

1136 Uppsatser om Intelligent action - Sida 57 av 76

De första på plats: En fallstudie av entreprenörers resonerande vid etablering på en ung marknad

One of the areas in which current theory on entrepreneurship is ambiguous is in the explanation of how entrepreneurs act when entering a new market. One author that has attempted to contribute in this area is Saras D. Sarasvathy who has tried to explain the entrepreneurs reasoning through the theory of causation and effectuation. The former refers to a reasoning that takes the effect of an entrepreneurial action as given, while the latter looks upon the effects as uncertain, while only the means are given. With a foundation in this theory, Sarasvathy claims that when entrepreneurs enters a new market the level of environmental uncertainty is so high that reasoning based on causal relationships is rendered useless.

Gå in och ut och vända "ut och in" : En kvalitativ studie om hur omsorgspersonal inom hemtjänsten arbetar för att de äldre ska få ett värdigt liv

The aim of this study was to increase the knowledge about if and how the National Value System?s goal of a life with dignity for the elderly pervades the work in home care organisations. The study was based on a qualitative research method and was conducted through interviews with professional care givers in home care organisations, there were five individual interviews and one pair interview. The background for this study was the National Value System for the eldercare that was introduced in 2011. The theory of New Public Management and the concept of Rationality of Caring were used to analyse the result.

Marknadsetablering i Indien :

The demand from Swedish companies of new potential markets to enter is increasing. One of these companies is Väderstad-verken which has the vision to grow approximately 15 percentages every year. To make this possible they must find new emerging markets to enter to be able to grow. Together with Väderstad-verken we have chosen India as a case study. Mainly because of its big agricultural sector that hasn?t yet been developed to modern standard.

Nu är det dags för fotboll 2.0 : En studie om hur fotbollsklubbar i Allsvenskan arbetar med relationsmarknadsföring med hjälp av sociala medier.

Title: Nu är det dags för fotboll 2.0 I En studie om hur fotbollsklubbar i allsvenskanarbetar med relationsmarknadsföring med hjälp av sociala medier.Short explanation of the titleWe chose the title ?Nu är det dags for fotboll2.0?because it relates to the socialhabits that occurs between individuals within society today. People are moreinteractive online than before due to the development of Web 2,0 and social medias.Main purposeThe main purpose of this thesis is to describe how professional football clubs usesocial media tools to establish, maintain and develop relationships with costumerswithin the field of sports.MethodologyThe thesis is based on a qualitative research with an inductive approach to make itpossible to create a depth within the research. In addition, we have a hermeneuticperspective to build an understanding for the hard labour that is put in action byworkers in the football clubs only for the reasons of making relationships possibleand strengthening bonds by using social media tools. We have gathered theempirical information trough interviews with main leaders within chosenorganizations that use social media tools on an every day basis.

Drama - en metod för barn som inte leker?

This is a study of the trade union journal for female blue collar women in Sweden, Arbetets Kvinnor, between 1927 and 1931. The purpose is to examine how a female trade union activist's constructs collective identity by those notions of social class, sex, and moral values that are articulated in the journal. The main theoretical basis is Alberto Melucci's analysis where he argues that a collective identity in social movements is made in an interaction between individuals, where the action possibilities and limits are defined. Another purpose is how the female blue collar worker's resistance and/or adaption to the male hegemonic trade union and the bourgeoisie hegemonic society are presented. The essay shows how the collective identity is made of both historical and contemporary images of the working class women as workers and trade union activists.

Ett anpassat ledningssystem för informationssäkerhet : - Hur gör en liten organisation med hög personalomsättning?

This paper aims to find out how to implement an information security management (ISMS) system that is based on ISO/IEC 27001-standard into a small organization with high employee turnover. The standard employs the PDCA-method as a course of action for implementing the standard. The reason for implementing such a system is to introduce information security to the organization and to maintain it despite the changes in management. The paper based it?s survey on a case study of a student nation in Uppsala, Sweden.

Hundhållning i bil : situationen i Sverige och effekter av utetemperaturen. Enkätundersökning och experimentell studie

The aims of this project were to describe the circumstances around dogs being left alone in cars, to investigate owners? knowledge of the risks associated with leaving dogs in cars and the relevant legislation and, finally, to study how changes in the air temperature and air composition in the car affect the dog. The project consisted of a survey of the literature, a questionnaire part and an experimental part. An important conclusion is the importance of the level of knowledge of owners, since there are several ways in which an owner can prevent their dog from heat stroke and, in the case of an eventual accident, their action can have direct consequences in minimizing the long-term damage to the dog and even whether or not it survives. Fewer than half of the owners in the study knew that for a dog suffering heat stroke, the most important thing is to bring the body temperature down. Only a third of dog owners knew that if a dog is left in a warm car and showing signs of heat stress, then the police should be contacted and the dog quickly helped out of the car.

Hur kan vi på bästa sätt klara av vår nya vardag tillsammans? : Ett underlag för utvärdering av ett projekt som syftar till att stödja relationen mellan personer med demens och deras närstående

Bakgrund: Demens är ett sjukdomstillstånd som innebär en bestående nedsättning av kognitiva funktioner. Därför behöver personer med demenssjukdom och närstående stöd för att klara vardagen bättre. Syfte: Syftet var att tillsammans med en personalgrupp vid en dagsjukvårdsenhet utarbeta ett underlag för en kommande utvärdering av ett projekt vars syfte var att ge stöd i relationen mellan personer med demenssjukdom och deras närstående. Metod: Studien genomfördes med deltagarbaserad aktionsforskning med en fokusgruppsintervju och en enskild intervju. Deltagarna var en personalgrupp på en dagsjukvårdsenhet. Resultat: Dagsjukvårdsenheten önskade stödja relationen mellan personer med demenssjukdom och deras närstående. Stödet planeras genomföras vid fem tillfällen under fem veckor. Dessa fem tillfällen har olika teman som handlar om hur paren kan hantera vardagen på ett annat sätt.

Tiden är ute... : En marknadsundersökning för Ur & Penn

Problem: Klockbranschen är idag utsatt för stor konkurrens då tiden kan avläsas på ett eller annat sätt överallt, vilket gör att ett armbandsur inte längre är nödvändigt för att veta hur mycket klockan är. Ur & Penn försöker få armbandsur att uppfattas som en accessoar som varieras efter tillfälle. Konsumtion av klockor påverkas av de värderingar och traditioner som finns i samhället. Att förändra människors värderingar är en process som kan ta lång tid och som troligtvis är kostsam. Är Ur & Penn på rätt väg för att lyckas med sin målsättning?Syfte: Undersökningen baseras på följande frågeställningar: Hur väl uppfyller Ur & Penn sin målsättning? Vilka värderingar ligger till grund för inköp av armbandsur? Hur varierar värderingar beroende på typen av armbandsur? Vilka av dessa värderingar är av störst betydelse för kunder hos Ur & Penn? Av praktiska och resursmässiga skäl har vi valt att begränsa enkätundersökningen till Uppsala.

Mötet, ett dilemma eller en möjlighet? : - En kvalitativ studie av myndighetspersoners beskrivningar av individer med ett socialt funktionshinder.

This is a study with a qualitative approach and a social psychological perspective. Our purpose is to describe and analyze authority officials descriptions of individuals with a social disability and their perception of how the interaction in the encounter with its implementation. We are interested in how they experience their power as authority representatives. The following issues are highlighted.? How do people in authority describe individuals with a social disability?? What is the authority officials view on the interaction in meetings with individuals with a social disability?? How do authority officials experiencing his or her position of power in relation to the meeting?Our results are based on semi-structured interviews with five persons in authority, which is active in Insurance and Employment Service in Örebro County.

En komplicerad balansgång : familjebehandlares upplevelse av sin roll i arbetet med familjer i hemmiljö

The purpose of this essay is to analyse the descriptions of young girls' experiences of internet contacts, which have led up to sexual abuse. The aim is to give additional understanding and knowledge concerning grooming.       Grooming means that somebody gets in contact with someone else with the intention of committing sexual violations at a later stage. In most cases this concerns adults who contact children. We have chosen to confine ourselves to focusing on the grooming on internet that has happened to girls. By means of thematic analyses of texts from the books Jag kände mig speciell, grooming på internet, 2012 and Alexandramannen, vår tids största nätsexhärva, 2009, we have found certain themes and linked them up with previous research-work and also theory of social psychology.

Kvinnors drivkrafter för att lämna en kriminell livsstil : val, uppbrott och förändring

The purpose of this essay is to analyse the descriptions of young girls' experiences of internet contacts, which have led up to sexual abuse. The aim is to give additional understanding and knowledge concerning grooming.       Grooming means that somebody gets in contact with someone else with the intention of committing sexual violations at a later stage. In most cases this concerns adults who contact children. We have chosen to confine ourselves to focusing on the grooming on internet that has happened to girls. By means of thematic analyses of texts from the books Jag kände mig speciell, grooming på internet, 2012 and Alexandramannen, vår tids största nätsexhärva, 2009, we have found certain themes and linked them up with previous research-work and also theory of social psychology.

Det bästa för miljön, det bästa för Europa?- Europeiska kommissionens argumentation i frågan om EU-harmonisering av miljöskatter The best of the environment, the best for Europe?- European Commission' s official arguments on EU hormonisotian of environmen

This thesis tackles the subject concerning arguments as a conceptual basis forunderstanding the general strategy of the European Union Commission on issuesconcerning EU-harmonized environmental taxes, politically delicate and intergovernmentaldependent. The Commission's official proposals, communications and other relevant documents are subject to inquiry, where the theoretical bases are that harmonized environmental taxes in the EU is an issue conceived as supported by academic debate, and where the institutional arrangement in relation to an European-national dimension alongside the discursive context, allows meaningfulspace for arguments. The study makes a distinction between substantial (environmental cancerns in itself) and instrumental (other benefits, mostly economic ones) rationality as a foundation in various types of arguments.The study's main findings are that the Commission's official documents over the past 20 years, have been trying to keep a strong image of reason and knowledge based arguments for an EU-wide environmental tax reform. In particular, the types of arguments tend to appeal to the Member States by stressing the instrumental rationality in a European environmental tax reform, indicating the value of good arguments as a part of the Commission's main strategies. In sum, this may have further theoretical suggestions concerning questions of environmental and elimate change policies in a European context or other more general studies relying on theoretical assumptions of logics of argument, legitimacy or studies of motives behind action strategies in politically sensitive issues such as taxation at supranationallevel..

Radon i flerbostadshus : Kartläggning av fastighetsförvaltarnas egenkontroll avseende radon

Radon is a hazardous substance that cannot be perceived by our senses. It has long been known that exposure to high radon levels for a long period of time will ultimately cause lung cancer. The Swedish Radiation Safety Authority estimates that 500 people die annually due to this. Although most of them are smokers, even non-smokers suffer from lung cancer caused by radon. The statutory value for radon in homes today is 200 Bq/m³.

Aktioner och reaktioner - Kristna kvinnors motreaktioner till Femens aktioner i en proteströrelse på internet

Religion is not only manifested in the more traditional forms such as church attendance, but also in various expressions on social media. Facebook is seen by many as creating a social platform where different opinions and more unconventional discussions may flourish unlike how the traditional media convey information. Internet is therefore an interesting platform for investigating how information about religion is spread by researching religious behavior and expression. The focus of this essay is to examine visible, which includes text as a social practice, forms of religious expression shown by the discursive struggle between the Facebook-group Christian Women Against Femen and its counterpart feminist movement Femen. The essay seeks to answer how notions of femininity on the Internet are formulated and reproduced based on the discourse between these two women's movements.The essay highlights how the women?s movements, with their bodily manifestation and by their usage of words, construct and reproduce different images of gender and womanhood.

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