610 Uppsatser om Institutional theatre - Sida 22 av 41
Könsneutralt äktenskap? Nej tack! : en studie av argumentationen som förts av antagonisterna till könsneutral äktenskapslagstiftning
Syftet med denna studie är att studera argumentationen framförd av motståndarna till könsneutral äktenskapslagstiftning. Debatten mot könsneutralt äktenskap har huvudsakligen förts av förgrundsgestalter inom de religiösa samfunden, men debatten har trots detta haft en sekulär karaktär. Med utgångspunkt i en heterosexistisk teoretisk diskurs, har argumentationen analyserats. Studien utkristalliserar argumentationen och hur de formats för att bilda opinion.Slutsatsen visar också på att det stora flertalet argument som förs fram i debatten kan klassificeras som heterosexistiska. Heterosexism är ett symptom av heteronormativitet.
Äldres delaktighet : Om delaktighetens betydelse för individer i socialtjänstens handläggningsprocess
In Peter Weiss debut Fra?n o? till o? (1947) the ?I? travels from island to island as a castaway. The island here can signify, or work as a synecdoche for exile and the feeling of isolation that exile often induces. But the movement from island to island also implies a restless state: Peter Weiss shifting from painting to writing to filmmaking and theatre, from German to Swedish and then back to German. The years during exile and the years that followed the exile until his breakthrough in Germany with Schatten des ko?rpers des Ku?tchens (1960), Abschied von den Eltern (1961) and Fluchtpunkt (1962), were the formative years of Peter Weiss authorship.
Den långa vägen till biblioteket : En studie om förskolors läsvanor och användning av biblioteket i ett mångkulturellt område
The purpose of this study has been to examine reading habits and the use of the library by preschool teachers in a mainly multicultural community, and also explore to what extent activities in the local library are aimed at preschoolers.The study used a sociocultural approach based on Vygotsky?s theories of learning and development and Söderbergh?s theory of early childhood language development, and was carried out during the summer 2009. The methodology used was both quantitative and qualitative, with a combination of questionnaires and interviews. Questionnaires were sent out to each section of the municipal preschools within the catchments area of the local public library in a multicultural suburb of Uppsala. Three short interviews were carried out with staff at the local and main library branches, as well as library staff at the County Council.The results show that, although preschool teachers find reading important in their work, many teachers read spontaneously and/or sporadically.
Musik i förskolan : En studie om metasamtalets roll för att synliggöra barns lärande i förskolan
The Swedish government published their current proposition concerning cultural politics,Tid för kultur in 2009. Due to this proposition, culture is considered a basic human right we all deserve to be provided with. It contained goals and guidelines for how to enable culture to all citizens, to integrate and enrich the state, the county councils? and municipalities? work with diversity and multi culture in their culture-based institutes. However, there seems to be a lack of strategies in the issue of how to provide our nondependent elderly, suffering age related handicaps and diseases, with this proclaimed necessity.In recent years, there has been a lot of research proving the link between human wellbeing and a stimulating environment.
Open access och spridning : En kvantitativ analys av hur open access-publicerade artiklar citeras och sprids pa? webben
To publish research articles by the means of open access is to provide them for free to the reader. An increasing number of universities around the world have begun to institute open access policies regarding their researchers academic output, requiring them to primarily publish in open access journals and / or archive their pre- or post- prints in institutional archives.The aim of this this thesis is to explore how the adoption of the open access policy at the Swedish Universi- ty of Agricultural Sciences in 2008 has affected how their researchers publish and if this has had any effect on how their academic output are cited and distributed online. To reach this goal a combination of bibliometric and altmetric methods were used as well as cross-referencing between Scopus, Altmetric.com, Google Scholar and the SHERPA/RoMEO database.The results points towards a mostly open access positive trend with an increase in articles published in jour- nals that allow archiving of both pre- and post-prints. There also seems to be a correlation between these journals and which kind of articles gets the most mentions in social media..
Projektstyrningurettaffärsekosystemperspektiv En fallstudie om projektstyrning inom bankgemensamma projekt
Based on last years events that have taken place, events on the school Lundbergs and the police values of work, has the meaning of having a set of values been questioned. This study aimed to investigate and answer the fundamental values based on the common value basis for the government employees within an organization and how it perceived by employees. The new institutional theory was the framework for this qualitative study conducted with semi-structured interviews. Respondents were employees within the organization. Ethnographic qualitative methodology was the basis for our methodology and we used a thematic model of theme interpretation, communication and knowledge in our analysis.
Att förmedla och förstärka bilden av makt : En studie av hur kungamakten representerades under förmyndareregeringen 1792-1796
The Swedish government published their current proposition concerning cultural politics,Tid för kultur in 2009. Due to this proposition, culture is considered a basic human right we all deserve to be provided with. It contained goals and guidelines for how to enable culture to all citizens, to integrate and enrich the state, the county councils? and municipalities? work with diversity and multi culture in their culture-based institutes. However, there seems to be a lack of strategies in the issue of how to provide our nondependent elderly, suffering age related handicaps and diseases, with this proclaimed necessity.In recent years, there has been a lot of research proving the link between human wellbeing and a stimulating environment.
The Comprehensive proposal for Kosovo Status Settlement utifrån olika synsätt på demokrati, demokratisering och multikulturalism
The purpose of this paper is to analyze Martti Ahtisaari?s comprehensive reportfor Kosovo, CPS, based on theories about democracy, democratization andmulticulturalism. The essay is a way to make a contribution to research on howthe international community can contribute to democratization processes ingeneral, as the CPS gives the expression and democratization of contextscharacterized by multicultural problems in particular. In this paper, we implementa qualitative text analysis of our main material CPS. The qualitative text analysiscan be applied in studies as ours when sought contents of the text are hidden underthe surface.
Diskursiva handlingar och resurser i talkshows med flerpartssamtal : En samtalsanalys av tv-programmet Skavlan
This paper examines the function of narrative discourse in television talk shows. Basing our analysis on five episodes of the Swedish talk show Skavlan, we illustrate how narratives are initiated and elaborated by the participants of the show. The analysis shows that the institutional roles are challanged and that the roles vary between the host ant the guests. The analysis also shows that when guests introduce and elaborate stories they use the same discursive actions and resources as the host. When participants enter an actvie role in their storytelling the hos takes a more restrained role in which he lets the the conversation evolve spontaneously.
Drama och teater i gymnasieskolan? : En litteraturstudie där syften med drama/teater utforskas, analyseras och diskuteras
SammanfattningDen här studien är en litteraturöversikt som analyserar forskningsbaserade texter och lyfter fram syften med drama/teater i gymnasieskolan, utifrån den analyserade litteraturen. Studien redogör både för syften med drama/teater som enskilt ämne och integrerat med andra ämnen.Studien visar att drama/teater är användbart både som ett medel där målet är att lära sig andra ämnen, och där målet är kunskaper i drama/teater. Den ger exempel på att eleverna, med hjälp av drama/teater, kan få stöd i att uppnå flera av målen i gymnasieskolans senaste läroplan från 2011. Exempel på hur drama/teater kan vara till nytta i andra ämnen är att det kan användas för att förbättra elevers läsning och textförståelse oavsett ämne. Drama/teater har också ett egenvärde som bland annat består i att eleverna lär sig att använda sina erfarenheter för att förstå omvärlden, att de lär sig att uttrycka sig på sitt individuella sätt och att de tränar på att våga ta ställning.
Att förändra det gemensamma
This bachelor thesis is studying the INTERREG cooperation between Denmark and Germany, and if there has been a change to the organization and the individual conditions due to the Danish regional reform in 2007. The research method used is semi-structured interviews and the participants are a mixture of politicians and civil servants. The study is based on two themes, change in work routines and cooperation, and change in visions and targets.The participants have experienced change, both positive and negative, in work routines and cooperation and to a lesser extent in visions and targets. Preparation is the key to success and makes the transition much easier, which has been the case for Denmark. Other mentioned aspects are more work due to more complicated applications, and that the politicians so far lack a regional perspective and tend to stick to the local.
Hållbarhet inom flygindustrin : En studie om geografiska variationer i flygbolagens hållbarhetsredovisningar - ur ett institutionellt perspektiv
Flygbolag är mäktiga globala aktörer med en omfattande miljöpåverkan, så vilka initiativ redovisar de för att bidra till en hållbar utveckling? För att svara på detta genomförde vi en innehållsanalys där vi undersökte skillnader och likheter i europeiska och amerikanska flygbolags hållbarhetsredovisningar. För att skapa en förståelse för hur samhällsansvar spelar roll i en historiskt förankrad miljö testade vi förklaringsvärdet av social struktur, nationell kultur samt isomorfism.Den största skillnaden vi fann är att USA är mer detaljerade och redovisar fler initiativ, medan Europa för ett bredare resonemang om hållbarhet. Skillnaderna förklaras utifrån social struktur och nationell kultur, likheter förklaras med isomorfism. Skillnaderna i hållbarhetsredovisningarna kan förklaras med att det sociala kontraktet, som flygbolagen måste följa, är olika mellan regionerna.
Priskuranten - en resa i tiden: Priskuranter i Kungl. biblioteket, Uppsala universitetsbibliotek och Nordiska museets bibliotek
The aim of my master?s thesis has been to examine the situation of the price lists in the National Library of Sweden, in Uppsala University Library and in the Nordiska Museet Library. The starting point was that the institutes have been operating within different institutional practices. These operational differences between the institutes have affected the collecting, the organizing and the accessibility to the information of the price lists. My master?s thesis is based on Birger Hjørlands theories of domains and knowledge organization.
Learning Resource Centre (LRC) ? en bibliotekstrend?
Learning Resource Centre, or LRC, is an international phenomenon and a response to the changing society that came with the development of information technology. The LRC concept spread internationally during the 1990s and began to influence Swedish collage libraries at the end of the decade. The main purpose of this study is to analyze if and how Swedish college libraries have incorporated the LRC concept. Is there a Swedish LRC model? Is the LRC concept still interesting or was it a trend that is now out of date? Interviews with eleven people from six college libraries aim to show how they define the concept LRC and how it has been integrated in to their organisations.
?Vi ringer upp dig?? : En undersökning om etnisk diskriminering bland bostadsförmedlare i Sverige
The number of people with another culture isincreasing in Sweden. This change in society bringsconsequences in health care that has not any methodsto manage. The Muslim woman?s meeting with thehealth care is one of those areas. The aim with thisstudy was to describe the nurses meeting with femaleMuslim patient.