

4032 Uppsatser om Instrumental group instruction - Sida 2 av 269

Brasslärares tankar om, och inställning till, att undervisa på olika instrument

This study is based on discussions among Swedish brass teachers about teaching other brass instruments than their main instrument. Why do some choose to teach only with the help of their main instrument while others use their secondary instruments as well? What are the advantages and disadvantages and how do they look upon other ways of thinking in this matter?In addition, the study examines brass teachers? views on the balance between pedagogical and instrumental skill, as well as their views on teaching sound, technique and expression in relation to the age of the student.A questionnaire was used and anwered by 24 teachers with teaching experience in municipal music schools ranging from 7 months to 35 years. The results indicate that pedagogical skill is always important, whereas the importance of instrumental skill increases as the student gets older and more experienced. The advantage of teaching with the help of the main instrument is that one always keeps a high musical and technical level.

Barns upplevelser av rörelse : -en intervjustudie med sex- och sjuåringar

In many earlier investigations a recall advantage of auditory lists spoken in a single voice has been found over recall of lists spoken in two alternating voices. One explanation proposed is an organization strategy which makes recall of alternating-voice lists so difficult. The strategy implies sorting same-voice words into same-voice groups at encoding. Based on this proposition, it was assumed that voice-by-voice recall would be better than recall in order of presentation, as then the recall instruction and the organization of items in memory would be in concordance. The present experiment tested and was unable to support this hypothesis.

Minnets betydelse för lärandet : En intervjustudie med tre pedagoger som arbetar med specialpedagogiska frågor

AbstractMy study is about working memory and working memory abilities for children with concentration difficulties. I have looked at literature and current research. I have also done an interview study on three pedagogues who have experience of the problem area.The conclusion I can draw from my investigation is, when it comes to working memory and what children with concentration difficulties can have problem with, is often shown when instruction is given in several stages and when the child come to the last instruction they sometimes have forgotten what the first instruction was. Special questions, image, image schedules and written instruction can help the child to remember. I also found that the pedagogues not only looked at working memory, but they also examined how the child hear and see, therefore they look at the ability of how the child notice what they hear and see and how they use it in their every day living.

Utvecklingen av grammatikinstruktioner och övningar i svenska läromedel för spanska : En läromedelsanalys om explicit instruktion, input, produktion och interaktivitet i undervisningsmaterial för främmandespråk

This study investigates if and how grammar instructions and exercises in Spanish textbooks have evolved during the last thirty years. More specifically it focuses on how the grammar is presented (explicit instruction) and on the nature of the exercises (input, production and interaction). The method for investigating these things is firstly an analysis of the explicit instruction, and secondly a quantitative study of the exercises. The number of textbooks analyzed in this study is four and only the chapters that focus on teaching the preterite are included in the analysis. The result shows a tendency towards direct explicit instruction and controlled production practice.

Återgivning av ordlistor presenterade med alternerande röster: En jämförelse mellan två återgivningsinstruktioner

In many earlier investigations a recall advantage of auditory lists spoken in a single voice has been found over recall of lists spoken in two alternating voices. One explanation proposed is an organization strategy which makes recall of alternating-voice lists so difficult. The strategy implies sorting same-voice words into same-voice groups at encoding. Based on this proposition, it was assumed that voice-by-voice recall would be better than recall in order of presentation, as then the recall instruction and the organization of items in memory would be in concordance. The present experiment tested and was unable to support this hypothesis.

En-till-en som verktyg i arbetet med utlandsfödda elever i behov av särskilt stöd. : Pedagogers och rektorers uppfattningar ur ett specialpedagogiskt perspektiv.

The aim of this study was to, from a special educational approach, describe and analyse nine teachers and headmasters experiences and perceptions of the use of laptos, ?1-1?, as a tool for working with 13-16 year old pupils born outside of Sweden and with special educational needs (SEN). Interviews were used for data collection. The interview material was analysed with the phenomenografic analysis method and with meaning condensation method. The result was analysed through three perspectives on special education and the concept of inclusion as the study?s frame of reference.

Plackindex, gingivalindex och erhållna munhygienåtgärder hos patienter i åldern 20-26 år som har behandlats vid tandhygienistprogrammet i Kristianstad-journalstudie

The aim of the study was to examine plaqueindex, gingivalindex and oral hygiene measure among patients between 20-26 years of age, who were treated at the Dental Hygienist Programme at the University of Kristianstad. The study was performed as a dental record. All 126 subjects with records in this age were including in the study. Sixteen records (13 %) were excluded because the criteria were not fulfilled. Plauqeindex, gingivalindex and oral hygiene measures were registered from 110 records.

Ideellt engagemang och inställning till arbete

This Master´s thesis aims to aquire knowledge about volunteers attitude toward work. It emphasis is on the differences between volunteers and non volunteers. There are four research questions used in order to fulfill the aim in a scientific manner. The essay aims to get in depth knowledge regarding whether or not the respondents feel that they have gained advantages in work life due to the fact that they are involved in volunteer work. One of the pivotal questions is if there is a possibility to see a pattern that binds together the reasons for volunteer work and the attitude toward work.

Föräldramedverkan vid utförande av vårdåtgärder i hemmet efter instruktion/utbildning från sjuksköterska : Föräldrars och sjuksköterskors upplevelser

Introduction: Parental involvement is becoming increasingly common in the paediatric health care. Parental participation at home means that parents receive instruction by nursing staff in order to perform a caregiving procedure at home.Aim: To explore parents' feelings about performing caregiving procedures on their child at home, and their experience of instruction about these, and to explore nurses? experiences of their instruction to parents.Method: A descriptive quantitative and qualitative design using questionnaires with statements to be responded by nurses and parents according to scales graded 1-10. The study was carried out during the autumn of 2009 at a pediatric unit in the University Hospital in Uppsala.Results: Ten completed questionnaires from the nursing staff and ten from parents were obtained. The mean assessment of parents' perceived safety and security, and their perception that their questions had been answered ranged between 8,6 and 9,2.

Modersmålets betydelse för lärande och identitet : En kvalitativ undersökning av arabisktalande elevers uppfattning om modersmålets betydelse

The Swedish School Board reported in 2007 that students with a foreign background to a larger extent than Swedish students leave school without grades in one or more subjects in the ninth grade. The report also reveals that during the year 2007/2008 17 percent of elementary school pupils had the right to home language instruction. Students with an other mother tongue than Swedish are considered a separate group that doesn?t perform as well in school.My study investigates how eleven Arabic-speaking ninth-graders at age 15-16 perceive the importance of their mother tongue for learning and identity development. To this purpose I have conducted semi-structured interviews ? one comprising six students in group and five individual ? in a school in one of the suburbs of Stockholms.

Våldets olika ansikten : En gärningsanalys av våldsbrott utifrån gärningsmannens relation till offret

Violent crime can traditionally be classified as a reactive or an instrumental aggression. A reactive aggression is often characterized by some sort of provocation by the victim and the act is impulsive and the offender reacts by harming the victim. The provocation can be a threat, an insult or an attack and the act can be said to be a reaction induced by emotions. An instrumental act of violence however, often described as planned, targeted and emotional cold. The goal of the act can be to acquire money or power to maintain their status.

Våldets olika ansikten: En gärningsanalys av våldsbrott utifrån gärningsmannens relation till offret

Violent crime can traditionally be classified as a reactive or an instrumental aggression. A reactive aggression is often characterized by some sort of provocation by the victim and the act is impulsive and the offender reacts by harming the victim. The provocation can be a threat, an insult or an attack and the act can be said to be a reaction induced by emotions. An instrumental act of violence however, often described as planned, targeted and emotional cold. The goal of the act can be to acquire money or power to maintain their status.

Analoga och digitala verktyg i svensk?mnets skrivundervisning

The purpose of this study is to investigate how twelve middle school teachers use educational tools and what influences their choice of educational tools in Swedish language writing instruction. To answer this purpose, three research questions were formulated: What does writing instruction look like for middle school students according to the teachers in the study? What influences teachers' choice and use of educational tools in writing instruction? What opportunities and challenges do teachers experience in Swedish language writing instruction when using different educational tools? Twelve teachers from variously sized municipalities and with different experiences participated in the study through purposive sampling and convenience sampling. The chosen method is qualitative semi-structured teacher interviews. To analyse the results, this study employs analytical tools from the sociocultural perspective, using concepts such as mediation, appropriation, the zone of proximal development, and scaffolding. The results show that both analogue and digital tools are used in the teachers' writing instruction. The choice of tools should be based on pedagogical considerations, with an emphasis on social interaction and collaboration during the learning process.

New public management och den svenska gymnasieskolan : En ideologikritisk analys av Gy11-reformen kopplat till organisationskonceptet new public management

The purpose of this ideology critical study is to investigate the hidden content in the reform Gy11 and compare it with the concept new public management. After the clarification of the hidden content, we compare the structure of the organization in Swedish high schools with the structure in public sector called new public management. The main questions of this study are the following: Is it possible to see the foundation of new public management in the Swedish high schools when it comes to the views of knowledge and the formation of goals? Which similarities can we find when we look at the organization new public management and the Swedish high school?The result showed many similarities, both regarding the views of knowledge and the formations of goals. The structure of new public management has been largely implemented in the Swedish high schools and the schools now focus more on instrumental knowledge rather than universal knowledge based on understanding.This is not surprising due to the social progress.

Gymnasiebiblioteket - i och för undervisningen : En intervjuundersökning med lärare i naturkunskap och samhällskunskap

This thesis is about how teachers in natural and social science integrate the upper secondary school library in their teaching and how they use it for their teaching. Literature in connection with the study is described. Qualitative interviews have been done with four teachers from each subject and with an upper secondary school librarian.The study has shown that there are differences between the teachers in social and natural science. One group, consisting of mainly teachers in social science, survey the library collection.They give the pupils suggestions of useful material and sometimes they take out material for the pupils, with help from the librarian. The other group, teachers in natural science, uses library tools, cooperates and discusses with the librarian how the pupils should work when they use the library.

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