

1786 Uppsatser om Interaction rituals - Sida 28 av 120

Användarupplevelse inom mobila applikationer : En kvalitativ utvärdering av en befintlig utvärderingsmetodiks funktionalitet i en mobil kontext

Choosing the right user experience evaluation method can be difficult, choosing the right one for mobile user experience can be even more so. One major cause is that mobile usage is context dependent. Another contributing factor is that there is not one widely adopted theory or framework for user experience due to its complexity.The purpose of this study was to evaluate an existing method artifact in its feasibility for evaluating mobile applications. The chosen method, AttrakDiff2 is a self-reporting semantic differential questionnaire to evaluate the user experience of an interactive product, based on its hedonic and pragmatic qualities.A study was conducted where the participants assessed one mobile and one web application, which were later rated with AttrakDiff2. The completion of the questionnaire was conducted as a think-aloud session subsequently followed by an interview.The results suggest that the participants experience was affected more by the evaluated application style than the different platforms.

Lärandevillkorens beroende av samspel - en studie med fokus på personer med autism-diagnos och deras upplevelse av samspel.

The purpuse of this study was to develop knowledge about learning condition that are to be in a context of interaction with persons that have Autism Spectrum Disorder diagnosis are included. The pre-understanding has evidence in that the public very often has a lack of knowledge in understanding persons with this kind of disabilities that can put the social interplay in disharmony. The phenomenological approach was used to reach the essence of the learning influence processes. Seen from the respondents experiences of interaction as a help for the informal learning in a working context. The purpose was to see the result of interplay and the effect of learning condition and to see what help those respondents acctually have experienced.

Allt löser sig, bara vi finns på Facebook. : En kvantitativ studie om hur svenska Facebookanvändare i åldrarna 16-25 interagerar med företag på den sociala nätverkssajten.

Because social media is personal and reaches users directly, it has become an important means of communication for companies trying to reach out to their audience (Nygren & Wadbring, 2013). Especially the possibility of interactivity has been discussed as social media's big advantage. But how much two-way communication is actually possible on social media? This is a quantitative study that focuses on how Swedish Facebook users in the ages of 16-25 interact with companies on the social network. The aim was to contribute with increased information and knowledge about how the users mentioned above interact with the companies as well as how the users perceive the companies communication and presence on Facebook.

Pragmatisk förmåga hos barn med cochleaimplantat

A cochlear implant (CI) is a hearing device that makes it possible for individuals who are deaf or has a severe hearing impairment to receive auditory information and develop spoken language. The pragmatic ability may be affected. In short, pragmatics may be described as the study of language use in social contexts. Pragmatic ability can be seen as the result of the individual?s behavior as well as the underlying causes.The aim of the present study was to describe the pragmatic ability in children with CI.

Kommunikationen mellan sjuksköterskor och äldre patienter inom vården- en metasyntes

Background: Good quality of communication has a significant role and is essential in the care, and there are many factors that have an impact on the communication between nurse and patient. It is important that the interaction and communication is directed to and focused on understanding in broad sense in order to make sure that the meeting between nurse and care taker will result in something positive. Through a greater understanding the cooperation between nurse and the patient will be facilitated, which will create opportunities for both sides to be part of and contribute to a meaningful rehabilitation.Purpose: The aim of the study is to describe how the elderly patient and the nurse experience the communication within the health care, however also to identify what factors that are essential for an optimal communication.2Method: In this study the method that has been chosen is metasynthesis. The metasynthesis method implies that qualitative studies, that illustrate elderly patients and nurses perceptions and experiences of communication within health care, have systematically been reviewed and compiled to a result.Result: The analysis of the study?s results in a composition that consist of the following three themes; the patients and the nurses perspective on how information should be conveyed, the role of the time aspect in communication and the impact of the attitude on communication.

Verktygsanvändning som miljöberikning för gulbröstad kapucin (Cebus xanthosternos)

That animals should be able to express their natural behaviours, even in captivity, has become a more important issue lately. Nowadays Zoos work much more with educating people and helping conservation projects for endangered species. This is two important reasons for making the environment as natural as possible for zoo animals. Both in captivity and in the wild capuchin monkeys have been seen to use tools such as stones and sticks to get food and are therefore seen as a natural and important behaviour for them. This study was carried out to evaluate a specific sort of environmental enrichment where a group of three capuchins had to use sticks to get different kinds of food out of bottles.

I ett förhållande med Ving : En studie i relationsbyggande interaktion på Facebook

Purpose: Social media is a global phenomenon that has developed from an opportunity of contact between people, into a platform for contact between organizations and people. This essay aims to investigate the public relation strategies of one organization on a popular social network.The main question that this study aims to answer is how the travel agency Ving chooses to create and preserve relationships to the public on Facebook in order to maintain a good reputation. Asub-question explores whether any patterns exist in Ving?s approach of interaction with its stakeholders.Method/Material: This study consists of a quantitative content analysis in which the interaction between the organization and the audience has been studied. Posts published by the public as well as replications from Ving have been categorized and then analyzed using two analytical models.

En känsla av ljud : den subtila och platsanpassade ljudinstallationen som en del av uterummet

Our experience of the surrounding environment is affected by all of our senses, yet, in Landscape Architecture, by tradition, mostly the visual aspect has been the focal point. In this essay, however, the subject will be the auditory and its interaction with the visual..

Att bryta nacken av skammen : En studie om kvinnliga alkoholister och skam

The purpose of this study is to explain how shame can be experienced by women with the stigmatizing illness of alcoholism. Another aim is to illustrate how this shame can be affected in social interaction with others and by other circumstances. The following questions will be highlighted in this essay: How can shame be experienced by female alcoholics? What can affect shame in interaction with other people, from the view of female alcoholics? What other circumstances can affect the shame, from the view of female alcoholics?This study features interviews with women who have successfully gone through the process of rehabilitation from the illness of alcoholism, have a long going and stable sobriety and arecurrently part of the work force. The study also features interviews with therapists specializing in the field of addiction recovery and have considerable experience in their fieldof working with women suffering from alcoholism.The subject matters shame and stigma form the theoretical/analytical tools for this research.

Inkludering av barn med särskilda behov : En intervjustudie om fyra pedagogers resonemang om sitt arbetssätt för en inkluderande verksamhet

The purpose of this study is to gain insight of four preschool teacher?s perspectives and reasoning in two different local if they working to counteract exclusion. The questions this study assumes are: How does the teachers in preschool reason about how they working against exclusion of children with diagnosis in the free game, if there are? How does the teachers reasoning about their methods and personal strategies they uses to include children with diagnosis in the free game, if they are excluded? How does the teachers reasoning about the diagnosis effect of these children?s social interaction with other children if the diagnosis became their identity? The method in this study to collect material about the teacher´s perspective on the subject is semi-structured interviews. The collected material has been analyzed and interpreted from a socio-cultural perspective.

Barns interaktion vid "lärplattan" : Barns positioner ägare, åskådare och deltagare

AbstractThe purpose of this study is to examine how children interact with each other and what social positions they assume when using the learning pad. The social positions reffered to is the Owner, the Participant and the Spectator, defined by Ljung Djärf (2004). According to Ljung Djärf (2004), the Owner is defined as the one in control of the mouse and keyboard. The Owner is expected to be in charge of what is happening on the screen. The Participant is typically found on a chair near the computer.

Ett oväntat samarbete - Effekter av tematisk inkongruenta sponsorsamarbeten mellan bloggare och välkända varumärken

As a great deal of people spend more time with their cell phones and computers than with magazines and TV, markets have begun to explore marketing possibilities in digital media. A common form of marketing in digital media is sponsorship of the cyber stars of the Internet - the bloggers. Sponsorship of bloggers has proven to be a highly efficient method for brands to gain attention and positive attitudes, as bloggers are regarded as fashion icons as well as reliable friends. Another up-to-date marketing strategy that has proved successful in gaining consumer attention is the use of incongruent elements in ads. Incongruence challenges consumer expectations and thereby demands attention.

Begravningsplatser och begravningar i ett m?ngkulturellt samh?lle En etnografisk fallstudie av Varabygdens begravningsplatser

The thesis explores what is meant by multiculturalism in today's Sweden based on burial grounds and funerals in a minor municipality. This is done through an ethnographic case study of the municipality of Vara. The study aims to investigate how multiculturalism looks and is responded to. The study maps which aspects are placed on multiculturalism in a minor municipality and which adaptations and compromises are highlighted. This is done within the framework of theories concerning multiculturalism and social identity, and the result of the empirical case study is presented by applying the theories to the material. From burial places and funerals, social collective and individual identities are analysed based on the social categories of religion/faith/secularity and place belonging, based on the perspectives of rituals and traditions as well as the location of the grave. The study finds that there are several aspects of multiculture in the burial grounds, as multiculture not only includes cultural influences from immigrants but also the different preferences of the local villages, in combination with the development of society, and Sweden in general.

Sociala medier : och kundinteraktion i mindre företag

Title: Social Media ? And customer interaction in smaller firmsSeminar date: 2011-06-10Course: Information Logistics, D-level.Authors: Marie Stenhammar and Ulrika CarlssonAdvisor: Jaime CamposKey words: Social Media, Web 2.0, Co-creation, Viral marketing, Word of Mouth, smaller firmsPurpose: This paper aims to describe the relevance of social media to smaller firms, the challenges and opportunities they face and what strategies they use, in the interaction with their customers.Methodology: The study is qualitative in nature and has an abductive approach. The empirical material consists of in-depth interviews with chosen companies and Internet observations.Theoretical perspectives: Social Media, Web 2.0, Co-creation, Viral marketing, Word of MouthEmpirical foundation: The study takes its empirical base from in-depth interviews with representatives from the small companies and internet observations connected to these.Conclusions: Smaller companies have great interest in social media. They preferably use Facebook, blogs, YouTube and Twitter. Their strategy is mainly to be very active and update their social media regularly.

Patienters upplevelse av multimodal smärtrehabiliteringsprogram : En intervjustudie

Background: Chronic pain is a condition that approximately 18% of the Swedish population suffers from. This condition affects many aspects of a person´s life and causes psychological, physiological and social suffering. Multimodal treatment is considered the most effective treatment for patients with chronic pain. Patient participation and motivation are very important to treatment. Aim: The aim of this study was to explore patients´ experience of a multimodal chronic pain treatment program regarding their experience of patient participation and interaction with the rehabilitation team.

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