

1136 Uppsatser om Intelligent action - Sida 56 av 76

Ett steg närmare Just-in-Time : En studie av JIT-försörjning vid GGP Sweden AB

This study looks into the possibility, and profitability, of expanding a pilot project that has been put into action at GGP Sweden AB in Tranås, a manufacturing company that produces front mowers. The pilot project is meant to give GGP Sweden AB a more precise control of the flow of goods from their suppliers, and its essence has proven to be quite similar to the Japanese Just-in-Time philosophy.The study has been divided into four separate areas; mapping, supplier selection, supplier evaluation and cost analysis. These areas represent a holistic perspective on the expansion of the pilot project and cover topics varying from methods of finding suitable JIT-suppliers, constructing Key Performance Indicators (KPI) to reviewing costs and assessing profitabilities.In this report, the reader will initially take part in the works of mapping GGP?s manufacturing unit, pilot project and supplier base, which results in a list containing the most suitable suppliers for a Just-in-Time based collaboration. Afterwards, the reader will be led into the area of supplier evaluation, where five KPI?s are created with the purpose of ensuring that GGP will be able to evaluate their suppliers and pilot project in an effective way.

Bemötande : En observationsstudie om hur flickor och pojkar bemöts i förskoleåldern

The aim of this study is to examine metaphors and what may be perceived as motif-circuits in Stig Dagerman?s play Den dödsdömde (The Man Condemned to Death) and the two short stories ?Den dödsdömde? (The Man Condemned to Death) and ?Mannen från Milesia? (The Man from Milesia). My intention is to discuss a single theme and identity-marks that unites all three works, using Paul Ricoeur?s The Rule of Metaphor (La mêtaphore vive) as well as the ?thematic critique? of Jean-Pierre Richard.What is metaphor for Ricoeur is for Richard themes (theme): an organizing principle, a sort of schedule around which a world is constituted. Hence, I find similarities between the motif-circuits, Ricoeur?s metaphor-theory and Richards?s themes.

Att be om hjälp utan att fråga

This report is our Master thesis. Our work has taken place at a one-stop-shop in Sölvesborg during the spring of 2002. We have conducted ethnographical studies concerning the one-stop-shops frontdesk and telephone exchange. During these studies we became aware of some differences under which the daily work was to be carried out. When operating the switchboard the staff usually work alone and perform the tasks individually.

Rätt person till rätt plats : En studie om hur personal rekryteras till behandlande organisationer i Örebro

Known to be one of the most important resources, but also one of the most difficult ones to obtain, the workforce constitutes (consistence) the core of any organization. To find the right person for a particular position is not a trivial task. The recruitment of new staff members is important for any organization in general, but for treating organizations in particular. In order to provide the best service for its clients, it is, for a treating organization, vital to recruit nothing but highly qualified personnel. A well educated workforce can more easily stick to the treatment program and thus maintain treatment integrity.

Konstnärligt intrång : om att hävda sin rätt till plats i det offentliga stadsrummet

?Claiming the right to space? is an argument frequently used by street artists for justifying illegal art in the public space. The public city space as a room of democracy and right to free speech is by some people considered threatened by commercial interests, and street art has become a way to demonstrate disapproval towards this. Street art is illegal and often anonymously performed in our cities. It developed in the late 1970s from the urban graffiti scene in America, and has therefore a lot in common with the graffiti movement.

Yttrandefrihet kontra lojalitetsplikt : Vilken princip väger tyngst när det kommer till kritiska uttalanden om arbetsgivaren via sociala medier

In this paper, the legal situation regarding freedom of expression versus the duty of loyalty is investigated, this in a context where an employee makes critical statements about his employer through social media.The duty of loyalty is a part of all employment relationships and it follows implicit from the contract regardless of whether it is specified in it or not. This duty means that an employee is required to put the employer's interests before his own and avoid all situations that end up in collision of the duties. The employee may no t either act in such a way that is intended to harm the employer. This means that the employee must be even off duty careful not to appear disloyal to the employer. This may lead to that a status update on Facebook, even when made on the employee's free time, can be regarded as disloyal conduct, with the dismissal or disciplinary action as a result.Case law states that the point of departure regarding criticizing the employer must be that the employee has an extensive such a possibility to that, without that being considered as disloyal conduct.

Good girls go to heaven, bad girls go everywhere- a qualitative thesis about the organization Empower and their sex working women in Thailand.

This thesis examines the organization Empower and their members, who consist of sex working women in Thailand. The purpose is to explore the more liberal point of view of prostitution and how the female members perceive Empower. Furthermore the study investigates if the organization can improve the sex workers empowerment. The study also delineates how these women reflect on their professional role as a sex working woman and whether the women relate to feminine discourses. The study is implemented in Chiang Mai, Thailand during the fall of the year 2010 and is based on qualitative methods like interview, focus group, observations and text analysis.

Illusion och verklighet : Metaforer och motivkretsar i Stig Dagermans pjäs Den dödsdömde och novellerna ?Den dödsdömde? och ?Mannen från Milesia?

The aim of this study is to examine metaphors and what may be perceived as motif-circuits in Stig Dagerman?s play Den dödsdömde (The Man Condemned to Death) and the two short stories ?Den dödsdömde? (The Man Condemned to Death) and ?Mannen från Milesia? (The Man from Milesia). My intention is to discuss a single theme and identity-marks that unites all three works, using Paul Ricoeur?s The Rule of Metaphor (La mêtaphore vive) as well as the ?thematic critique? of Jean-Pierre Richard.What is metaphor for Ricoeur is for Richard themes (theme): an organizing principle, a sort of schedule around which a world is constituted. Hence, I find similarities between the motif-circuits, Ricoeur?s metaphor-theory and Richards?s themes.

Antinutritionella substanser iåkerböna, ärter och blålupin vidutfodring till mjölkkor

There is a shortage of locally produced high quality protein concentrates in Europe andSweden. Local production would decrease the dependency on imported soybean and meet thedemand for organically grown feedstuff from ecological dairy farmers. Field bean (Viciafaba), peas (Pisum sativum) and sweet lupin (Lupinus angustifolius) are good alternatives tosoybean, but contain anti-nutritional substances (ANS) that could reduce their use as proteinconcentrates in dairy cow diets. The aim of this literature study was to review which ANSfield bean, peas and sweet lupin contain and whether they affect dairy cows negatively.Trypsin inhibitors and Chymotrypsin inhibitors (TI) were present in all three crops. TI couldbecome inactivated and degraded in the rumen, but due to the high passage speed of thedigesta, most TI left the rumen in an active state.

Användarrelaterad energieffektivisering : En studie på länssjukhuset i Sundsvall

Energy efficiency is important both to reduce costs and to reduce greenhouse gas in the atmosphere. In Sweden 40 percent of the energy consumption is related to the buildings sector. Hospitals are complex buildings with different activities in the same building, which requires flexible technical systems for ventilation, heating and lightning. A quarter of the total energy consumption in Swedish hospitals is related to user activities in the hospitals. Therefore it is not only important to work with operational optimization but also to change user activities, to reduce energy consumption.The objective of this thesis was to examine the user-related energy efficiency work at two care units, at the central hospital in Sundsvall within Västernorrlands County.

BESLUT OM GRUPPTRÄNING : En kvalitativ studie om hinder och möjligheter för personer med hjärtsvikt.

Bakgrund: Forskning har visat att träning förbättrar den fysiska förmågan och höjer livskvaliteten hos personer med hjärtsvikt. Trots detta är det många personer med hjärtsvikt som inte deltar i gruppträning.Syfte: Syftet med denna studie var att beskriva vilka faktorer som personer med hjärtsvikt, som inte deltar i hjärtsviktsgrupp, upplever som hinder respektive möjligheter när de ska ta beslut om att delta i gruppträning.Design: Studien var en kvalitativ studie med deskriptiv design som utfördes genom semistrukturerade intervjuer med fem informanter.Resultat och slutsats: Resultaten, som tolkades utifrån beteendeförändringsmodellen Health Action Process Approach (HAPA), av denna studie visade att informanterna upplever olika hinder för träningen som har med prioritet, otrygghet, psykisk ohälsa, transportproblem och bristande information att göra. I vissa fall väljs träningen också bort på grund av att informanterna istället tränar i hemmet. Det största hindret enligt studiens resultat var bristen på information. Framförallt har informanterna bristande kunskap om träning som en del av behandlingen vid hjärtsvikt, NYHA II-III, och de effekter som träningen ger.

EU-kommissionens nya kommunikationspolitik ur ett deliberativt demokratiperspektiv

After the appointment of a new European Commission in 2004, ?communication? was made a top priority on the agenda. The Commission presented a new communication policy, which would establish a dialogue with the citizens, thereby bringing more democracy to the union and bridging the gap to the citizens. Three documents containing the policy were published, namely an internal action plan for the Commission, Plan D which establishes the framework for national debates and a whitepaper on EU communication policy. These documents were met by mistrust and criticism from many different actors such as journalists and experts.The aim of this master thesis is to examine this new communication policy from a deliberative democratic perspective.

Förloppslandskap : ett sätt att betrakta landskap

Begreppet landskap kan betyda både utsiktslandskap, så som det används på engelska , och område, region, som är grundbetydelsen i de germanska språken. Torsten Hägerstrand introducerade i början på 1990-talet begreppet förloppslandskap, som vänder sig mot ett statiskt betraktande av landskap och istället tar fasta på landskapets processer. Målet med denna litteraturstudie är att presentera en översikt av förloppslandskapets idéer. Syftet är att med detta som bakgrund föra en diskussion kring förloppslandskapets relevans i dagens planeringssituation. Europeiska landskapskonventionen företräder en landskapssyn där samspelet mellan natur och samhälle betonas, men till skillnad från förloppslandskapet så är fokus inställt på människans upplevelse.

Entry Mode Strategies for ire in to the Polish Market : A Case Study of ire Möbel AB

Background: In today?s business environment it is important to find new customers. An action that has been widely used is to enter foreignmarkets. Most firms are always seeking to maximize their profits,which can be achieved if an entry into a foreign market is performed.Due the European Union (EU), new economies open theirborders for international trade and foreign investments. In 2004 Poland received membership.

Fem pedagoger tänker till om uppdraget med åtgärdsprogram Five teachers?thoughts about the assignment action programme

Syftet med studien var att undersöka hur en grupp pedagoger uttryckte sig om åtgärdsprogram samt att titta på samspelet mellan elev, vårdnadshavare och pedagog i detta sammanhang. Frågeställningarna syftade till att klargöra hur pedagogernas uttryckssätt kunde tolkas samt hur de olika parterna förhöll sig till varandra. Semistrukturerade intervjuer genomfördes med fem pedagoger från olika skolor, med olika bakgrunder. Empirin kopplades samman med styrdokument och problematiserades vidare med hjälp av teorietiska perspektiv. De mest frekvent förekommande var Daniel Stern ? Det kompetenta barnet, Lev Vygotskij ? Den proximala utvecklingszonen samt Pierre Bourdieu ? Habitus.

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