

1786 Uppsatser om Interaction rituals - Sida 60 av 120

Varför agerar vi som vi gör? : aspekter som påverkar pedagogers agerande

Our essay starts with two self-experienced stories where we describe how we as pedagogues act when children do not behave as we wish. We examine the different perspectives that can influence us pedagogues to act as we do. Our narrative about Kevin, seven years old, shows how he is excluded from his school mates as they perceive him as disruptive. Also the narrative about Pelle six years old is about his dislike of an activity he is forced to attendag ainst his will.The study is based on a hermeneutical method where, through the interpretation of different perspectives, we discuss several aspects that affect us in our actions. The perspectives we have chosen to highlight are treatment of children, organization, power structures, communication and reflection.Our narratives differ from each other in the way that the recreation instructor Ulrika has no mandate over her situation on this particular day she helps as an extra support in a class atschool.

Betydelsen av fysisk aktivitet för barns koncentration i förskolan : En studie om betydelsen av fysisk aktivitet för barns koncentrationsförmåga vid samlingar i förskolan

The purpose of this investigation was to investigate how being outdoors and participating in physical activities affect the concentration in a collection situation among children.The methods I chose were observation of two groups of children two times each and interviews with four educators.The results showed that the concentration in the collected situation depends on past activity, where it has taken place and that the environment has an impact. If the previous activity been more active and physical the subsequent collected situation is calmer and the children more concentrate. The facts that the children have been outside in an inspiring environment that encourage playing and movement also have a position impact on the child´s ability to concentrate. The collected situation is an important moment in the preschool day when the kids need to congregate and get a chance for social interaction and a sense of togetherness with all the children and teachers. The conclusion is that there is a relationship between movement, physical activity and an increased concentration.

Att leva med AutoCorrect : en studie om uppfattningen om AutoCorrects inverkan

The smartphone is part of our daily life. Smartphone users type on a screen area that is no larger than the palm of a hand. To help with this endeavor the software known as AutoCorrect was created. However little is known about how AutoCorrect actually change the language and if AutoCorrect users at all perceive the impact it has. This study aims to find out if our test subjects are aware of AutoCorrect?s presence and how much it influences them.

"Kunskap är makt" : En kvalitativ studie om ordningspolisers lärande

In a work environment where employees can be thrown into all sorts of situations and where anything can happen, it requires that they have good knowledge about what they do and constantly strive to improve their skills. The purpose of this paper is to study how professional police officers perceive learning in their work. Essay authors would like to find out how the police officers experience their formal learning, informal learning and police education. This is by research what the police officers learn through various forms of education and what they learn by practicing their profession. Previous research dealing with the subject and relevant theories are discussed and processed.

Fotodynamisk terapi vid behandling av skivepitelskarcinom hos katt :

Photodynamic therapy is a relatively new treatment for superficial squamous cell carcinoma in cats. There are no publications indicating that the method is being used in veterinary practice in Sweden at the present time. The method uses the interaction between a photosensitive agent which has been administered to the tumor area, light of a wavelength that can be absorbed by the photosensitiser and the presence of oxygen. In this study photodynamic treatments were performed at the Queen?s Veterinary School Hopital of Cambridge University between 1998 and 2002.

Teknik i förskolan : En studie om hur 4 - 5 åringars uppfattningar om material och dess egenskaper kan utvecklas genom en pedagogisk aktivitet

The purpose of this work is to investigate how 4-5 year olds perceptions of materials and material properties can be developed through an educational activity. The study is based on two interviews with eight children in that age category. The interviews were conducted before and after an activity where the children were first introduced to the subject by the tale of The three little pigs (Harris, 2009) and then given the opportunity to explore various materials related to the book. The kids got to experiment and explore how water affected materials and to compare different materials properties. The children were also attracted to build and create the material that was offered during the activity.

Korrelationen mellan användares effektivitet och subjektiva uppfattning på world wide web

Inom Human- Computer Interaction är användbarhet ett mycket centraltbegrepp. Användbarhet kan i sin tur delas upp i effektivitetsmått ochsubjektiv uppfattning. Det råder idag delade meningar i forskarvärlden huruvida det existerar en korrelation mellan dessa två mått. Om denna korrelation existerar kanske vidare forskning visar att någon av de två inte utgör en nödvändig del av användbarhetsbegreppet. Om så är fallet skulle detta kunna leda till enklare och billigare design och utvärderingsprocesser.

Varning för stereotyper : en studie med syfte att urskilja och diskutera identitet

Through this thesis I aimed to further investigate how we can adapt our western and modern views of masculinity and femininity in an ancient population, here on the Pitted Ware population from Ajvide on Gotland. A questionnaire survey was used to compile the modern view of masculinity and femininity. This modern view was then compared with patterns which had become visible through statistical processing of the burial gifts found on Ajvide. The thesis is mainly focused around the concept of gender, but age and status have also been discussed. Through several performed correspondence analysis, it became clear that the current view of male and female differed from the one that became visible in the archaeological record.

Matematik i förskolan : Barns antalsuppfattning i de tidiga åren

Purpose: The current thesis assignment aims to explain, understand and follow the strategies the young children employ into a conception of numbers. This thesis is based on a study performed by Doverborg and Pramling Samuelson.The following research questions serve to refine the stated goal:How mathematical thinking regarding conception of numbers occurs within younger children and which strategies they use?How is the interaction between the teacher and the younger children?Method: The study is organized as a qualitative study and was conducted in a pre-school with a group of four children. The children that have participated within my study are between two and three years old. They were filmed in four exercises.

Inverkan av ensilagets partikelstorlek på beteende och beteendestörningar hos mjölkraskvigor :

Modern milk production have come a long way when it comes to accommodating the nutritional and physiological needs of the animals, but unfortunately the behavioural and psychological needs of cows and heifers are often left unfulfilled. A long time for eating is beneficial for the digestion and also gives the cattle something to do and decreases the risks for developing abnormal behaviours. An important factor that influences eating- and ruminating time is the particle size of the roughage. The aim of the study was to find out if particle size influences the behaviour of dairy heifers, in particular with regard to eating behaviour and abnormal behaviours. The study was conducted at Uddetorp farm high school in Skara. Forty-two heifers of the breeds SR and SF were housed in 8 slatted floor pens.

Hundkomando! eller inte? : En kvalitativ studie om hur lärare i grundskolan resonerar kring sitt sätt att kommunicera med och bemöta barn med ADHD

The aim of this thesis was to use qualitative approaches to show how teachers in primary school reason on their way to meet and communicate with children who have ADHD (Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder). Research questions of the study were as follows: How does teachers in primary school reason about their way to communicate with children with ADHD? Do the teachers use some specific methods or means of communication with students who have ADHD? Do the teachers reason about their way how to handle conflicts with students who have ADHD? I collected my empirical material through a qualitative interview method. My theoretical starting points were interaction theory and the socio-cultural perspective. I have used these theories to analyze my material.

Samverkan mellan hem och förskola Utifrån mångkulturella verksamheter

Syftet är att undersöka hur personal arbetar med samverkan och hur vårdnadshavare i förskolans verksamhet  beskriver samverkan mellan hem och förskola i mångkulturella verksamheter. I förskolans läroplan (Lpfö98/2010) står det att förskolan ska ge vårdnadshavare delaktighet och inflytande i samspel med den individuella familjens behov. Vi har genomfört en kvalitativ undersökning där vi har intervjuat personal och vårdnadshavare vad de tycker är betydelsefullt för en god samverkan. Undersökningen har genomförts med hjälp av medvetna öppna frågor följt av följdfrågor. Resultaten har jämförts mellan personal och vårdnadshavare för att undersöka respektives perspektiv på samverkan.

Digitaliseringen av den kirurgiska v?rden. En effektiv organisation eller r?rigt kaos?

The digitization in the Swedish health care sector is rapidly growing. This study investigates whether the digitalization in health care has led to higher quality and an increased value for patients. Interviews with staff in various health care professional categories were conducted to qualitatively study how the implementation of digitization is perceived in practice by those directly involved. Furthermore, an observation was made, where a doctor was followed duringa workday to study the different digitalization software tools that are being used. Previous studies and other relevant literature accompanied the study of digitalization in health care. Organizational theories were compared with the practical organization management at the studied health care organization, as well as their dependence on other authorities and companies.

Matematik i förskolan : Ur pedagogers och vårdnadshavares perspektiv

The purpose of this study is to find out how the teachers in preschool work with mathematics. How educators working to promote children's mathematics learning and how educators visualize math work. How they plan, implement and document the work of mathematics. I also want to find out how legal guardians perceive their children's mathematics learning in preschool.I have chosen to do interviews with the educators and survey legal guardians to make visible the work of mathematics in kindergarten. I interviewed six teachers who work at both younger and older children department.

Slaget om kärleken: En fallstudie om den svenska marknaden för nätdejting, dess nuvarande tillstånd och framtida utmaningar

Internet dating is a relatively new phenomenon that, in using the opportunities of the internet, has taken traditional dating to a new level. The business idea is simple as such. The company provides its customers with a platform that enables interaction, leaving the value creation to the customers. A qualitative study is conducted investigating and mapping the Swedish market for Internet dating. It is researched what the characteristics of the companies are, what the Internet dating businesses in Sweden offer, what the prevailing market conditions are, and lastly what challenges lie ahead for the industry and how they can be solved.

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