284 Uppsatser om Interactive - Sida 12 av 19
INTERSEKTIONALITET I EU:S J?MST?LLDHETSSTRATEGIER En inneh?llsanalys av EU:s j?mst?lldhetsstrategier mellan 2010?2025
The European Union (EU) has since the Treaty of Rome 1957 pursued the goal of gender equality and one effort is through their gender equality strategies. In recent years EU also has had an increased emphasis on intersectionality. The aim of this bachelor thesis is to examine how intersectionality is portrayed in EUs three gender equality strategies between 2010 and 2025. To investigate this, the problems and solutions presented in the strategies have been reviewed. The study uses a qualitative content analysis and a theoretical framework of intersectionality with an analytical scheme to study the equality strategies.
Interaktiva skrivtavlor : Erfarenheter från matematiklärare i Jönköping med omnejd.
Studien har undersökt matematiklärare på gymnasiet och deras erfarenheter från att använda interaktiva skrivtavlor (Smartboard, Activboard & Teamboard). Åtta lärare har blivit intervjuade i en kvalitativ undersökning med fenomenografiskt fokus.Det blir idag allt mer populärt med interaktiva skrivtavlor i svenska skolor. Många skolor har valt att satsa mycket pengar på att installera interaktiva skrivtavlor, trots att det råder delade meningar om huruvida det finns något samband mellan tavlorna och förhöjda elevprestationer. Skolan har under många år haft en hög förväntan på IT. Trots att flera av de undersökta lärarna i studien är positiva så finns det också många negativa erfarenheter att ta lärdom av.
Universell Design - en användbarhetsutvärdering av MyTobii C-series Control
Universal Design is a well established methodology with the fundamental purpose of designing products to be usable for as wide audience as possible, without the need of special adjustment to suit the individual. In this essay, Universal Design has had a clear influence in both the process and the result. The choice to use Universal Design as methodology in this usability evaluation, has essentiallv to do with the target audience.As a part of the design process of MyTobii C8 has Tobii Technology ask for a usability evaluation. MyTobii C8 is an 8" touch screen computer with a windows based operating system which will initiate the software MyTobii C-Series Control. MyTobii C-Series Control is the control panel for MyTobii C8, whose interfaces constitute the platform for various modificarion of the unit.
Interaktionen som nöjdhetsskapande faktor
Syftet med vår uppsats är att studera vilka faktorer i interaktionen mellan
personalen och dess kunder som är nöjdhetsskapande i tjänsteföretag som präglas
? Begränsad påverkansmöjlighet på slutprodukt,
exempelvis nätverksorganisationer med många ´
inblandade aktörer,
? Få och/eller sporadiska kundkontakter, exempelvis
till följd av ett ökat utnyttjande av teknologi
och självbetjäning.
Utifrån detta ska vi konstruera en egen Kundnöjdhets-skapande
interaktionsmodell och jämföra den med befintliga nöjdhetsskapande modeller.
Som metod för insamling av vårt empiriska material använder vi oss av
Nöjdhetsskapande Handlings-Metod. Det empiriska underlag som ligger till grund
för denna uppsats är uteslutande resenärernas egna berättelser om
nöjdhetsskapande handlingar vid interaktionsutbyte med tågpersonalen på
Att interaktionen, mötet mellan leverantörens personal och dess kunder, är
betydelsefull för kundernas tillfredsställelse är inget nytt.
Kommunikationen mellan barn och bibliotekarie ? jämförelse mellan referenssamtal på fysiska och virtuella bibliotek.
The aim with this thesis is to investigate how librarians experience communication with children in reference interviews. In today?s Interactive community it is meaningful to study how children communicate with the librarian in virtual reference interview as well as in ordinary reference interviews in physical libraries. Focus has been on finding out what children ask about and how they are asking in virtual reference interviews and in ordinary reference interviews, what type of information needs the children have. The study also focuses on which barriers there can be in reference interviews.
Ella Matematik - Internetbaserat läromedel för grundskolans matematikundervisning
Ella Mathematics is a web portal that will completely replace the printed math text book in the Swedish elementary school. When the math education is moved in to the digital world the flexibility and adaptability will increase.In 2011 the Swedish government revised the Swedish school system, which contained a whole new curriculum for the elementary school math education. This has been the foundation for the development of Ella Mathematics and the design of the three different users; student, teacher and parent. The development has been done with Dynamic Product Development methods from the project start in September 2011 until the final exam in May 2012.Ella Mathematics has been developed with the pupil?s math knowledge in focus.
Starta lärprocesser genom : En möjlighet för finansiärer att lära av utvecklingsprojekt
ABSTRACTThis paper aims to shed light to what extent a financier have learnt about sustainableorganizational change, through development projects taking part in the Swedish knowledgeFoundations program, ICT in Teacher?s training. Some questions asked were: Has theSwedish Knowledge Foundation learnt by researchers? and self evaluation?s ?stirring up? ofongoing projects? What type of learning process has been going on? Has new, mutual,knowledge been constructed or has already existing knowledge been transferred?The study consists of one participating observation and three interviews. They showhow the financed projects have been ?stirred up? so that a developmental learning process hasstarted within their organization.
Utvecklingsfaktorer i en webbportal : En studie av användares beteende i en globalt anpassad webbportal.
Studies have shown that user participation is a good method when improving or developing a product. The method gives a company insight in what the customer wants and needs. It has also been shown that user participation benefits all parts included. For example, it creates a greater relationship with customers than most other methods do. Webportals is one of the most Interactive systems online and it gives companies a unique chance to improve and maintain their relationship with customers.
På ytan av interaktionsdesign : En undersökning om hur designen på en Microsoft Surface SUR40 applikation kan förbättras för flera användare
The purpose of this thesis is to examine and analyze how to improve the design of a Microsoft Surface SUR40 application. The application in focus was an Interactive product browser developed by the company Spree, our external client. Spree is a multi-touch software provider, established in September 2010 and they expressed a need for suggestions for how to improve this application. Our work aimed at revealing how to make the application more suitable for several users and make it easier for them to interact simultaneously on the surface. From a qualitative standpoint we have examined how 17 users experienced the application.
Berättande i datorbaserade rollspel : en empirisk och teoretisk designstudie om datorspel
VD:n för spelindustrins intresseorganisation (Interactive Digital Software Association) förutspår i den årliga State of the Industry rapporten för åren 2000 ? 2001, att spelindustrin snart kan nå 70 procent av världens hushåll, vilket gör spelmaskinen, näst intill, lika vanlig som videon. I denna dag börjar många spelutbildningar växa fram i hela landet, så som i Karlshamn, Visby och Kramfors. Trots denna tillväxt finns det nästan ingen akademisk forskning i ämnet speldesign. Detta gör att hjulet i många fall tvingas återuppfinnas om och om igen.
Malmö stadsbibliotek och framtiden ? En diskursanalys av två stadsbibliotekariers tankar och visioner
The aim of this master?s thesis is to examine the discourses aboutthe future of Malmö City Library expressed by the chief librariansSven Nilsson and Elsebeth Tank. Furthermore, our intention is tostudy the relation between the two. The questions posed in thestudy are: how does chief librarian Sven Nilsson express the futureof Malmö public library between 1989-1997? How does chieflibrarian Elsebeth Tank express the future of Malmö City Librarybetween 2008-2010? How does Sven Nilsson?s and ElsebethTank?s thoughts and visions of the future correlate?Our theoretical and methodical building ground is in the discourseanalytical field, with Ernesto Laclau?s and Chantal Mouffe?stheories about discourse and society, as startingpoint.
OPAC i moderna kläder ? en kvalitativ studie om olika generationers informationssökningsvanor och förväntningar på informationsåtervinningssystem
The purpose of this bachelor thesis is to find out how information seeking habits and experiences of people in different generations affects their expectations on information retrieval systems like OPAC. Two OPACs are used, one web-OPAC and one mobile-OPAC. The following questions are asked: how can theories about information seeking behaviors explain why and in which way one seeks information? In which way does information seeking behaviors and habits affect the experience of OPAC? Which differences and/or similarities can be found between the web-OPAC and the mobile-OPAC? How does generational aspects affect experiences and preferences in an information seeking context? The theoretical framework of the thesis is information retrieval with several models about information-seeking/searching needs and behaviors. The empirical data contains interviews with nine people in different generations and protocols about two different OPACs.
Programvaruutveckling med visuell programmering i en pedagogisk tillämpning
In visual programming the developer specifies her code, using visual tools. Within the range of visual programming languages lay icon-based languages, form-based languages, and diagram languages.Mediator is a multimedia authoring tool that allows the user to create Interactive CD-ROM presentations, dynamic HTML pages and Flash projects, without any coding or scripting. The user can create interactivity in her project, using event driven and icon-based visual programming, through a ?drag and drop? user interface. This report intends to determine some of the qualifications of a tool of this kind, as well as its limitations.The report is based on a case study, in which a smaller software application was to be updated using Mediator 9.
Styrreglage för hållbarhetsstyrning - En fallstudie av hur företags interna styrning aktiverar Levers of Control för att uppfylla hållbarhetskrav
The connection between management control systems for controlling sustainability and a firm's motivation for engaging in sustainability is not completely understood (Arjaliès & Mundy, 2013). The aim of this thesis is to develop a more profound understanding for management control in achieving sustainable companies. To do this, we raise the question: How and to what extent do companies use management control systems to achieve sustainability compliance Simons's Levers of Control (1995) are applied to this question in order to get a consistent and thorough insight of management control systems. Hence, a case study of ABB:s work to achieve material compliance in accordance with EU-regulation was conducted. The findings of the case study reveal that ABB uses the regulations as explicit goals and implement them in sustainability procedures.
Projektverksamhetens"early-warner"- en jämförande studie om projektcontrollerns funktion
Background: The project controller is a function witch evolved due to the strong gaining ground of project operation. Why the area of the project controller is interesting to study is explained by the fact that increasing knowledge of this function is important in order to make project operation work well. The fact that opinions in this field disagree, further increases the interest of the field. In order to study the function of the project controller three companies have been singled out. They are IFS, Intentia and Saab Bofors Dynamics.