

1136 Uppsatser om Intelligent action - Sida 45 av 76

Irans anrikning av uran - Analys av aktörer och säkerhetiseringsprocesser

This theory consuming thesis is concerned with why Iran's uranium enrichment has become a security issue, and will focus on the five most important and involved actors: China, Russia, Iran, the US and the UN. I will do this by using instruments of analysis such as securitization and strategic analysis. With these instruments I will examine different factors, such as deterrence, the action-reaction model and armament. Since, according to my opinion, security matters include more sectors than military I will also examine the political, societal and economic sectors. China and Russia have acted differently compared to the US in this matter and this thesis will highlight the factors that can explain the different actions made by these countries.

Miljöcertifieringssystemet Miljöbyggnad : Inverkan på utformningen av ett kontor

The use and attention given to the certification system ?Miljöbyggnad? has increasedin recent years. The system is completely Swedish and was initiated in 2005 by theBygga-Bo-Dialogen. Miljöbyggnad aims to create a healthy indoor environment, reduceenergy consumption and discourage the use of hazardous chemical substances. Thegrades that can be obtained are Classified, Brons, Silver and finally Gold.The work has been to examine three different models and conclude how the designof the models affect the grades in the certification system Miljöbyggnad.

Högutbildad och anställningsbar? - en studie av klassbakgrundens betydelse på den svenska arbetsmarknaden

Since the 1950s new laws on higher education have led to a ?mass education phenomenon? in Sweden. This has led to a surplus of people with a university degree measured against available positions on the labor market. As a result of that development it must be assumed that in this over qualified society it is not anymore the degree but additional factors which are decisive for getting a job. In this respect the importance of the class background for getting a jobb that is equal to once level of education shall beexamined.The research was carried out by means of a Quantitative Analysis based on data from anational database called Undersökningar av Levnadsförhållanden (Survey of LivingConditions).

Proportionalitetsprincipen : En studie av dess inverkan i LOU

The principle of proportionality is considered one of the most important contemporary legal principles on which it intends to protect individual citizens against disproportionate action by the authorities. This aroused our interest prior to this study. The essay reveals how such behavior might look like and how courts have chosen to adjudicate in cases where the individual has been discriminated against or subjected to unreasonable demands in public procurement. That section of the law that were current throughout all court cases are Public Procurement Act (2007:1097) LOU. That which we have seen in every court case is that the applicant has not received a proper fair chance when the requirements of the contract often been asked in a way that either exclude the smaller applicant company or rule out various potential applicants parties due to excessive and sometimes unnecessary requirements.

Kontinuerlig RFID-detektering för batteridrivna system

This report deals with RFID systems and how to detect nearby tags with the Mifare standard using only a microcontroller and an antenna circuit.The aim was to investigate whether there was any possibility to continuously search for a nearby tag for a system operated with batteries without compromising   the lifespan of the battery. At this time the system would take too long time to wake up and look for a tag to give a satisfactory battery lifespan, which should be done a couple of times every second.The report has two issues, namely:Is it possible to direct the microprocessor to detect and identify a nearby tag after the Mifare standard?What hardware is required for this to be possible?As the research method to provide answers to the above questions an action research was used. This approach has meant that the group worked on information retrieval, examined existing solutions, tested their own solutions and documented the results.The group examined an existing solution that can search for nearby tags with minimal energy consumption. An antenna circuit was built that was connected to the processor.

Spelet om spelarna : En kvantitativ undersökning om kulturindustrins likriktning av spelinnehåll och konsumtionen av spel över tid

Denna kvantitativa studie syftar till att undersöka om bästsäljande spel tenderar att bli alltmer likriktade i fråga om genre, åldersmärkning, innehållsbeskrivningar och försäljning. Vi för en teoretisk diskussion kring studiens resultat som kopplas ihop med Adorno och Horkheimers teorier om kulturindustrin och passiviseringen av individen. De teoretiska utgångspunkterna är kritisk politisk ekonomi och Adorno och Horkheimers teorier om kulturindustrin, enformighet och passivisering. Data inhämtas från listor över bästsäljande spel i USA och Europa mellan åren 2006 och 2013. Vi har kvantitativt analyserat listorna utifrån variabler såsom åldersmärkning, innehållsbeskrivningar, genre och försäljning.

En studie av begreppet uppfyllelseort i artikel 5 (1) b i Bryssel I-förordningen

The courts international juristiction within the European union is regulated by the Brussels I Regulation. Article 2.1 of the Brussels I Regulation contains the fundamental provision. According to this Article the plaintiff shall submit an action where the defandent is domiciled. The Regulation provides exemptions to the this provision in Article 2.1.The court of the international case can also be determined according to Article 5 (1) of the Brussels I Regulation. This Article contains an alternative to the general provision within Article 2.1.

Studier av habitatval och revirstrukturer hos vassångare (Locustella luscinioides) i Tåkern

The Savi?s Warbler (Locustella luscinioides) is a recently established bird species in a few reedy shallow lakes of southern Sweden and has only been found nesting for the last twenty years. Little is known about the species' habitat preferences, breeding biology and demands for specific territory structures at breeding sites in Sweden. Knowledge of a newly established species? habitat requirements is essential to maintain a viable population and design action plans.

Manga i svenska folkbibliotek : En studie av manga med särskilt fokus på utlåningsstatistik, definition av begreppet manga, dess kontext samt dess genrer.

This study is performed as an Archive, Library and museum master?s thesis in two years studies. The overall aim is to investigate and analyze what the term Manga means in a library and information science context. The concept of Manga has different meanings depending on whether we start from a Japanese or a Swedish context. Manga is integrated in the Japanese society while Manga often is associated with youth culture or a separate genre in Sweden.

Prognostisering av sortimentsutfall från stående skog med hjälp av befintliga data : anpassat till Sveaskog Norrbottens planeringsprocess

This study in the subject of forest planning is made for Sveaskog and its aim is to develop tools that prognosticate outcome in terms of volumes per sort from not yet cut forest stands. The degree of detail is just to get reliable results for at least one months volumes, for Sveaskogs own forestland in the market region of Norrbotten that is about 100 000 m3fub. The course of action to accomplish this is regression analysis and the data consists of cut tracts on own forestland in Norrbotten during the years 2006, 2007 and 2008. That is a little more than 4 million m3fub. Two tools were made.

Utbyggnad Av Eriksberg

During the years of development in the 60s and 70s the need for new housing in Sweden arose. Sweden was going to be the most modern country in the world. This period has later been called ?the time of the big programmes?. One of the parts in this building of a welfare society was a large policy of building politics with few counterparts in history.

ACT! Innan stress blir sjukdom: Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) som förebyggande intervention i en grupp stressade kvinnor.

En Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT)-intervention på tre sessioner á tre timmar har erbjudits en icke-klinisk grupp stressade kvinnor (N=20). Målet var att undersöka deltagarnas reaktioner på interventionen och att se huruvida ACT kan tänkas påverka deltagarnas upplevelse av och resurser för att hantera stress. Data samlades in före och efter interventionen, vid varje session, samt vid en tre månaders uppföljning. Deltagarnas reaktioner undersöktes med hjälp av enkäter och skriftliga utvärderingar, medan förändring i stressupplevelse och copingresurser mättes med självskattningsskalorna Perceived Stress Scale respektive Coping Resources Inventory. Acceptance and Action Questionnaire-2 användes för att mäta den för ACT centrala variabeln psykologisk flexibilitet.

Ligghall för utegångsdjur ? en sammanställning och analys av domar i djurskyddsärenden som handlar om ligghall till utegångsdjur åren 2007-2013

There is currently an ongoing discussion in Sweden about the need for weather shelter for farm animals being kept outdoors during the winter season. Currently, the national animal welfare legislation requires weather shelter providing the animals? with access to a dry and clean place to rest, but under certain conditions exemptions can be granted. The Swedish Board of Agriculture has put forward a hypothesis that there is a difference between judicial decisions in animal welfare cases dealing with weather shelters, as to whether the animal has shown to be suffering or not. The aim of the study was to highlight any weaknesses or difficulties when assessing animal welfare issues associated to the absence of or design of weather shelters.

Medling vid brott : - En studie av affärsinnehavares syn på snatterier, förövare och bestraffning

ABSTRACTJuvenile is a phenomena that more or less always has been around in our societies. From a society perspective, a crime is committed if actions that the legislative power of state consider as unacceptable or actions that are punishable. There is no particular explanation to why certain people become criminal; crime can be caused by many different factors at the same time. There are several types of justice. In this essay, it is reparative justice for shoplifting in force, that will be illustrated.The purpose of this essay is to investigate how the shopkeepers experience incidents such as shoplifting or theft in their stores, and how they will react and act if they will be exposed by circumstances like that.

I berättarens grepp : En narratologisk studie av feministiskt medvetandehöjande romaner från 1970-talet

This thesis concerns the feminist consciousness-raising novel of the 1970s. The aim of the thesis is to examine narrative strategies which, according to the consciousness-raising practice, are adapted to enlighten the political aspects of the personal. The focus is both on strategies that address the protagonist and on those that address the reader. I also examine in which way the use of these strategies is dependent upon ideas of class and gender.I find that the narrative situation, in this case the relationship between the protagonist and the narrator, is central to the use of the consciousness-raising narrative strategies. In Anna-Lisa Bäckmans Fia i folkhemmet och Fia med manifestet, the protagonist Fia is positioned as an oppressed working-class woman, which results in a narrative situation that gives the protagonist a limited space of action and that gives the narrator the power to interpret the experiences of the protagonist.

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