföretagareResultat & Slutsats: Efter att ha ställt vår empiriska undersökning mot tidigare teorier, har vi kommit fram till att det finns skäl att ifrågasätta revisionsplikten i småföretag.

Kommunikationens relevans : En kvalitativ studie av Trängregementets internkommunikation i Skövde

AbstractTrängregementet in Skövde Sweden, had send a request to the university of Jönköping by one specific purpose, the reason was if someone would like to do a bachelor thesis to investigate the regiments? internal communication. The aims for this study is by a qualitative method investigate the regiment?s internal communication. Focus is on quality and to be able to access the core, semi-structured interviews with the management, information office, officers and soldiers were accomplished.

Kaffe men inte kaka -Revisorns oberoende vid fristående rådgivning och speciellt vid apportupprag till revisionsklienter

ABSTRACT Title: Coffee but not cake- auditors independence by other services than auditing and especially capital contribution to clients Seminar date: eight of June 2007Course: FEK591 Master thesis in Business Administration, 10 Swedish credits (15 ECTS)Authors: Maja Dragicevic and Negra Savic Advisor/s: Anne Loft och Pernilla BrobergKey words: Auditor, independence, consolation, capital contribution, counselling Purpose: The aim of this study was to determine the auditors? opinions wether there are threats concerning their independence by other services and especially capital contribution. What services can an auditor perform besides accounting services so that it does not disturb and threat the auditors? independence?Methodology: To achieve the purpose of the thesis a qualitative study was implemented. We carried out a number of interviews with auditors from different auditing firms.

Intern kommunikation -ur ett organisationskulturellt perspektiv

Problem: How does the organisational culture affect the internal communication between the middle manager and his or herssubordinates?Purpose: The most common way is to study how the communication affect the organisational culture. In our study we have examined the reverse perspective. The purpose of this study would be to explain how the organisational culture affect the internal communication between the middle manager and his or hers subordinates.Theories: The basic theories in the study are The basic model, Internal communication, Levels of culture, High-power culture, Socialconstructions, Organisational structures and Leader Member Exchange Theory.Method: The study is based on the qualitative approach. We have used interviews for our collection of raw data.

Intern kommunikation av värderings- och imagerelaterade frågor Medarbetarnas roll i hållbarhetsarbetet på Clas Ohlson

Communication of sustainable development has become an increasingly important part of organisation?s corporate branding. Consumers demand more transparency from businesses and want to know more about how they work with these issues. An important part of how internal communication can be used to reach organisational success involves organisation?s employees.

Konsten att enas under ett varumärke : Intern varumärkesuppbyggnad på Nordiska Kompaniet

Purpose: The purpose of this study is to examine how a company with a single brand is perceived as uniform, as well as how they use internal brand building to reconcile various competing actors within one brand. Furthermore the aim is to examine how staff, through internal brand building processes, perceives and identifies themself with the values of the common brand. Method: A case study with method triangulation was conducted at Nordiska Kompaniet department store in Stockholm. Quantitative data through a questionnaire survey with employees combined with two observations. Qualitative data was given through an email interview with a responsible manager of digital channels and PR from NK AB.Theories: This study has used the following theories; Destination marketing, Corporate brand, internal branding, corporate identity, corporate culture, brand value, service brand values, brand citizenship behaviour.Conclusion: This case study of NK has shown that internal branding building in a department store is a comprehensive work, which all involved must have a unified perception and understanding of the brand, in order to successful unite under one brand.

HAVECA-modellen - En metod för att fortlöpande säkra ett internt nätverk mot tredjepart

This thesis will address a problem concerning availability of information systems at an enterprise within the financial sector and its external suppliers, so called trusted third party. The information system resides on the internal network of the enterprise and must be available to both employees of the enterprise and the trusted third party simultaneously. This contradicts the company policy which disallows third parties access to the internal network. The HAVECA-model introduced in this thesis provides a framework of methods, each solving a sub problem identified in the model. The identified methods are hardening, verification, control and assurance, together supplying a method for continuously securing the internal network against a trusted third party.

Slopad revisionsplikt

November 1, 2010 the audit requirement in Sweden for small and medium enterprises was abolished, after many years of discussion. This essay aims to examine the effects of the abolishment of the audit requirement on credit. The intention is to draw conclusions about how the possible negative effects of the abolishment of the audit requirement could be prevented.The study has been made using a qualitative method to get a clearer and broader explanation that leads to deeper understanding. It includes an interview with creditors from one of the largest banks whose position represents a large group of lenders. In addition to the lender, two auditors with years of experience have been interviewed.Analysis of collected data has shown that there are both advantages and disadvantages of abolished mandatory auditing.

International Standards on Auditing i Sverige : Revisionsberättelsen i ny internationell kostym

År 2004, införde Sverige revisionsstandarden RS, Revision i Sverige, vilket grundade sig i det dåvarande ISA (International Standards on Auditing) som gavs ut av det internationella revisorsorganet IFAC, International Federation of Accountants. Från om med den 1 januari 2011 införde Sverige tillämpningen av den internationella revisionsstandarden ISA (International Standards on Auditing) fullt ut. Denna standard innebär en del förändringar som måste införas i revisionen. Vi har i denna studie främst fokuserat på de förändringar som skett i revisionsberättelsen.  Dessa förändringar innebär att revisionsberättelsen fått ett annorlunda utseende och att revisorernas term, ?hög men inte absolut säkerhet?, ersatts med termen ?rimlig säkerhet?.

Organisation är kommunikation. Kommunikation är organisation. : - en studie av kommunikationen mellan chef och medarbetare inom Rädda Barnen

AbstractTitle: Organization is communication. Communication is organization. - A case study of the communication between the management and the employees at Save the Children Sweden. (Organisation är kommunikation. Kommunikation är organisation.

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