

729 Uppsatser om Integrated methodologies - Sida 26 av 49

Ekosystemansatsen på landskapsnivå

The Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) promotes the Ecosystem Approach (EA). In this thesis it is analyzed how the EA approach could be applied to regional management of coastal areas in Sweden. The aim of this report is to compare management for preserving biodiversity on a landscape level in two regional coastal areas in Uppsala and Västra Götaland respectively. In Uppsala, one of the plans consists of a previous nature reserve and in Västra Götaland, a Regional landscape strategy has been established. The ecosystem approach is used as a theoretical framework in this thesis.

Implementering och kommunikation av ekologisk h?llbarhet. En fallstudie om utmaningar och strategier i fordonsindustrin

The purpose of the study is to explore the internal implementation and communication of ecological sustainability within an organization and to identify obstacles and challenges that may arise. To address the study's purpose and research questions, a qualitative methodology and semi-structured interviews were used. Respondents were selected from two different units within a large global organization operating in the automotive industry. The study's findings indicate that the organization's sustainability efforts are extensive and integrated across several departments. It is also evident that sustainability initiatives are primarily driven by upper management within the organization, although there is room for lower hierarchical levels to provide some feedback.

Mellan politik och funktion - En studie av öresundskomiteen som en politisk arena ur ett radikaldemokratiskt perspektiv.

The concept of the dynamic region has become a more prospering thought in the era of globalisation. This concerns in particular, cross border regions ? well-integrated territorial regions crossing more than one nation. In this paper I examine the development from a critical perspective and I map the democratic pitfalls of new territorial political constructions across national borders. The empirical analysis is a case report taken from the Öresund region, a cross border region between Sweden and Denmark.

Svävare: Konstruktion av hytt till en svävare

 This report will describe a project between two students from Karlstad University and Markus Norström from Hovercraft solutions. The project aim was to develop a cabin for the hovercraft 380TD. The project was divided into two sub parts; one concerning the design of the cabin and one concerning the engineering. Throughout this rapport you can follow the engineering part of the project. The project has followed a systematic product development process resulting in optimized results for material selection and engineering solutions.

Styrreglage för hållbarhetsstyrning - En fallstudie av hur företags interna styrning aktiverar Levers of Control för att uppfylla hållbarhetskrav

The connection between management control systems for controlling sustainability and a firm's motivation for engaging in sustainability is not completely understood (Arjaliès & Mundy, 2013). The aim of this thesis is to develop a more profound understanding for management control in achieving sustainable companies. To do this, we raise the question: How and to what extent do companies use management control systems to achieve sustainability compliance Simons's Levers of Control (1995) are applied to this question in order to get a consistent and thorough insight of management control systems. Hence, a case study of ABB:s work to achieve material compliance in accordance with EU-regulation was conducted. The findings of the case study reveal that ABB uses the regulations as explicit goals and implement them in sustainability procedures.

Barns datoranvändning i förskolan : Lärtillfälle eller tidsfördriv?

 This report will describe a project between two students from Karlstad University and Markus Norström from Hovercraft solutions. The project aim was to develop a cabin for the hovercraft 380TD. The project was divided into two sub parts; one concerning the design of the cabin and one concerning the engineering. Throughout this rapport you can follow the engineering part of the project. The project has followed a systematic product development process resulting in optimized results for material selection and engineering solutions.

Pilotprojekt Drevfjällen, vägen till en hållbar regional utveckling?

This study is based on a case study of Pilotprojekt Drevfjällen, a project whose ambition is tofind ways to secure nature conservation in a local context. This is promoted at governmentlevel, which says that a local connection is needed to achieve sustainable regionaldevelopment. The study, based on a theoretical background of the concept of governance,intends to evaluate whether Pilotprojekt Drevfjällen can contribute to a sustainable regionaldevelopment.This study is based on meeting documentations, semi-structured interviews with variousstakeholders in the project, field studies and participant observation at an informativemeeting. The region of interest, north Dalarna, was visited twice to obtain the specificconditions that Pilotprojekt Drevfjällen have. The interviews revealed positive attitude to theincreased dialogue and cooperation that Pilotprojekt Drevfjällen has meant for theparticipants.

Tre projektmodeller och två fallstudier : - ett steg mot fördjupad kunskap om landskapsarkitekters projekt och process

The formulation of visions into practical projects is an important part of the professional expertise of landscape architects. This expertise includes the gathering, structuring, improvement and utilization of knowledge. Project models have been developed to provide tools for the implementation and governance of projects, as well as means of learning, reflection and survey of individual projects. The aim of this thesis is to describe some general project models and their theory, and to describe practical, real-life examples of project models used within landscape architecture. Questions asked are: ? How do the processes of idea to construction in landscape architectural projects lool like? Do project models have a relevance for the mission of landscape architects? ? Is a common project model used within such projects, or is the project model varying depending on e.g.

Standardisering kontra flexibilitet : En fallstudie av utvecklingsprocesser

Process standardization is a topic that has generated a lot of research and literature. At first, the focus was on production; today processes are used in all different kind of business areas.The aim of this study has been to analyze how processes can be applied on development businesses and how IT systems affect the result of the process. To accomplish this, we have asked questions such as what standardization is in a development process? Why are the processes standardized? What difficulties can appear with standardization? And how the IT-systems affect the result of the process?To answer these questions, we have preformed a case study on Saab. Saab is a well know Swedish company who are working with a project called the GMS-project, where they develop processes to cover the whole company´s business areas.The literature gives the reader an understanding of processes and standardization.

Product Development Processes in the Nordic Paper Packaging Companies : an assessments of complex processes

It is important for firms to continually develop their offerings as the business landscape develops in order to sustain their competitiveness (e.g. Schumpeter, 1934; Ansoff, 1979; Porter, 1985; Trott, 2012). In a context of globalization, rapid technology development and changing customer needs, the paper packaging industry is urged to enhance its product development activities (Hansen & Niskanen, 2007; Björkdahl & Börjesson, 2011). However, there is little research about paper packaging firms? product development processes (ibid).

Vetenskap och erfarenhet: en analys av kunskapsrepertoarer i gravidforum på webben.

The aim of this Master?s thesis is to examine how health information is integrated into knowledge in an everyday health related context on the web. The more specific aim is, from a LIS point of view, to map knowledge related discourses with the focus on pregnancy, in discussion forums on Swedish health related web sites. The following main questions in this paper are: (1) a) What discourses on pregnancy knowledge can be found and b) how are they expressed? (2) What are the functions of the recognised discourses? and (3) what are the relations between the identified discourses? The theoretical and methodological starting-point is discourse theory with the main focus on discursive psychology according to Wetherell?s and Potter?s theoretical and empirical work.

Kuratorers arbete med gymnasieungdormars psykiska ohälsa: en kvalitativ studie

The overall aim with this essay was to study how counsellors at upper secondary school work with mental illness among youths and compare this with what research and theories advocate. This because there has been a rise in the number of people, especially in the age-group 16-24 years, suffering from different degrees of mental illnesses. The school can in some aspect contribute to cause mental illness but it also consists of good opportunities to offer counselling and work to prevent mental illness among the students. This study consists of five qualitative interviews and two short telephone interviews with school counsellors. During the interviews they expressed their thoughts concerning factors that causes mental illness among youths and gave an account of how they work with prevention, counselling and collaboration.

Säkerhetsklassificering av IT-system på Fläkt Woods AB

This report presents a method for modelling a computer system from a security perspective. The questions that are going to be treated are:? What defines a secure system and how does the company relate to these factors?? What are the threats today based on hardware/software, human factors and company routines/policies?? What measures should be taken for the organisation to reach a higher level of security for their systems?? How do we develop a method for classification of security and what components should it contain?? What changes are reasonable and necessary with the respect to the company?s resources?The report has been done through interviews and analysis of existing systems on Fla?kt Woods AB. From analysis of material, the aspects judged relevant to the subject and to the company?s needs, have been compiled to a document.

Fängelsebaserad behandling för våld : En kvalitativ studie om kriminalvårdens behandlingsprogram för män som är dömda för våld i nära relation.

Mäns våld mot kvinnor blir ett allt mer angeläget problemområde och från att ha betraktats som en privat angelägenhet ses det idag som ett stort samhällsproblem. Syftet med studien var att undersöka vad män som deltagit eller deltar i kriminalvårdens behandlingsprogram Integrated Domestic Abuse Programme (IDAP) säger om de erfarenheter de fått under programtiden och vad männen anser varit positivt respektive mindre positivt i programinnehållet. Syftet var även att få männens syn på hur deltagandet i programmet påverkas av att det genomförs på anstalt. Jag undersökte även om männen och programpersonalen hade en samsyn på upplevelserna och erfarenheterna kring männens deltagande i IDAP. I studien har jag använt mig av en kvalitativ metod genom att empirin samlats in med semistrukturerade intervjuer där tre klienter och två programledare intervjuades, resultatet presenterades i teman och analyserades utifrån teorierna makt och manlighet, roller och systemteori.

(O)sociala medier? : En jämförande kvalitativ attitydundersökning om människors användning av sociala medier och dess inverkan på deras liv och umgänge

This essay aims to find out what impact social media have on the daily lives of Swedish people in regard to their usage and sociability. In order to find that out we have performed four group interviews with a total of 16 people from two different age categories that were later compared. To analyze the empirical data we?ve used the theories on the Network Societies by Jan Van Dijk as a help of understanding. The results show that social media have become an integrated part in the lives of our informants and that a consdierable amount of time is spent on them everyday. In the younger group Facebook was considered the most useful medium as it makes the planning of events easier and can be used as a way of keeping oneself updated on news as well as on the lives of others.

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