

389 Uppsatser om Intensive Imitation - Sida 4 av 26

Intensiv Familjeterapi : En journalstudie

?Intensive family therapy?Journal studyAbstractThe Family board in Falun gives since a couple of years priority to intense familytheraphy work with families in need of help/support. Intensive family therapy (IFT) was developed during the 1970s with the purpose of helping families. The theoretical mainlines upon which the IFT ? model is based is the, structural-, strategic- and systemic perspective.

Möten som smittar : En kvalitativ studie om professionellas erfarenheter av smittoeffekter vid självskadebeteende

Syftet med studien var att ta del av professionellas erfarenheter av smittoeffekter vid självskadebeteende, liksom förebyggande insatser för detta. Fyra stycken semistrukturerade intervjuer har utförts på olika behandlingshem där huvudfokus har varit flickor med självskadeproblematik. Studien är kvalitativ och intervjuerna har tolkats ur en hermeneutisk-fenomenologisk forskningstradition. Tre teorier har legat till grund för analysen av resultatet: social inlärning, imitation som rekonstruktion och socialisation. Resultatet visar att smitta kan ske bland flickor på enheterna, men också via internet.

Intensiv Stamningsterapis effekt på stamningsbeteenden, förståelighet och attityd till kommunikation hos fem barn

The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects ofparticipation in an integrated intensive stuttering program (IST) on stutteringbehavior, intelligibility and communication attitude, at individual and grouplevels. Five children aged eight to twelve years participated in the study.Stuttering behavior and intelligibility were judged by two independentstudents in speech and language pathology based on a total of eight videorecordings, before, during and after therapy. Communication attitude wasmeasured by the Swedish version of the self-report questionnaireCommunication Attitude Test (CAT-S). At an individual level, the initialstuttering profile and the changes shown during and after the IST varied. Ata group level, a significant decrease in stuttering frequency and asignificantly higher level of intelligibility were found, after as compared tobefore therapy.

Med fokus på uttalet : Elever lär tilsammans

Denna studie bygger på andraspråksinlärares skriftliga kompetens kopplad till syntaktiska och kommunikativa nivåer. I synnerhet är syftet att studera språkliga syntaktiska nivåer i texter skrivna av andraspråksinlärare som har behörighet att studera vid universitet. Ytterligare ett syfte är att studera om innehållet i texter kan förmedlas på ett kommunikativt och idiomatisk sätt.Den teoretiska ramen för att mäta syntaktiska nivåer som informanter i denna studie har uppnått bygger på processbarhetsteorin (Pienneman, 1998/ Pienneman & Håkansson, 1999). Studien visar att godkända texter i Svenska som andraspråk B och Tisustest uppnår nivå 4 och 5 på syntaktisk nivå. Studien visar också på variation av kommunikativ kompetens utifrån förmågan att förmedla ett central innehåll. Informanterna uppnår delvis målspråksnormen och delvis avviker från målspråksnormen i varierad grad vilket påverkar den kommunikativa kompetensen.

Förpackningsimitation i daglivaruhandeln - Är det möjligt för återförsäljare att stjäla ett etablerat varumärkes personlighet?

Förpackningsimitation i dagligvaruhandeln ? Är det möjligt för återförsäljare att stjäla ett etablerat varumärkes personlighet? En kvantitativt genomförd undersökning på den svenska daglivarubranschen..

En ekonomisk hållbar växtodling i sörmländsk mellanbygd :

We have been looking at three different types of agriculture in Södermanland, in the middle east of Sweden. We call the different types for Intensive, Extensive and Mix. The purpose is to get an economic defensible plan for how to run different farm sizes. We also have been looking at the working hours and how many hours the different types will give. We have a farm called Taxinge Gods as our pilot farm. Taxinge Gods grow 407 ha land and is located 60 km southwest from Stockholm.

Induktion av persisterande gulkropp hos sto : en framtida metod för att dämpa brunstrelaterade störningar?

This article starts with a review of the literature regarding the normal reproductive physiology of the mare, normal luteolysis, different causes of prolonged luteal phase and theories behind these. The article also presents a study where it was examined if treatment with human choriongonadotropic hormone (hCG) during the luteal phase induces prolonged luteal phase in mares, thus preventing estrus. The study consisted of two parts: one intensive study of eight mares at the former Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology at SLU, Uppsala, Sweden and one field study of seven mares at a stud farm 70 km north of Uppsala. The mares in the intensive study were divided in two groups: one with four mares that were injected with hCG in luteal phase when they had a follicle of minimum 30 mm and a second group with four mares that were injected with sodium chloride at the same time. These mares were examined with ultrasonography and blood samples.

Turordningsreglerna - snart ett obsolet arv?

Sweden's contribution to the world today is not labor-intensive industry, it is high technology and know-how. Many of the rules concerning employment security for the workers derived from the industrial era and have been to some extent modified by hand. This paper focuses on the discrepancy between the purpose of the priority rules in Swedish law and how it works in the reality. My opinion is that due to the development of the labor market, a powerful revision of priority rules is needed. In addition to today's job market is knowledge-intensive I point in the paper at a number of factors that contributed to the loosening of the priority rules. Examples of these are the increased incidence of temporary staffing, more open markets and more multinational companies, political will to disadvantaged groups in the labor market should be prepared job and gender issues.

Interorganisatoriska interaktioner inom Inkubatorer : En studie om kunskapsutbyte och inkubatorsystem

BackgroundIncubators are important facilities for economic growth in society. The main purpose of incubators is to accelerate knowledge intensive firms onto their market by both providing resources and an entrepreneurial environment.Problem Companies within incubators are encouraged to share knowledge and experience with each other with the goal to stimulate development and invention of new technology. This exchange involves interaction on an inter-personal and inter-organizational level. Incubators need to create an open and transparent environment in order to enable this exchange on both levels.Purpose The purpose of this study is to enhance the understanding of how knowledge and experience exchange occurs within the context of incubator systems. By understanding how incubators can capture knowledge and learn from the incubator process, this study can contribute by insights of how the incubator process can be further improved.Method This bachelor thesis is written from an abductive approach and is based on a qualitative case study of Ideon Innovation in Lund.

Mobil intensivvårdgrupp : ett tillfälle till bedsideundervisning

Ett av målen med Mobil Intensivvårdsgrupp (MIG) på Karolinska Universitetssjukhuset i Solna är att erbjuda intensivvårdskunnande och expertis för att höja kunskapsnivån på respektive vårdavdelning. Syftet med denna undersökning var att utvärdera om sjuksköterskorna på vårdavdelningarna upplevde att MIG fungerade som ett tillfälle till bedsideundervisning. En strukturerad intervju genomfördes med ett eget utformat frågeformulär, 47 sjuksköterskor deltog i undersökningen. Det framkom i resultatet att MIG förmedlade kunskap till vårdavdelningarna. Resultatet visade även att sjuksköterskor som arbetat i mindre än fem år upplevde att MIG var ett tillfälle till bedsideundervisning, i högre utsträckning än sjuksköterskor som arbetat i fem år eller mer.

Vad håller vi på med? En kartläggning av kommunikationsprocessen kring kampanjen "Vad håller du på med?"

The aim of this thesis is to use Gabriel Tardes theories concerning imitation, repetition and the public opinion as a way of understanding how transmedial communication develops over time. This involves a study of social media, traditional press and public organizations in relation to each other. The campaign, What are you doing? (Vad håller du på med?, 2013), launched by the Swedish military as a way of drafting more soldiers, is used as an example of how the theories can be applied to help us understand connections, patterns and social behavior in the rapid mutation and viral spreading of information. By discussing the campaign and its effects, the ambition is to give an understanding of how a campaign of this scale could be planned for and structured.

Digitalisera loggboken : En analys av utmaningarna med att utveckla IT-stöd för kunskapsintensiva verksamheter

Failed system development projects are a common sight within the IT-industry. During the last ten years we have seen several more or less disastrous high profile projects being reported in the news. One aspect that might hold some of the responsibility for these failures is the fact that more organisations are knowledge intensive which makes their work processes difficult to capture in computer systems. How requirements engineering is handled becomes even more important in these cases, where processes are unpredictable and rely on individual judgement and knowledge. In this study we have examined the challenges of developing systems for knowledge intensive businesses through a method of qualitative case study of a university laboratory.

Träning för bättre teamarbete

Sjölin, C. Träning för bättre samarbete. En litteraturstudie om simulering som verktyg för att förbättra teamarbetet i akuta situationer. Examensarbete i omvårdnad 15 högskolepoäng. Malmö högskola: Hälsa och samhälle.

Kompetens i avskedningstider : en treföretagsstudie om att behålla kompetens när man säger upp anställda

Background: As the economy turns up and down, and companies sometimes face loosing employees, it is important for them to make sure they do not loose competence at the same time. Therefore a need to handle competence efficiently exist. Purpose. The purpose of this thesis is to investigate what measures companies take to minimise the risk of loosing competence from the company, at times of layoffs and in general. Methodology: We mainly used interviews to gather information.

I mötet mellan två världar: En studie om förändrade chefsroller i sjukvården

Swedish healthcare has experienced increased economic pressure during the last decades and organizations have faced many changes. Managers and their roles in organizations have also been affected by the changes. Traditionally, managers in the healthcare sector are highly specialized doctors with a strong medical background. In the thesis, we study a big private healthcare company with an ambition to lead the development in the sector. In order to accomplish its goal, the company is trying to change the organization of managers.

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