308 Uppsatser om Injury-surveillance - Sida 9 av 21
Organiserad brottslighet och terrorism : En komparativ diskursanalys av synen på dessa fenomen i svenska riksdagstryck
The aim of this study was to find out if the use of the concepts ?terrorism' and ?organized crime' has changed after the event on 11 September, 2001 when terrorists attacked World Trade Center and Pentagon. In this study I make use of discourse theory in a way which is inspired by the writings of Winther Jorgensen and Phillips. Knowledge acquired through this research has been primarily generated from two Swedish Government Official Reports concerning questions arising from introducing secret police surveillance. In these reports, there are many opinions from authorities whom have given their thoughts on introducing new ways of policing which are very interesting to analyze.
Less is More : Copyright som censur i Control Societies, och hur mindre censur tenderar att bli mer reglering
In what French philosopher Gilles Deleuze labelled Control Societies, mechanisms reminiscent of censorship ? that is, restriction of information that administrators of power wish to regulate the spreading of ? are present in the concept of copyright. This kind of censorship has the advantage of not being scrutinized by public eyes in the way that the work of institutionalized censorship agencies such as the Swedish Statens Biografbyrå was. It is not unlikely that expanded possibilities for punishing anyone who spreads copyrighted material will result in larger and larger areas that may not be accessed, as the avoiding of conflict and repressive actions will emphasize the behaviour to take detours around information that is deemed taboo and therefore suspicious and dangerous. The ACTA trade agreement is one proposed tool for such extended possibilities for punishment.This essay does not however claim that copyright and censorship are the same ? but rather that the institutional execution of power that was previously a matter of state censorship has a lot of similarities with current and prognosticated application of copyright laws by corporations.
Less is More : Copyright som censur i Control Societies, och hur mindre censur tenderar att bli mer reglering
In what French philosopher Gilles Deleuze labelled Control Societies, mechanisms reminiscent of censorship ? that is, restriction of information that administrators of power wish to regulate the spreading of ? are present in the concept of copyright. This kind of censorship has theadvantage of not being scrutinized by public eyes in the way that the work of institutionalized censorship agencies such as the Swedish Statens Biografbyrå was. It is not unlikely that expanded possibilities for punishing anyone who spreads copyrighted material will result in larger and larger areas that may not be accessed, as the avoiding of conflict and repressive actions will emphasize the behaviour to take detours around information that is deemed taboo and therefore suspicious and dangerous.The ACTA trade agreement is one proposed tool for such extended possibilities for punishment. This essay does not however claim that copyright and censorship are the same ? but rather that the institutional execution of power that was previously a matter of state censorship has a lot of similarities with current and prognosticated application of copyright laws by corporations.While claiming to protect the individual, the disciplinary power executed actually aims to protect the one executing it; the purpose of the power structure is to replicate itself..
Hjälpande makt : En studie om uppdraget som god man
This study illustrates how the power relation between the trustee and principals are experienced and maintained in proportion to the missions design. The main focus lies on understanding of how trustee perceives and applies the mission`s cornerstones and how power can be expressed in the relationship between trustees and principals. Nine semi-structured interviews were conducted with trustees whose principals were mentally disabled. The interviews were then analyzed with the support of Foucault's concept of discipline, knowledge, control, surveillance and reward/punishment and Tilly's theory of persistent inequality We have obtained an understanding of the complexity of the assignment regarding the mission`s cornerstones who goes into every other, and all respondents agreed that the cornerstones should be considered as a whole. We concluded that the trustee on the basis of the mission's design possesses a power that is necessary and important to have regarding the relation to his principal and its social network.
Personer med traumatisk hjärnskada, erfarenheter av fritidsaktiviteter
Syftet med denna kvalitativa studie var att beskriva personer med traumatisk hjärnskadas erfarenheter av fritidsaktiviteter. Den undersökta gruppen bestod av sju personer i åldern 26 ? 54 år. Tid efter traumat var minst två år. Datainsamlingen genomfördes genom individuella semistrukturerade intervjuer och analyserades utifrån kvalitativ innehållsanalys enligt Graneheim och Lundman (2004) och resulterade i tre kategorier: ? Personliga begränsningar vid utförandet av fritidsaktiviteter?, ? Förändring av utförandet eller annat val av fritidsaktiviteter?, ?Miljöns påverkan av utförandet av fritidsaktiviteter?.
Etik och moral inom ridsporten : med fokus på fälttävlan
Eventing is often called as the formula 1 in equestrian sports and comprises three disciplines: dressage, show jumping and cross-country. The sport provides excitement, challenge and joy and is the ultimate sport for intelligent riders and horses. Many are fascinated by the challenges the sport offers while other consider it foolhardy to ride a cross-country. Eventing is not a risk-free sport and has even been given the label of being one of the world´s most dangerous sports. What do those risks mean to the horse? And particularly, is it associated with good animal ethics to use the horse for eventing? Finding answers to these questions is not easy as it probably is not a clear and simple answer.
Nutritionens betydelse för akut traumatiskt hjärnskadade patienter
The aim of the literature review was to illuminate the importance of nutritional management to patients who have sustained a traumatic brain injury (TBI) and describe nurses responsibility and meaningful function in the nutritional support. TBI patients tend to be associated with hypermetabolism and hypercatabolism, resulting in negative nitrogen balances. The results reveal increased energy expenditure and assessments of needs energy requirements at the TBI patients. This study determining the route of feeding: enteral versus parenteral nutrition. Furthermore describes complications associated with enteral feeding.
Injektionsfobiskalan för barn: Normdata och psykometriska egenskaper
Många människor tycker att kontakt med injektioner, blod eller skador är obehagligt men cirka 3,5% av befolkningen störs av en överdriven rädsla för dessa stimuli, vilket kallas BII-fobi (Blood-Injection-Injury Phobia). Injektionsfobi är en typ av BII-fobi och det har hittills inte funnits några mätmetoder för injektionsfobi hos barn. Studiens syfte var att undersöka de psykometriska egenskaperna hos Injektionsfobiskalan anpassad till barn samt att samla in normdata för barn i åldrarna 8-17 år. Data från 677 barn samlades in i skolor i Stockholmsområdet. Resultaten visade att skalan hade god reliabilitet och god samtidig och diskriminativ validitet.
Skydd av flygbas : En jämförelse mellan hund och LADAR som sensor
I en ambition att öka effekten och insatsberedskapen i den svenska försvarsmakten har stora omorganisationer skett efter det kalla krigets slut. Den senaste förändringen innebär att värnplikten läggs på is under fredstid och att kontraktsanställda soldater skall ingår i förbanden istället. Detta har medfört reduktioner i personalvolymer, troligtvis för att kunna bekosta löner för de kontraktsanställda soldaterna. Inom flygvapnets markförsvarsförband har reduceringen blivit så stor att vid en spriding av det svenska flygvapnet, finns inte tillräckligt med förband för att skydda samtliga baser effektivt. För närvarande används hundar som sensor för lokalisera fientliga spaning och sabotageförband vid och omkring svenska flygbasområden.
Påverkas skadeincidensen hos manliga fotbollspelare som genomför ett specifikt preventionsprogram jämfört med kontrollgrupp?
Bakgrund: Skador inom fotbollen är ett stort problem både fysiskt, psykiskt och ekonomiskt för samtliga involverade.Syfte: Att undersöka eventuella skadeförebyggande effekter av FIFA:s preventionsprogram The 11+ hos manliga fotbollspelare. Studien har fokuserat på skador i nedre extremitet (fot, underben, knä, lår, ljumske och höft).Material & Metod: Randomiserad kontrollerad studie. Fyra fotbollslag i Södertälje kommun följdes under försäsongen 2013 (januari-april). 103 manliga fotbollspelare mellan 18-42 år deltog i studien (47 spelare i interventionsgruppen och 56 i kontrollgruppen).Resultat: Interventionsgruppen som genomförde The 11+ upp till två gånger i veckan hade signifikant färre skador i nedre extremitet jämfört med kontrollgruppen.Konklussion: The 11+ är effektivt för att förebygga skador bland manliga fotbollspelare..
Konsekvenser av en handskada - En litteraturstudie om vilka faktorer i livet som påverkas av en handskada
Handen har en väldigt stor betydelse i människans liv. Med handen utför vi många olika slags viktiga sysslor. Vi äter, duschar och klär på oss med hjälp av handen. Vi skriver, sportar och utför arbete med handen. Vi hälsar på andra och kramar de som står oss nära med hjälp av handen.
Filmproduktionsprocesser : En jämförande studie om att filma analogt kontra digitalt
The art of producing films have been around for more than a century and the technology just continues to evolve. But although much has happened in 100 years, there are also processes, theories and practices that look the same now as then. I write this thesis because I want to find the differences between the analogue and the digital way of production. This study is based on a qualitative approach because my ambition is to seek the views concerning film production processes. The advantages of analogue film is that it contains more information than the digital formats and that it has a more cinematic style.
Maternal behaviour in pigs and its relation to piglet performance and survival
Piglet survival is of importance because it affects the farmer?s economy and the welfare of the pigs. There are several factors affecting piglet survival and they are often linked to each other. This paper will focus on how the behaviour of the sow can affect the growth and survival of the piglets and also possible causations of differences in maternal behaviour. Sows in intensive production systems have different possibilities to express their maternal behaviour than free ranging sows.
Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis hos alpacka : utredning av ett utbrott i en svensk alpackabesättning
The alpaca is a camelid that originate from the South American highland. During recent years it?s been possible to keep alpacas in other parts of the world. Today there is a world-wide interest in alpacas, but there is still limited knowledge about this fascinating animal. There are approximately 350-400 alpacas in Sweden in 2007.
Rektorer och grundskolereformer : Rektorers erfarenheter av reformarbete
Many political reforms are currently implemented in the Swedish schools. The trend indicate that education in Sweden follows neo-liberal restructuring policy, that highlights assessment, marketization and surveillance in different aspects. According to the new curriculum LGR 11 the school head is the school's educational leader with responsibility for the school's results and development. The reforms put new demands on the school heads tasks, their responsibility and leadership. The aim of my research study is to investigate how the school heads experience andhandle this situation.