

1136 Uppsatser om Intelligent action - Sida 49 av 76

Utveckling av hygienfunktioner i diskmaskiner : Desinfektion med hjälp av UV-ljus och ozon

This thesis within the field of Integrated Product development at the Royal Insitute ofTechnology, performed at Primary Development Dishcare at AB Electrolux, is supposed to finda solution to enhance the hygiene inside an Electrolux dishwasher. The outcomes of this thesisare functional prototypes to evaluate the efficiency of disinfection by the use of Ultra VioletLight and Ozone.The thesis has followed Electrolux Primary Development process, with delivarables andcheckpoints.Ultra violett light with a wavelength of around 264 nm penetrates through the cell wall ofbacteria and micro organisms and causes a molecular rearrangement of the cells DNA. Thisprevent the bacteria from reproducing and it is considered dead. Commonly used UV-C lampstransmits the wavelength 254 nm which is very close to the optimum for germicidal action.A competitive brand have reacently launched a dishwasher claiming to achieve greaterdisinfection with an UV feature. This dishwasher was tested during the thesis and proven tohave a very low effect on the hygienic result.Two prototypes were devolped and tested for UV disinfection of dishware.

Läslust : ett projekt för och med vuxna med läs- och skrivsvårigheter, ett samarbete mellan en lärare och en bibliotekarie

This thesis presents and evaluates a project, undertaken in 2001 by a librarian the writer of this thesis and a teacher. We met with a number of adults with reading and writing disabilities, and presented and discussed books and experiences of reading, with the aim to increase their joy of reading, as well as finding out more about our own ways of co-operating with each other across our professional borders. The documentation and evaluation emphasizes on the process and the results of the project, and on our own participation, by asking the following questions: How did we carry out the project? What obstacles did we meet? What went well/wrong? What did we achieve related to our goals? In order to illuminate the project from different angles, consequences of reading and writing disabilities for adults are discussed, as well as the specific nature of adult education and projects more or less related to ours. Action research is chosen as a method, because it allows the process of the project, and our own learning process, to be exposed.

[Men det är ju så det borde vara...] : en kvalitativ studie om sex unga kvinnors förhållande till kvinnlighet

The aim of this study was to try to identify what young women see as typically female and how this affects them as individuals, focusing on the female body. How free or limited do they consider themselves to respond to prevailing ideals of beauty, to men and other women. Our questions are how young women construct femininity through the body and why? We do this by using a holistic gender perspective and with the help of key theoretical concepts; gender, normative femininity, heteronormativity, performance, freedom/power and the female body,. We have had a qualitative approach and we have done interviews with six girls in secondary school age.

Bioteknologins politik och berättelsernas transformativa makt

This thesis aims to respond to the need of adjust GMO politics for meeting the demands of the late-modern society and the changed condition that follows from an accelerating complexity. The central objective for this study is to contribute with a narrative understanding of Sweden?s GMO politics with the purpose of examine an alternative possibility for formulating and assessing the politics of biotechnology. This is done by investigate Sweden?s politics of GMO through a narrative approach.

Påståendedoktrinens innebörd och tillämpning i skiljemannarätten : Kompetensfördelningen mellan skiljemän och allmän domstol

A valid arbitration agreement constitutes a bar to court proceedings as well as a prerequisite for arbitral proceedings. In NJA 2008 p. 406 and NJA 2012 p. 183, the Swedish Supreme Court applied the so-called doctrine of assertion with respect to the issue of whether a dispute should be settled by arbitration or litigation. Prior to these judgments, it was uncertain if the doctrine of assertion was applicable regarding this issue.

Vidareutveckling av häftfixtur för sammansvetsning av Volvo hjullastares lyftramverk : Ett projekt med syfte att effektivisera produktionen

This report is about how HDR (HighDynamicRange) can be created and used in combination with Tone mapping. This work has been carried out together with Kapsch TrafficCom AB in Jönköping.The objective of this project is to:Evaluate and investigate the effects given to pictures by HDR and tone mapping.Evaluate if the technology may lead to improvements in Kapsch?s systems.To construct a program which is able to handle some form of tone mapping or HDR-algorithm.These questions will be answered in this report:What kind of effects has HDR and tone mapping-algorithms on pictures?Can the HDR-technology give better data in Kapsch?s systems?The research method used in this report is called action research. This means the authors has investigated the technology by reading different documentations and by testing different algorithms to see what kind of result they give. The report describes some of the tests made to see if the technology is appropriate in Kapsch?s system.There is two smaller reports made by the authors which documenting some of the work.The first report describes the work with different settings for a camera to create pictures with HDR-quality.

En gemensam fiende? : -En jämförande studie om olika staters syn på terrorism

Even though terrorism has been on the political agenda for several years there is no general accepted definition of the phenomena of terrorism. Several scientist do also apply that terrorism have changed after the 9/11-attacks. The purpose with this thesis was to analyze and compare the image of terrorism represented by the United States, United Kingdom, Sweden and Norway, in an attempt to draw conclusions about similarities and differentials. The material that was used was these four nations individual counter terrorism strategy. This was made by using idea analysis and self constructed dimensions based on earlier science about security, terrorism and international law.

Kommer snart i 3D : En jämförelse mellan 1950-talets och samtidens 3D-trailrar

Denna uppsats handlar om filmtrailrar, och mer specifikt trailrar som marknadsför 3D-filmer. Syftet är att lyfta fram ett till stora delar outforskat ämne och undersöka likheter och skillnader i konventioner mellan trailrar från 50-talet och moderna trailrar.Frågorna jag ämnar svara är: Hur marknadsför moderna, samtida trailrar 3D-teknologin? Finns det gemensamma konventioner och stilistiska grepp som är genomgående för dessa trailrar? Vad finns det för likheter respektive skillnader i konevntioner och grepp? Vad har förändrats i marknadsföringen av 3D-teknologin sedan 1950-talet?Forskningsfältet trailrar är till stora delar outforskat, men mitt arbete lyfter fram några studier som gjorts. Kernan har skrivit en bok om trailrar i allmänhetoch utformat tankar och resonemang om vad en trailer är. Hon utgår ifrån ett retoriskt synsätt och menar att det går att utläsa hur studior via trailrar "talar" till publiken.

En utvärdering av Länsstyrelsen i Jämtlands läns uppföljning av den hotade orkidén brunkulla

Det har skett en stor förändring inom det svenska jordbruket det senaste seklet, traditionell slåtter och beteshävd har nästan upphört helt. Förändrad markanvändning orsakar habitatförlust för många växter och djur. Slåtter och betesmarkerna som hör till de artrikaste växtsamhällena i Sverige hotas av igenväxning. I denna uppsats studerar jag Länsstyrelsen i Jämtlands läns uppföljning av den starkt hotade orkidén brunkulla (Gymnadenia nigra) som är en hävdgynnad art på tillbakagång. Studien baseras på intervjuer med anställda på Länsstyrelsen i Jämtlands län samt de inventeringsdata man samlat inom uppföljningen.

Hur ett externt tryck leder till en intern handling : En fallstudie på Växjö kommun, Europas grönaste stad

Bakgrund: En kommun granskas intensivt av dess omgivande samhälle där skandaler och utmärkelser skapar ett externt tryck som pressar organisationer till att reagera. När ett externt tryck uppstår förändras rådande samhällssyn och påverkar organisationers strategiska handlande mot upprätthållande av legitimitet.Syfte: Syftet med studien är att beskriva Växjö kommuns interna handlande efter att ett externt tryck uppstått genom en utmärkelse- Europas grönaste stad.Metodval: Studien består av en kvalitativ intern fallstudie. Studien utgår ifrån granskning av offentliga dokument i kombination med ostrukturerade intervjuer som skett genom ett snöbollsurval.Slutsatser: Studien visar på hur kommunen bemött det externa trycket utmärkelsen medfört genom sitt handlande. Detta visas utifrån strategisk anpassning mot det externa trycket. Då två externa tryck motsäger varandra visar kommunens handlande på en anpassning mot det som anses skapa måluppfyllelse.

Hembudsklausuler i aktieägaravtal

Since the 9/11-attacks several nations have been confronted with a new international threat, its nature traces back to the political- and religious- radical movements of the 20th century Cold War. Ever since, various states have been under threat by terrorist organizations around the world due to mainly participating in worldwide counter-terrorist interventions created by western alliances. In Sweden, amongst other countries, the state took security-precautions that would imply total control of information throughout the territorial borders. The assigned proposition was accepted by the Swedish parliament in June 18th 2008, after this date wild spread criticism was still in effect ever since the Swedish government first publicly announced the proposition in May 8th 2007. This study emphasizes on understanding why the Swedish government chose to present this proposition to parliament, in order to complete this task the study will present the motives and the alleged threats that were the core of the proposition and its value-maximizing goal of creating a new surface for Swedish homeland security.

Fackligt oarganiserade arbetares förhållningssätt till fackët och fackligt medlemskap : En kvalitativ studie om erfarenheter och handlingsmotiv

The union organization rate has continuously diminished since the mid 90's. The aim of this essay is to investigate non-members approach to the union. Central questions are what personal experiences the respondents have of the union and how they view the union as a phenomenon. According to previous research the main cause of the great decline in membership to LO are the increased membership fees to the union and the unemployment insurance funds (UIF) in 2007. The increased fee led to a greater accumulated cost for those who were both union- and UIF -members, which had a negative effect on the membership numbers for the union.

Paternalism:The Conflict Between Autonomy And Beneficence In The Case Of The Temporarily Mentally Ill Patients

The health care formulation of the principle of autonomy can be expressed as follows; ?you shall not treat a patient without the informed consent of the patient, or his or her lawfulsurrogate, except in narrowly defined emergencies?. The principle of beneficence refers to a moral obligation to act for the benefit of others. In heath care, the good or benefit in question is the restoration of the health of the patient. In fulfilling this obligation of beneficence, the physician sometimes intentionally overrides the patient?s preferences or actions for the purpose of benefiting the patient.

Enterprise Mobility: Effekter på den individuella arbetaren. En fallstudie av en mobil affärsapplikation hos ett teknikföretag i Västsverige

Using mobile technology to make ends meet is currently a reality for many people. More and more peopleare working while travelling or work from home. Most knowledge workers are equipped with laptopsand smart phones. To find out how individuals are affected by having the ability to stay continuouslyconnected and work with mobile business applications, we have conducted a case study and in closecooperation with a company have created a prototype of such a mobile business application. Fourindividuals have tested our application and were then interviewed.

Mer än ett tillstånd - en studie av utbrändhetbegreppets användande

Konsekvenserna för vårt fallföretag av att använda utbrändhet är framförallt att man attraherar fler kunder då utbrändheten fångar de vårdsökandes ögon och intresse. Då vårt fallföretag inte arbetar med ?utbrändhet? internt, leder användandet till ett bollande med olika symboler för att legitimera den egna verksamheten inför omvärlden. Detta löser man genom att sortera in utbrändhet under psykosomatiska åkommor. Begreppet utbrändhet är idag något som många människor känner igen, men tolkningen av dess betydelse är vid.

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