

729 Uppsatser om Integrated methodologies - Sida 27 av 49

Manga i svenska folkbibliotek : En studie av manga med särskilt fokus på utlåningsstatistik, definition av begreppet manga, dess kontext samt dess genrer.

This study is performed as an Archive, Library and museum master?s thesis in two years studies. The overall aim is to investigate and analyze what the term Manga means in a library and information science context. The concept of Manga has different meanings depending on whether we start from a Japanese or a Swedish context. Manga is integrated in the Japanese society while Manga often is associated with youth culture or a separate genre in Sweden.

Motpol eller legitimeringskälla? - en studie av användningen av hållbarhetsbegreppet inom Malmö Stads fysiska planering

Sustainable development and sustainability is nowadays expected to be integratedin modern city planning and permeate the entire planning process. At the sametime, sustainable development has an inherent vagueness, leading to a greatdiversity of interpretations of the meaning of this concept. In this thesis strongsustainability and ecological modernization are used as two different interpretationsof sustainable development. Using these two interpretations, an analysis of thecurrent use of the concept of sustainability within the city planning of Malmö isperformed. The analysis shows that the interpretation of sustainable development inthe city of Malmö can be deduced to ecological modernization and thatsustainability is looked upon as one way to improve the attractiveness of the city.Investments to increase ecological and social sustainability must be legitimized asleading to a potential increase in economical sustainability (growth) and the focusof increasing the sustainability in the city has shifted from ecological aspects toeconomical aspects.

Den gotländska Stridsyxekulturen : migration, interaktion eller regionalitet?

This one-year master's thesis investigates the late part of the Middle Neolithic on the island of Gotland. This thesis has been written without the influence of a singular theoretical pespective, and has therefore seen input from the processual, and postprocessual theories. By using several perspectives, an attempt is made to view the material remains used in the most objective manner possible. The specific aim of this thesis is to investigate whether the Mid-Neolithic inhabitants of Gotland were a part of the Corded Ware culture (or as it is called in Sweden, the Battleaxe culture or the Boataxe culture). Most recent literature has concluded that Gotland was never a part of the Battlexe culture, though this thesis has discovered many parallels with the mainland culture, including the production of similar objects and ritual practices.

Industriforskning och informationssökning: en användarstudie av en grupp forskare vid ABB Corporate Research

The thesis aims at, from a user perspective, examining how a group of industrial researchers understand the information seeking in their every day work. A qualitative method is employed. The empirical material consists of open-ended interviews with in all ten researchers. All of them work at the Swiss-Swedish Technology Company ABB's research laboratory in Västerås. The thesis is based on the opinion that the scientific knowledge production has become commercialised and that the scientific communication is going through certain changes.

De handikappade och de normala: En studie om social identitet hos elever på riksgymnasium för rörelsehindrade

The aim of this qualitative study was to investigate the social identity of students at upper secondary school for physically disabled students. The youths I drew my attention to suffered from severe physical disabilities and therefore received specially adapted education in small classes, but integrated at an ordinary upper secondary school.By "social identity" I mean how the students view themselves as a group, how they value their membership of the group and how they relate to non-disabled students at school. I wanted to investigate the connections between these students' social identity and the problems of marginalization of disabled people in society.According to qualitative methods I interviewed five physically disabled students, aged 18-19, at upper secondary school level taking part of especially adapted education. The study showed that these students regarded themselves as a segregated group at school. None of them associated with non-disabled students at school.

Lagring av kyla med horisontella markvärmeväxlare för kylning av koncepthus i Mellanöstern

Norconsult AB has developed a solarhousing concept, a house designed for the warm climate in the Middle East andwith large quantities of solar panels installed. The cooling system for the house was designed in an earlier report, the purpose of this thesis is to investigate the possibility of short and long term storage of thermal energy via an underground energy storage volume.Two different designs of the storage and three different filling materials have been integrated into a model to simulate different cases. The first design consisted of pipes installed in the ground, without insulation. The second design consisted of an insulated concrete box installed to prevent thermal energy from the surrounding soil to flow towards the lower temperature regions within the storage. The three different filling materials were dry saudi sand, water saturated saudi sand and the filling material used by the client for energy storage in Sweden.The results from the simulations show that neither of the designs, regardless of the filling material, managed to extract enough thermal energy from the house to the ground to uphold the demands of indoor climate.

Folkbiblioteket ? en plats för social sammanhållning

The purpose of this thesis is to explore what possibilities Swedish public library has to work with and promote integration. The possibilities are examined on the basis of internal requirements of integration, the role of public library in the civil society and its policy documents. Further, the thesis examines what Swedish National library politics could contribute to this particular field. The experience of integration politics shows that a genuine commitment from all parts of the society is required in order to build an integrated society. The part of a society that public libraries are closest to and have the greatest impact on is undoubtedly the civil society.

Integrerad Redovisning : Statligt ägda företags inställning till integrerad redovisning och <IR> ramverket

Syfte: Syftet är att studera statligt ägda företags inställning till integrerad redovisning och <IR> ramverket som publicerades i december 2013. Vidare är syftet att undersöka vad företagen tror ligger till grund för behovet av ett nytt sätt att redovisa, samt få en insikt i hur statligt ägda företag ser på en framtid för integrerad redovisning.Metod: En kvalitativ metod med semistrukturerade intervjuer har använts för att besvara studiens syfte.Empiri: Empirin har samlats in via sju intervjuer med respondenter från statligt ägda företag. De företag som medverkat är PostNord, Samhall, Green Cargo, TeliaSonera, Svensk exportkredit, Swedfund och Almi.Slutsats: De statligt ägda företag som deltagit i studien har en övergripande positiv inställning till integrerad redovisning och till <IR> ramverket. Företagen uppger att det funnits ett behov av att redovisa och förmedla en mer rättvisande bild av organisationen som helhet. Resultatet av studien visar vidare att <IR> ramverket innebär en del utmaningar och möjligheter samt att företagen tror på en framtid för integrerad redovisning..

Biologisk mångfald i staden och dess närhet : möjligheter att som landskapsarkitekt främja biologisk mångfald

In a time of increasing urbanization the human tenure effects on the land has lead to a decrease and fragmentation of areas that are valuable to urban wildlife. These actions have had a detrimental effect on the species and habitats that exist in cities and towns.This paper investigates, through the study of relevant literature and the undertaking of interviews and field visits, the role that biodiversity plays in our society. The current attitude towards urban biodiversity and the responsibility for its promotion within the landscape architect profession has been explored.This paper includes three English case studies and a design proposal investigating how one can work to promote biodiversity on a smaller scale.This paper concludes that urban biodiversity is multi-functional ? being of ecological, social and cultural significance. The landscape architecture profession must be aware of the need to combine a variety of different factors such as economical, social and environmental aspects.

En arbetsmiljöutredning för yrkeschaufförer hos Schenker Åkeri AB i Halmstad

The project has been done in cooperation with Schenker Åkeri AB in Sweden, Halmstad. Theproject is based on an inspection made by Arbetsmiljöverket, where they found minorshortcomings with distribution of goods for the employees. The project is an investigation ofthe drivers? working environment.Schenker Logistics is one of the world's leading providers of integrated logistics services.Schenker Åkeri AB is a subsidiary to Schenker Logistics and transports 2.4 million tons ofgoods yearly.The project started with a background study to evaluate drivers working environment. Wehave studied goods receptions, the working environment, strain injury and injury mechanisms.Methods used was observations, tests, questionnaire surveys and ergonomic andbiomechanical calculations.One result of the study is a working model, which gives recommendations for the maximumweight a driver should push and pull.

Radon i betongkonstruktioner : - Kan det undvikas?

The following article consists of two parts; one part is about house construction and the other is a specialization about radon. The house construction part describes how to project a house from start. It contains the conformation of the house, the installations needed, calculations considering the strength of the construction, energy calculation and what materials were chosen. Calculations considering the costs of building and operate the house has been carried out. The result showed that the house would cost approximately two million Swedish kroner to build and thirteen thousand kronor a year to operate.

Pliktleverans under förändring: en diskursanalys av E-pliktutredningen samt diskussion kring dokumentbegrepp som uttrycks däri.

Sweden has a long tradition of collecting documents by way of a process of legal deposit of copies. Its aim is to ensure the availability of material for research, cultural preservation and citizens? right to free information. New forms of publications, made possible by technical advances, are not accommodated in the traditional deposit submission criteria. Certain information accordingly risks being lost.


The aim of this essay is to examine if the attitudes and the experiences of Ability Grouping are the same on different levels of the school organisation.I have chosen to answer the following two questions:· Have the teachers, the students and the headmaster the same idea concerning the educational model at the school, that is, the pros and cons of Ability Grouping?· Does the intentions of the curriculum agree with this educational model?I knew what I thought about the educational model at the school that is the object of this essay, after spending ten weeks at it as a trainee, but I felt that I would be interesting to know what the people who are part of that system everyday think about it.In order to be able to answer my questions, I used both the qualitative and the quantitative method. I interviewed the headmaster and five teachers to find out what they thought about Ability Grouping. I also distributed inquiries to 70 students from 6th to 9th grade to get their point of view. In the theoretical discussion I explain the meaning of different conceptions that I use throughout this essay.

International transmission of stock market movements - a Scandinavian focus -

Previous research has found an increased transmission of stock movements in Europe, partly caused by the establishment of institutions as the EU and the EMU. The purpose of this paper is to find the possible impact from the EU and the EMU concerning the evolution of international transmission of stock market movements, on four Scandinavian markets, Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden. The research is based on primary data, existing theories and earlier studies regarding international transmission of stock market movements. The examined method is a VAR (Vector autoregressive model) including a 10x1 vector of variables. Furthermore the tests considered are correlation, granger-causality, variance decomposition and impulse response.

Lärmiljö, frizon eller sysselsättningsarena? : En kritisk analys av fritidshemmet i en era av new public management

In 2014, the Swedish leisure-time centres after school became widely criticized on several occasions by school authorities. The cause for its criticism was a reflection of leisure time-centres with lots of untrained staff and a lack of pedagogical aspirations. The conclusion of the criticism was that these leisure-time centres do not fulfil their potential. However, these assessments has only to a limited extent become a part of the public educational discourse in Sweden. This discourse has mainly focused on the decreasing results in the Swedish school, which has caught the attention in the media and ended up on the political agenda.

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