

1786 Uppsatser om Interaction rituals - Sida 6 av 120

Ett halvt steg ut i arbetslivet: - En studie om internships som interaktionsform mellan akademi och näringsliv

Internship is a new form of interaction between the academic world and the market and a phenomena increasingly popular among elite universities in Europe. The educational system has traditionally kept an academic approach where the institutions for higher education have acted isolated without extensive influence from the market. Today pressure from the market has led to intensified interaction between the universities and companies among many European elite universities. We have carried out a situational analysis concerning interaction between the academic institutions and companies in Europe. More specifically, we looked at the potential for Stockholm School of Economics (SSE) to strengthen its position on the educational market by adjusting its strategies and implement internships as a part of the education.

En studie av kommunikation i missbruk och drogfritt tillstånd, förståelseorienterat kontra framgångsorienterat handlande

By comparing the experience off interaction in a life world with a drug habit and a life world without a drug habit you might find how they differ. We asked four former drug abusers in four semi structured interviews to describe their experiences off interaction under these two circumstances. The difference between the two life worlds when it comes to interaction is that in the drug abusing life world our informants describe that communicative action has to stand back for a more goal oriented action. In the drug free life world, communicative action on the other hand is experienced as the most important action. The difference is about wether interaction is goal oriented or oriented at understanding.

Samverkanspelare i icke bärande fasadelement

AbstractThe tests work is about the subject "synergism of steel and concrete."The construction sector is in a strong competition and the different companies in the PrefabMarket has ever tried to develop new design solutions that are efficient and environmentallyfriendly.The purpose of this report is to highlight different aspects of interaction and size up a columndimension and to examine its efficiency and load capacity as Eurocode 3 and Eurocode 4. A sizing chart that describes the relationship between the torque and normal force shouldalso be made of the interaction . .

Diskussioner inommatematikämnet : Kreativa och Imitativa diskussioneroch när de används i undervisningen

The purpose of this essay is to examine when teachers choose to discuss mathematics withstudents rather then just talk about mathematics. A definition where used to distinguish betweenan interaction that is not a discussion and an interaction that is a discussion. This definition hasbeen created by drawing ideas from other works into making a quite simple definition whichtherefore is easy to observe. The discussions are also separated into two different kinds ofdiscussions. The first and most common category of discussion are one where only imitativereasoning is used.

HVB för ensamkommande flyktingbarn : En arbetslivssociologisk studie

The purpose of this study is to examine how the work with young people at home to care and accommodation (HVB) are organized in a municipality outside Karlstad and how the staff perceive emotions in the workplace. The issues that are discussed are based on the concepts of social ties, emotional labor, roles, shame and pride. The number of people who are fleeing in the world is today about 51 million. There has not been this high since World War II. The Swedish Migration Board calculated that about 7,000 of these people were unaccompanied children and came to Sweden in 2014.

Att delta eller inte delta i sociala medier. : En kvalitativ studie om hur journalister på P4 Kalmar tänker kring publikinteraktion, sociala medier och den digitala klyftan.

The purpose of this study is to discuss how journalists think about the interaction with the audience in social media and the fact that it can make the traditional audience feel excluded. The study shows how journalists on P4 Kalmar is experiencing audience interaction in social media and describes how aware the journalists are about the digital divide. The results show that all of our interviewed journalists think that the interaction with the audience through social media works well and that there is awareness among journalists about the digital divide. The results also show that many of the interviewed journalists had not reflected on that parts of the audience can feel excluded by the interaction taking place in social media, but some of them could understand if parts of the audience felt that way. We consider our study as part of a research field on journalist?s interactivity with the audience through different types of media, but also as source of inspiration for future research on how the digital media becomes one with the community..

Näraståendes upplevelse av förändringar av pragmatiska aspekter i samtalsinteraktion hos patienter med typisk parkinsonism

The purpose of this study was to examine if atypical Parkinsonism affectsthe pragmatic ability in conversational interaction. 15 persons close to individualswith atypical Parkinsonism answered a questionnaire, "Bedömning av förändring isamtalsinteraktion", estimating experienced change in interactive skills comparedto before the disease. The study also examined if perceived change correlates withdisease duration and if perceived change differs between types of atypicalParkinsonism. The results show that at group level the participants experiencechange in many aspects of conversational interaction, particularly regardingspeech, body communication, response latency, phrase length, word finding andability to understand. There was no correlation between perceived change anddisease duration.

Häxor vs. Häxor : En studie av häxor i TV-serier och deras motsvarighet inom wicca

This essay examines how witches are portrayed in American produced TV-series in the year 2000 and forward, what elements could have effected that portrayal in the series and also how this portrayal differs itself from witches within Wicca. The material used for this examination are the TV-series Charmed, The Vampire Diaries and Witches of East End and as comparing literature; Living Wicca, The Spiral Dance and Witchcraft Today. The methods used for this process are discourse analysis and content analysis. I used theories of Pierre Wiktorin about religion and popular culture. I used three themes (Characteristics, Practice and mode of thinking) for the processing of the material and to structure the result.

Nationell kultur&Relationsmarknadsföring : Nationella kulturella olikheters betydelse i affärsrelationer mellan svenska och japanska affärsmän

The globalisation of the world is believed by some to homogenise individuals from different national cultures. However, the values and norms of an individual are deeply rooted in their national culture and are therefore difficult to change. Since birth these values and norms are learnt through interaction with others within a specific national culture. The differences in values of a national culture are shown in the cornerstones of the nation. These cornerstones are language, aesthetics, religion and social institutions.

"Man måste vara mer känslostyrd inom psykiatrin. Det går inte att vara helt känslokall." : En kvalitativ studie på tre slutenvårdsavdelningar i en svensk psykiatrisk verksamhet och den emotionella påverkan på dess anställda.

Denna studie har, utifrån den hermeneutiska traditionen, utförts på en psykiatrisk verksamhet i syfte att nå en förståelse för vad det på mikronivå kan innebära att arbeta emotionellt. Inledningsvis fördjupade vi oss i vetenskapliga artiklar vilka gav oss verktyg att arbeta med för att öka förståelsen av fältet. Detta uppmärksammade viktiga faktorer som betydelsen av samarbete, gemenskap och emotionshantering som de anställda utför. Psykiatrin betraktas som ett emotionellt arbete vilket gör att de anställda kan påverkas av de starka emotioner som råder. Den känslomässiga karaktären kan medföra ett behov för den anställde att hantera sina emotioner i syfte att undvika den eventuella belastningen det kan innebära.

Hej, kom spela med oss! (Hi, come play with us!)

People play games now more than ever before. While the digital gaming industry dominates the market, boardgaming has been living in its shadow. Board games offer a physical tangibility and a social experience that can be found in few digital games. How do we create a tool that further builds upon those strengths? The purpose of this study is to examine the possibility of developing a service that consists of an mobile application and board game events to promote social face-to-face interaction. Focus has been on the social face-to-face interaction in the context of a board game session.

Samspelet mellan mål och emotioner vid skapande av motivation

AbstractBackground: The factors goals, emotions and motivation are nowadays well researched. Studies that shows the interaction between these three factors does exist, but in a small amount. In all different jobs people encounter these factors, no matter what you?re working with, some experience them daily and others only sometimes.Purpose: We want to study the significance of the interaction between goals and emotions among employees in the construction business, when leaders are about to motivate their employees.Implementation: To succeed with our study and achieve the purpose, we chose to do a qualitative research. We have conducted four visiting interviews and one telephone interview, with both leaders and employees in the construction business.Results: We have through our study found out that the interaction between goals, emotions and motivation are important in the work of construction, even if it?s not something everyone thinks about.

Användaren & LinkedIn, ett nischat socialt medium : Professionellt nätverk, digital identitet och tillit

During recent years, the labor market has changed. Social media currently plays a larger role within recruitment for both job seekers and employers, while company policies and routines addressing background checks become less strict. The result of these changes are higher demands upon social media users to censure their online image. This study focuses on LinkedIn, which is a website intended to provide users with tools for career development. The study is aimed at user interaction with LinkedIn and how this interaction can influence career development.

Lättare sagt än gjort. En kvalitativ studie om hur vuxna med Aspergers syndrom upplever nära relationer

Background and aim: Asperger syndrome is a neuropsychiatric disability which is essentially characterized by impairments in social interaction. Little is known about how these individuals experience social interaction and more distinctly close relationships. Therefore the purpose of this present study is to explore how initiating and maintaining close relationships could be facilitated for individuals with Asperger syndrome. Furthermore how these individuals would like others to behave towards them. By assuming an insider perspective the empirical data is based on the participants own descriptions of their experiences, thoughts and ideas about close relationships.Findings: Most respondents state that they experience difficulties initiating social interaction, the main reason being that they don?t know what they are expected to say or how to act in this type of situation.

Barn och ritualer Religiös traditionsförmedling i tre hinduiska hem

The aim in this bachelor thesis is to describe and analyze ritual performance and transference of religious traditions in some Hindu homes in Varanasi (India). In particular from the children?s perspective. The curriculum of Religious Education in the Swedish schooling system focuses on religious life, expression and practice. Thus, this thesis is about ?lived Hinduism?, ritual performance and religious practices.

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