

8805 Uppsatser om Innovation process - Sida 2 av 587

Meningsförändrande innovationer inom industrirobotbranschen : En explorativ fallstudie

In this thesis the subject innovation and the change of meaning is in focus. The purpose of the study is to present a new dimension of innovation as a change of meaning together with the cases we?ve studied. It is discussed throughout the article if theories of perception and association can affect the organization and its ability to create meaning-changing innovations. The industrial robotics is a market in need of, perhaps, if not other markets but of finding new ground that results in the change of meaning.

Att öppna upp sjukvårdens förändrings- och utvecklingsarbete : En studie av medskapande innovation i primärvården

Healthcare in Sweden are in need of a drastic change to meet the requirements of highly developed societies, and information technology is seen as an essential part to get there. However, the Swedish healthcare have to challenge their traditional innovation approaches as well. For example, it has become more common to engage patients in the Innovation process through web-based platforms. We have been focusing on an approach called co-creation by studying a workshop, in which potential users and other stakeholders are cooperating creatively to come up with innovative solutions in order to improve healthcare practice. Our findings suggests that co-creation may increase the mutual understanding between different stakeholders, for example healthcare professionals and IT developers, enable horizontal learning through and outside the organization and also to raise concepts and actions that are responding to healthcare needs.

Innovation åt folket! : Hur innovationsstrategin för år 2020 kan gå från tanke till verklighet

I dagens samhälle krävs det allt snabbare förändring i organisationer för att hålla jämn takt med omvärlden. Detta har den svenska regeringen uppfattat och därför tagit fram en innovationsstrategi för år 2020, som vi till stor del har utgått från i detta arbete. Med den som grund ville vi ta fram ett verktyg för att introducera innovation för individer och organisationer för att starta en process för ett kontinuerligt lärande och arbete med innovation. För att testa detta verktyg gjordes en studie som bekräftade vår hypotes, och utifrån detta har vi tagit fram en stor, övergripande modell för hur vi ser att innovationsarbete kan fungera i organisationer utifrån vårt verktyg, samt en modell för hur individen och organisationsklimatet tillsammans kan fungera för att bidra till att höja innovationsförmågan i en organisation. Utöver vår hypotes hade vi även två forskningsfrågor som vi svarade på, där den andra är vårt innovationsbidrag..

Inomorganisatorisk kreativitet och innovation

This essay discusses organizational culture and focus on corporate creativity and innovation. The aim is to see which organizational factors that foster creativity and innovation in organizations. The essay will provide answer on how organizational culture can encourage creativity and innovation and how organizations can promote the rise of a creative work environment. The research design of this essay is a qualitative case study with interviews at Gotland Energi AB (GEAB). The interviews provided insight in factors that can foster creativity and innovation in organizations.

Kundens bidrag i innovationsprocessen : En studie om användande av kunder för att upptäcka latenta behov

Title: The customer?s contribution to the innovation-process ? a study of using customers to discover latent needs. Level: Final assignment for Bachelor Degree in Business Administration Author: Robert Klein Supervisor: Agneta Sundström Date: 2014-06 Aim: The purpose of this study is to gain enhanced understanding of what knowledge costumers contribute with in an innovation-process lead by a producer of goods, and how that knowledge is used to fulfill latent needs. The area of research has formerly described which results customer-involvement lead to, but have been scarce in describing how results are produced. Method: From a qualitative onset, a case-study collecting data through observations and interviews capturing customer knowledge contributions, and producer use of fetched knowledge has been conducted. Data has been analyzed using a grounded theory approach. Results have been processed in several steps in which material has been categorized and enriched continuously. Result & Conclusions: Customer-knowledge is broken down into market-knowledge, everyday-knowledge, and specialist-knowledge, which all are significant to a producer of goods.

Innovationsprojekt i en klinisk miljö : Utvecklandet av en designprocess för Sister Kenny Research Center

The Sister Kenny Research Center is part of the Sister Kenny Rehabilitation Institute locatedat the Abbott Northwestern hospital in Minneapolis, USA. The Sister Kenny RehabilitationInstitute provides rehabilitative services, treating more than 70,000 patients a year.The Sister Kenny Research Center strives to optimize the service to patients by nurturingnew innovations in rehabilitation care and treatment. Research projects are conducted ininterdisciplinary so-called Clinical Innovation Teams. As the Sister Kenny Research Center isrecently started, it did not prior to this thesis project have a design process or structured way ofworking in design projects.The outcome of this thesis project is a comprehensive innovation strategy package with a set oftools to enhance the innovativeness at the Sister Kenny Research Center. The strategy packageconsists of three interlinked parts:?A design process adapted to the work environment at the Sister Kenny Research Centerensuring projects are conducted in a structured and innovative manner.?An Innovation Handbook describing the design process to the Clinical Innovation Teamsand providing step-by-step guidance to designing.

Innovation på arbetsplatsen : Kontorschefers innovationshantering

Due to the globalization and constant changes in society, competition has become a big factor in profit-driven companies and organizations. Innovation has become an effective way for the companies to increase their competitiveness. By adapting to the constant changes in society e.g. the technological advances, companies can retain their competitiveness on the market.The purposeof this study is to exemplify and describe how a profit-driven company managesinnovationbyinterviewing four office managers in different work units in the same company.The resultsshows, among other things,that interactive learning can bean initiation to Innovation processes and that the participating company in this study workshard to promote innovation in work units..

Mätning och utvärdering av innovation : "What gets measured gets done"

This Master of Science Thesis was a complement project to the PIEp study MENTOL, carried out at a Swedish midsize medical device company.. PIEp nationally works for a long-term increase of the innovation capability of people and organizations. The purpose of this study was to find measuring parameters of innovation that fit medium-sized technological companies and organizations, Another purpose was to evaluate an innovation investment at the company, consisting of external consultant?s education of key personnel in innovation, and a two day innovation seminar with all personnel at the company participating. The methods used during this Master of Science Thesis were: feasibility and literature studies about innovation and innovation measurements, quantitative and qualitative interviews, surveys and workshops.For an accurate measure of innovation it is crucial to a have full understanding of what innovation is, and clarity of the purpose of the measurement itself.

Hotell i förändring  : Om vikten av att ständigt arbeta innovativt

This paper examines how themed hotel companies work with innovation and Innovation processes to meet the demands of todays market.. To get a deeper understanding the paper is focused on three separate hotel companies in Sweden. The paper is based on a qualitative method. The paper starts with a methodology chapter, followed by an explanation for a number of concepts that are central in the paper. Here, the reader will also read about the concept of innovation, and Innovation processes. This is followed by a number of Innovation processes in tourism.

Brukarinflytande hos personer med psykiska funktionsnedsättningar. Brukarinflytande hos PERSONER med psykiska funktiONSnedsättningar : Personalens syn på brukarinflytande.

Title: The customer?s contribution to the innovation-process ? a study of using customers to discover latent needs. Level: Final assignment for Bachelor Degree in Business Administration Author: Robert Klein Supervisor: Agneta Sundström Date: 2014-06 Aim: The purpose of this study is to gain enhanced understanding of what knowledge costumers contribute with in an innovation-process lead by a producer of goods, and how that knowledge is used to fulfill latent needs. The area of research has formerly described which results customer-involvement lead to, but have been scarce in describing how results are produced. Method: From a qualitative onset, a case-study collecting data through observations and interviews capturing customer knowledge contributions, and producer use of fetched knowledge has been conducted. Data has been analyzed using a grounded theory approach. Results have been processed in several steps in which material has been categorized and enriched continuously. Result & Conclusions: Customer-knowledge is broken down into market-knowledge, everyday-knowledge, and specialist-knowledge, which all are significant to a producer of goods.

Inkubatorns roll : En studie om Uppsala Innovation Centre och dess samarbete med nystartade företag

Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka hur inkubatorn Uppsala Innovation Centre (UIC) arbetar med nystartade företag. För att uppnå detta har företagens etableringsprocesser och de hinder de stöter på under denna process studerats, för att sedan analysera hur UIC arbetar för att överbrygga dessa hinder. Uppsatsen bygger på kvalitativa intervjuer och en enkätundersökning med företag som samarbetat med UIC, samt en kvalitativ intervju med UIC:s VD Per Bengtsson. Slutsatsen är att UIC är en välfungerande och uppskattad inkubator, deras största förtjänst är att de med sitt affärscoachprogram lyckats hålla en hög flexibilitet som ger dem möjlighet att anpassa sig efter de olika företagens behov..

Inrutad Innovation.

Uppsats för avläggande av filosofie kandidatexamen iKulturvård, Trädgårdens hantverk och design22,5 hp, 2014.

Dokumentationsskyldighet : Anpassning av dokumentationsskyldigheten i svensk rätt utifrån Base Erosion and Profit Shifting

Purpose: This study`s purpose is to investigate the role of a business incubator in the strategic decision situations during the process of a new venture startup. It also aims to explore the methods and instruments the incubator and its advisers applies during the process.Methodology: This study is built on the basis of a hermeneutic approach with qualitative method and abductive design. The empirical material collected consist of interviews from two case studies and secondary data collection from different related sources.Theoretical perspective: The theory in the study consists of the elements of previous research on Innovation processes and entrepreneurship. To analyze the data, models and theories related to decision making, incubation, process theories and organizational theories.Empirical foundation: The empirical material consists of interviews and data from two completed case studies. Additionally consist a relatively large part of the empirical data out of a comprehensive information retrieval from various secondary sources such as internet, newsletters and annual reports.Conclusion: The assay was able to detect not just one, but a variety of roles that the incubator occupies at different stages of the Innovation process.

Visualizing Innovation Capital: A Case study of Technology Transfer and Biomedical start-up

Purpose: The purpose is to present a greater understanding of the progression of innovation capital in a technology transfer and biotech start-up context. The findings offer technology transfer professionals, entrepreneurs and academia an overall perception and mental framework of the technology transfer practice and the embracement of a promising invention, building upon its hidden value. Methodology: The thesis was conducted using a qualitative case study, executed with the help of interviews, in order to answer the research question: How is an embryo of innovation capital continuously cultivated in a technology transfer and biomedical start-up process? Conclusions: A technology transfer entity provides the means to establish a platform where an entrepreneur can build its own human capital, structural capital, and relationship capital. The forms of capital interact and thus create value, herein considered as innovation capital.

The rapid rise of innovation in green technology : biogas entrepreneurship

The development of farm-operated biogas plants in Sweden is increasing. This study investigates the process that firms go through in developing such ventures. The aim is to identify obstacles and opportunities that individual farmers have encountered during the implementation process, and through a comparative analysis find similarities and differences between cases. The overall goal is to increase understanding of the factors that influence farmers? development of farm-based biogas production, and more specifically, explore opportunities for support organizations to contribute to the Innovation process. Findings indicate that the implementation process has changed over time.

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