

1136 Uppsatser om Intelligent action - Sida 65 av 76

Uppföljning och återkoppling efter prehospital bedömning och behandling

The Swedish prehospital/ambulance organization has the last decades evolved from a transport organization to a an organization that focus on alleviate and treating acute medical conditions in the field as well as transporting patient to the emergency ward. The ambulance service is developing continually and offers today a high-tech and highly specialized nursing/care. Which in turn demand a higher standard and competence on the care provider. Ambulance mission can vary in priority and magnitude. This in turn demand a high medical competence our capacity.

Fiskevård och delning av fiske vid lantmäteriförrättningar : Studie av FBL 3 kap 8 §

AbstractThis bachelor thesis was performed at the Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm on behalf of the Land Survey Authority. The thesis is about fish conservation and division of fishing water at official duty. It is the Land Survey Authority that examines division of fisheries, but before a case can be implemented, certain requirements must be achieved such as FBL 3:8, which prevent divisions that are deleterious for fish conservation. The purpose of this thesis is: to obtain a clearer view how FBL 3:8 should be applied in practice, how the application differs between the offices in central Sweden, and how fish care is regulated at both international and national levels.At an international level, in EU the commercial fishery is regulated through the common fisheries policy (CFP). The fisheries policy consists of a reform that will last for 10 years.

Alla måste duscha - en gympasalsredovisning

SourceURL:file:///Users/sofiahultin/Desktop/AMDex/Summary%20of%20essay.docI my essay I describe my master project Alla måste duscha ? en gympasalsredovisning/ Everyone has to shower ? a school gym presentation. Through my work I investigate possibilities for action and agency in a limiting space; the gymnasium. With the help of Mika Hannulas book Politics, Identity and Public Space: Critical Reflections in and through the Practices of Contemporary Art, I discuss how the stories I tell trough my project can be seen as suggestions for a possible reality. By adding my stories to the old ones (that create our society) I hope they, if only just the slightest, can influence on how we look at reality and on a possible reality.

Landskapsarkitekturen och den fysisk planeringens betydelse för en social hållbarhet

This report considers how the design and planning of the city can influence and promote a sustainable development focused on the social dimension. My prior intention was to look in to how a landscape architect can work with social matters of sustainability such as integration, equality, safety and so on. Which are our most successful tools and capabilities? I started to work with the historical background in September 2008 and soon discovered the multitude of theories and definitions of sustainable development, international, national and local. In Sweden the local political level has been given a lot of responsibilities to achieve a more sustainable society.

Anställdas tankar om miljöarbetet : Inflytande, förutsättningar, hinder och en ny metod på arbetsplatsen.

I detta arbete undersöks attityder, motivation och tankar kring miljövänligt beteende på arbetsplatsen bland anställda inom skola och omsorg i tre Dalslandskommuner. Två av dessa har infört en arbetsprocess som låter de anställda, tillsammans i arbetslaget, sätta sina egna mål för miljövänliga arbetsrutiner på arbetsplatsen. Inspiration till studien kommer från Self-Determination Theory (Ryan & Deci 2000) och Value-belief-norm Theory (Stern 2000). Data samlades in och analyserades med både kvalitativa och kvantitativa metoder. Kvantitativa data från 169 frågeformulär som behandlade motivation och attityder användes främst som bakgrundsdata till fem stycken intervjuer.

Praktiskt jämställdhetsarbete : Mot bakgrund av gällande rätt

Equality between men and women is in focus politically, in working life and in the media. There is a noticeable desire from the Swedish government to create a working environment with equal opportunities for men and women. The equality law in Sweden is an indication of that goal. During its existence, the equality law has gone through several changes. The purpose of the changes has been to improve the work with equality among employers.

Going Green - Why and How Thule Should Make Environmental Issues a Part of Their Business

Problem: When opening a newspaper today there is a good chance that the headlines have something to do with recent developments in the global climate debate. This development is forcing companies to take action. The problem for many companies, including Thule, is that they are unaware of the environmental work conducted throughout their value chain and also what they need to do to become green. Thule, a company with a strong focus on profitability and growth, will not make environmental issues a part of their core strategy unless it can be shown that economic incentives exist. With this thesis we will try to build a case that will help Thule, and also other companies, see the possibilities a green venture brings with it.

Opraktiska kvinnor och krossade hjärtan : En studie av melankolin och kvinnosynen i Jack Kerouacs Visions of Cody

A growing need to strengthen ones position on the market, even as a city in competition with other cities, has resulted in an increasing number of municipalities developing brand platforms. When the city of Umeå developed their platform, they identified decision makers and investors as one of four important target groups.The aim of this study is to explore the portrayed image of the city of Umeå in two Swedish trade journals which addresses the specific target group decition makers and investors in both public and private sector. The aim is also to compare the image of Umeå in the two papers, to the ambition of the municipality, expressed in the brand platform.In order to make the observations as firmly established as possible, the method of the study is a combination of a quantitative content analysis and a qualitative text analysis. The study draws on the theories of Eli Avraham and Philip Kotler, concerning how to improve city images and how to market a specific city among others. The study shows that the city of Umeå in large extent is portrayed in accordance to the ambition which the municipality expressed in the brand platform.Umeå is displayed as an expanding city.

Frystorkning Kontrollerad torkning av kulturhistorisk dräkt?

Cultural objects may become wet by deliberate water cleaning, water disaster or watersoaked for other reasons. Air drying textile objects and even other organic materials from awater wet state, involves many problems depending on the strong capillarity action of water.Damages and changes such as bleeding of dyes, stains or lines of impurities from watermovement, shrinking or stiffness can occur. Freeze-drying as an alternative drying methodhas often been used for wet archaeological and marine objects, but more seldom for historicalmaterials.This bachelor thesis addresses the issue of whether freeze-drying can be an alternative controlleddrying method for historic costumes. Costumes and related objects are often compositeobjects, consisting of multiple materials, as well as being three dimensional, all of whichwill complicate drying. The purpose of this study was to investigate whether it is possible tohandle costume objects after wet cleaning for drying by freeze-drying, and if damages due tosurface tension of water, can be avoided in this way.

Den ordlösa kroppens närmande : Eidetisk och kroppslig perception i Harold Pinters The Dwarfs

A growing need to strengthen ones position on the market, even as a city in competition with other cities, has resulted in an increasing number of municipalities developing brand platforms. When the city of Umeå developed their platform, they identified decision makers and investors as one of four important target groups.The aim of this study is to explore the portrayed image of the city of Umeå in two Swedish trade journals which addresses the specific target group decition makers and investors in both public and private sector. The aim is also to compare the image of Umeå in the two papers, to the ambition of the municipality, expressed in the brand platform.In order to make the observations as firmly established as possible, the method of the study is a combination of a quantitative content analysis and a qualitative text analysis. The study draws on the theories of Eli Avraham and Philip Kotler, concerning how to improve city images and how to market a specific city among others. The study shows that the city of Umeå in large extent is portrayed in accordance to the ambition which the municipality expressed in the brand platform.Umeå is displayed as an expanding city.

Affekter för hållbarhet

Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka vilka samband det finns mellan värderingar, föreställningar och normer kring miljön till agerande för ekologisk hållbarhet i det vardagliga livet. Vår hypotes var att det finns samband mellan affekter kring miljöns framtid och agerande till hållbar utveckling. För att söka svar på syftet och bekräfta hypotesen har enkäter med frågor gällande individens värderingar, föreställningar och normer om miljön samt frågor om miljömässigt agerande skickats ut via e-post till 119 deltagare i åldern 23-65 år. Svarsfrekvensen var på 59 procent. Resultatet visade att det fanns ett flertal starka samband mellan miljömässiga värderingar, föreställningar och normer till individens agerande och hypotesen om att det fanns samband mellan affekter och agerande för hållbar utveckling verifierades.

Att göra stad. Om demokrati och deltagande i det offentliga rummet

Malmö has often been described as a segregated city, with relatively low democratic participation and high poverty and alienation. Behind this kind of statements we often find a material reality, with unequal distribution of assets and potentials that needs to be taken into consideration for political action. At the same time this categorisation of people into different groups can take stigmatising effects and result in increased inequality.I find the theoretical basis for my thesis in Lefebvre?s writings on ?the right to the city?, that shortly means that all inhabitants of a city have the right to take active part in the constantly ongoing process of producing and reproducing the city ? on all levels, from a hands-on everyday life level to a more abstract political level.With an interdisciplinary approach, where the right to the city is discussed in relation to citizenship, presence, representation and public space, I try to understand the connections between democracy, participation, justice and equality. These discussions are then applied to examples from Malmö; both publically initiated projects and individual physical markings in the city.

Vart är EU:s asyl- och invandringspolitik på väg? : EN idealtypsanalys av EU-ländernas gemensamma asyl- och invandringspolitik

This essay is about the asylum and immigration politics within the EU. Due to the heavy criticism the EU has been exposed to from among others different kind of human rights organizations I have become interested to find out what kind of asylum and migration politics right now is being formed by the member states of the union. Thus the purpose is also to see if the EU is creating a policy within this area that intends to live up to the human rights obligations.My overall research question is:Which ideas characterize the asylum and immigration politics within the EU?The theoretical perspectives of universalism and particularism are used as two analytical tools in order to understand the phenomenon I am investigating and to identify its characterizing ideas. In my essay universalism and particularism are used as opposite ideal types.

A Green Belt of synergies : a study on the implementation of a contemporary Green Belt

The prevailing urban migration is a worldwide process. This results in growing cities and a diminishing proportion of people living in the countryside. As the urbanization continues a large amount of the world?s population is expected to live in urban settlements of informal character by 2050. Green Belt has for many years been used to control urban growth and to secure the sustention of larger green areas around towns and cities.

Styrningens påverkan på butikschefers motivation

Bakgrund: Sedan 1990-talet har de stora klädkedjorna tagit allt större marknadsandelar, vilket i sin tur har lett till att klädbranschen blivit mer centraliserad. På grund av detta blir butikschefen, som har huvudansvaret för butiken, mer styrd i sitt arbete. Butikschefen har mål att förhålla sig till samtidigt som han eller hon blir styrd i sina handlingar för att uppnå målet.Syfte: Syftet är att genom intervjuer ge en förståelse för hur butikschefers motivation påverkas av den utformade styrningen och redogöra för vilka motivationsfaktorer butikscheferna finner mest motiverande i sitt arbete.Genomförande: Studien har genomförts genom sex semistrukturerade intervjuer med butikschefer och är i och med det en kvalitativ metod. Detta metodval möjliggör att studera butikscheferna mer på djupet. Intervjuerna har transkriberats och sedan analyserats med hjälp av teoriramen i studien.

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