

1269 Uppsatser om Intelligent home - Sida 2 av 85

"Begynnelsens mysterium" : en undersökning av biblisk skapelsetro och intelligent design i Sverige

Hur världen och människan har kommit till har alltid varit en av de mest fundamentala religiösa frågor som funnits. De senaste 200 åren har man dock kunnat börja närma sig dessa frågor på ett vetenskapligt sätt. Vetenskapliga teorier som evolution och Big Bang står dock i motsats till bibelns skapelseberättelse om att gud skapat världen och människan på sex arbetsdagar. Skapelsetroende har på senare tid även de börjat arbeta på vetenskapligt sätt genom att ta fram en teori som de kallar intelligent design (ID). Denna teori ska vara ett alternativ och en kritik till evolutionen och Big Bang.

Intelligent design och kreationism i skolan : som diskursiv mediakonstruktion

Denna uppsats avser att försöka analysera de diskurser som figurerar i media rörande intelligent design och kreationism i skolan. I denna uppsats finns även syftet att beskriva hur dessa av media skapade diskurser förs som avbildar den ?goda biologin?eller ?den goda utvecklingsläran?.Konflikten mellan kyrkan och vetenskapen är gammal. Bakgrunden till konflikten kan tillskrivas Charles Darwin som utmanade religionen och kyrkan när han påvisade människans släktskap med apan. 150 år efter Darwins utmaning finns det fortfarande en opinion som motsätter sig evolutionen både i Sverige och utomlands.

Hemundervisning som aktivt val

The aim of this paper is to look into the occurrence of home schooling by choice in Sweden. It examines the subject of home education in order to provide an informative overview. It also looks into the legal aspects of the matter to see whether freedom of choice is an issue here when it comes to choosing a certain type of teaching for children of compulsory school age. A further purpose is to provide a comparison of home education in Sweden and in other countries such as the United States, England and Norway.In order to do this we have carried out a secondary analysis of previous research and have also interviewed teachers as well as people with experience of home educating their own children. To accomplish this, we had to look to England for literature and home educating families as home education is a much more common practise in England.The result of this paper strongly indicates that home schooling is not only a legally viable option to traditional schooling, both in Sweden and the other countries concerned, but that it is also a trend that is expected to increase.

Arbetsplatsmobbning : - Är inte att kleta senap på någons brallor!

The focus of this thesis is on what is considered to be a suitable foster home. For the study to be carried out an application had to be made to get access to the foster home assessments in a medium-sized municipality in Sweden. With the support of attachment theory and theory of standards different categories have been picked out and analyzed in foster home assessements that have been approved. The conclusion to what is considered to be a suitable foster home is a complex issue, as there are many factors that are interacting. Social workers seem to focus on the importance of a family?s ability to provide some kind of stability and security for a child who is considered to be placed within their home.

Kvinnors upplevelse av planerad hemförlossning i Skandinavien : Women´s experience of planned home birth in the Scandinavian countries

Background: In Sweden and Norway planned home birth is not included in the health care system. In Denmark women with expected low risk birth have the right to choose home birth. Registrations of home births in the Nordic countries are not completed and women?s experiences of planned home birth in Scandinavian context are not earlier described.Objective: The aim of this study was to describe women?s experiences of planned home birth in the Scandinavian countries.Design: Inductive content analysis. Fifty-three Scandinavian women who have experienced planned home birth have replied an open question in a questionnaire.

Ödet i omvärldens händer : - En kvalitativ studie av humanitära hjälparbetares motiv och riskuppfattning

The focus of this thesis is on what is considered to be a suitable foster home. For the study to be carried out an application had to be made to get access to the foster home assessments in a medium-sized municipality in Sweden. With the support of attachment theory and theory of standards different categories have been picked out and analyzed in foster home assessements that have been approved. The conclusion to what is considered to be a suitable foster home is a complex issue, as there are many factors that are interacting. Social workers seem to focus on the importance of a family?s ability to provide some kind of stability and security for a child who is considered to be placed within their home.

Analys av användning av Intelligent Power Modules för motorstyrning

Det här arbetet utfördes på ABB Corporate Research, och innefattar en studie av motorstyrning i allmänhet, och hur man med hjälp av en Intelligent Power Module kan effektivisera motorstyrning genom att ersätta separata kraft- och styrmoduler med en kombinerad modul. En IPM från International Rectifier har modifierats och testats genom att under en längre tid låta den styra en permanentmagnetmotor under normala förhållanden. Resultatet från testkörningen visar att en IPM är ett bra alternativ i framtiden, såväl i fråga om effektivitet, som kostnad och utrymme. Efter en undersökning av marknaden visar det sig att det är långt ifrån säkert att modulen från International Rectifier är den bästa som finns att tillgå, och det skulle förmodligen löna sig att testköra IPM:er av andra tillverkare i mån av tid och pengar..

Motpolerna möts i resursfördelningssystemet : En jämförelse mellan tre olika skolor i Karlskoga

The aim of this thesis was to study elderly people?s experiences of and approach to their usage of home care services with tax deduction. The aim was also to describe how elderly people reason about their underlying motives of using home care service with tax deduction. The study is based on six qualitative interviews with people between the ages of 65 and 80, living in Nacka, Sweden. This thesis is a collaboration with Stiftelsen Stockholms la?ns A?ldrecentrum/ Stockholm Gerontology Center and part of their follow up study concerning simplified administration for elderly people applying for home care services in Nacka.

Lyssna även på mig! En litteraturstudie om hur närstående till personer med demenssjukdom upplever vårdpersonalen och relationen till dem.

The aim of the literature review was to investigate how relatives to a person suffering from dementia, in institution, experienced the nursing hom staff and the relation to them. The study was based on eight scientific articles. The result gave thirteen themes, that showed that relatives experienced the nursing home staff having a hard work under pressure. They were nice but without knowledge. The relatives experienced that the nursing home staff didn´t see or hear them and gave no confidence.

Hemmet, kvinnan och moralen : I Malmö stads barnavårdsutredningar 1930-1936

This study, a narrative analysis of it, deals with the term, home, its importance and the use of it by Child welfare investigators in the city of Malmö between the years 1930-1936. Commonly used and acknowledged, home stood for security and order while the term, street, had just the opposite meaning. Living in the countryside symbolized health and sensibility, while city life was considered to be cramped, dirty and immoral. The responsibility of achieving the liberals and conservatives ideal of a sunny, clean and orderly home was given to the woman of the house, as was the task of keeping the home morally correct, and providing the necessary atmosphere for proper upbringing of the children. Consequently, the basis of theory, using Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels in regards to the conflicts between the upper and lower classes, and even theories of Jane Lewis of woman´s connection to home and family, have been the grounds for the study.

Studenters riskuppfattning och beredskap i hemmet : En kvalitativ studie om kopplingen mellan riskuppfattning och beredskap i hemmet

The focus of this thesis is on what is considered to be a suitable foster home. For the study to be carried out an application had to be made to get access to the foster home assessments in a medium-sized municipality in Sweden. With the support of attachment theory and theory of standards different categories have been picked out and analyzed in foster home assessements that have been approved. The conclusion to what is considered to be a suitable foster home is a complex issue, as there are many factors that are interacting. Social workers seem to focus on the importance of a family?s ability to provide some kind of stability and security for a child who is considered to be placed within their home.

Ett tillförlitligt talgränssnitt : En studie om röstens utformning i en Intelligent Personlig Assistent

Modern teknik som intelligenta personliga assistenter (IPA) som finns i smartphones kan förenkla människors vardagliga liv. De kan hjälpa personer med funktionshinder och människor som lever stressfulla liv. Genom tal, kan IPA:er enkelt hjälpa personer som ofta har händerna fulla att hitta vägbeskrivningar, information eller skicka meddelanden över hela världen. För att locka människor till att förlita sig på IPA:er i det dagliga livet räcker det inte att den är intelligent och tilltalande, den måste också vara tillförlitlig.Det finns många faktorer som är involverade i att bygga ett trovärdigt system. Denna uppsats fokuserar på att ta reda på vilka egenskaper som gör en IPA:s röst trovärdig och vilken typ av röster designers bör göra tillgängliga för sina användare.

Patienters och närståendes upplevelser av Äldrevårdsenheten i landstinget Uppsala län

Background: Home health care means that patients receive care in their home. Äldrevårdsenheten in Uppsala County treats people, over 65 years, in the patient's home and because of the fact that the quality of care from the patient´s perspective not have been studied previously, this study as part of the quality control of the business.Aim: The aim of this study was to investigate how patients, and family members, who receive care within the Äldrevårdsenheten in Uppsala County experiencing the care provided in the home.Method: Interview study with qualitative analysis.Results: Patients who are cared for within the Elderly Care Unit in Uppsala County Council has a positive experience of home care. Being cared for in the home creates a sense of security and calm in the patients rather than the stress and fear of long waits in the emergency department and planning advice from medical appointments . In contrast, perceived lack of physicians in home care and accessibility to health care staff.Conclusion: In general, patients in the Elderly Care Unit in Uppsala County Council very pleased with the opportunity to the treatment they received at home. However, there are some weaknesses that need improvement. .

Äldre, hemtjänst och genus : En studie i skillnader mellan äldre kvinnor och mäns upplevelser och erfarenheter i samband med hjälp från kommunal hemtjänst.

The intention of our study was to examine differences in experiences between elderly women and men from the home?help service. It?s a qualitative study based on interviews and data collection.Five categories are presented in the result of the study. The categories are based on interviews with three elderly women and three elderly men who all have home?help service.

Hemtjänstpersonalens upplevelser av sitt arbete

Purpose: Our aim is to get an insight on how home care workers experience, handle and looks upon their work. We also want to form an opinion of how home care workers experience the relationship to the clients they meet.Questions: How does home care workers experience their daily work with their clients? Home care workers daily meet many different sorts of clients with different needs, how do they handle this? What kind of support does home care workers get in their work?Method: A qualitative design with semistructured interviews.Conclusion: The most central conclusion from all of our interviews were: that home care service workers has a very stressful and demanding occupation, that the work has a low status, that the personnel has a big responsibility for the wellbeing of other people and that they often find their work satisfying and fun. To have someone to talk to and exchange ideas with was also mentioned by the informants as a vital part of feeling support in their work. From the Antonovskys theory, a sense of coherence, and Goffmans views of the society, we also find that the larger part of our informants feel a high sense of coherence and that when they have to adjust to their different caretakers they play different roles..

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