610 Uppsatser om Institutional theatre - Sida 28 av 41
Varför miljöredovisning? : en undersökning av lastbilstransportbolag
Today?s political debate on environmental issues and environmental thinking, alongside the Swedish presidency of the EU and Climate Conferences shows that the environment is an important topic. Environment is important, not only in politics, but also for companies and the demand of environmental strategies and environmental reports has increased. This leads to an increased pressure on firms to begin to report on environmental concerns and to create active systems for environmental thinking.The aim of the present study is to examine why firms in the transport sector, mainly lorry transports, reports environmental aspects and what drives these companies to create these reports.Based on stakeholder and institutional theory we aim to examine to which extent stakeholders affects the environmental accounting and reporting. We also aim to explain how the organization is influenced to incorporate external and societal environmental procedures.
Samverkan : En kvalitativ studie om lärare och socialsekreterares uppfattning av samverkan och dess betydelse.
Collaboration is a tool many organizations use to achive a certain goal. In previous research it can be read about both advantages and disadvantages of collaboration and also that a well-functioning collaboration is difficult to achieve. In previous research there is a shortage of scientific researches illustrating the outcome of collaboration. I have chosen to examine the cooperation between the social services and schools of the municipality of Växjö. The purpose of this essay is to understand what experiences staff working with children/young people in school and social services have of collaboration between each others organizations.
Förändring av ekonomistyrning ur ett institutionellt perspektiv: en fallstudie av en underleverantör i fordonsindustrin
Den globala fordonsindustrin möter en av de största nedgångarna i modern tid. Fordonsindustrin är en av de absolut största branscherna med en lång kedja av företag och människor som är direkt och indirekt involverade i utvecklingen och tillverkningen av nya fordon. Att vara en underleverantör i fordonsindustrin är en mycket tuff uppgift även när tiderna är goda. Men hur påverkar rådande marknadssituation en underleverantör? Syftet med studien är att ur ett institutionellt perspektiv, undersöka hur ekonomistyrningens regler och rutiner påverkas av en radikal förändring i omgivningen, hos en underleverantör i fordonsindustrin och hur detta samspelar med företagets strategi.
Styrelseledamöters skadeståndsskyldighet gentemot bolaget : En analys av nuvarande reglering
This essay is about how organizations reveal their employees in the annual report. The purpose of this paper is to examine the extent to which organizations reveals their employees in the annual report, and the purpose has three questions: How do the organizations present their employees in the annual report? What do they choose to report? What motives lies behind?The problem today is that organizations can´t account the employees as assets, they can only be accounted as an expense in the income statement. This can lead to that stakeholders can´t convey an organization's "true" value.With a combination study, we examined how organizations certified by Investors in People presents the employees in their annual reports. In the framework, we have, among other things dealt with personnel mandatory disclosure in the Annual Account Act, the difference between private- and public sectors accounting.
Revisorn i förändringens tid : arbete för samhällsnyttan
SyfteSyftet med denna studie är att förklara hur auktoriserade revisorer upplever att de senaste förändringarna inom revisionsbranschen påverkat samhällsnyttan av revision.Metod En kvantitativ undersökning genomfördes via en elektronisk enkät som skickades ut till svenska auktoriserade revisorer, varpå en statistisk analys av 130 svar var möjlig.Resultat Resultatet visade att medlemmarna av den svenska revisorsprofessionen är enade. Revisorer identifierar sig både professionellt och organisatoriskt. Svenska revisorer upplever att rådgivning är positivt för samhällsnyttan, de upplever även att ISA har en positiv inverkan på samhällsnyttan. Äldre revisorer är dock negativa till internationella regelverk. En stark revisorsidentitet visade sig vara avgörande för uppfattningen om förändring ökar eller minskar samhällsnyttan.Praktiskt bidrag och sociala aspekter Studien har visat att professionell identitet och organisatorisk identitet kan mätas som ett samlat begrepp, kallat revisorsidentitet.
Aktiviteter ger mening i vardagen - En kvalitativ studie om aktiviteters betydelse för ungdomar som vistas på institution : Activities give meaning in everyday life - A qualitative research of the significance of activities for adolescents residing in ins
Aktiviteter är betydelsefulla för ungdomar som vistas på institution. Forskning visar att ungdomar som har en meningsfull tillvaro med aktiviteter och en variation av sysselsättning under sin institutionsvistelse har större möjlighet att lyckas förändra ett problembeteende. En institutionsmiljö bör tillgodose ungdomarnas behov av en hemlik miljö och kontakt med pro-sociala ungdomar i övriga samhället. Syftet med denna studie är att belysa aktivteters betydelse för ungdomar som är placerade på institution, relationen mellan schemalagda och icke schemalagda aktiviteter samt vilken roll personalen har i utövandet av aktiviteter för ungdomar som vistas på institution. Studiens metodansats bygger på kvalitativa intervjuer med professionella som tjänstgör på ett HVB-hem (Vård och boende) för ungdomar.
Upplevelser av ätstörningsbehandling: en uppföljning av de långsiktiga effekterna av en dagvårdsbehandling.
The aim of this essay is to examine which help a group of women with eating disorders had from thier treatment in daycare in 2004. The aim is to examine how the women have experienced this treatment and how they live today. The central questions are: what was their life situation like before the treatment, what was their experience of the treatment, how could the treatment have been better and how are their lives today? The method is based on qualitative interviews with seven women who were all in the same treatment for eight weeks at Capio AnorexiCenter in Malmö. The women have also redone tests that were done right before and right after the treatment.
Samverkan mot mobbning : En kvalitativ studie om skolkuratorer och andra professioner som arbetar mot mobbning i skolan
The aim of this study was to examine, in the work against bullying how collaboration between the school counselor and other professions is described by the different professions within the student health team as well as how they describe that the different competencies involved in such teams shapes problem definitions and solutions. The student health (swedish- elevhälsoteamet) team of which the study is based on consists of different professions such as school counselors, school nurses, special education teachers, school psychologists and school principles. We have interviewed representatives of all the above mentioned professions with the exception of school psychologists using a qualitative research design. In this study we have chosen to focus on two student health teams from two different primary schools located in a middle-sized municipality in southern Sweden. We have analysed the results using new institutional theory and the terms domain and power. The main conclusion of the study is that school counselors themselves feel they have a specific knowledge regarding bullying but have difficulties in capitalizing on it while collaborating with the other professions in the student health team.
Informationskompetens som mål i högskoleutbildningen: Inställning hos ledning, lärare och bibliotekarier vid en mindre högskola
The aim of this Master thesis is to study how management, teachers and librarians at the university college Swedish school of sport and health sciences (GIH) view information literacy (IL) as a standard in higher education. I have used a sociocultural theoretical perspective, as the focus being on co-operation within the institutional context. The following questions are focused on: Of what importance are the control documents concerning IL as a standard in the educational program? How do the respondents view the value of, and the responsibility for, IL as a standard in the educational program? What are the conditions for co-operation at GIH to reach the standards of the higher education act? The methodology used is qualitative case study. Six qualitative interviews were carried out in order to describe the attitudes of the management, teachers and librarians related to this subject.
Hopp på Täby Galopp : svensk hindersport ur ett strategiskt marknadsföringsperspektiv
Horseracing is frequently referred to as the engine behind all horse activity in Sweden and it can be divided in to two main branches: harness racing and thoroughbred racing (HNS, 2008). Jump racing is a part of the thoroughbred racing and the jump racing is characterised by jumps on the racing track. Jump racing has been a part of the Swedish horseracing for over hundred years, but it has in recent years suffered from low economic profitability and been threatened by discontinuance (ATG & SG, 2008). Svensk Galopp, who is governing the horseracing in Sweden, has decided to increase the importance of jump racing. A workgroup was created for this purpose, and as a result of their work a strategy for the jump racing is supposed to be delivered in April 2009 (pers.
Information om kundval, en förutsättning för valfriheten? : en studie av hur tre kommuner arbetar med informationsspridning om kundval inom hemtjänsten
This paper studies, from a client perspective, how three Swedish municipalities work with information about a voucher system in homecare. The paper is a qualitative study using structured informant interviews and analysis of documents. The interviewees are responsible of information about the voucher system in the municipalities. The studied documents describe and clarify the voucher system of the municipality. Neo-institutional organization theory is used to analyse the result.
Den mångtydiga svenskheten : En studie av det svensk-amerikanska föreningslivet i Kalifornien utifrån en etnisk aspekt 1910 & 1915.
AbstractTitle: Den mångtydiga svenskheten: En studie av det svensk-amerikanska föreningslivet i Kalifornien utifrån en etnisk aspekt 1910 & 1915. (The multiplicity of Swedishness: A study of the Swedish-American society?s associations in California from an ethnic point of wiew 1910 & 1915.Author: Joakim FranssonMaster Thesis in History (10p)Växjö UniversityThe purpose of this thesis is to examine the Swedish-American associations in San Francisco and Los Angeles and how they withheld or/and formed a Swedish or American ethnic identity. The primary source for obtaining that objective is the newspapers Vestkusten and California Veckoblad were the announcements from the associations are analysed. The thesis main questions are as following: Which ethnic aspects appears in the announcements from the Swedish-American associations in the newspapers Vestkusten and California Veckoblad 1910 and 1915? And What similarities and differences in the ethnic expressions appears in the primary sources during these periods?The conclusions can be briefed as there was a great variety of Swedish-American associations during the examined periods, there was a frequent occurrence in both religious and secular movements.
SAMVERKAN OCH SAMARBETE : Socialtjänsten och Barn- och Ungdomspsykiatrins gemensamma arbete
Author: Johanna Jarl and Marie WestphalTitle: Co-operation and Collaboration The Social services and Child- and adolescence psychiatry joined action [Translated title]Supervisor: Mikael SandgrenExaminer: Torbjörn HjortChildren and adolescences that have both psychological and social problems is an increasing number of the society. It used to be a demand that Social workers and personnel at Child and adolescence psychiatry had interdisciplinary collaboration, today it is more then a demand it is a requirement. The aim of this study was to understand how the personnel at the Social services and Child and adolescence psychiatry look at the cooperation between the two organizations in Sweden.To be able to accomplish this study we have interviewed four persons employed at the Social services and three persons employed at Child- and adolescencepsychiatry all of them were interviewed individually. To be able to analyze our material from the interviews we have used new institutional organization theory and Goffmans dramaturgic perspective at teams. The interviews showed that there is collaboration between the organizations on all levels, but that the organizations have different priorities.
Media och näringslivet: En studie om hur mediedrev bör hanteras enligt informationschefer och presschefer
Media has power and impact. It is therefore important for managers to be able to handle media storms when they arise. If not, the brand can be affected negatively. It is managers who should learn to handle media storms because the managers constitute an important part of the external face of the company. Because it is managers who should learn to handle media storms it is interesting to study how media storms should be handled from a theoretical management-perspective.
Rocksmak i rockutbildningen - populärkultur, smak och repertoar inom en utbildningsinstitution
Titel: Rockmusic preferences in the rock programme. Popular culture, music preferences and repertoire inside a teaching institution. This paper raises some questions about the popular music that exists outside as well as inside institutions. From the example of popular music and rockmusic the students of a music teacher education programme based on rock music are asked for their taste for music in a brief questionnaire. The answers are compared to those concerning the music they used to like before they entered the education as well as the music played on the ensemble lessons at the programme.