

1136 Uppsatser om Intelligent action - Sida 41 av 76

Dualistisk approach - Att inte välja är ett val

Vårt syfte är genom jämförelse mellan två olika perspektiv och användningar av begreppet dualism hitta metoder för att inte begränsa strategibildning till valsituationer utan möjliggöra sätt att hantera motsatser och poler som komplement. Tanken är att ge undersökningen en utvecklande ansats. Därför valde vi att fokusera på ett fallföretag som aktivt strävade efter två mål. Intervjuer har gjorts på ledningsnivå och bland medarbetare för att belysa olika aspekter av strategibildningen. Teorierna vi har valt behandlar främst planering och implementering av strategier samt organisation och strategibildning.

Bibliotekskatalogers användarvänlighet : en usabilitystudie av Umeå Universitetsbiblioteks katalog Album

The purpose of this thesis is to examine the usability of the Umeå University library catalogue Album. The aim is to evaluate the catalogue in order to establish if there are any problems that could be solved by modifying the catalogue. The following questions are answered: How should a good catalogue be designed? Which problems are common when using a library catalogue? Is Album user friendly? Are there any problems that occur when using Album and how can the catalogue be changed to avoid the problems? To answer these questions I have performed a usability test in which five persons, all students, got to carry out twenty tasks in the catalogue and talk about what they were doing and thinking while doing the test. This method is a usability method called Think Aloud.

Med Barnkonventionen i bagaget: En komparativ studie av irländska och svenska barnbibliotekariers synsätt.

The aim of this Masters thesis is to examine how five childrens librarians in Ireland and five in Sweden interpret and implement the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child in public libraries. This study is hermeneutic. Using a qualitative method consisting of ten interviews with childrens librarians and structural factors such as; library policies and laws; together with an insight into Irelands political, social and economical history and the historical development of childrens public libraries in Sweden and Ireland, has enabled us to create an understanding for the interviewees statements. Anthony Giddens structuration theory has been used for the analysis, helping us to determine how the duality between the structure, the actors and their action effect the interpretation and implementation of the Convention in librarian work. The result of the analysis clearly shows that in comparison to Irish librarians, the Swedish interviewees are more aware and have a better understanding of the Convention and how to put it into practice.

Tänka efter vad är det jag gör : En kvalitativ studie i hur erfarna socialarbetare utövar ett kritiskt reflekterande förhållningssätt i sin profession.

The aim of this study was to examine the use of critical reflection in two social fields of work, using social workers that have at least five years professional experience. We have chosen to examine two fields of work in the same organization to be able to see possible similarities and dissimilarities that occur in the same organization.In our studies at B ?level we examined the use of critical reflection, using social workers that just gotten their degree and that were out working on their first job. In our study we discovered that because of the culture in the organization it?s easier to accommodate the already existing ways of working, than to ?go your own way?.

Samverkansprocessen : Att skapa värden genom kunskapsbildning

Abstract; Finding needs of knowledge are important for universities but also for operation in the surrounding area. Teacher, student and other organization have to make efforts to create opportunities to develop knowledge. Without cooperate/ cooperation they can loose possibilities to develop valuable knowledge. How do the organization see upon meanings of the procedures of cooperation? How do they work with and for cooperation? What role should the universities play in the development of knowledge in todays community of change? The aim of this study is to create an understanding for the meaning of cooperation procedure by developing knowledge and how it might bring value.My interest in this is to find the means of procedure of cooperation and to create understanding.

I regnbågens skugga : En analys av kommuners diskurser kring våld inom hbt-relationer

The purpose of this study is to investigate how the Swedish municipal welfare system, in their capacity as discourse makers, construct Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) in the relationships of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) people. A discourse analysis of their official plans of action regarding IPV and the information directed towards their citizens through their webpages showed that the discourse surrounding IPV revealed a gender dichotomy, where the victim was mainly constructed as being female and the perpetrator as male. As a consequence of this, gay and bisexual men were rendered invisible from the discourse surrounding victims of IPV, although they could be included in the construction of perpetrators of it. Lesbian and bisexual women were often included in the understanding of victims of IPV, but in the discourse surrounding perpetrators of it they were made invisible. The discourse about IPV also excluded the experiences and vulnerability of people who identify as being transgendered.

Hur använder små närproducerande företag Facebook? : En fallstudie om hur företag i livsmedelsbranschen stärker sitt varumärke genom marknadsföring på Facebook

The European Union has been working to promote equality between women and men for a long time. Despite this, Sweden still have a gender segregated labor market where men generally has the leading positions. According to European law the member states shall promote gender equality and to take all appropriate measures. Statutory gender quotas for company boards is one such measure that some of the European member states have implemented in national law. The Swedish law has no provisions governing gender quotas and therefore the purpose of this study is to explain how gender quotas for company boards relate to current law, both of European law and national legislation.

Att arbeta med hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck - Socialsekreterares upplevelser

The purpose of this study was to examine how social services in Örebro working with young people vulnerable to honor- related violence and oppression. Further the purpose was to investigate recognition of guidelines that could act as support in the work with honor- related violence and oppression, and also however the work with these honor-related cases could have an emotional impact on the social worker. To answer these questions a qualitative study using interviews was performed with four social workers in Örebro. The results have been analyzed and interpreted in relation to previous research conducted in the field of honor research. Further three theoretical perspectives have been used in the interpretation of the results; implementation theory, sociology of emotion and coping.

Barnavdelningen på Minabibliotek.se : - en utvärdering utifrån barns perspektiv -

This thesis is a case study that examines what political decisions have been taken and how these policies have been implemented. Further this thesis discusses how legitimacy of local policy makers and implementors is affected. The subject studied have been the social service of Jönköping municipality and the intervention of safe-housing aimed at women who have been, or are subject to violence by person close to them. In our study we have examined local policy within the territory of the intervention and how this policy is implemented. A qualitative method with semi-structured interviews was used in combination with quantitative methods to examine protocols from the social welfare board and an action program named "Skydd och stöd för misshandlade kvinnor och deras barn? [Protection and support for abused women and their children].The purpose of this study has been to highlight how the social services implemented the local policy of safe-house accommodation in Jönköping municipality from the legitimacy and discretion perspectives.

Utvärdering och framtagande av åtgärdsförslag för de mindre avloppsreningsanläggningarna i Laholms kommun : En studie av fem avloppsreningsanläggningar upp till 500 pe

The aim of this project was to describe and to evaluate five small sewage treatment plants in the municipality of Laholm, Sweden, in order to investigate the treatment efficiency and to evaluate if effluents comply with discharge permits. The treatment systems were designed to treat effluents from 90 to 500 population equivalents. A report on the design and the present state of each sewage treatment plant has been made. This was made based upon previous documentation on water quality and by new sampling campaign as there were only a few previous measurements. Data has been evaluated and remedial actions proposed for those treatment plants that don?t fulfill discharge permits.

Födoämnesallergi : Föräldar och barns upplevelse av förskolans bemötande

In this essay I have investigated how two families, with children, who have food allergies, experience what support and what treatment they get in preschool for their difficulties. I have interviewed two children and two parents. The study shows that the interviewed parents believe that more knowledge in the community and among staff in preschool, about food allergies, is needed. Parents wish that the staff should write an action plan that describes how to deal with children who have food allergies and that preschool invites parents and children to record results. It is important to consider an inclusive attitude so that children don?t feels excluded.There is some research going on around this subject and researchers agree that the incidence of food allergies in the society is growing, but that it is difficult to be able to present a certain theory why, and what the underlying factors are.

En praktisk lösning - om styrningsteknologier inom könsutredningar

The purpose of this article is to explore the technologies of government that are created within gender disorder assessments as an institution. I have done so by utilizing Norman Faircloughs discourse analysing instrument ?communicative action?, which focus on the social institution as relational.The material is strategically chosen by gathering texts from the Swedish state, the psychiatric clinics, NGO:s and by performing interviews with transsexual patients.When analysing the communication of the main agents, I have concluded that practices highly are a result of repeating text and speech inside the institution. The psychiatric assessments can also be seen as an illustration in changes in how citizens are governed in advanced liberal societies, where the role of the state has been gradually reduced in favour of other agents.I consider that the change illustrates an ?acting at a distance?-mentality where the patient is introduced to participate in the definition of the care in what I call ?negotiation as a technology?.

Rektorer och grundskolereformer : Rektorers erfarenheter av reformarbete

Many political reforms are currently implemented in the Swedish schools. The trend indicate that education in Sweden follows neo-liberal restructuring policy, that highlights assessment, marketization and surveillance in different aspects. According to the new curriculum LGR 11 the school head is the school's educational leader with responsibility for the school's results and development. The reforms put new demands on the school heads tasks, their responsibility and leadership. The aim of my research study is to investigate how the school heads experience andhandle this situation.

Energieffektivisering i flerbostadshus : Undersökning av lönsamheten med energieffektivare ventilation

This thesis is based on a case study for the real estate manager Mimer in Västerås. Mimer provides a great deal of this city?s rental apartments. Many of their buildings have ventilation systems with a type of heat-recovery called ?heatpipe?.

Barn som far illa : Hur BVC-sjuksköterskor definierar begreppet "barn som far illa" samt hur de förhåller sig till anmälningsskyldigheten

The purpose of this work was to research how baby nurses define the concept child maltreatment and how they conduct themselves to mandatory reporting.The central questions were; How do the baby nurses interpret the concept child maltreatment and which children do they consider comprehending the concept?What are the reasons that children are maltreated according to the baby nurses opinions?Do the baby nurses apprehend that they meet children that are maltreated in their work?How do the baby nurses interpret the mandatory reporting and what course of action do they use when they suspect child maltreatment?Nine baby nurses were interviewed. The material was analyzed with the help of a phenomenological method.The participators idea of the concept child maltreatment was focused on observing signs from the child and concrete actions from the parents. The outcome of this concept is that the participators categorization is neither or nor. The participators knew about the mandatory reporting and they did a further interpretation because they focused on the risk of the child.

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