

1136 Uppsatser om Intelligent action - Sida 22 av 76

Prestandaundersökning och återställning av degraderade RAID-system

Denna B-uppsats tar upp prestanda och återställning mellan två vanligt förekommande mjukvarubaserade RAID-system. Mjukvarubaserad RAID har blivit mer och mer intressant eftersom det är ett billigt och bra sätt att skydda sig mot hårdvarufel på hårddiskar. Tidigare har det inneburit prestandaförluster om man inte har använt en hårdvarubaserad RAID kontroller men med dagens snabba processorer är det inte längre så. Hårddiskar går för eller senare sönder och för ett RAID-system som ska vara igång tjugofyra timmar om dygnet är det viktigt att det även då fungerar med bra prestanda. Denna undersökning visar hur mycket sämre prestandan blir under sådana omständigheter samt hur lång återställningstid man kan förvänta sig på ett datorssystem uppbyggt av delar för hemmabruk.

Spelrörelsekrav och temporalt mönster i amerikansk fotboll : en deskriptiv studie av försvarsspelare

AimThe aim of the study was to develop a method for the survey of play movement demands and temporal patterns in order to enable a descriptive study of the defensive players in American Football. The overall aim was to  improve the understanding of how American Football is played to create opportunities for enhancement of current or developing new training methods to better suit football.MethodFifty plays from a Division 3 college football game on video from 2005 was divided into sequences of action for one player each from the defensive line, linebackers and defensive backs and analyzed with the video analyzing software cSwing. Every players sequence of action was recorded in a spreadsheet and noted on a scaled football field where distances were measured and together with time stamps from cSwing velocity was calculated.ResultsUsing this method it was possible to describe the play movement demands and temporal patterns which was the main task of the study. The defensive end worked on an average 4.61 seconds per play, the distance was 12.4 meters and average speed 2.5 m×s-1. The linebacker worked on an average 4.35 s per play, 13.7 m and at a mean speed of 3.0 m×s-1.

Gröna transportkorridorer

The economic development and competitiveness in Europe is heavily dependent on an efficient transport system. Movement of goods and people is essential for a competitive industry and successful trade. As a result of an intensified transport business, consumption of fossil fuels has increased dramatically. As a consequence, there are increased emissions of dangerous greenhouse gases. Transports are often mentioned as an area with high impact on the environment.

Action Naming Test (ANT) - Reanalys och normering av insamlade data i en population svenska vuxna

Många studier har påvisat en skillnad mellan förmågan att benämna verb respektive substantiv hos patienter med hjärnskada samt hos kontrollgrupper (Caramazza & Hills, 1991; Mätzig, Druks, Masterson &Vigliocco, 2009; Szekely et al., 2005). Samtidigt bedöms aktivitetsord utifrån vissa studier vara mer krävande att tolka, vilket kan vara en bidragande orsak till skillnader i benämningsförmåga (Liljeström et al., 2008; Mätzig et al., 2009).Action Naming Test (ANT) är ett verbbenämningstest utformat av Obler och Albert 1979 (Barth Ramsay, Nicholas, Au, Obler & Albert, 1999), vilket översattes till svenska och normerades av Lindahl och Oskarsson inom ramen för ett magisterarbete i logopedi (2011). I normeringen genererade vissa ord många felsvar och sågs som problematiska, och en reanalys av det insamlade materialet efterfrågades. Syftet med föreliggande studie är att genomföra en förnyad analys av insamlade data och ta fram en ny normering för ANT i en population svenska vuxna, efter exkludering av problematiska ord.I syfte att undersöka vilka ord som gav upphov till många felsvar och orsaker till detta, gjordes en ny genomgång av 120 tidigare insamlade testprotokoll, samt en felsvarsanalys baserad på Barth Ramsays och medarbetares utvecklade modell (1999). Efter genomgång av angivna svar, analys av felsvar och ordens användningsfrekvenser i svenska språket, exkluderades tolv ord.  Jämförelse av resultat mellan tre åldersgrupper (20-30år, 31-65år, 66-83år), två utbildningsnivåer (?12 år, ?13 år) och kön gjordes både före och efter borttagning av de tolvorden.

Athena - En intelligent och flexibel säkerhetslösning för transportbranschen

The project team has chosen to carry out the project itself. This is to be able to work more flexibly in the product development process and not be guided by some guidelines.Every day, we read in the media about a new truck burglary. The problem has become so common that we do not even notice it in the media. Each year the theft of 1 billion of Sweden and the entire 82 billion in Europe in 2008. This is an increase of 10 billion by 2007.

Artisten i vardagsrummet : Gränsöverskridande och samförstånd i det moderna genombrottets dramatik: Leffler, Benedictsson och Stéenhoff

Anne Charlotte Leffler, Victoria Benedictsson and Frida Stéenhoff were all part of the Modern Breakthrough in Swedish literature. By utilizing Jürgen Habermas theoretical works on communicative action, and Nancy Fraser?s supplementary reading of his theory, this essay makes clear that the authors? struggle for an understanding and a rethinking of social norms in their plays Skådespelerskan (1873), Romeos Julia (1888) and Lejonets unge (1896) can be read as a contribution to the public debate. Dialogue has a key function for female authors during the Modern Breakthrough. Women and mens? possibilities to take part in conversation and argument as equals, requires the professional woman?s transgression and access to the privileges of both public (State) administration ? ?system?, and world of everyday life ? ?lifeworld?.

Dopföräldrars syn på dopet : En kvalitativ undersökning av dopuppfattningar hos dopföräldrar i Härnösands stift i relation till Svenska kyrkans dopteologi

This is an essay within the subject of practical theology. The main interest is baptism. The aim of this essay is to describe the baptism theology of the Church of Sweden (Svenska kyrkan) and the history of the baptism. The goal is also, with the help of qualitative research, to study the view of the baptism with the ones who choose to let their children be baptized according to the liturgy of the Swedish Church in the diocese of Härnösand. The attempt is to give the Swedish church a pattern of action and a direction based on the result of my research.

Informationssystem för service av truckar och städmaskiner

This paper describes the evolutionary development of an information system for a small company. The company performs overhaul of forklifts and cleaning machines. The company has already an information system that handles the reports from these overhauls but it needs a supplementary tool that assist the chief planner to plan forthcoming overhauls.It should be able to display coming overhauls in a timetable and eventually print them, either to a PDF file or to a document. The timetables this function produces will help the chief planner and the assemblers to get a good overview of their day-to-day work.The tool needs to be intelligent in that way that it takes into consideration were in the country different assignments will be performed. So that time consuming travels over great distances can be avoided.

Utveckling av ett administrativt webbgränssnitt i ramverket Struts

The purpose of this report has been to develop an administrative web interface. The web interface is to be used by the company Zidango and it is going to make it easier for them in their daily work of running a web portal. The interface had to be developed so it would fit in Zidangos web portal. This meant the work had to be done in the framwork Struts and mostly in JAVA. Thereforeis a shorter theory chapter included in the report that discusses frameworks.

Undervisning av teorier kring livets uppkomst och evolution i ämnet biologi på grundskolans senare år och gymnasiet. : Kan misstolkning av läroplanerna  leda till konflikter kring undervisning om evolution?

Recent studies indicate that teaching the theory of evolution in Swedish secondary schools is not as uncontroversial as expected considering that Sweden is often described as one of the World?s most secularzied countries. A recent study indicates that Swedish teachers have a varity of tactics to avoid coming in conflict with their students or even parents of students that believe they have a rightto dictate how evolution should be taught. This study had fourmain aims; the first being to analyse both the previous curriculum and the new to see how the teaching of evolution is adressed, and if any changes have been made in the curriculum. The second being to look into how teachers interpret the curriculumand if they have noticed any changes in the new curriculum which have had an affect on their teachingmethods? The third being if teachers have met resistance when they teach evolution and the origins of life, and if so, how do they deal with these conflicts? The fourth and final aim of this study was to see if instances of conflict are on the rise as indicatedin the literature.The results of this study indicate that there has been no siginificant changes made in the curriculum with the exceptionthat the new curriculum is more clear and precise as to what teachers are expected to teach and that pseudoscience, such as intelligent design, has no place in science classroomsexcept when teachingthe philosophy of science.

Ökad återvinning? En statistisk analys av två teoretiska vägar framåt! : Studenters syn på återvinningsfrågan

Denna studie har som syfte att ge underlag för beslut om hur återvinningsföretag borde gå tillväga i sina försök att höja återvinningsgraden. För att kunna uträtta detta, kommer jag att undersöka Tonglets och Barrs teorier och rekommendationer. Jag kommer även att leta efter bevis som stödjer att det finns en bristande överensstämmelse mellan individers avsikter och deras beteende..

Bemanningsföretagens strid i kampen för det mänskliga kapitalet

The study explores collective action in Sweden between 1980 to 1995 using time-series data from the European Protest and Coercion Database. In spite of severe hardship during the crisis of the early 1990s, Swedish strike-rates declined. However, contention merely shifted from workplaces into the streets; there was indeed a protest movement against austerity, as shown by a series of large demonstrations, and some riots, between 1989 and 1993. Further analysis indicates this movement faded as it was increasingly chanelled into the electoral campaign of the labor pary; having won the 1994 election, the organised labor movement no longer had an interest in sustaining the protest movement against austerity..

Trakthyggesfria skogsbrukssätt : kunskap, förutsättningar och attityder

Forestry has three main aspects to take into consideration today; economical, ecological and socio-cultural. In order to reach the broad policy goals for sustainable forest management, an increased variety of management approaches are requested. Today clear-cutting is the only method used in 96 % of the managed forests in Sweden. The Swedish National Board of Forestry has therefore initiated a project in order to investigate and develop Continuous Cover Forestry (CFF). This study is a part of this project.

Kan man genom kartstudier förutse häckningsframgång för ängshök (Circus pygargus) i Uppland? :

Montagu´s harrier (Circus pygargus) is a diurnal, Eurasian raptor, which migrates from its northern breeding grounds to winter in sub-Saharan Africa. In Sweden, its core breeding area is centred on the island of Öland, with a stable breeding population of approximately 40 pairs. The province of Uppland is on the northern end the distribution range, where 4-8 pairs have regularly bred since the 1980s. In Sweden, the Montagu?s harrier is classified as an endangered (EN) species. This classification is partly due to a lack of preferred nesting habitat, such as shrub-lands or dense wetlands with Claudium spp.

Hållbara städer ? bidrar IT? En undersökning huruvida kommuner använder IT för att uppnå en hållbar utveckling

Environmental issues and sustainable development is a high priority in today?s society and has received substantial attention lately. In the inaugural speech it is expressed that the goal for the IT?politics is a sustainable information society for everyone, which can be achieved by using IT to support sustainable growth. The Ministry of Enterprise, Energy and Communications has developed a document which outlines three specific proposals on what the government should focus on during a three?year period (2008?2010) that with the use of IT will contribute to a sustainable society.

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