

729 Uppsatser om Integrated methodologies - Sida 4 av 49

En återvunnen och återanvänd förskola : Hur barn lär sig betydelsen av återvinning och återanvändning

This thesis means to find out how preschool teachers are working to demonstrate the importance of recycling and reuse for children. My hope is to contribute knowledge about various practical methods to establish the idea of sustainable development in the operation. I have used the method of qualitative research and done semi-structured interviews with preschool teachers on certified green flag preschools. The questions I have asked for example concerned how the preschool teachers have worked with recycling and reuse, how much the children have been able to influence and if other didactic subjects are implicated. Six interviews were made and these are summarized in the result part.

Integration av ämnesinnehållen i ett temainriktat arbetssätt : Lärares åsikter gällande integration av matematik och naturorienterande ämnesinnehåll i förskolans temainriktade arbetssätt

Recently I discovered that preschool education has evolved from integration of various subject contents and working methods. The purpose of my study is to investigate preschool teachers' attitudes and ways of working with a theme-oriented approach. I also want to examine their opinions regarding the integration of subject content in terms of mathematics and science subjects (NO) in preschools theme-oriented work approach.My questions for this study are:What is a preschool teacher's attitude and their ways of working to a thematic-oriented approach?What is a preschool teacher's opinions regarding the integration of subject content, especially in mathematics and science subjects (NO) in their pre-schools theme-oriented work approach?I have used myself a qualitative method of investigation to produce materials for my research project. I collected my empirical material for my study from the semi-structured interviews that was done with four preschool teachers in two preschools in Botkyrka municipality.

Utepedagogik, drama och bild : språkutvecklande arbetsmetoder

The purpose of this essay is to examine how out-pedagogy, drama and art can be used as means of promoting language development of bi-and multi-language learners, and to show what benefits these three methods offer to children of year three of an elementary school in Stockholm City. This is a small survey of work-style and the results are based on observations and interviews with five teachers which included three class teachers, one resource teacher and one other language teacher and it was carried out two full days of observations in both classroom and outdoor environment. In this work, I note how out-pedagogy, drama and art can help bi- and multilingual children develop language. My study shows, in accordance with the respondents interviewed, as well as research in general that out-pedagogy, drama and art is language development practices. They argue that out-pedagogy and the aesthetic elements promote language development of bi- and multilingual children in different ways and complements the traditional approach.

OMT-A : An Extension of OMT to Model Active Rules

Today there are commercially available databases with active features, i.e. active mechanisms are available for development of information systems. But the usage of active mechanisms is low in practice. This is due to the insufficient methodological support in analysis and design for developing ECA rule based software. It has been proposed that one of the most suitable ways to tackle this problem is not to develop new methods but to extend existing methodologies.In this thesis an extension of the Object Modeling Technique (OMT) is developed, called OMT-A, which is able to model active rules.

Intensiv Stamningsterapis effekt på stamningsbeteenden, förståelighet och attityd till kommunikation hos fem barn

The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects ofparticipation in an integrated intensive stuttering program (IST) on stutteringbehavior, intelligibility and communication attitude, at individual and grouplevels. Five children aged eight to twelve years participated in the study.Stuttering behavior and intelligibility were judged by two independentstudents in speech and language pathology based on a total of eight videorecordings, before, during and after therapy. Communication attitude wasmeasured by the Swedish version of the self-report questionnaireCommunication Attitude Test (CAT-S). At an individual level, the initialstuttering profile and the changes shown during and after the IST varied. Ata group level, a significant decrease in stuttering frequency and asignificantly higher level of intelligibility were found, after as compared tobefore therapy.

Requirement Specification for Information Security to Health Systems, Case Study : IMIS

During 2001-2002 a prototype, IMIS (Integrated Mobile Information System) was developed at BTH (Blekinge University of Technology) to demonstrate how mobile IT-systems can be used in healthcare. The prototype was based on the activity theory of Engeström. An ongoing project started in spring 2003. The purpose of the project is further development of IMIS with special focus in the diabetes healthcare. Participants in the project are scientists and students at BTH, ALMI Företagspartner, Blekinge FoU-enhet, Barndiabetesförbundet Blekinge, Blekinge Diabetesförening, Vårdcentralen Ronneby and Vårdcentralen Sölvesborg.

Erfarenheter av forcerad materielförsörjning av Vapensystem 01

This Thesis in Military Technology deals with experiences drawn from the forced introduction of Weapons Station 01, 2009. The work aims to identify the experiences regarding the forced procurement of military equipment to see how they can develop normal and fast procurement of equipment. The main conclusions of  this work, is to achieve greater capability and increase the military utility, are: -          Common objectives and priorities of stakeholders-          Response and joint types shall determine requirements for system-          Ensure an integrated project team also at lower levels-          Engage the integrated logistic support early in the materiel process-          Include Armed Forces staff as early as possible in the testing and validation-          Prioritize work to facilitate the rapid development of decision on use (BOA)-          Provide back up for increased redundancy in the mission area .

Flyktingungdomars upplevelser av deras etniska identitet

The aim of this study has been to reach a deeper understanding of how refugee adolescences experience their ethnic identity, particular ethnic consciousness in terms of integration, assimilation and segregation. Further my intention has been to investigate if the adolescences experienced changes in their ethnic identity.   In order to investigate these questions a qualitative method consisting of four interviews were conducted. The study included two young men at the age of 18, and two young women at the age of 17 and 18. Three of the interviewed persons can be defined as refugees, but not the fourth adolescence.

Lätta människor, men svårt språk! : En studie av flyktingars upplevelse av integration.

The aim of this study was to explore refugees experiences of an introduction program in a small Swedish municipality. The study was based on semi-structured interviews with six refugees and was conducted to explore how the introduction program contributed or has not contributed to feelings of being integrated. Our informants have got different backgrounds but have all been forced to flee their home country to Sweden. The interview data was interpreted through earlier research, theories about social exclusion and concepts which were relevant for our study. Our study showed that the informants felt kindly received in the small municipality.

Integrerad hästanläggning : ridhus/stall

Today there is an increasing market for businesses concerning horses, and since we are already running such establishments we sort of speak already have a finger in the pie. Due tothe increasing competition and demands, new and more practical constructions have become a necessity. In doing this project I wanted to make a comparison between having a stable integrated with a manege and having both constructions kept separate. I wanted to compare different layout and make an estimate of costs to see which solution would be less expensive and better with regard to working environment. I will further also deal with different ventilation-systems andlight transmissions.

Matematik i förskolan : Hur arbetar man med matematik i förskolan?

The word mathematics is often associated to addition, subtraction, division or multiplication. This is not the kind of mathematics that belongs to pre-school. In my essay I have chosen to write about how mathematics is used in pre-school. In the literature it is written that the best way of becoming familiar with mathematics, is to integrate it in the every day life but that there are educators that use traditional mathematics education in pre-school. The questions I would like to answer are:1.

EQ - det nya skolämnet? : En studie om pedagogers uppfattningar om arbetet med social och emotionell intelligens i skolan

This essay aims to investigate the perceptions of responsible personnel in a primary school about the use and importance of EQ, emotional intelligence, in the school's early years. With a hermeneutic approach and by qualitative interviews, we have taken note of the respondents perceptions about EQ. The result shows that EQ can be understood in different ways. Instead of having a common understanding of what EQ is the respondents mention that there are different areas associated with EQ.  Two major results are 1.

Trådlös kommunikation för Anybus

The industry struggles with problems concerning physical damage to wiresand communication in remote areas. Introducing a wireless network canprovide a solution to these issues. However, introducing wirelesscommunication comes with a whole new line of problems that will becovered in this report. By utilizing the wireless communication standardIEEE 802.11 a product can easily be integrated into an existing wiredEthernet network (IEEE 802.3).An introduction to the standard IEEE 802.11 and a summary of existingproducts utilizing the standard for embedded systems will be giventhroughout the report. This report also tries to explain key parameters forwireless communication in an industrial environment.This project also consists of a design and an implementation part, where thechosen IEEE 802.11 standard will be integrated into the existing wiredAnybus-S Ethernet module from the company HMS Industrial Networks.The integration part of the project has resulted in a working prototype calledAnybus-S Ethernet Wireless that utilizes the IEEE 802.11b/g standard fortransferring data.The project has been really fun to participate in and it has been successful inthe terms that a working prototype exists, and the authors have gained theknowledge in the subject as intended..

Slöjan och skolan : en studie av den svenska och franska debatten.

The aim of this essay is to examine how two different schools in Södertälje municipality are working to include and integrate newly arrived high school students in the subject Swedish as a second language. I will do a comparative study in which I study the teachers? completely opposite way of working to integrate newly arrived school students in the subject Swedish as a second language. I have used a qualitative method where I have conducted interviews. My main theory is Peder Haug's (1998) theory.

Change Management, kombinerat metodstöd vid uppgradering av ett dokumenthanteringssystem

Syfte: Syftet har varit att finna ett verktyg för att lyfta fram egenskaper som bör reflekteras och beaktas vid förändringsarbete för att optimera och anpassa uppgradering av t.ex. ett dokumenthanteringssystem. Metod: En ny metod (COMBO-metoden) har utvecklats i syftet att finna ett nytt verktyg som kan lyfta fram egenskaper som bör identifieras och beaktas för att säkerställa arbetssätt samt optimera och anpassa uppgradering av t.ex. ett dokumenthanteringssystem. Metoden bygger på teori, en empirisk fallstudie och befintliga metoder. Insamling av data baseras på både sekundärdata och primärdata.

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