

389 Uppsatser om Intensive Imitation - Sida 3 av 26

Barnet, könet och kärleken : En textanalys över fostran till kön i barnböcker

Uppsatsen behandlar barns begär så som den beskrivs i ett par utvalda barnböcker som analyseras djupare. Detta utifrån en analysmodell inspirerad av Butler och Foucault.Uppsatsen gör en historisk skildring över barndomsbegreppets tillkomst och synen på barnet och begäret. Hur den skiftat över tid, och hur barnet gjorts oskuldsfullt och hur en vilja att skydda och disciplinera det blivit dominerande. Textbehandlingen och analysen vill visa på möjligheterna att studera kön bortom det biologiska könet och också bortom genus. Här problematiseras kön djupare och barnets begär sätts in i ett kulturellt sammanhang.

"En gång till!" : en kommunikationsetnografisk studie om andraspråksinlärares deltagande i förskolan

The aim of the thesis was to better understand how second language learners becomes lingual participants in a Swedish preschool. Using the following research questions: In what situations are SLLs lingual participants at the preschool? What does their emerging language look like? Are the participation any different considering children's time in the new L2 context? What kind of support does SLLs receive at the preschool?Two focal children at the same preschool was studied with ethnography of communication as method. The focal children chosen were one girl (Mandarin L1, 4.0 yrs) who arrived to Sweden and started the preschool two months ago at the time of the study, the other a boy (Serbian L1, 3.9 yrs) who started preschool and learning the L2 one year and two months before the study. Situations where the focal children interacted with other children or adults were analyzed. Results showed that the focal children in interaction with each other understands some of the others intentions before being able to speak about them in the L2.

Att beskriva och jämföra en expertgrupp och intensivvårdssjuksköterskors överensstämmelse i att detektera delirium hos intuberade, respiratorbehandlade patienter med sedering/analgesi, före och efter en utbildningsintervention : En kvasiexperimentell stud

The aim: was to describe and compare a group of experts and critical care nurses' agreement in detecting delirium in intubated, ventilator treated patients with sedation / analgesia, before and after an in house training intervention with the instrument Confusion Assessment Method for the Intensive Care Unit (CAM-ICU).Method: A quasi-experimental study, one group pretest - posttest design. A convenience sample of 17 critical care nurses in a general intensive care unit included. To detect delirium the instrument CAM-ICU was used, 21 paired tests before and 22 after an educational intervention.Main Results: The results showed that after an in house training intervention sensitivity and kappa coefficient improved of the characteristic 1 "acute onset and fluctuating course," an improvement that was significant. In other features, and overall values were signs of numerical improvement and deterioration in sensitivity, specificity and kappa coefficient but no significant change.Conclusion: Implementing a new instrument for detecting delirium in clinical practice requires education and follow-up. A small sample of critical care nurses with varying ability to use the new instrument and the fact that patients' status may change rapidly making it difficult to draw any conclusions from this study.

Varför har vi bild i skolan?

Föreliggande examensarbete behandlar det retorikdidaktiska begreppet imitatio som undervisnings- och lärandemetod. Syftet är att undersöka vad imitatio (efterbildning) kan betyda i didaktisk mening, hur det skiljer sig gentemot det svenska begreppet imitation och hur lärare tillika retorikstudenter förhåller sig till det i sin undervisning och i sin kompetensutveckling. Med utgångspunkt i syftet har två metoder använts; telefonintervjuer med fyra lärare som vidareutbildat sig i den retorikdidaktiska kursen Progymnasmata samt en litterturstudie. Telefonintervjuerna bidrar med ett praktiskt didaktiskt underlag från yrkesverksamma didaktiker, och litteraturstudien ligger till grund för undersökningen av imitatios retoriska ursprung och didaktiska relevans samt imitationsbegreppets olika tvärvetenskapliga innebörder. Resultatet visar att imitatio som retorikdidaktiskt begrepp i betydelsen medveten efterbildning har ett begränsat inflytande i samtida didaktisk forskning, trots dess över tvåtusen år långa historia med omfattande tillämpning.

För mycket information? : En analys av begreppet Information Overload mot bakgrund av det framväxande informationssamhället

This paper deals with the concept "Information Overload" (IO). It describes the intellectualcontent of the idea as well as its supposed domains of activity. Furthermore it problemizes theimage of "Information", "Information Society" and other concepts related to those phenomenons.A division by two fundamental different distinctions of IO are being made. InformationOverload serves as a name for:I. An information-intensive environment.II.

Bild- och formskapande i förskola och förskoleklass

The aim of our graduate work is to study the importance of image and shape?s in children's development and learning and also the preschool teacher?s views on image and shapes. Our research aims to explore the value of image and shapes creation and how it is expressed among children and in classroom activities. We are also interested in finding out how it differs from adults' views and what materials teachers use to promote the image and shapes creation in the curriculum. In our own experience, image and shapes activities are often structured differently in different curriculum activities.

En komparation i ledarskap mellan ett tjänsteintensivt och ett kunskapsintensivt företag, H&M versus Alfa Laval

Det går att kartlägga små skillnader som finns i ledarskapsutövandet mellan en chef i ett tjänsteintensivt- och kunskapsintensivt företag, men samtidigt tenderar ledarskapet att gå mot en och samma utveckling, det vill säga, ett coachande ledarskap. Skillnaderna i första linjens chefskap i de två olika organisationerna, anser vi bero mer på företagsstrukturerna än att de är verksamma i skilda branscher. It is possible to survey small differences in how to practice leadership between a service intensive and a knowledge intensive company. The leadership tends on the other hand to go towards the same development, towards a coaching leadership. We do believe that the differences in the first line managers, in the two separate companies, depend more on the business structures than that they are active in different branches of trade..

Små barns kommunikation i den fria leken på förskolan

BakgrundI den fria leken kommunicerar små barn med varandra genom olika kommunikationssätt. De förmedlar budskap och avsikter och det förutsätter att barn har en förståelse för andra barns sätt att kommunicera. Bland annat kommunicerar små barn med hjälp av verbal och icke verbal kommunikation. När yngre barn kommunicerar gör de det med hela sin kropp och uttrycker sina känslor och tankar med hjälp av kroppsspråk såsom beröring och imitation. Små barn använder även ord för att uttrycka det inre talet.SyfteStudiens syfte är att undersöka små barns kommunikation i den fria leken på förskolan.MetodI studien används observationer i form av löpande protokoll.

Tidig extubering efter hjärtkirurgi : Intensivvårdssjuksköterskans kunskap om tidig extubering och deras syn på faktorer som påverkar tiden till extubering

Early extubation of cardiac surgery patients has become increasingly important. The assessment of the patient before an early extubation is crucial and the intensive care nurses (ICU nurses) in this estimation is there for very important.The aim of this study was to examine critical care nurses' knowledge of early extubation, and what view ICU nurse has about factors that affect the time to extubation of cardiac surgery patients.A quantitative approach with descriptive and comparative design was used. Selection was all ICU nurses at a thoracic intensive care unit who were clinically active in patient care.The study showed that ICU nurses had good knowledge of why an early extubation was essential. However, the knowledge about the unit?s extubation criteria was low.

Sjuksköterskan som höll min hand... Intensivvårdspatienters upplevelser av att vara intuberad eller tracheostomerad - en litteraturstudie

Being a patient in intensive care can be experienced terrifying. Studies have demonstrated the link between unpleasant memories of hospitalization in the ICU and the development of posttraumatic stress disorder, depression, anxiety, and perception of quality of life in its aftermath. Placed on a ventilator, the patient is exposed to multiple invasive procedures. The aim was to describe critical care patients' experience of being intubated or tracheostomated. Method: Literature review using conventional content analysis.

?Jag undrar varför farbrorn inte hade ett koppel på hunden?? ? En interventionsstudie med syfte att främja elevers läsförståelse och läsintresse ?Jag undrar varför farbrorn inte hade ett koppel på hunden?? : - En interventionsstudie med syfte att främja e

The aim of this study was to investigate the result of an effort to support reading development and the reading motivation. My approach was an intervention study during four weeks, where intensive reading in a group of three pupils in grade one took place. Individual conversations and group conversations were central methods in combination with different ways of processing the texts. Interviews were conducted with the class teacher and the participating children to see the difference in reading and motivation before and after the project. The result shows that an intensive period with reading fiction books with subsequent conversations and different processing of the text is a useful developing method for decoding, reading comprehension and reading motivation.

Methane emissions from Swedish sheep production

The quantity of methane emissions from sheep depend on several factors, for example, the composition of the diet, feed quality, the age of the animals, time of the day and maybe also breed and sex. A comprising literature review was made about which factors that affect the size of emissions. In addition, a questionnaire was sent to two farms, one with a more intensive production system and another with a more extensive system. Inventories of the two farms were made; the rest of the data needed to conduct the study was taken from literature and other sources. Meat produced at the more intensive farm caused emissions of 0.4 kg of methane per kg of bone free meat and the more extensive farm caused emissions of 0.9 kg methane per kg of bone free meat.

Översättning av Intensive Care Experience Questionnaire

Bakgrund: Patienters upplevelser av intensivvård har i många studier undersökts från ett kvalitativt perspektiv. För att kunna skapa resultat som är generaliserbara behövs kvantitativa studier som utgår från validerade instrument.Syfte: Syftet är att översätta, validera och testa instrumentet Intensive Care Experience Questionnaire (ICEQ), vilket har för avsikt att undersöka patienters upplevelser av att vårdas på intensivvårdsavdelning.Metod: Instrumentet översattes till svenska i en process som inkluderade både expertgruppsbedömning och back-translation till engelska. Den svenska versionen av ICEQ (items=31) testades i en pilotstudie med patienter som vårdats på en intensivvårdsavdelning.Resultat: Deltagarna (n=14) hade en medianålder på 59 år och medelvårdtid på 2,0 dygn. Majoriteten var nöjda med vården, men många patienter som erhållit invasiv ventilatorbehandling hade skrämmande upplevelser. Genom en explorativ faktoranalys skapades fyra kategorier av frågor.

Identity Construction of Young Professionals in a Late Modern Emotion-Intensive Context: Multiple Faces of Family Discourse in a Big Four Auditing Firm

Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to study the adaptation of recently recruited young professionals to a top consulting firm through their identity construction efforts. We analyze the influence of a major organization-related discourse on young professionals in order to account for the effects of emotional labor on their adaptation to work. Methodology: We have studied our empirical material in the light of a reflexive pragmatic approach. Thus throughout the analysis of interview material, we try to interpret carefully the material from various perspectives. As authors, we also reflect critically upon our own interpretations.

Anknytningsmönster, copingstilar och stress inom relationsintensiva yrken : En kvantitativ studie rörande sambanden mellan anknytningsmönster, copingstilar och arbetsrelaterad stress

There has been a dramatic increase in long-term sick leave in Sweden, which largely depends on occupational stress. Occupational stress applies particularly in relationship-intensive jobs, which means that the individual works with a lot of contact or responsibility for other people. Research has shown that attachment is relevant to the choice of coping style and perception of stress in the workplace. The aim of the present study was to investigate the relationships between attachment patterns, coping styles and occupational stress in relationship-intensive jobs and to extend previous studies by adding the variables age, work experience and education in relation to coping styles and occupational stress. The study was in quantitative form in which 186 participants from various relationship-intensive jobs across Sweden participated.

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